path: root/src/fetch/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fetch/scripts/')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fetch/scripts/ b/src/fetch/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a768f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fetch/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# ***************************************************************************
+# copyright : (C) 2006-2008 by Mathias Monnerville
+# email :
+# ***************************************************************************
+# ***************************************************************************
+# * *
+# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+# * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+# * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+# * *
+# ***************************************************************************
+# $Id: 428 2007-03-07 13:17:17Z mathias $
+This script has to be used with tellico ( as an external data source program.
+It allows searching for books in Spanish Ministry of Culture's database (at
+Multiple ISBN/UPC searching is supported through the -m option:
+ ./ -m filename
+where filename holds one ISBN or UPC per line.
+Tellico data source setup:
+- Source type: External Application
+- Source name: Ministerio de Cultura (ES) (or whatever you want :)
+- Collection type: Book Collection
+- Result type: Tellico
+- Path: /path/to/script/
+- Arguments:
+Title (checked) = -t %1
+Person (checked) = -a %1
+ISBN (checked) = -i %1
+UPC (checked) = -i %1
+Update (checked) = %{title}
+** Please note that this script is also part of the Tellico's distribution.
+** You will always find the latest version in the SVN trunk of Tellico
+SVN Version:
+ * Removes translators for Authors List
+ * Adds translators to translator field
+ * Change from "Collection" to "Series"
+ * Process "Series Number"
+ * Adds in comments "ed.lit." authors
+ * If there isn't connection to Spanish Ministry of Culture
+ shows a nice error message (timeout: 5 seconds)
+ * Removed "translated from/to" from Comments field as already
+ exists in "Publishing" field
+ * Removed "Collection" field as I moved to Series/Series Number
+Version 0.3.2:
+ * Now find 'notas' field related information
+ * search URL modified to fetch information of exhausted books too
+Version 0.3.1:
+Bug Fixes:
+ * The 'tr.' string does not appear among authors anymore
+ * Fixed an AttributeError exception related to a regexp matching the number of pages
+Version 0.3:
+Bug Fixes:
+ * URL of the search engine has changed:
+ is now
+ * All the regexps have been rewritten to match the new site's content
+Version 0.2:
+New features:
+ * Support for multiple ISBN/UPC searching (support from command line with -m option)
+ * Default books collection enhanced with a new custom field 'Collection'
+ * Search extended for both available and exhausted books
+ * Hyphens are stripped out in the ISBN (or UPC) search
+Bug Fixes:
+ * Publication year now holds only the year
+ * ISBN regexp fix
+ * Fix for publisher field (values were inverted)
+ * -i parameter works for both ISBN and UPC based search
+Version 0.1:
+ * Initial Release
+import sys, os, re, md5, random, string
+import urllib, urllib2, time, base64
+import xml.dom.minidom, types
+import socket
+XML_HEADER = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"""
+DOCTYPE = """<!DOCTYPE tellico PUBLIC "-//Robby Stephenson/DTD Tellico V9.0//EN" "">"""
+VERSION = "0.3.2"
+ISBN, AUTHOR, TITLE = range(3)
+EDLIT_STR = "ed. lit."
+class EngineError(Exception): pass
+class BasicTellicoDOM:
+ """
+ This class manages tellico's XML data model (DOM)
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ self.__root = self.__doc.createElement('tellico')
+ self.__root.setAttribute('xmlns', '')
+ self.__root.setAttribute('syntaxVersion', '9')
+ self.__collection = self.__doc.createElement('collection')
+ self.__collection.setAttribute('title', 'My Books')
+ self.__collection.setAttribute('type', '2')
+ self.__fields = self.__doc.createElement('fields')
+ # Add all default (standard) fields
+ self.__dfltField = self.__doc.createElement('field')
+ self.__dfltField.setAttribute('name', '_default')
+ # Add a custom 'Collection' field (Left by reference for
+ # the future)
+ #self.__customCollectionField = self.__doc.createElement('field')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('name', 'book_collection')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('title', 'Collection')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('flags', '7')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('category', 'Classification')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('format', '0')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('type', '1')
+ #self.__customCollectionField.setAttribute('i18n', 'yes')
+ self.__fields.appendChild(self.__dfltField)
+ #self.__fields.appendChild(self.__customCollectionField)
+ self.__collection.appendChild(self.__fields)
+ self.__root.appendChild(self.__collection)
+ self.__doc.appendChild(self.__root)
+ # Current movie id. See entry's id attribute in self.addEntry()
+ self.__currentId = 0
+ def addEntry(self, movieData):
+ """
+ Add a comic entry.
