path: root/doc/faq.doc
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /doc/faq.doc
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/faq.doc')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\page faq.html
+\title The Qt FAQ
+See also the \link commonproblems.html Technical FAQ\endlink.
+\section1 General Questions
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What is Qt?
+Qt is a multiplatform C++ GUI toolkit. It
+provides application developers with all the functionality
+needed to build applications with state-of-the-art graphical
+user interfaces. Qt is fully object-oriented, easily
+extensible, and allows true component programming.
+Qt is supported on the following platforms:
+ \i <b>MS/Windows</b> -- 95, 98, NT 4.0, ME, 2000, and XP
+ \i <b>Unix/X11</b> -- Linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Compaq Tru64 UNIX,
+ IBM AIX, SGI IRIX and a wide range of others
+ \i <b>Macintosh</b> -- Mac OS X
+ \i <b>Embedded</b> -- Linux platforms with framebuffer support.
+It has become the emerging standard development
+environment for IT professionals who want to:
+ \i Write (and maintain) a single source-tree.
+ \i Port their applications to multiple platforms with a simple
+ recompilation.
+ \i Internationalize their applications.
+ \i Provide their applications with native look and feel.
+ \i Have their applications run at native speed.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What is Trolltech?
+Trolltech is an international software company with
+headquarters in Oslo, the capital of Norway, and with offices
+in Brisbane, Australia, and Redwood City, California. Our
+flagship product is Qt, the multi-platform C++ GUI toolkit.
+Trolltech ASA was founded in 1994, although, the core team of designers
+started Qt's development in 1992.
+More details can be found at \link troll.html Trolltech\endlink.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 How can I evaluate Qt?
+We offer 30 day evaluation versions of Qt on all our supported platforms.
+Further details can be found here: \l
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What does Qt cost?
+This depends on your number of developers, on how many
+different platforms you target, and on the edition of Qt you
+choose. Currently we offer two different editions (Enterprise
+Edition and Professional Edition) on four different
+platforms (Microsoft Window, Unix/X11, Macintosh and Linux/embedded).
+We also offer discounts for academic and research institutions.
+Details on pricing can be found here:
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 How can I buy Qt?
+To purchase, please visit the <a
+webshop</a>. In the webshop, you can generate a Purchase Order, order
+a Quote, or purchase directly using a credit card.
+For further information and assistance, please contact Trolltech sales:
+Email: \link\endlink
+Phone, US office (for North America): <strong>(+1)&nbsp;650-813-1676</strong>
+Phone, Norway office (for others): <strong>+47&nbsp;2160&nbsp;4800</strong>
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What kind of technical support is available for Qt?
+Trolltech offers email support to commercial licensees. The first year
+of Trolltech's Support and Maintenance Service is included with the
+purchase of Qt Professional and Qt Enterprise Edition licenses.
+Licenses can be kept up-to-date and fully supported by buying
+the Support and Maintenance Service for the licenses held in each
+subsequent year.
+For further information see here:
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Who provides training for Qt?
+A number of companies provide Qt training, in Asia, Europe and the US.
+Trolltech has agreements with a number of official training
+partners, who offer Trolltech approved courses. In addition
+there are a number of independently developed courses run by third
+parties. You can find more information about the partners and the
+courses here: \l
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Who provides consultancy for Qt?
+A number of companies provide consultancy services for Qt and
+Qtopia. You can find a partial list here:
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Are there any books about Qt programming?
+Yes, there are tquite a few books on Qt, most of them
+available from You can find a partial list at
+The official Qt book is
+<a href="">C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3</a>.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What is the Open Source Edition?
+The Qt Open Source Edition is our non-commercial versions of
+Qt. You can use this edition to create and run free
+software, i.e. software that is licensed under the GNU GPL or
+a similarly recognized open source license.
+Qt Open Source edition is available for Unix/X11, Macintosh and
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What is the idea behind having a free version of Qt?
