DocBook_Table Create a formal and informal table for DocBook documents. Carlos Leonhard Woelz (based on Huberto Gastal Mayer initial work) Form1 0 0 487 531 Docbook Table Wizard unnamed 11 6 Layout10 unnamed 0 6 CloseButton1_2 &Cancel false true Click here to cancel the creation of the table. No action will be performed. OKButton 1 0 0 0 &OK true false @InformaltableOption @TableOption true Press this button to create the table or informaltable. Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 141 0 TableOptionsGroup Table Options Enter here the id of the table or informaltable. You can use the id to link or reference to the table or informaltable elsewhere in the document. unnamed 11 6 Layout12 unnamed 0 6 ColumnLabel Number of columns: Select or enter in this spin box the number of columns that should be created by the wizard. TableIdLabel Table id: Enter here the id of the table or informaltable. You can use the id to link or reference to the table or informaltable elsewhere in the document. cb_header false &Add table header echo ''; echo ''; echo '<thead>' echo '<row>' @sb_col echo '</row>' echo '</thead>' Check this box to create a table header. The table header is the first row of the table, and has the same number of entries as the other rows. le_id table_id @widgetText Enter here the id of the table or informaltable. You can use the id to link or reference to the table or informaltable elsewhere in the document. sb_lin 5 l=1 while [ $l -le @widgetText ]; do echo '' echo '<row>' @sb_col echo '</row>' l=$((l+1)) done; Select or enter in this spin box the number of rows that should be created by the wizard. After using the wizard, you can add (or remove) more rows. To add more rows, add the same number of <entry> tags per <row> tag as in the rest of the table. LinesLabel Number of rows: Select or enter in this spin box the number of rows that should be created by the wizard. After using the wizard, you can add (or remove) more rows. To add more rows, add the same number of <entry> tags per <row> tag as in the rest of the table. TableTitleLabel5 false Table title: Enter here the title of the table. The title of the table will appear in the table of contents as well, under the "List of Tables", if you are using the TDE DocBook tools. sb_col 3 c=1 while [ $c -le @widgetText ]; do echo "<entry></entry>" c=$((c+1)) done Select or enter in this spin box the number of columns that should be created by the wizard. TitleLineBox false Table Title echo '<title>@widgetText</title>' Enter here the title of the table. The title of the table will appear in the table of contents as well, under the "List of Tables", if you are using the TDE DocBook tools. TableTypeGroup Table Type unnamed 11 6 TableOption ta&ble @null echo '<table id="@le_id">' @TitleLineBox echo '<tgroup cols="@sb_col.text">' echo '' @cb_header echo '' echo '<tbody>' @sb_lin echo '</tbody>' echo '' echo '</tgroup>' echo '</table>' Select this option to generate a formal table (table). InformaltableOption TabFocus &informaltable true @null echo '<informaltable id="@le_id">' echo '<tgroup cols="@sb_col.text">' echo '' echo '<tbody>' @sb_lin echo '</tbody>' echo '' echo '</tgroup>' echo '</informaltable>' Select this option to generate an informal table (informaltable). TableTypeLabel <qt> Select the table type: <ul> <li><b>informaltable:</b> the most used table type in KDE docs. A informaltable does not contain title, table head or entry in the table of contents.</li> <li><b>table:</b> a complete and formal table type, including title, table head and entry in the table of contents.</li> </ul> </qt> WordBreak|AlignJustify|AlignTop TableOption toggled(bool) TableTitleLabel5 setEnabled(bool) TableOption toggled(bool) TitleLineBox setEnabled(bool) TableOption toggled(bool) cb_header setEnabled(bool) InformaltableOption TableOption sb_col sb_lin le_id TitleLineBox cb_header OKButton CloseButton1_2