path: root/src/3rdparty/libjpeg/usage.doc
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /src/3rdparty/libjpeg/usage.doc
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
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1 files changed, 562 insertions, 0 deletions
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+USAGE instructions for the Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
+This file describes usage of the JPEG conversion programs cjpeg and djpeg,
+as well as the utility programs jpegtran, rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom. (See
+the other documentation files if you wish to use the JPEG library within
+your own programs.)
+If you are on a Unix machine you may prefer to read the Unix-style manual
+pages in files cjpeg.1, djpeg.1, jpegtran.1, rdjpgcom.1, wrjpgcom.1.
+These programs implement JPEG image compression and decompression. JPEG
+(pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized compression method for full-color
+and gray-scale images. JPEG is designed to handle "real-world" scenes,
+for example scanned photographs. Cartoons, line drawings, and other
+non-realistic images are not JPEG's strong suit; on that sort of material
+you may get poor image quality and/or little compression.
+JPEG is lossy, meaning that the output image is not necessarily identical to
+the input image. Hence you should not use JPEG if you have to have identical
+output bits. However, on typical real-world images, very good compression
+levels can be obtained with no visible change, and amazingly high compression
+is possible if you can tolerate a low-quality image. You can trade off image
+quality against file size by adjusting the compressor's "quality" setting.
+We provide two programs, cjpeg to compress an image file into JPEG format,
+and djpeg to decompress a JPEG file back into a conventional image format.
+On Unix-like systems, you say:
+ cjpeg [switches] [imagefile] >jpegfile
+ djpeg [switches] [jpegfile] >imagefile
+The programs read the specified input file, or standard input if none is
+named. They always write to standard output (with trace/error messages to
+standard error). These conventions are handy for piping images between
+On most non-Unix systems, you say:
+ cjpeg [switches] imagefile jpegfile
+ djpeg [switches] jpegfile imagefile
+i.e., both the input and output files are named on the command line. This
+style is a little more foolproof, and it loses no functionality if you don't
+have pipes. (You can get this style on Unix too, if you prefer, by defining
+TWO_FILE_COMMANDLINE when you compile the programs; see install.doc.)
+You can also say:
+ cjpeg [switches] -outfile jpegfile imagefile
+ djpeg [switches] -outfile imagefile jpegfile
+This syntax works on all systems, so it is useful for scripts.
+The currently supported image file formats are: PPM (PBMPLUS color format),
+PGM (PBMPLUS gray-scale format), BMP, Targa, and RLE (Utah Raster Toolkit
+format). (RLE is supported only if the URT library is available.)
+cjpeg recognizes the input image format automatically, with the exception
+of some Targa-format files. You have to tell djpeg which format to generate.
+JPEG files are in the defacto standard JFIF file format. There are other,
+less widely used JPEG-based file formats, but we don't support them.
+All switch names may be abbreviated; for example, -grayscale may be written
+-gray or -gr. Most of the "basic" switches can be abbreviated to as little as
+one letter. Upper and lower case are equivalent (-BMP is the same as -bmp).
+British spellings are also accepted (e.g., -greyscale), though for brevity
+these are not mentioned below.
+The basic command line switches for cjpeg are:
+ -quality N Scale quantization tables to adjust image quality.
+ Quality is 0 (worst) to 100 (best); default is 75.
+ (See below for more info.)
+ -grayscale Create monochrome JPEG file from color input.
+ Be sure to use this switch when compressing a grayscale
+ BMP file, because cjpeg isn't bright enough to notice
+ whether a BMP file uses only shades of gray. By
+ saying -grayscale, you'll get a smaller JPEG file that
+ takes less time to process.
+ -optimize Perform optimization of entropy encoding parameters.
+ Without this, default encoding parameters are used.
+ -optimize usually makes the JPEG file a little smaller,
+ but cjpeg runs somewhat slower and needs much more
+ memory. Image quality and speed of decompression are
+ unaffected by -optimize.
+ -progressive Create progressive JPEG file (see below).
+ -targa Input file is Targa format. Targa files that contain
+ an "identification" field will not be automatically
+ recognized by cjpeg; for such files you must specify
+ -targa to make cjpeg treat the input as Targa format.
+ For most Targa files, you won't need this switch.
+The -quality switch lets you trade off compressed file size against quality of
+the reconstructed image: the higher the quality setting, the larger the JPEG
+file, and the closer the output image will be to the original input. Normally
+you want to use the lowest quality setting (smallest file) that decompresses
+into something visually indistinguishable from the original image. For this
+purpose the quality setting should be between 50 and 95; the default of 75 is
+often about right. If you see defects at -quality 75, then go up 5 or 10
+counts at a time until you are happy with the output image. (The optimal
+setting will vary from one image to another.)
