WizardBase WizardBase 0 0 587 384 1 1 0 0 530 0 [AppName] installation unnamed Fixed layout8 unnamed splash 0 0 0 0 Box Sunken false layout7 unnamed titleLabel 5 4 0 0 <b>[AppName] installation</b> AlignVCenter line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal mainStack WStackPage 0 unnamed 0 0 installStack Introduction 0 unnamed textLabel2 <p>This wizard will guide you through the installation of: WordBreak|AlignVCenter layout12 unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Fixed 30 10 appIcon false appNameLabel 7 5 0 0 <b>[AppName]</b> spacer4 Vertical Fixed 10 30 textLabel4 Please click "Next" to continue spacer5 Vertical Expanding 21 71 Components 1 unnamed textLabel5 Select the components to install WordBreak|AlignVCenter Component name true true componentList componentInfo RichText <i>Select a component from the list above to see a brief description of it.</i> WidgetWidth true WStackPage 2 unnamed pleaseWaitLabel Please wait while the software is compiled and installed WordBreak|AlignVCenter spacer14_2 Vertical Minimum 16 30 progressLabel1 Progress Label 1 progressLabel2 5 0 0 0 Progress Label 2 RichText WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft progressBar 0 timeRemaining Estimated time remaining: <b>Calculating...</b> WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight spacer15 Vertical Expanding 20 30 logFrame 5 0 0 0 NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 0 logSpacer_2 Horizontal Expanding 224 20 logButton View log file... WStackPage 3 unnamed textLabel1 <p>The installation is complete.</p> WordBreak|AlignVCenter spacer8 Vertical Fixed 20 30 layout7 unnamed spacer16 Horizontal Fixed 30 50 uninstallBox Place a shortcut to the uninstaller on the desktop true shortcutBox Place a shortcut to [AppName] on the desktop true spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 90 WStackPage 1 unnamed 0 0 uninstallStack WStackPage 0 unnamed textLabel1_3 Please select from the list below the applications you wish to uninstall. Application Name true true appList WStackPage 1 unnamed textLabel2_3 The following files will be removed.<br> Please check this list, and click <b>next</b> to continue. RichText fileList WStackPage 2 unnamed spacer14 Vertical Fixed 16 30 pleaseWaitLabel2 Please wait while the selected packages are removed... spacer15_2 Vertical Expanding 41 156 logFrame_2 5 0 0 0 NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 0 logSpacer_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 224 20 logButton2 View log file... line2 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout2 unnamed spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 61 31 previousButton false < Previous nextButton Next > true cancelButton Cancel nextButton clicked() WizardBase nextPressed() cancelButton clicked() WizardBase cancelPressed() componentList selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) WizardBase componentSelected(TQListViewItem*) logButton clicked() WizardBase logPressed() logButton2 clicked() WizardBase logPressed() previousButton clicked() WizardBase previousPressed() componentList componentInfo logButton previousButton nextButton cancelButton wizardbase.ui.h ntqwidgetstack.h setAppName( TQString n ) nextPressed() previousPressed() cancelPressed() browsePressed() runPressed() logPressed() componentSelected( TQListViewItem * item )