+ Returns an entry node instance
+ """
+ d = movieData
+ # Convert all strings to UTF-8
+ for i in d.keys():
+ if type(d[i]) == types.ListType:
+ d[i] = [unicode(d[i][j], 'latin-1').encode('utf-8') for j in range(len(d[i]))]
+ elif type(d[i]) == types.StringType:
+ d[i] = unicode(d[i], 'latin-1').encode('utf-8')
+ entryNode = self.__doc.createElement('entry')
+ entryNode.setAttribute('id', str(self.__currentId))
+ titleNode = self.__doc.createElement('title')
+ titleNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['title']))
+ yearNode = self.__doc.createElement('pub_year')
+ yearNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['pub_year']))
+ pubNode = self.__doc.createElement('publisher')
+ pubNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['publisher']))
+ langsNode = self.__doc.createElement('languages')
+ for l in d['language']:
+ langNode = self.__doc.createElement('language')
+ langNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(l))
+ langsNode.appendChild(langNode)
+ keywordsNode = self.__doc.createElement('keywords')
+ keywordNode = self.__doc.createElement('keyword')
+ keywordNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['keyword']))
+ keywordsNode.appendChild(keywordNode)
+ edNode = self.__doc.createElement('edition')
+ edNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['edition']))
+ writersNode = self.__doc.createElement('authors')
+ for g in d['author']:
+ writerNode = self.__doc.createElement('author')
+ writerNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(g))
+ writersNode.appendChild(writerNode)
+ commentsNode = self.__doc.createElement('comments')
+ commentsData = string.join(d['comments'], '<br/>')
+ commentsNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(commentsData))
+ pagesNode = self.__doc.createElement('pages')
+ pagesNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['pages']))
+ isbnNode = self.__doc.createElement('isbn')
+ isbnNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['isbn']))
+ priceNode = self.__doc.createElement('pur_price')
+ priceNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['pur_price']))
+ seriesNode = self.__doc.createElement('series')
+ seriesNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['series']))
+ seriesNumNode = self.__doc.createElement('series_num')
+ seriesNumNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['series_num']))
+ translatorNode = self.__doc.createElement('translator')
+ translatorNode.appendChild(self.__doc.createTextNode(d['translator']))
+ for name in ( 'title', 'year', 'pub', 'langs', 'keyword', 'ed', 'writers',
+ 'comments', 'pages', 'isbn', 'price', 'series', 'seriesNum', 'translator' ):
+ entryNode.appendChild(eval(name + 'Node'))
+ self.__collection.appendChild(entryNode)
+ self.__currentId += 1
+ return entryNode
+ def printEntry(self, nEntry):
+ """
+ Prints entry's XML content to stdout
+ """
+ try:
+ print nEntry.toxml()
+ except:
+ print sys.stderr, "Error while outputing XML content from entry to Tellico"
+ def printXMLTree(self):
