/*************************************************************************** document.h - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jun 6 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon (C) 2001-2004 Andras Mantia ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef DOCUMENT_H #define DOCUMENT_H //qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include //own includes #include "qtag.h" /** *@author Dmitry Poplavsky & Alexander Yakovlev & Eric Laffoon & Andras Mantia */ class TQDomDocument; class TQEvent; class TQFocusEvent; class TQTextCodec; class TQStringList; class KConfig; class KTempFile; class KURL; class Tag; class Node; class Project; class undoRedo; struct AreaStruct; struct DTDStruct; namespace KTextEditor { class CodeCompletionInterface; class CompletionEntry; class ConfigInterface; class Document; class EditInterface; class EditInterfaceExt; class EncodingInterface; class MarkInterface; class SelectionInterface; class SelectionInterfaceExt; class View; class ViewCursorInterface; class Mark; } class Document : public TQWidget{ Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: Document(KTextEditor::Document *doc, TQWidget *tqparent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f=0); ~Document(); KURL url(); bool isUntitled(); void setUntitledUrl(const TQString &url); /** Returns tag name at specified position */ TQString getTagNameAt(int line, int col ); void selectText(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ); void replaceSelected(const TQString &s); /** insert tag in document */ void insertTag(const TQString &s1, const TQString &s2 = TQString()); /** Change the current tag's attributes with those from dict */ void changeTag(Tag *tag, TQDict *dict ); /**Change the attr value of the called attrName to attrValue*/ void changeTagAttribute(Tag *tag, const TQString& attrName, const TQString&attrValue); /**Change the namespace in a tag. Add if it's not present, or remove if the namespace argument is empty*/ void changeTagNamespace(Tag *tag, const TQString& nameSpace); /** Insert the content of the url into the document. */ void insertFile(const KURL& url); /** Inserts text at the current cursor position */ void insertText(const TQString &text, bool adjustCursor = true, bool reparse = true); /** Recursively insert the mandatory childs of tag. Returns true if a child was inserted.*/ bool insertChildTags(TQTag *tag, TQTag* lastTag = 0L); TQPoint getGlobalCursorPos(); TQString tqfind(const TQRegExp& rx, int sLine, int sCol, int& fbLine, int&fbCol, int &feLine, int&feCol); TQString tqfindRev(const TQRegExp& rx, int sLine, int sCol, int& fbLine, int&fbCol, int &feLine, int&feCol); /** Get the view of the document */ KTextEditor::View* view(); /** Get the KTextEditor::Document of the document */ KTextEditor::Document* doc(); /** Sets the modifiedFlag value. */ void setModified(bool flag); /** Returns true if the document was modified. */ bool isModified(); /** Creates a temporary file where the editor content is saved. */ void createTempFile(); /** Closes and removes the temporary file. */ void closeTempFile(); /** Returns the name of the temporary file, TQString() if no temporary file exists. */ TQString tempFileName(); /** Returns the DTD identifier for the document */ TQString getDTDIdentifier(); /** Sets the DTD identifier */ void setDTDIdentifier(const TQString &id); /** Get a pointer to the current active DTD. If fallback is true, this always gives back a valid and known DTD pointer: the active, the document specified and in last case the application default document type. */ const DTDStruct* currentDTD(bool fallback = true); /** Get a pointer to the default DTD (document, or app). */ const DTDStruct* defaultDTD() const; /** Find the DTD name for a part of the document. */ TQString findDTDName(Tag **tag); /** Retrives the text from the specified rectangle. The KTextEditor::EditInterface::text seems to not work correctly. */ TQString text(int bLine, int bCol, int eLine, int eCol) const; /** Same as the above, but using AreaStruct as an argument */ TQString text(const AreaStruct &area) const; /** Code completion was requested by the user. */ void codeCompletionRequested(); /** Bring up the code completion tooltip. */ void codeCompletionHintRequested(); /** Returns the dirty status. */ bool dirty() const {return m_dirty;}; void setDirtytqStatus(bool status) {m_dirty = status;}; /** Ask for user confirmation if the file was changed outside. */ void checkDirtytqStatus(); /** Save the document and reset the dirty status. */ void save(); /** Save the document under a new name and calculate the new md5sum. */ bool saveAs(const KURL& url); /** Enable or disable the visibility of groups for a DTEP.