path: root/doc/html/buttongroups-example.html
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /doc/html/buttongroups-example.html
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/html/buttongroups-example.html')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/buttongroups-example.html b/doc/html/buttongroups-example.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+<title>Buttons and Groupboxes</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>Buttons and Groupboxes</h1>
+This example shows different types of groupboxes (buttongroups, etc.) and
+different kinds of buttons (checkboxes, radiobuttons, pushbuttons, etc.).
+<p> <hr>
+<p> Header file:
+<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
+** $Id: qt/buttongroups.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include &lt;<a href="qwidget-h.html">qwidget.h</a>&gt;
+class TQCheckBox;
+class TQRadioButton;
+class ButtonsGroups : public <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a>
+ <a href="metaobjects.html#Q_OBJECT">Q_OBJECT</a>
+ ButtonsGroups( <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
+ <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a> *state;
+ <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a> *rb21, *rb22, *rb23;
+protected slots:
+ void slotChangeGrp3State();
+<p> <hr>
+<p> Implementation:
+<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
+** $Id: qt/buttongroups.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "buttongroups.h"
+#include &lt;<a href="qpopupmenu-h.html">qpopupmenu.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qbuttongroup-h.html">qbuttongroup.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qlayout-h.html">qlayout.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qradiobutton-h.html">qradiobutton.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qcheckbox-h.html">qcheckbox.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qgroupbox-h.html">qgroupbox.h</a>&gt;
+#include &lt;<a href="qpushbutton-h.html">qpushbutton.h</a>&gt;
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * Creates all child widgets of the ButtonGroups window
+ */
+<a name="f261"></a>ButtonsGroups::ButtonsGroups( <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent, const char *name )
+ : <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a>( parent, name )
+ // Create Widgets which allow easy layouting
+ <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a> *vbox = new <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a>( this, 11, 6 );
+ <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *box1 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( vbox );
+ <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *box2 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( vbox );
+ // ------- first group
+ // Create an exclusive button group
+ <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a> *bgrp1 = new <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a>( 1, TQGroupBox::Horizontal, "Button Group 1 (exclusive)", this);
+ box1-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( bgrp1 );
+<a name="x549"></a> bgrp1-&gt;<a href="qbuttongroup.html#setExclusive">setExclusive</a>( TRUE );
+ // insert 3 radiobuttons
+ <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a> *rb11 = new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "&amp;Radiobutton 1", bgrp1 );
+<a name="x559"></a> rb11-&gt;<a href="qradiobutton.html#setChecked">setChecked</a>( TRUE );
+ (void)new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "R&amp;adiobutton 2", bgrp1 );
+ (void)new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "Ra&amp;diobutton 3", bgrp1 );
+ // ------- second group
+ // Create a non-exclusive buttongroup
+ <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a> *bgrp2 = new <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a>( 1, TQGroupBox::Horizontal, "Button Group 2 (non-exclusive)", this );
+ box1-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( bgrp2 );
+ bgrp2-&gt;<a href="qbuttongroup.html#setExclusive">setExclusive</a>( FALSE );
+ // insert 3 checkboxes
+ (void)new <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a>( "&amp;Checkbox 1", bgrp2 );
+ <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a> *cb12 = new <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a>( "C&amp;heckbox 2", bgrp2 );
+<a name="x552"></a> cb12-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#setChecked">setChecked</a>( TRUE );
+ <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a> *cb13 = new <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a>( "Triple &amp;State Button", bgrp2 );
+<a name="x553"></a> cb13-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#setTristate">setTristate</a>( TRUE );
+ cb13-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#setChecked">setChecked</a>( TRUE );
+ // ------------ third group
+ // create a buttongroup which is exclusive for radiobuttons and non-exclusive for all other buttons
+ <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a> *bgrp3 = new <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a>( 1, TQGroupBox::Horizontal, "Button Group 3 (Radiobutton-exclusive)", this );
+ box2-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( bgrp3 );
+<a name="x550"></a> bgrp3-&gt;<a href="qbuttongroup.html#setRadioButtonExclusive">setRadioButtonExclusive</a>( TRUE );
+ // insert three radiobuttons
+ rb21 = new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "Rad&amp;iobutton 1", bgrp3 );
+ rb22 = new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "Radi&amp;obutton 2", bgrp3 );
+ rb23 = new <a href="qradiobutton.html">TQRadioButton</a>( "Radio&amp;button 3", bgrp3 );
+ rb23-&gt;<a href="qradiobutton.html#setChecked">setChecked</a>( TRUE );
+ // insert a checkbox...