+ """
+ Outputs XML content to stdout
+ """
+ print XML_HEADER; print DOCTYPE
+ print self.__root.toxml()
+class MinisterioCulturaParser:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Search form is at
+ self.__baseURL = ''
+ self.__searchURL = '/cgi-brs/BasesHTML/isbn/BRSCGI?CMD=VERLST&BASE=ISBN&DOCS=1-15&CONF=AEISPA.cnf&OPDEF=AND&SEPARADOR=' + \
+ self.__suffixURL = 'WFEP-C=&%40T353-GE=&%40T353-LE=&WSER-C=&WLUG-C=&WLEN-C=&WCLA-C=&WSOP-C='
+ # Define some regexps
+ self.__regExps = { 'author' : '<th scope="row">Autor:.*?<td>(?P<author>.*?)</td>',
+ 'isbn' : '<span class="cabTitulo">ISBN.*?<strong>(?P<isbn>.*?)</strong>', # Matches ISBN 13
+ 'title' : '<th scope="row">T&iacute;tulo:.*?<td>(?P<title>.*?)</td>',
+ 'language' : '<th scope="row">Lengua:.*?<td>(?P<language>.*?)</td>',
+ 'edition' : '<th scope="row">Edici&oacute;n:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<edition>.*?)</span>',
+ 'pur_price' : '<th scope="row">Precio:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<pur_price>.*?)&euro;</span>',
+ 'desc' : '<th scope="row">Descripci&oacute;n:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<desc>.*?)</span>',
+ 'publication' : '<th scope="row">Publicaci&oacute;n:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<publication>.*?)</span>',
+ 'keyword' : '<th scope="row">Materias:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<keywords>.*?)</span>',
+ 'notas' : '<th scope="row">Notas:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<notas>.*?)</span>',
+ 'cdu' : '<th scope="row">CDU:.*?<td><span>(?P<cdu>.*?)</span></td>',
+ 'encuadernacion': '<th scope="row">Encuadernaci&oacute;n:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<encuadernacion>.*?)</span>',
+ 'series' : '<th scope="row">Colecci&oacute;n:.*?<td>.*?<span>(?P<series>.*?)</span>'
+ }
+ # Compile patterns objects
+ self.__regExpsPO = {}
+ for k, pattern in self.__regExps.iteritems():
+ self.__regExpsPO[k] = re.compile(pattern)
+ self.__domTree = BasicTellicoDOM()
+ def run(self, criteria, kind):
+ """
+ Runs the parser: fetch book related links, then fills and prints the DOM tree
+ to stdout (in tellico format) so that tellico can use it.
+ """
+ # Strip out hyphens if kind is ISBN
+ if kind == ISBN:
+ criteria = criteria.replace('-', NULLSTRING)
+ # Support for multiple search
+ isbnList = criteria.split(';')
+ for n in isbnList:
+ self.__getBook(n, kind)
+ else:
+ self.__getBook(criteria, kind)
+ # Print results to stdout
+ self.__domTree.printXMLTree()
+ def __getHTMLContent(self, url):
+ """
+ Fetch HTML data from url
+ """
+ try:
+ u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ except Exception, e:
+ u.close()
+ sys.exit("""
+Network error while getting HTML content.
+Tellico cannot connect to: webpage:
+'%s'""" % e)
+ self.__data =
+ u.close()
+ def __fetchBookLinks(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve all links related to the search. self.__data contains HTML content fetched by self.__getHTMLContent()
+ that need to be parsed.
