path: root/bin
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /bin
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
3 files changed, 570 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/findtr b/bin/findtr
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7df33252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/findtr
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# vi:wrap:
+# See Qt I18N documentation for usage information.
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+$projectid='PROJECT VERSION';
+$datetime = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %X %Z", localtime;
+$translator='FULLNAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>';
+$real_mark = "tr";
+$noop_mark = "QT_TR_NOOP";
+$scoped_mark = "qApp->translate";
+$noop_scoped_mark = "QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP";
+'# This is a Qt message file in .po format. Each msgid starts with
+# a scope. This scope should *NOT* be translated - eg. translating
+# from French to English, "Foo::Bar" would be translated to "Pub",
+# not "Foo::Pub".
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: '.$projectid.'\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: '.$datetime.'\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: '.$revision_date.'\n"
+"Last-Translator: '.$translator.'\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset='.$charset.'\n"
+$scope = "";
+if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: findtr sourcefile ... >project.po\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub outmsg {
+ my ($file, $line, $scope, $msgid) = @_;
+ # unesc
+ $msgid =~ s/$esc:$esc:$esc/::/gs;
+ $msgid =~ s|$esc/$esc/$esc|//|gs;
+ # Remove blank lines
+ $msgid =~ s/\n\n+/\n/gs;
+ $msgid = "\"\"\n$msgid" if $msgid =~ /\n/s;
+ print "#: $file:$line\n";
+ $msgid =~ s/^"//; #"emacs bug
+ print "msgid \"${scope}::$msgid\n";
+ #print "msgstr \"$msgid\n";
+ print "msgstr \"\"\n";
+ print "\n";
+sub justlines {
+ my $l = @_;
+ $l =~ tr|\n||dc;
+ return $l;
+print $header;
+foreach $file ( @ARGV ) {
+ next unless open( I, "< $file" );
+ $source = join( "", <I> );
+ # Find esc. Avoid bad case 1/// -> 1/1/1/1 -> ///1
+ $esc = 1;
+ while ( $source =~ m!(?:$esc/$esc/$esc)|(?:$esc///)
+ |(?:$esc:$esc:$esc)|(?:$esc:\:\:)! ) {
+ $esc++;
+ }
+ # Hide quoted :: in practically all strings
+ $source =~ s/\"([^"\n]*)::([^"\n]*)\"/\"$1$esc:$esc:$esc$2\"/g;
+ # Hide quoted // in practically all strings
+ $source =~ s|\"([^"\n]*)//([^"\n]*)\"|\"$1$esc/$esc/$esc$2\"|g;
+ # strip comments -- does not handle "/*" in strings
+ while( $source =~ s|/\*(.*?)\*/|justlines($1)|ges ) { }
+ while( $source =~ s|//(.*?)\n|\n|g ) { }
+ while( $source =~ /
+ (?:
+ # Some doublequotes are "escaped" to help vim syntax highlight
+ # $1 = scope; $2 = parameters etc.
+ (?:
+ # Scoped function name ($1 is scope).
+ (\w+)::(?:\w+)
+ \s*
+ # Parameters etc up to open-curly - no semicolons
+ \(([^();]*)\)
+ \s*
+ (?:\{|:)
+ )
+ |
+ # $3 - one-argument msgid
+ (?:\b
+ # One of the marks
+ (?:$real_mark|$noop_mark)
+ \s*
+ # The parameter
+ \(\s*((?:"(?:[^"]|[^\\]\\")*"\s*)+)\)
+ )
+ |
+ # $4,$5 - two-argument msgid
+ (?:\b
+ # One of the scoped marks
+ (?:$scoped_mark|$noop_scoped_mark)
+ \s*
+ # The parameters
+ \(
+ # The scope parameter
+ \s*"([^\"]*)"
+ \s*,\s*
+ # The msgid parameter
+ \s*((?:\"(?:[^"]|[^\\]\\")*"\s*)+) #"emacs
+ \)
+ )
+ |
+ # $6,$7 - scoped one-argument msgid
+ (?:\b
+ # The scope
+ (\w+)::
+ # One of the marks
+ (?:$real_mark)
+ \s*
+ # The parameter
+ \(\s*((?:"(?:[^"]|[^\\]\\")*"\s*)+)\)
+ )
+ )/gsx )
+ {
+ @lines = split /^/m, "$`";
+ $line = @lines;
+ if ( defined( $1 ) ) {
+ if ( $scope ne $1 ) {
+ $sc=$1;
+ $etc=$2;
+ # remove strings
+ $etc =~ s/"(?:[^"]|[^\\]\\")"//g;
+ # count ( and )
+ @open = split /\(/m, $etc;
+ @close = split /\)/m, $etc;
+ if ( $#open == $#close ) {
+ $scope = $sc;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( defined( $3 ) ) {
+ $this_scope = $scope;
+ $msgid = $3;
+ } elsif ( defined( $4 ) ) {
+ $this_scope = $4;
+ $msgid = $5;
+ } elsif ( defined( $6 ) ) {
+ $this_scope = $6;
+ $msgid = $7;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ $msgid =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $msgid =~ s/\s*$//;
+ # Might still be non-unique eg. tr("A" "B") vs. tr("A" "B").