+ state = new <a href="qcheckbox.html">TQCheckBox</a>( "E&amp;nable Radiobuttons", bgrp3 );
+ state-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#setChecked">setChecked</a>( TRUE );
+ // ...and connect its SIGNAL clicked() with the SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
+ <a href="qobject.html#connect">connect</a>( state, SIGNAL( <a href="qbutton.html#clicked">clicked</a>() ), this, SLOT( slotChangeGrp3State() ) );
+ // ------------ fourth group
+ // create a groupbox which layouts its childs in a columns
+ <a href="qgroupbox.html">TQGroupBox</a> *bgrp4 = new <a href="qbuttongroup.html">TQButtonGroup</a>( 1, TQGroupBox::Horizontal, "Groupbox with normal buttons", this );
+ box2-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( bgrp4 );
+ // insert four pushbuttons...
+ (void)new <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a>( "&amp;Push Button", bgrp4, "push" );
+ // now make the second one a toggle button
+ <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a> *tb2 = new <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a>( "&amp;Toggle Button", bgrp4, "toggle" );
+<a name="x558"></a> tb2-&gt;<a href="qpushbutton.html#setToggleButton">setToggleButton</a>( TRUE );
+<a name="x556"></a> tb2-&gt;<a href="qpushbutton.html#setOn">setOn</a>( TRUE );
+ // ... and make the third one a flat button
+ <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a> *tb3 = new <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a>( "&amp;Flat Button", bgrp4, "flat" );
+<a name="x555"></a> tb3-&gt;<a href="qpushbutton.html#setFlat">setFlat</a>(TRUE);
+ // .. and the fourth a button with a menu
+ <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a> *tb4 = new <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a>( "Popup Button", bgrp4, "popup" );
+ <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> *menu = new <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a>(tb4);
+ menu-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>("Item1", 0);
+ menu-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>("Item2", 1);
+ menu-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>("Item3", 2);
+ menu-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>("Item4", 3);
+<a name="x557"></a> tb4-&gt;<a href="qpushbutton.html#setPopup">setPopup</a>(menu);
+ * SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
+ *
+ * enables/disables the radiobuttons of the third buttongroup
+ */
+void <a name="f262"></a>ButtonsGroups::slotChangeGrp3State()
+<a name="x560"></a><a name="x551"></a> rb21-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setEnabled">setEnabled</a>( state-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#isChecked">isChecked</a>() );
+ rb22-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setEnabled">setEnabled</a>( state-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#isChecked">isChecked</a>() );
+ rb23-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setEnabled">setEnabled</a>( state-&gt;<a href="qcheckbox.html#isChecked">isChecked</a>() );
+<p> <hr>
+<p> Main:
+** $Id: qt/main.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "buttongroups.h"
+#include &lt;<a href="qapplication-h.html">qapplication.h</a>&gt;
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+ <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a> a( argc, argv );
+ ButtonsGroups buttonsgroups;
+ buttonsgroups.<a href="qwidget.html#resize">resize</a>( 500, 250 );
+ buttonsgroups.<a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( "TQt Example - Buttongroups" );
+ a.<a href="qapplication.html#setMainWidget">setMainWidget</a>( &amp;buttonsgroups );
+ buttonsgroups.<a href="qwidget.html#show">show</a>();
+ return a.<a href="qapplication.html#exec">exec</a>();
+<p>See also <a href="examples.html">Examples</a>.
+<!-- eof -->
+<p><address><hr><div align=center>
+<table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
+<td>Copyright &copy; 2007
+<a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a>
+<td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div>