+ """
+ matchList = re.findall("""<div class="isbnResDescripcion">.*?<p>.*?<A target="_top" HREF="(?P<url>.*?)">""", self.__data, re.S)
+ if not matchList: return None
+ return matchList
+ def __fetchBookInfo(self, url):
+ """
+ Looks for book information
+ """
+ self.__getHTMLContent(url)
+ matches = {}
+ data = {}
+ data['comments'] = []
+ # Empty string if series not available
+ data['series_num'] = NULLSTRING
+ data['translator'] = NULLSTRING
+ for name, po in self.__regExpsPO.iteritems():
+ data[name] = NULLSTRING
+ matches[name] =[name], self.__data, re.S | re.I)
+ if matches[name]:
+ if name == 'title':
+ d = matches[name].group('title').strip()
+ d = re.sub('<.?strong>', NULLSTRING, d)
+ d = re.sub('\n', NULLSTRING, d)
+ data['title'] = d
+ elif name == 'isbn':
+ data['isbn'] = matches[name].group('isbn').strip()
+ elif name == 'edition':
+ data['edition'] = matches[name].group('edition').strip()
+ elif name == 'pur_price':
+ d = matches[name].group('pur_price')
+ data['pur_price'] = d.strip() + ' EUR'
+ elif name == 'publication':
+ d = matches[name].group('publication')
+ for p in ('</?[Aa].*?>', '&nbsp;', ':', ','):
+ d = re.sub(p, NULLSTRING, d)
+ d = d.split('\n')
+ # d[1] is an empty string
+ data['publisher'] = "%s (%s)" % (d[2], d[0])
+ data['pub_year'] = re.sub('\d{2}\/', NULLSTRING, d[3])
+ del data['publication']
+ elif name == 'desc':
+ d = matches[name].group('desc')
+ m ='\d+ ', d)
+ # When not available
+ data['pages'] = NULLSTRING
+ if m:
+ data['pages'] =
+ m ='; (?P<format>.*cm)', d)
+ if m:
+ data['comments'].append('Format: ' +'format').strip())
+ del data['desc']
+ elif name == 'encuadernacion':
+ data['comments'].append(matches[name].group('encuadernacion').strip())
+ elif name == 'keyword':
+ d = matches[name].group('keywords')
+ d = re.sub('</?[Aa].*?>', NULLSTRING, d)
+ data['keyword'] = d.strip()
+ elif name == 'cdu':
+ data['comments'].append('CDU: ' + matches[name].group('cdu').strip())
+ elif name == 'notas':
+ data['comments'].append(matches[name].group('notas').strip())
+ elif name == 'series':
+ d = matches[name].group('series').strip()
+ d = re.sub('&nbsp;', ' ', d)
+ data[name] = d
+ # data[name] can contain something like 'Byblos, 162/24'
+ # Maybe better to add the reg exp to get seriesNum in self.__regExps
+ p = re.compile('[0-9]+$')
+ s =, data[name])
+ if s:
+ # if series ends with a number, it seems that is a
+ # number of the book inside the series. We save in seriesNum
+ data['series_num'] =
+ # it removes lasts digits (plus one because is space or /) from
+ # data['series']
+ l = len(data['series_num']) + 1
+ data[name] = data[name][0:-l]
+ data[name] = data[name].rstrip(",") # remove the , between series and series_num
+ elif name == 'author':
+ # We may find several authors
+ data[name] = []
+ authorsList = re.findall('<a.*?>(?P<author>.*?)</a>', matches[name].group('author'), re.S | re.I)
+ if not authorsList:
+ # No href links
+ authors ='<li>(?P<author>.*?)</li>', matches[name].group('author'), re.S | re.I)
+ try:
+ results ='author').strip().split(',')
+ except AttributeError:
+ results = []
+ results = [r.strip() for r in results]
+ data[name] = results
+ else:
+ for d in authorsList:
+ # Sometimes, the search engine outputs some image between a elements
+ if d.strip()[:4] != '<img':
+ data[name].append(d.strip())
+ # Move tr authors (translators) to translators list
+ translator = self.__getSpecialRol(data[name], TRANSLATOR_STR)
+ edlit = self.__getSpecialRol(data[name], EDLIT_STR)
+ data[name] = self.__removeSpecialsFromAuthors(data[name], translator, TRANSLATOR_STR)
+ data[name] = self.__removeSpecialsFromAuthors(data[name], edlit, EDLIT_STR)
+ if len(translator) > 0:
+ data['translator'] = self.__formatSpecials(translator, NULLSTRING)
+ if len(edlit) > 0:
+ data['comments'].append(self.__formatSpecials(edlit, "Editor Literario: "))
+ elif name == 'language':
+ # We may find several languages
+ d = matches[name].group('language')
+ d = re.sub('\n', NULLSTRING, d)
+ d = d.split('<span>')
+ a = []
+ for lg in d:
+ if len(lg):
+ lg = re.sub('</span>', NULLSTRING, lg)
+ # Because HTML is not interpreted in the 'language' field of Tellico
+ lg = re.sub('&oacute;', 'o', lg)
+ a.append(lg.strip())
+ # Removes that word so that only the language name remains.
