/*************************************************************************** undoredo.h ------------------- copyright : (C) 2003, 2004 - Nicolas Deschildre email : ndeschildre@kdewebdev.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNDOREDO_H #define UNDOREDO_H #include #include #include #include "node.h" class Document; class NodeSelection; class NodeSelectionInd; /** * The basic unit of the undo/redo system : a Node modification. */ class NodeModif { public: NodeModif(); ~NodeModif(); /** * For all NodeModifs : Type of the Node modification : Added, removed, modified, moved,... * cf the NodeModification enumeration. * WARNING The type MUST be set first!! * @param type The type of the NodeModif, as described in the NodeModification enumeration. */ void setType(int type){m_type = type;} /** * @return Returns the current type of the NodeModif. */ int type() {return m_type;} /** * For all type : Location of the Node added/modified/removed/moved. * @param location The location of the Node, cf kafkaCommon::getNodeLocation() */ void setLocation(QValueList location) {m_location = location;} /** * @return Returns the location of the Node which have been modified. */ QValueList& location() {return m_location;} /** * For Node move : Final location of the Node moved. * @param location The final location of the Node moved, cf kafkaCommon::getNodeLocation() */ void setFinalLocation(QValueList location) {m_finalLocation = location;} /** * @return Returns the final location of the Node which was moved. */ QValueList& finalLocation() {return m_finalLocation;} /** * For Node deletion: Store the deleted Node. * @param node The deleted node. */ void setNode(Node *node); /** * @return Returns the deleted Node. */ Node *node() {return m_node;} /** * For Node modification : Store the old tag * @param tag The original tag. */ void setTag(Tag *tag); /** * @return Returns the original Tag. */ Tag *tag() {return m_tag;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * For non-XmlEnd Node deletion without its children. * @param childrenNumber The number of children which are moved up * at the location where was the deleted Node. */ void setChildrenMovedUp(int childrenNumber) {m_childrenMovedUp = childrenNumber;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * @return Returns the number of childs which were moved up. */ int childrenMovedUp() {return m_childrenMovedUp;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * For XmlEnd Node deletion : number of moved down * @param number The number of right neighbours which are moved down. */ void setNeighboursMovedDown(int number) {m_neighboursMovedDown = number;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * @return Returns the number of right neighbours which were moved down. */ int neighboursMovedDown() {return m_neighboursMovedDown;} /** All the possible Node modifications */ enum NodeModification { //A complete Node Tree is added. Implemented. NodeTreeAdded = 0, //A Node and its childs are added. Implemented. NodeAndChildsAdded, //A Node is added. Implemented. NodeAdded, //WARNING : do not use this if the node type or the node name change. //A Node is modified. Implemented. NodeModified, //A Node is removed. Implemented. NodeRemoved, //A Node and its childs are removed. Implemented. NodeAndChildsRemoved, //The complete Node tree is removed. Implemented. NodeTreeRemoved, //Moving a Node from one location to another. Implemented. NodeMoved, //Moving a Node and its children from one location to another. NodeAndChildsMoved }; private: int m_type; QValueList m_location, m_finalLocation; Node *m_node; Tag *m_tag; int m_childrenMovedUp; int m_neighboursMovedDown; }; /** * A NodeModifsSet contains all the Node modifications made by one user input, and the * cursor and selection location before and after the user input. */ class NodeModifsSet { public: NodeModifsSet(); ~NodeModifsSet(); /** * Add a new NodeModif to the list of NodeModifs. */ void addNodeModif(NodeModif *nodeModif) {m_nodeModifList.append(nodeModif);} /** * Returns the list of NodeModifs. */ QPtrList & nodeModifList() {return m_nodeModifList;} /** * Set the Modified flag BEFORE the user input. */ void setIsModifiedBefore(bool isModifiedBefore) {m_isModifiedBefore = isModifiedBefore;} /** * @return Returns the Modified flag BEFORE the user input. */ bool isModifiedBefore(){return m_isModifiedBefore;} /** * Set the Modified flag AFTER the user input. */ void setIsModifiedAfter(bool isModifiedAfter) {m_isModifiedAfter = isModifiedAfter;} /** * @return Returns the Modified flag AFTER the user input. */ bool isModifiedAfter(){return m_isModifiedAfter;} /** * Set a description to the user input. */ void setDescription(const QString &description) {m_description = description;} /** * @return Returns the description of the user input. */ QString description() {return m_description;} /** * Set the coordinates of the selection before the user input. */ void setSelectionBefore(NodeSelectionInd* selectionBefore) {m_selectionBefore = selectionBefore;} /** * @return Return the selection before the Node modifications. */ NodeSelectionInd *selectionBefore() {return m_selectionBefore;} /** * Set the coordinates of the selection after the user input. */ void setSelectionAfter(NodeSelectionInd* selectionAfter) {m_selectionAfter = selectionAfter;} /** * @return Return the selection after the Node modifications. */ NodeSelectionInd *selectionAfter() {return m_selectionAfter;} /** * We can separate the NodeModif into two categories ; the Node modifs made by the user * and then the indentation. * Call this function when we have finished with the first category. */ void startOfIndentation() {m_indentationStartOffset = m_nodeModifList.count();} /** * @return Return the offset (starting from 0) where the indentation NodeModifs begin in the list of NodeModif. * Return -1 if it hasn't begin to add the indentation NodeModifs. */ int indentationStartOffset() {return m_indentationStartOffset;} private: QPtrList m_nodeModifList; bool m_isModifiedBefore, m_isModifiedAfter; QString m_description; NodeSelectionInd *m_selectionBefore, *m_selectionAfter; int m_indentationStartOffset, m_type; }; /** * This class, basically a new undo/redo system, also helps KafkaDocument to synchronize the * kafka and quanta view. */ class undoRedo : public