+With the Open Source Edition, Trolltech has found a way to support
+the free software concept. Part of our commitment is to enable
+those who contribute to the free software pool to do so
+without paying license fees.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is there a low-cost version of Qt for writing shareware?
+No, but Qt's commercial licenses permit you to write and sell
+shareware written with Qt.
+\section1 Questions about Qt's Users
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 How many developers use Qt?
+We don't know! We can count our many thousands of commercial
+licensees, but the number of free software developers
+using Qt can only be guessed based on download figures, book
+sales, the number of open source Qt applications available on
+the web, Universities teaching with Qt, and other factors. A
+conservative estimate would put the figure at around 100,000 to
+150,000 developers world-wide.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Which major corporations use Qt?
+See our list of reference customers at
+\l Note that many
+commercial customers do not disclose their use of Qt because they see
+Qt as a competitive advantage.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Are there any well-known applications that use Qt?
+There are many, e.g. Adobe Photoshop Album from Abobe
+Corporation and the KDE desktop. A partial list can be found at
+\section1 Questions about Developing Applications with Qt
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is there a mailing list for Qt?
+Trolltech operates several mailing lists for Qt users including
+\c qt-announce, \c qt-interest and \c snapshot-users.
+See \link Mailing lists\endlink.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is Qt's documentation available online?
+Yes, at \l
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is there a technical newsletter for Qt?
+Yes, \link Qt
+Quarterly\endlink. It is a paper-based newsletter exclusively
+available to Qt licensees.
+As a courtesy and convenience to all our users, a selection of
+articles is also published online about one month after publication.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 I think I have found a bug in Qt. Where can I report it?
+Bugs should be reported to \link\endlink. But \e please read (the very short)
+\link bughowto.html How to Report a Bug\endlink page \e first.
+\section1 Questions about Professional Licensing
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 We have purchased a license, but the developer is leaving the company
+project. Can we transfer the license to another developer?
+Yes. Qt licences are for the individual use of named developers. If
+the developer associated with a licence leaves the organization, or
+moves on to another project that does not retquire a Qt license,
+another developer can take over the licence. You can change the name
+of the developer using a licence at any time, but after a change you
+must wait at least six (6) months before changing again.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Can I purchase floating licenses for Qt?
+No, we do not offer floating licenses.
+The reason is this: Floating licenses are based on the concept
+of defining a maximum number of concurrent users. For example,
+for a word processor, this means the maximum number of
+instances of that application that can be running at any
+time. However, for a library product like Qt, there is no main
+application that is always running when the product is being
+used. Hence, it is not possible to count the number of
+concurrent users, and therefore floating licenses do not
+make sense.
+#if 0 // ##### Just an idea, no clue if this is policy today
+While we want to develop our software for multiple platforms, some
+of our developers will only need to work on a single platform. Can
+we purchase single packs for those?
+No, you can only purchase single packs as long as you target
+one platform only.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Can we use the Open Source Edition while developing our non-free
+application and then purchase commercial licenses when we start to
+sell it?
+No: our commercial license agreements only apply to software
+that was developed with Qt under the agreement. They do not
+apply to code that was developed with the Qt Open Source Edition
+prior to the agreement. Any software developed with Qt
+without a commercial license agreement must be released as
+free/open source software.
+\section1 Questions about Open Source Software Licensing
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 I just want to run KDE and other Qt-based software on my
+machine. Can I do that with the Open Source Edition?
+Yes. You may use the Qt Open Source Edition for running applications,
+both at home and at work, without restrictions.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 I want to put Qt, and applications that use it, on a CD-ROM or on
+a web site. Can I do that with the Open Source Edition?
+Yes. You may copy and redistribute the Qt Open Source Edition, both
+at home and at work, without restrictions.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Can I make software with the Qt Open Source Edition and release it under
+the GNU GPL, BSD, or Artistic license?
+Yes. The GNU GPL, GPL-compatible licenses, or any other
+approved open source license will do. The and web sites list approved software licenses.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 I don't want to give away my source code. What do I do?