+ a[0] = re.sub('publicacion: ', NULLSTRING, a[0])
+ data['language'] = a
+ # Add other language related info to the 'comments' field too
+ #for lg in a[1:]:
+ #data['comments'].append(lg)
+ return data
+ def __getBook(self, data, kind = ISBN):
+ if not len(data):
+ raise EngineError, "No data given. Unable to proceed."
+ if kind == ISBN:
+ self.__getHTMLContent("%s%s%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__searchURL % \
+ (urllib.quote(data), # ISBN
+ self.__suffixURL)
+ )
+ elif kind == AUTHOR:
+ self.__getHTMLContent("%s%s%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__searchURL % \
+ urllib.quote(data), # AUTHOR
+ self.__suffixURL)
+ )
+ elif kind == TITLE:
+ self.__getHTMLContent("%s%s%s" % (self.__baseURL, self.__searchURL % \
+ urllib.quote(data)), # TITLE
+ self.__suffixURL)
+ )
+ # Get all links
+ links = self.__fetchBookLinks()
+ # Now retrieve infos
+ if links:
+ for entry in links:
+ data = self.__fetchBookInfo( url = self.__baseURL + entry.replace(' ', '%20') )
+ node = self.__domTree.addEntry(data)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def __getSpecialRol(self, authors, special):
+ """
+ Receives a list like ['Stephen King','Lorenzo Cortina','tr.',
+ 'Rosalía Vázquez','tr.'] and returns a list with special names
+ """
+ j = 0; max = len(authors)
+ special_rol = []
+ while j < max:
+ if authors[j] == special:
+ special_rol.append(authors[j-1])
+ j += 1
+ return special_rol
+ def __removeSpecialsFromAuthors(self, authors, specials, string):
+ """
+ Receives a list with authors+translators and removes 'tr.' and
+ authors from there. Example:
+ authors: ['Stephen King','Lorenzo Cortina','tr.','Rosalía Vázquez','tr.']
+ translators: ['Lorenzo Cortina','Rosalía Vázquez']
+ returns: ['Stephen King']
+ (We could also guess string value because is the next position
+ in authors list)
+ """
+ newauthors = authors[:]
+ for t in specials:
+ newauthors.remove(t)
+ newauthors.remove(string)
+ return newauthors
+ def __formatSpecials(self, translators, prefix):
+ """
+ Receives a list with translators and returns a string
+ (authors are handled different: each author in a different node)
+ """
+ return prefix + string.join(translators, '; ')
+def halt():
+ print "HALT."
+ sys.exit(0)
+def showUsage():
+ print """Usage: %s options
+Where options are:
+ -t title
+ -i (ISBN|UPC)
+ -a author
+ -m filename (support for multiple ISBN/UPC search)""" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ showUsage()
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(5)
+ # ;-separated ISBNs string
+ isbnStringList = NULLSTRING
+ opts = {'-t' : TITLE, '-i' : ISBN, '-a' : AUTHOR, '-m' : isbnStringList}
+ if sys.argv[1] not in opts.keys():
+ showUsage()
+ if sys.argv[1] == '-m':
+ try:
+ f = open(sys.argv[2], 'r')
+ data = f.readlines()
+ # remove trailing \n
+ sys.argv[2] = string.join([d[:-1] for d in data], ';')
+ sys.argv[1] = '-i'
+ f.close()
+ except IOError, e:
+ print "Error: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ parser = MinisterioCulturaParser()
+[2], opts[sys.argv[1]])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()