+ $location{"${this_scope}::${msgid}"} = "$file:$line";
+ }
+for $scoped_msgid ( sort keys %location ) {
+ ($scope,$msgid) = $scoped_msgid =~ m/([^:]*)::(.*)/s;
+ ($file,$line) = $location{$scoped_msgid} =~ m/([^:]*):(.*)/s;
+ outmsg($file,$line,$scope,$msgid);
diff --git a/bin/qt20fix b/bin/qt20fix
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d7cba309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qt20fix
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# in sh/bash/zsh:
+# make 2>&1 | .../qt/bin/qt20fix
+# in csh/tcsh
+# make |& .../qt/bin/qt20fix
+# repeat as long as qt20fix says to. if your make supports the -k
+# flag, that speeds up the process a bit.
+# qt20fix tends to fix a bit over half of the remaining problems in
+# each run.
+# if you don't use gcc, you will need to change parseline.
+# this function must accept one line, which is presumed to be an error
+# message, and return an array of three strings: the file name, the
+# line number and the variable that is undefined.
+# it may also return an empty list, if the line isn't an error message.
+# the function is called on each line in turn and only once on each
+# line, so it's possible to save state.
+sub parseline{
+ my( $line ) = @_;
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ m%^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\./]+\.[a-zA-Z]+):(\d+):\s*\`(.+)\' undeclared% ) {
+ @r = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $r[0] = $currentdir . $r[0] if ( defined($currentdir) &&
+ $r[0] =~ m%^[^/]% );
+ return @r;
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m%^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\./]+\.[a-zA-Z]+):(\d+):\s*\`(.+)\' was not declared% ) {
+ @r = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $r[0] = $currentdir . $r[0] if ( defined($currentdir) &&
+ $r[0] =~ m%^[^/]% );
+ return @r;
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m%^g?make\[(\d+)\]: Entering directory \`(.*)\'% ) {
+ # make[1]: Entering directory `/home/agulbra/2x/src/ui'
+ my( $l, $c ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $c =~ s-/?$-/-;
+ $dirs[$l] = $c;
+ $currentdir = $c;
+ print "$line\n";
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m%make\[(\d+)\]: Leaving directory \`.*\'$% ) {
+ # make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/agulbra/2x/src/ui'
+ $currentdir = defined( $dirs[$1 - 1] ) ? $dirs[$1 - 1] : "";
+ print "$line\n";
+ } elsif ( $line =~ m%^\S+:(?:\d+:)?\s+\S% ) {
+ # other compiler message - skip it
+ } else {
+ print "$line\n";
+ }
+ return ();
+# this is the big array of globals and their replacements. add stuff
+# at will.