+-quality 100 will generate a quantization table of all 1's, minimizing loss
+in the quantization step (but there is still information loss in subsampling,
+as well as roundoff error). This setting is mainly of interest for
+experimental purposes. Quality values above about 95 are NOT recommended for
+normal use; the compressed file size goes up dramatically for hardly any gain
+in output image quality.
+In the other direction, quality values below 50 will produce very small files
+of low image quality. Settings around 5 to 10 might be useful in preparing an
+index of a large image library, for example. Try -quality 2 (or so) for some
+amusing Cubist effects. (Note: quality values below about 25 generate 2-byte
+quantization tables, which are considered optional in the JPEG standard.
+cjpeg emits a warning message when you give such a quality value, because some
+other JPEG programs may be unable to decode the resulting file. Use -baseline
+if you need to ensure compatibility at low quality values.)
+The -progressive switch creates a "progressive JPEG" file. In this type of
+JPEG file, the data is stored in multiple scans of increasing quality. If the
+file is being transmitted over a slow communications link, the decoder can use
+the first scan to display a low-quality image very tquickly, and can then
+improve the display with each subsequent scan. The final image is exactly
+equivalent to a standard JPEG file of the same quality setting, and the total
+file size is about the same --- often a little smaller. CAUTION: progressive
+JPEG is not yet widely implemented, so many decoders will be unable to view a
+progressive JPEG file at all.
+Switches for advanced users:
+ -dct int Use integer DCT method (default).
+ -dct fast Use fast integer DCT (less accurate).
+ -dct float Use floating-point DCT method.
+ The float method is very slightly more accurate than
+ the int method, but is much slower unless your machine
+ has very fast floating-point hardware. Also note that
+ results of the floating-point method may vary slightly
+ across machines, while the integer methods should give
+ the same results everywhere. The fast integer method
+ is much less accurate than the other two.
+ -restart N Emit a JPEG restart marker every N MCU rows, or every
+ N MCU blocks if "B" is attached to the number.
+ -restart 0 (the default) means no restart markers.
+ -smooth N Smooth the input image to eliminate dithering noise.
+ N, ranging from 1 to 100, indicates the strength of
+ smoothing. 0 (the default) means no smoothing.
+ -maxmemory N Set limit for amount of memory to use in processing
+ large images. Value is in thousands of bytes, or
+ millions of bytes if "M" is attached to the number.
+ For example, -max 4m selects 4000000 bytes. If more
+ space is needed, temporary files will be used.
+ -verbose Enable debug printout. More -v's give more printout.
+ or -debug Also, version information is printed at startup.
+The -restart option inserts extra markers that allow a JPEG decoder to
+resynchronize after a transmission error. Without restart markers, any damage
+to a compressed file will usually ruin the image from the point of the error
+to the end of the image; with restart markers, the damage is usually confined
+to the portion of the image up to the next restart marker. Of course, the
+restart markers occupy extra space. We recommend -restart 1 for images that
+will be transmitted across unreliable networks such as Usenet.
+The -smooth option filters the input to eliminate fine-scale noise. This is
+often useful when converting dithered images to JPEG: a moderate smoothing
+factor of 10 to 50 gets rid of dithering patterns in the input file, resulting
+in a smaller JPEG file and a better-looking image. Too large a smoothing
+factor will visibly blur the image, however.
+Switches for wizards:
+ -baseline Force baseline-compatible quantization tables to be
+ generated. This clamps quantization values to 8 bits
+ even at low quality settings. (This switch is poorly
+ named, since it does not ensure that the output is
+ actually baseline JPEG. For example, you can use
+ -baseline and -progressive together.)
+ -qtables file Use the quantization tables given in the specified
+ text file.
+ -qslots N[,...] Select which quantization table to use for each color
+ component.
+ -sample HxV[,...] Set JPEG sampling factors for each color component.
+ -scans file Use the scan script given in the specified text file.
+The "wizard" switches are intended for experimentation with JPEG. If you
+don't know what you are doing, DON'T USE THEM. These switches are documented
+further in the file wizard.doc.
+The basic command line switches for djpeg are:
+ -colors N Reduce image to at most N colors. This reduces the
+ or -quantize N number of colors used in the output image, so that it
+ can be displayed on a colormapped display or stored in
+ a colormapped file format. For example, if you have
+ an 8-bit display, you'd need to reduce to 256 or fewer
+ colors. (-colors is the recommended name, -quantize
+ is provided only for backwards compatibility.)