*/ void enableGroupsForDTEP(const TQString& dtepName, bool enable = true); /** Clears the selected DTEP list */ void resetGroupsForDTEPList(); /** Find the word until the first word boundary backwards */ TQString findWordRev(const TQString& textToSearch, const DTDStruct *dtd = 0L); /** Returns the changed status since the last query. Resets changed.*/ bool hasChanged(); /** Sets the changed status.*/ void setChanged(bool newtqStatus); /** Paste the contents of clipboard into the document */ void paste(); /** disable/enable the parser*/ void activateParser(bool activation) {reparseEnabled = activation;} bool parserActivated() {return reparseEnabled;} /** returns all the areas that are between tag and it's closing pair */ TQStringList tagAreas(const TQString &tag, bool includeCoordinates, bool skipFoundContent); /** disable/enable the tqrepaint of the Kate view */ void activateRepaintView(bool activation); bool RepaintViewActivated() {return repaintEnabled;} void setErrorMark(int line); void clearErrorMarks(); void convertCase(); /** returns the word under the cursor */ TQString currentWord(); /** Opens the url. The url must be valid and the file pointed to it must exists. */ void open(const KURL &url, const TQString &encoding); /** * Opens a file in the editor part. * @param url */ bool openURL(const KURL& url); /** Reads the DTD info from the file, tries to find the correct DTD and builds the tag/attribute list from the DTD file. */ void processDTD(const TQString& documentType = TQString()); /** Resets the list of DTEPs found in the document */ void resetDTEPs(); /** Adds a DTEP to the list of DTEPs present in the document */ void addDTEP(const TQString &dtepName); /** Returns the list of DTEPs that should appear in the structure tree. By default this is the list of DTEPs present in the document, but the user can turn on/ off them with the help of RMB->Show Groups For in the structure tree */ TQStringList groupsForDTEPs(); bool busy; KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *viewCursorIf; KTextEditor::SelectionInterface *selectionIf; KTextEditor::SelectionInterfaceExt *selectionIfExt; KTextEditor::EditInterface *editIf; KTextEditor::EncodingInterface *encodingIf; KTextEditor::EditInterfaceExt *editIfExt; KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface *codeCompletionIf; KTextEditor::ConfigInterface* configIf; KTextEditor::MarkInterface* markIf; /** Hold the list of user tags (real or not, like functions) that are in the document*/ TQTagList userTagList; /** The undo/redo stack */ undoRedo *docUndoRedo; bool isBackedUp(); /** Creates an automatic backup copy for the crash recovering mechanism */ void createBackup(KConfig* config); /** No descriptions */ TQString backupPathEntryValue(); /** No descriptions */ void setBackupPathEntryValue(const TQString& ev); /** Removes automatic backup copies */ void removeBackup(KConfig *config); /** create a string using document path string */ static TQString hashFilePath(const TQString& p); TQString annotationText(uint line); void setAnnotationText(uint line, const TQString& text); TQMap > annotations() {return m_annotations;} void addAnnotation(uint line, const TQPair& annotation); void clearAnnotations(); public slots: /** Called after a completion is inserted */ void slotCompletionDone( KTextEditor::CompletionEntry completion ); /** Called when a user selects a completion, we then can modify it */ void slotFilterCompletion(KTextEditor::CompletionEntry*,TQString *); /** Called whenever a user inputs text */ void slotCharactersInserted(int ,int ,const TQString&); /** Called when the code completion is aborted.