QObject { public: /** * Creates a document specific undo/redo system. * @param doc The Document the undo/redo system is linked to. */ undoRedo(Document *doc); ~undoRedo(); /** The enumeration of all possible location where modifications can occur */ enum modificationLocation { // A modification was made in the source view (kate). SourceModif = 0, // A modification was made directly in the node Tree. NodeTreeModif, // A modification was made in the VPL view (kafka). KafkaModif }; /** * Adds a new set of Node modification. This should be called whenever * the kafka/quanta editor is modified. * @param modifs The new modification set to add to the undo/redo stack. * @param modifLocation Specifies where the modification was made * @param selection If given, and if modifLocation == SourceModif, it will synchronize the cursor * and the selection to 'selection'. Only work when the focus is in VPL for the moment. * cf undoRedo::modificationLocation. */ void addNewModifsSet(NodeModifsSet *modifs, int modifLocation, NodeSelection *selection = 0L, bool encodeText = true); /** * TEMPORARY function. * First we will only enable undoRedo in VPL : this class will only log changes * made in VPL. * This function specify if we should log the changes submitted to addNewModifsSet or not. * @param True => enable, false => disable */ void turnOn(bool on); /** * TEMPORARY function. * @return Returns true if the changes are logged. */ bool turnedOn() {return m_loggingEnabled;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * Ignores the ModifSet that will come in the number'th position. Useful when * KTextEditor::EditInterface::insertText() is called before parser::rebuild() and * thus parser::rebuild will be called two times. * @param number Specifies the position of the ModifsSet to ignore. */ void dontAddModifsSet(int number) {m_dontAddModifSet = number;} /** * TODO:REMOVE * Merges the next ModifsSet with the previous one. Useful when autocompletion * makes parser::rebuild() to be called again. */ void mergeNextModifsSet() {m_mergeNext = true;} /** * Makes the undo operation. * @param kafkaUndo Specifies if the undo operation is done in the kafka view. * @return Returns true if a previous undo operation is available. */ bool undo(); /** * Makes the redo operation. * @param kafkaUndo Specifies if the undo operation is done in the kafka view. * @return Returns true if a next redo operation is available. */ bool redo(); /** * Synchronize the kafka view with the quanta view by applying the NodeModifs * which have occured since the last synchronization. * @return Returns if the synchronization was successful. */ bool syncKafkaView(); /** * Synchronize the quanta view with the kafka view by applying the NodeModifs * which have occured since the last synchronization. * @return Returns if the synchronization was successful. */ bool syncQuantaView(); /** * Synchronize the cursor position and the selection of the kafka view by translating * the cursor position and selection of the quanta view. * @param selection Synchronize the selection and the cursor position to "selection". */ void syncKafkaCursorAndSelection(NodeSelection *selection); /** * Synchronize the cursor position and the selection of the quanta view by translating * the cursor position and selection of the kafka view. */ void syncQuantaCursorAndSelection(); /** * Reload kafka from the current document. * @param force If set to true, it will reload kafka even if it is already up to date. * @param selection If given, it will synchronize the selection and the cursor position to 'selection'. */ void reloadKafkaEditor(bool force = false, NodeSelection *selection = 0L); /** * Reload the quanta editor from kafka. * @param force If set to true, it will reload quanta even if it is already up to date. * @param syncQuantaCursor If set to true, it will try to sync the quanta cursor from * the kafka one. * @param encodeText Usually when a Text Node has the dirty flag (cleanStrBuilt), it means that * it was modified in VPL and thus it contains some unencoded text : we have to encode it. (e.g. * whitespace =>  ) But some functions calling this function might not want that because * the text is already encoded e.g. codeFormatting(). */ void reloadQuantaEditor(bool force = false, bool syncQuantaCursor = true, bool encodeText = true); /** * Format the code of the document. It simply call reloadQuantaEditor() after having * set the dirty flag to every Node. */ void codeFormatting(); public slots: /** * Called by quantaApp whenever the current file is saved. The isModified * flag of each NodeModisSet is updated. */ void fileSaved(); /** * Called when the kafkaPart is loaded. */ void kafkaLoaded(); private: /** * This is one of the main functions which apply the changes needed to undo a nodeModif * in the text and in the Node tree. * @param nodeModif The nodeModif to undo. * @return Returns true if the undo has correctly worked. */ bool undoNodeModif(NodeModif *nodeModif); /** * Convenient function which call undoNodeModif, * while changing the type of the NodeModifs to make them redo. */ bool redoNodeModif(NodeModif *nodeModif); /** * This is one of the main functions which apply the changes needed to undo a nodeModif * in the kafka tree. * @param _nodeModif The nodeModif to undo. * @return Returns true if the undo has correctly worked. */ bool undoNodeModifInKafka(NodeModif *nodeModif); /** * Convenient function which call undoNodeModifInKafka, * while changing the type of the NodeModifs to make them redo. */ bool redoNodeModifInKafka(NodeModif *nodeModif); /** * Prints in stdout a debugging flow. */ void debugOutput(); private: /** * The main undoRedo list which contains the NodeModifsSet. */ QPtrList m_undoList; /** * The undoRedo list iterators which point the current location of each component in * the undoRedo list. * documentIterator point the current location of the Node Tree. * sourceIterator point the current location of the source view (kate). * kafkaIterator point the current location of the VPL view (kafka). */ QPtrListIterator documentIterator; QPtrListIterator sourceIterator; QPtrListIterator kafkaIterator; int m_listLimit; bool m_merging; bool addingText; QValueList m_currentLoc; Document *m_doc; bool m_mergeNext; int m_dontAddModifSet; bool m_loggingEnabled; }; #endif