+%globals =
+ "Event_None" => "QEvent::None",
+ "Event_Timer" => "QEvent::Timer",
+ "Event_MouseButtonPress" => "QEvent::MouseButtonPress",
+ "Event_MouseButtonRelease" => "QEvent::MouseButtonRelease",
+ "Event_MouseButtonDblClick" => "QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick",
+ "Event_MouseMove" => "QEvent::MouseMove",
+ "Event_KeyPress" => "QEvent::KeyPress",
+ "Event_KeyRelease" => "QEvent::KeyRelease",
+ "Event_FocusIn" => "QEvent::FocusIn",
+ "Event_FocusOut" => "QEvent::FocusOut",
+ "Event_Enter" => "QEvent::Enter",
+ "Event_Leave" => "QEvent::Leave",
+ "Event_Paint" => "QEvent::Paint",
+ "Event_Move" => "QEvent::Move",
+ "Event_Resize" => "QEvent::Resize",
+ "Event_Create" => "QEvent::Create",
+ "Event_Destroy" => "QEvent::Destroy",
+ "Event_Show" => "QEvent::Show",
+ "Event_Hide" => "QEvent::Hide",
+ "Event_Close" => "QEvent::Close",
+ "Event_Quit" => "QEvent::Quit",
+ "Event_Accel" => "QEvent::Accel",
+ "Event_Clipboard" => "QEvent::Clipboard",
+ "Event_SockAct" => "QEvent::SockAct",
+ "Event_DragEnter" => "QEvent::DragEnter",
+ "Event_DragMove" => "QEvent::DragMove",
+ "Event_DragLeave" => "QEvent::DragLeave",
+ "Event_Drop" => "QEvent::Drop",
+ "Event_DragResponse" => "QEvent::DragResponse",
+ "Event_ChildInserted" => "QEvent::ChildInserted",
+ "Event_ChildRemoved" => "QEvent::ChildRemoved",
+ "Event_LayoutHint" => "QEvent::LayoutHint",
+ "Event_User" => "QEvent::User",
+ "color0" => "Qt::color0",
+ "color1" => "Qt::color1",
+ "black" => "Qt::black",
+ "white" => "Qt::white",
+ "darkGray" => "Qt::darkGray",
+ "gray" => "Qt::gray",
+ "lightGray" => "Qt::lightGray",
+ "red" => "Qt::red",
+ "green" => "Qt::green",
+ "blue" => "Qt::blue",
+ "cyan" => "Qt::cyan",
+ "magenta" => "Qt::magenta",
+ "yellow" => "Qt::yellow",
+ "darkRed" => "Qt::darkRed",
+ "darkGreen" => "Qt::darkGreen",
+ "darkBlue" => "Qt::darkBlue",
+ "darkCyan" => "Qt::darkCyan",
+ "darkMagenta" => "Qt::darkMagenta",
+ "darkYellow" => "Qt::darkYellow",
+ "AlignLeft" => "Qt::AlignLeft",
+ "AlignRight" => "Qt::AlignRight",
+ "AlignHCenter" => "Qt::AlignHCenter",
+ "AlignTop" => "Qt::AlignTop",
+ "AlignBottom" => "Qt::AlignBottom",
+ "AlignVCenter" => "Qt::AlignVCenter",
+ "AlignCenter" => "Qt::AlignCenter",
+ "SingleLine" => "Qt::SingleLine",
+ "DontClip" => "Qt::DontClip",
+ "ExpandTabs" => "Qt::ExpandTabs",
+ "ShowPrefix" => "Qt::ShowPrefix",
+ "WordBreak" => "Qt::WordBreak",
+ "DontPrint" => "Qt::DontPrint",
+ "TransparentMode" => "Qt::TransparentMode",
+ "OpaqueMode" => "Qt::OpaqueMode",
+ "PixelUnit" => "Qt::PixelUnit",
+ "LoMetricUnit" => "Qt::LoMetricUnit",
+ "HiMetricUnit" => "Qt::HiMetricUnit",
+ "LoEnglishUnit" => "Qt::LoEnglishUnit",
+ "HiEnglishUnit" => "Qt::HiEnglishUnit",
+ "TwipsUnit" => "Qt::TwipsUnit",
+ "WindowsStyle" => "Qt::WindowsStyle",
+ "MotifStyle" => "Qt::MotifStyle",
+ "Horizontal" => "Qt::Horizontal",
+ "Vertical" => "Qt::Vertical",
+ "PenStyle" => "Qt::PenStyle",
+ "NoPen" => "Qt::NoPen",
+ "SolidLine" => "Qt::SolidLine",
+ "DashLine" => "Qt::DashLine",
+ "DotLine" => "Qt::DotLine",
+ "DashDotLine" => "Qt::DashDotLine",
+ "DashDotDotLine" => "Qt::DashDotDotLine",
+ "BrushStyle" => "Qt::BrushStyle",
+ "NoBrush" => "Qt::NoBrush",
+ "SolidPattern" => "Qt::SolidPattern",
+ "Dense1Pattern" => "Qt::Dense1Pattern",
+ "Dense2Pattern" => "Qt::Dense2Pattern",
+ "Dense3Pattern" => "Qt::Dense3Pattern",
+ "Dense4Pattern" => "Qt::Dense4Pattern",
+ "Dense5Pattern" => "Qt::Dense5Pattern",