*/ void slotCompletionAborted(); /** Called whenever the text in the document is changed. */ void slotTextChanged(); /** Handle the text changed events. Usually called from slotTextChanged, but it's possible to force the handling by calling manually and setting forced to true. */ void slotDelayedTextChanged(bool forced = false); void slotDelayedScriptAutoCompletion(); void slotDelayedShowCodeCompletion(); signals: /** Emitted when the internal text editor got the focus */ void editorGotFocus(); void openingFailed(const KURL &url); void openingCompleted(const KURL &url); void breakpointMarked(Document*, int); void breakpointUnmarked(Document*, int); void showAnnotation(uint, const TQString&, const TQPair&); private slots: void slotReplaceChar(); void slotOpeningCompleted(); void slotOpeningFailed(const TQString &errorMessage); /** Called when a file on the disk has changed. */ void slotFileDirty(const TQString& fileName); void slotMarkChanged(KTextEditor::Mark mark, KTextEditor::MarkInterfaceExtension::MarkChangeAction action); private: /** * Finds the beginning of a tag in the document, starting from a position. * @param position start to look from this position backwards * @return the position of the starting character or an empty TQPoint if not found */ TQPoint findTagBeginning(const TQPoint& position); TQPoint findTagEnd(const TQPoint& position); TQMap > m_annotations; TQString untitledUrl; int m_replaceLine; int m_replaceCol; TQString m_replaceStr; KTextEditor::Document *m_doc; KTextEditor::View *m_view; KTempFile *tempFile; TQString m_tempFileName; TQDateTime m_modifTime; /* path of the backup copy file of the document */ TQString m_backupPathValue; TQString dtdName; TQString m_encoding; TQTextCodec *m_codec; /*The DTD valid in the place where the completion was invoked.*/ const DTDStruct *completionDTD; bool changed; bool completionInProgress; bool completionRequested; ///< true if the code completion was explicitely requested by the user bool argHintVisible; bool hintRequested; bool reparseEnabled; bool repaintEnabled; bool delayedTextChangedEnabled; /** True if the document is dirty (has been modified outside). */ bool m_dirty; TQString m_md5sum; Project *m_project; /** Parse the document according to this DTD. */ TQStringList m_groupsForDTEPs; ///< The list of the DTEPs for which the groups should appear in the structure tree TQStringList m_DTEPList; ///< The list of all DTEPs found in the document //stores the data after an autocompletion. Used when bringing up the //autocompletion box delayed with the singleshot timer (workaround for //a bug: the box is not showing up if it is called from slotCompletionDone) int m_lastLine, m_lastCol; TQValueList* m_lastCompletionList; /** Get list of possibile variable name completions */ TQValueList* getGroupCompletions(Node *node, const StructTreeGroup& groupName, int line, int col); /** Get list of possibile tag name completions */ TQValueList* getTagCompletions(int line, int col); /** Get list of possibile tag attribute completions */ TQValueList* getAttributeCompletions(const TQString& tagName,const TQString& startsWith=TQString()); /** Get list of possibile tag attribute value completions */ TQValueList* getAttributeValueCompletions(const TQString& tagName, const TQString& attribute, const TQString& startsWith=TQString()); /** Get list of possibile completions in normal text input (nt creating a tag) */ TQValueList* getCharacterCompletions(const TQString& starstWith=TQString()); /** Invoke code completion dialog for XML like tags according to the position (line, col), using DTD dtd. */ bool xmlCodeCompletion(int line, int col); /** Returns list of values for attribute. If deleteResult is true after the call, the caller must delete the returned list. */ TQStringList* tagAttributeValues(const TQString& dtdName, const TQString& tag, const TQString& attribute, bool &deleteResult); /** Brings up list of code completions */ void showCodeCompletions( TQValueList *completions ); /** Called whenever a user inputs text in an XML type document. */ bool xmlAutoCompletion(int , int , const TQString & ); /** Called whenever a user inputs text in a script type document. */ bool scriptAutoCompletion(int line, int col, const TQString &insertedString); /** Returns true if the number of " (excluding \") inside text is even. */ bool evenQuotes(const TQString &text); void handleCodeCompletion(); bool isDerivatedFrom(const TQString& className, const TQString &baseClass); }; #endif