path: root/doc/html/qt-template-lib.html
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /doc/html/qt-template-lib.html
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
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+<title>TQt Template Library</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQt Template Library</h1>
+<p> The TQt Template Library (TQTL) is a set of templates that provide
+object containers. If a suitable STL implementation is not available
+on all your target platforms, the TQTL can be used instead. It provides
+a list of objects, a vector (dynamic array) of objects, a map relating
+one type to another (also called a dictionary or associative array),
+and associated <a href="#Iterators">iterators</a> and <a href="#Algorithms">algorithms</a>. A container is an object which
+contains and manages other objects and provides iterators that allow
+the contained objects to be accessed.
+<p> The TQTL classes' naming conventions are consistent with the other TQt
+classes (e.g., count(), isEmpty()). They also provide extra functions
+for compatibility with STL algorithms, such as size() and empty().
+Programmers already familiar with the STL <tt>map</tt> can use the
+STL-compatible functions if preferred.
+<p> Compared to the STL, the TQTL only contains the most important features
+of the STL container API. Compared with the STL, TQTL has no platform
+differences, but is often a little slower and often expands to less
+object code.
+<p> If you cannot make copies of the objects you want to store you should
+use <a href="qptrcollection.html">TQPtrCollection</a> and friends, all of which operate on pointers
+rather than values. This applies, for example, to all classes derived
+from <a href="qobject.html">TQObject</a>. A <a href="qobject.html">TQObject</a> does not have a copy constructor, so using
+it as value is impossible. You may choose to store pointers to
+TQObjects in a <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>, but using <a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a> directly seems to be the
+better choice for this kind of application domain. TQPtrList, like all
+other TQPtrCollection based containers, provides far more sanity
+checking than a speed-optimized value based container.
+<p> If you have objects that implement value semantics, and the STL is not
+available on your target platform, the TQt Template Library can be used
+instead. Value semantics retquire at least:
+<li> a copy constructor;
+<li> an assignment operator;
+<li> a defaultconstructor, i.e. a constructor that does not take any arguments.
+<p> Note that a fast copy constructor is absolutely crucial to achieve
+good overall performance of the container, since many copy operations
+will occur.
+<p> If you intend sorting your data you must implement <a href="qcstring.html#operator-lt-2">operator&lt;</a>() for
+your data's class.
+<p> Good candidates for value based classes are <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a>, <a href="qpoint.html">TQPoint</a>, <a href="qsize.html">TQSize</a>,
+<a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> and all simple C++ types, such as int, bool or double.
+<p> The TQt Template Library is designed for speed. Iterators are extremely
+fast. To achieve this performance, less error checking is done than in
+the <a href="qptrcollection.html">TQPtrCollection</a> based containers. A TQTL container, for example,
+does not track any associated iterators. This makes certain validity
+checks, for example when removing items, impossible to perform
+automatically, but does lead to extremely good performance.
+<p> <a name="Iterators"></a>
+<h2> Iterators
+<a name="1"></a><p> The TQt Template Library deals with value objects, not with pointers.
+For that reason, there is no other way of iterating over containers
+other than with iterators. This is no disadvantage as the size of an
+iterator matches the size of a normal pointer.
+<p> To iterate over a container, use a loop like this:
+ typedef TQValueList&lt;int&gt; List;
+ List list;
+ for( List::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
+ printf( "Number is %i\n", *it );
+<p> begin() returns the iterator pointing at the first element, while
+end() returns an iterator that points <em>after</em> the last element. end()
+marks an invalid position, so it can never be dereferenced. It's the
+break condition in any iteration, whether the start point is from
+begin() or fromLast(). For maximum speed, use increment or decrement
+iterators with the prefix operator (++it, --it) instead of the postfix
+operator (it++, it--), since the former is slightly faster.
+<p> The same concept applies to the other container classes:
+ typedef TQMap&lt;TQString,TQString&gt; Map;
+ Map map;
+ for( Map::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it )
+ printf( "Key=%s Data=%s\n", it.key().ascii(), );
+ typedef TQValueVector&lt;int&gt; Vector;
+ Vector vec;
+ for( Vector::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it )
+ printf( "Data=%d\n", *it );
+<p> There are two kind of iterators, the volatile iterator shown in the
+examples above and a version that returns a const reference to its
+current object, the ConstIterator. Const iterators are retquired
+whenever the container itself is const, such as a member variable
+inside a const function. Assigning a ConstIterator to a normal
+Iterator is not allowed as it would violate const semantics.
+<p> <a name="Algorithms"></a>
+<h2> Algorithms
+<a name="2"></a><p> The TQt Template Library defines a number of algorithms that operate on
+its containers. These algorithms are implemented as template functions
+and provide useful generic code which can be applied to any container
+that provides iterators (including your own containers).
+<p> <h3> qHeapSort()
+<a name="2-1"></a><p> qHeapSort() provides a well known sorting algorithm. You can use it
+like this:
+ typedef TQValueList&lt;int&gt; List;
+ List list;
+ list &lt;&lt; 42 &lt;&lt; 100 &lt;&lt; 1234 &lt;&lt; 12 &lt;&lt; 8;
+ qHeapSort( list );
+ List list2;
+ list2 &lt;&lt; 42 &lt;&lt; 100 &lt;&lt; 1234 &lt;&lt; 12 &lt;&lt; 8;
+ List::Iterator b = list2.find( 100 );
+ List::Iterator e = list2.find( 8 );
+ qHeapSort( b, e );
+ double arr[] = { 3.2, 5.6, 8.9 };
+ qHeapSort( arr, arr + 3 );
+<p> The first example sorts the entire list. The second example sorts only
+those elements that fall between the two iterators, i.e. 100, 1234 and
+12. The third example shows that iterators act like pointers and can
+be treated as such.