+You need to buy a commercial Qt license.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is software based on the Qt Open Source Edition really free? Does it
+carry any Trolltech-specific license restrictions?
+Yes, it really is free. This is because the Qt Open Source Edition
+uses the GNU GPL, which forbids the imposition of any license
+restrictions on software based on the Open Source Edition that would
+make it non-free. And no, there are no Trolltech-specific
+license restrictions on software produced using the Open Source
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 What if Trolltech stops releasing Open Source Editions of Qt?
+We have absolutely no intention of doing that. Together with
+the K Desktop Environment project, we have set up the KDE Free
+Qt Foundation (see
+\l to
+legally guarantee the availability of Qt for free software
+development now and forever - even if circumstances beyound
+our control prevent us from producing new free editions.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Using the Open Source Edition, can I make non-free software for internal
+use in my company/organization?
+No. Software developed with the Open Source Edition is always free
+software, i.e. it can only be distributed under a free
+software license. In particular, all the source code for all
+the modules your software is based on, regardless of whether
+they have been written by you or by others, must be free
+software. This is part of our commitment to the free software
+community, and enables those who contribute to the free
+software pool to do so without paying license fees.
+Although it is possible to write free software for internal
+use, it is difficult to ensure that such software is used and
+distributed legally. For example, if your free software
+retquires any modules that impose conditions on you that
+contradict the conditions of the GNU GPL, including, but not
+limited to, software patents, commercial license agreements,
+copyrighted interface definitions or any sort of
+non-disclosure agreement, then you cannot distribute it at
+all; hence it cannot be given to consultants, employees for
+their personal computers, subsidiaries, other divisions, or
+even to new owners.
+Consequently we recommend using commercial licenses for all
+internal software development.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Is Qt Open Source Edition really free software in the GNU meaning of the
+Yes - it is free software both as in "no cost" and as in
+"free speech". Even more, it is actually available under the
+terms of the GNU GPL. This means you can link GPL'ed software
+to it, and you can take code from Qt and put it into other
+GPL'ed software.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 If the Open Source Edition is GNU GPL, aren't there license conflicts
+with incompatible open source licenses? How come people can even
+run commercial software like the Opera web browser with it?
+If the Open Source Edition was licensed purely under the GNU GPL,
+there would be problems. However, as long as Qt-based
+software is either open source or was developed under a
+commercial license agreement with Trolltech, we grant
+permission to compile, link and run those programs with the
+Open Source Edition. This is written down in our second free software
+license, the QPL.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Doesn't such an en extra license in addition to the GNU GPL
+violate the terms of the GPL or at least make the whole package
+No, because those extra license terms give you rights in
+addition to those of the GNU GPL, including the right to
+remove those extra terms.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Why is Qt Open Source Edition not distributed under the GNU Lesser
+General Public License (LGPL)?
+The LGPL is designed to "permit developers of non-free
+programs to use free libraries" (quote from the LGPL). In
+other words, if Qt Open Source Edition were LGPL'd, companies would
+not have to purchase our commercial editions in order to make
+commercial/proprietary software, they could just use the Open Source
+Edition, free of charge. That would mean Trolltech would not
+get the revenue necessary for improving and extending Qt.
+Note also that the Free Software Foundation discourages the
+use of the LGPL.
+\section1 Questions about other programming languages
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Are there bindings to languages other than C++?
+Yes there are, e.g. bindings to Perl (PerlQt) and Python
+(PyQt). These bindings were written by the open source
+community and are not supported by Trolltech.
+<hr width="30%">
+\section2 Can I develop commercial applications with PerlQt or PyQt or other
+Qt wrappers?
+Yes, if you have purchased a commercial license. The licensing
+conditions are the same whether you use the Qt API directly in
+C++, or you use it through some API wrapper in another
+programming language. All developers that write code
+containing calls to the Qt API (directly or through a wrapper)
+need Qt licenses.