+ "Dense6Pattern" => "Qt::Dense6Pattern",
+ "Dense7Pattern" => "Qt::Dense7Pattern",
+ "HorPattern" => "Qt::HorPattern",
+ "VerPattern" => "Qt::VerPattern",
+ "CrossPattern" => "Qt::CrossPattern",
+ "BDiagPattern" => "Qt::BDiagPattern",
+ "FDiagPattern" => "Qt::FDiagPattern",
+ "DiagCrossPattern" => "Qt::DiagCrossPattern",
+ "CustomPattern" => "Qt::CustomPattern",
+ "arrowCursor" => "Qt::arrowCursor",
+ "upArrowCursor" => "Qt::upArrowCursor",
+ "crossCursor" => "Qt::crossCursor",
+ "waitCursor" => "Qt::waitCursor",
+ "ibeamCursor" => "Qt::ibeamCursor",
+ "sizeVerCursor" => "Qt::sizeVerCursor",
+ "sizeHorCursor" => "Qt::sizeHorCursor",
+ "sizeBDiagCursor" => "Qt::sizeBDiagCursor",
+ "sizeFDiagCursor" => "Qt::sizeFDiagCursor",
+ "sizeAllCursor" => "Qt::sizeAllCursor",
+ "blankCursor" => "Qt::blankCursor",
+ "splitVCursor" => "Qt::splitVCursor",
+ "splitHCursor" => "Qt::splitHCursor",
+ "pointingHandCursor" => "Qt::pointingHandCursor"
+if ( defined( $ENV{"QTDIR"} ) &&
+ open( I, "< ". $ENV{"QTDIR"} . "/src/kernel/q1xcompatibility.h" ) ) {
+ while( <I> ) {
+ if ( /\#define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ if ( !defined( $globals{$1} ) ) {
+ $globals{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif ( $globals{$1} ne $2 ) {
+ #print "conflict: $1 is mapped to $2 and $globals{$1}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close I;
+# do the do
+while( <STDIN> ) {
+ @r = parseline($_);
+ next unless @r;
+ ($file, $line, $variable) = @r;
+ if ( defined( $variable ) && defined($globals{$variable}) ) {
+ if ( !defined($lastfile) || ($file ne $lastfile) ) {
+ $lastfile = undef if ( !$changes );
+ if ( defined( $lastfile ) ) {
+ open( O, "> $lastfile" ) ||
+ die "cannot write to $lastfile, stopped";
+ print "qt20fix: writing $lastfile (changes: $changes)\n";
+ print O @currentfile;
+ close O;
+ }
+ open( I, "< $file" ) || die "cannot read $file, stopped";
+ @currentfile = <I>;
+ close I;
+ $lastfile = $file;
+ $changes = 0;
+ }
+ next unless ( defined( $currentfile[$line-1] ) );
+ next unless ( $currentfile[$line-1] =~ /\b$variable\b/ );
+ if ( $currentfile[$line-1] =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])::$variable\b/$1$globals{$variable}/ ||
+ $currentfile[$line-1] =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9:])$variable\b/$1$globals{$variable}/ ) {
+ print "$file:$line:replaced \`$variable\' with \`$globals{$variable}\'\n";
+ $changes++;
+ $totalchanges++
+ }
+ } elsif ( defined( $variable ) ) {
+ print "$file:$line: unknown undefined variable $variable\n";
+ }
+if ( defined( $changes) && $changes > 0 && defined( $lastfile ) ) {
+ open( O, "> $lastfile" ) ||
+ die "cannot write to $lastfile, stopped";
+ print "qt20fix: writing $lastfile (changes: $changes)\n";
+ print O @currentfile;
+ close O;
+if ( defined( $totalchanges) && $totalchanges > 0 ) {
+ print "qt20fix: total changes: $totalchanges\nqt20fix: rerun recommended\n";
diff --git a/bin/qtrename140 b/bin/qtrename140
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..73c463f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qtrename140
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -pi.oldnames
+# Perl script to change programs to use the longer header-file names
+# introduced in Qt version 1.40. Note that Qt is distributed with
+# compatilibity headers making this program unnecessary at present,
+# but which may be discontinued in Qt 2.0.
+# This is version 1.0 of the conversion script.
+# Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that
+# both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+# supporting documentation, and that any modifications are clearly
+# annotated as not originating from the copyright holder.
+# This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
+# shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
+# trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
+# event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
+# other special, indirect and consequential damages.
+s/\bqapp\./qapplication./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQAPP_H\b/QAPPLICATION_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqbitarry\./qbitarray./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQBITARRY_H\b/QBITARRAY_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqbttngrp\./qbuttongroup./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQBTTNGRP_H\b/QBUTTONGROUP_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqchkbox\./qcheckbox./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQCHKBOX_H\b/QCHECKBOX_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqclipbrd\./qclipboard./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQCLIPBRD_H\b/QCLIPBOARD_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqcollect\./qcollection./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQCOLLECT_H\b/QCOLLECTION_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqcombo\./qcombobox./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQCOMBO_H\b/QCOMBOBOX_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqconnect\./qconnection./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQCONNECT_H\b/QCONNECTION_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqdatetm\./qdatetime./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQDATETM_H\b/QDATETIME_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqdrawutl\./qdrawutil./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQDRAWUTL_H\b/QDRAWUTIL_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqdstream\./qdatastream./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQDSTREAM_H\b/QDATASTREAM_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfiledlg\./qfiledialog./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFILEDLG_H\b/QFILEDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfileinf\./qfileinfo./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFILEINF_H\b/QFILEINFO_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqgmanagr\./qgmanager./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQGMANAGR_H\b/QGMANAGER_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqgrpbox\./qgroupbox./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQGRPBOX_H\b/QGROUPBOX_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqiodev\./qiodevice./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQIODEV_H\b/QIODEVICE_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqlcdnum\./qlcdnumber./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQLCDNUM_H\b/QLCDNUMBER_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqlined\./qlineedit./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQLINED_H\b/QLINEEDIT_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqmenudta\./qmenudata./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQMENUDTA_H\b/QMENUDATA_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqmetaobj\./qmetaobject./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQMETAOBJ_H\b/QMETAOBJECT_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqmlined\./qmultilineedit./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqmultilinedit\./qmultilineedit./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqmsgbox\./qmessagebox./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQMSGBOX_H\b/QMESSAGEBOX_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpdevmet\./qpaintdevicemetrics./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqpmcache\./qpixmapcache./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPMCACHE_H\b/QPIXMAPCACHE_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpntarry\./qpointarray./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPNTARRY_H\b/QPOINTARRAY_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpopmenu\./qpopupmenu./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPOPMENU_H\b/QPOPUPMENU_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqprndlg\./qprintdialog./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPRNDLG_H\b/QPRINTDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqprogbar\./qprogressbar./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPROGBAR_H\b/QPROGRESSBAR_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqprogdlg\./qprogressdialog./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqpsprn\./qpsprinter./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPSPRN_H\b/QPSPRINTER_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpushbt\./qpushbutton./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPUSHBT_H\b/QPUSHBUTTON_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqradiobt\./qradiobutton./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQRADIOBT_H\b/QRADIOBUTTON_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqrangect\./qrangecontrol./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqscrbar\./qscrollbar./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQSCRBAR_H\b/QSCROLLBAR_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqsocknot\./qsocketnotifier./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqtabdlg\./qtabdialog./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQTABDLG_H\b/QTABDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqtablevw\./qtableview./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQTABLEVW_H\b/QTABLEVIEW_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqtstream\./qtextstream./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQTSTREAM_H\b/QTEXTSTREAM_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfiledef\./qfiledefs./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFILEDEF_H\b/QFILEDEFS_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfontdta\./qfontdata./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFONTDTA_H\b/QFONTDATA_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfontinf\./qfontinfo./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFONTINF_H\b/QFONTINFO_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqfontmet\./qfontmetrics./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQFONTMET_H\b/QFONTMETRICS_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqintcach\./qintcache./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQINTCACH_H\b/QINTCACHE_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqobjdefs\./qobjectdefs./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQOBJDEFS_H\b/QOBJECTDEFS_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpaintd\./qpaintdevice./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQPAINTD_H\b/QPAINTDEVICE_H/g if /#if/;
+s/\bqpaintdc\./qpaintdevicedefs./g if /#include/;
+s/\bqwindefs\./qwindowdefs./g if /#include/;
+s/\bQWINDEFS_H\b/QWINDOWDEFS_H/g if /#if/;