+<p> If using your own data types you must implement <a href="qcstring.html#operator-lt-2">operator&lt;</a>() for
+your data's class.
+<p> Naturally, the sorting templates won't work with const iterators.
+<p> <a name="qSwap"></a>
+<h3> qSwap()
+<a name="2-2"></a><p> qSwap() exchanges the values of two variables:
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> second( "Einstein" );
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> name( "Albert" );
+ qSwap( second, name );
+<p> <a name="qCount"></a>
+<h3> qCount()
+<a name="2-3"></a><p> The qCount() template function counts the number of occurrences of a
+value within a container. For example:
+ <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;int&gt; list;
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 2 );
+ int c = 0;
+ qCount( list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#begin">begin</a>(), list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#end">end</a>(), 1, c ); // c == 3
+<p> <a name="qFind"></a>
+<h3> qFind()
+<a name="2-4"></a><p> The qFind() template function finds the first occurrence of a value
+within a container. For example:
+ <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;int&gt; list;
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 1 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 2 );
+ <a href="qvaluelistiterator.html">TQValueListIterator</a>&lt;int&gt; it = qFind( list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#begin">begin</a>(), list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#end">end</a>(), 2 );
+<p> <a name="qFill"></a>
+<h3> qFill()
+<a name="2-5"></a><p> The qFill() template function fills a range with copies of a value.
+For example:
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;int&gt; vec(3);
+ qFill( vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>(), vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#end">end</a>(), 99 ); // vec contains 99, 99, 99
+<p> <a name="qEqual"></a>
+<h3> qEqual()
+<a name="2-6"></a><p> The qEqual() template function compares two ranges for equality of
+their elements. Note that the number of elements in each range is not
+considered, only if the elements in the first range are equal to the
+corresponding elements in the second range (consequently, both ranges
+must be valid). For example:
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;int&gt; v1(3);
+ v1[0] = 1;
+ v1[2] = 2;
+ v1[3] = 3;
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;int&gt; v2(5);
+ v2[0] = 1;
+ v2[2] = 2;
+ v2[3] = 3;
+ v2[4] = 4;
+ v2[5] = 5;
+ bool b = qEqual( v1.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>(), v2.<a href="qvaluevector.html#end">end</a>(), v2.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>() );
+ // b == TRUE
+<p> <a name="qCopy"></a>
+<h3> qCopy()
+<a name="2-7"></a><p> The qCopy() template function copies a range of elements to an
+OutputIterator, in this case a TQTextOStreamIterator:
+ <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;int&gt; list;
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 100 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 200 );
+ list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 300 );
+ <a href="qtextostream.html">TQTextOStream</a> str( stdout );
+ qCopy( list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#begin">begin</a>(), list.<a href="qvaluelist.html#end">end</a>(), TQTextOStreamIterator(str) );
+<p> <a name="qCopyBackward"></a>
+<h3> qCopyBackward()
+<a name="2-8"></a><p> The qCopyBackward() template function copies a container or a slice of
+a container to an OutputIterator, but in reverse order, for example:
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;int&gt; vec(3);
+ vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 100 );
+ vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 200 );
+ vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#push_back">push_back</a>( 300 );
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;int&gt; another;
+ qCopyBackward( vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>(), vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#end">end</a>(), another.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>() );
+ // 'another' now contains 100, 200, 300
+ // however the elements are copied one at a time
+ // in reverse order (300, 200, then 100)
+<p> <h3> TQTL Iterators
+<a name="2-9"></a><p> You can use any TQt Template Library iterator as the OutputIterator.
+Just make sure that the right hand of the iterator has as many
+elements present as you want to insert. The following example
+illustrates this:
+<p> <pre>
+ <a href="qstringlist.html">TQStringList</a> list1, list2;
+ list1 &lt;&lt; "Weis" &lt;&lt; "Ettrich" &lt;&lt; "Arnt" &lt;&lt; "Sue";
+ list2 &lt;&lt; "Torben" &lt;&lt; "Matthias";
+ qCopy( list2.begin(), list2.end(), list1.<a href="qvaluelist.html#begin">begin</a>() );
+ <a href="qvaluevector.html">TQValueVector</a>&lt;TQString&gt; vec( list1.<a href="qvaluelist.html#size">size</a>(), "Dave" );
+ qCopy( list2.begin(), list2.end(), vec.<a href="qvaluevector.html#begin">begin</a>() );
+<p> At the end of this code fragment, the list list1 contains "Torben",
+"Matthias", "Arnt" and "Sue", with the prior contents being
+overwritten. The vector vec contains "Torben", "Matthias", "Dave" and
+"Dave", also with the prior contents being overwritten.
+<p> If you write new algorithms, consider writing them as template
+functions in order to make them usable with as many containers
+as possible. In the above example, you could just as easily print out
+a standard C++ array with qCopy():
+<p> <pre>
+ int arr[] = { 100, 200, 300 };
+ <a href="qtextostream.html">TQTextOStream</a> str( stdout );
+ qCopy( arr, arr + 3, TQTextOStreamIterator( str ) );
+<p> <h2> Streaming
+<a name="3"></a><p> All the containers we've mentioned can be serialized with the
+appropriate streaming operators. Here is an example.
+<p> <pre>
+ <a href="qdatastream.html">TQDataStream</a> str(...);
+ <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;TQRect&gt; list;
+ // ... fill the list here
+ str &lt;&lt; list;
+<p> The container can be read in again with:
+<p> <pre>
+ <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;TQRect&gt; list;
+ str &gt;&gt; list;
+<p> The same applies to <a href="qstringlist.html">TQStringList</a>, <a href="qvaluestack.html">TQValueStack</a> and <a href="qmap.html">TQMap</a>.
+<!-- eof -->
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+<td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div>