+ -fast Select recommended processing options for fast, low
+ quality output. (The default options are chosen for
+ highest quality output.) Currently, this is equivalent
+ to "-dct fast -nosmooth -onepass -dither ordered".
+ -grayscale Force gray-scale output even if JPEG file is color.
+ Useful for viewing on monochrome displays; also,
+ djpeg runs noticeably faster in this mode.
+ -scale M/N Scale the output image by a factor M/N. Currently
+ the scale factor must be 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8.
+ Scaling is handy if the image is larger than your
+ screen; also, djpeg runs much faster when scaling
+ down the output.
+ -bmp Select BMP output format (Windows flavor). 8-bit
+ colormapped format is emitted if -colors or -grayscale
+ is specified, or if the JPEG file is gray-scale;
+ otherwise, 24-bit full-color format is emitted.
+ -gif Select GIF output format. Since GIF does not support
+ more than 256 colors, -colors 256 is assumed (unless
+ you specify a smaller number of colors). If you
+ specify -fast, the default number of colors is 216.
+ -os2 Select BMP output format (OS/2 1.x flavor). 8-bit
+ colormapped format is emitted if -colors or -grayscale
+ is specified, or if the JPEG file is gray-scale;
+ otherwise, 24-bit full-color format is emitted.
+ -pnm Select PBMPLUS (PPM/PGM) output format (this is the
+ default format). PGM is emitted if the JPEG file is
+ gray-scale or if -grayscale is specified; otherwise
+ PPM is emitted.
+ -rle Select RLE output format. (Retquires URT library.)
+ -targa Select Targa output format. Gray-scale format is
+ emitted if the JPEG file is gray-scale or if
+ -grayscale is specified; otherwise, colormapped format
+ is emitted if -colors is specified; otherwise, 24-bit
+ full-color format is emitted.
+Switches for advanced users:
+ -dct int Use integer DCT method (default).
+ -dct fast Use fast integer DCT (less accurate).
+ -dct float Use floating-point DCT method.
+ The float method is very slightly more accurate than
+ the int method, but is much slower unless your machine
+ has very fast floating-point hardware. Also note that
+ results of the floating-point method may vary slightly
+ across machines, while the integer methods should give
+ the same results everywhere. The fast integer method
+ is much less accurate than the other two.
+ -dither fs Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering in color quantization.
+ -dither ordered Use ordered dithering in color quantization.
+ -dither none Do not use dithering in color quantization.
+ By default, Floyd-Steinberg dithering is applied when
+ quantizing colors; this is slow but usually produces
+ the best results. Ordered dither is a compromise
+ between speed and quality; no dithering is fast but
+ usually looks awful. Note that these switches have
+ no effect unless color quantization is being done.
+ Ordered dither is only available in -onepass mode.
+ -map FILE Quantize to the colors used in the specified image
+ file. This is useful for producing multiple files
+ with identical color maps, or for forcing a predefined
+ set of colors to be used. The FILE must be a GIF
+ or PPM file. This option overrides -colors and
+ -onepass.
+ -nosmooth Use a faster, lower-quality upsampling routine.
+ -onepass Use one-pass instead of two-pass color quantization.
+ The one-pass method is faster and needs less memory,
+ but it produces a lower-quality image. -onepass is
+ ignored unless you also say -colors N. Also,
+ the one-pass method is always used for gray-scale
+ output (the two-pass method is no improvement then).
+ -maxmemory N Set limit for amount of memory to use in processing
+ large images. Value is in thousands of bytes, or
+ millions of bytes if "M" is attached to the number.
+ For example, -max 4m selects 4000000 bytes. If more
+ space is needed, temporary files will be used.
+ -verbose Enable debug printout. More -v's give more printout.
+ or -debug Also, version information is printed at startup.
+Color GIF files are not the ideal input for JPEG; JPEG is really intended for
+compressing full-color (24-bit) images. In particular, don't try to convert
+cartoons, line drawings, and other images that have only a few distinct
+colors. GIF works great on these, JPEG does not. If you want to convert a
+GIF to JPEG, you should experiment with cjpeg's -quality and -smooth options
+to get a satisfactory conversion. -smooth 10 or so is often helpful.
+Avoid running an image through a series of JPEG compression/decompression
+cycles. Image quality loss will accumulate; after ten or so cycles the image
+may be noticeably worse than it was after one cycle. It's best to use a
+lossless format while manipulating an image, then convert to JPEG format when
+you are ready to file the image away.
+The -optimize option to cjpeg is worth using when you are making a "final"
+version for posting or archiving. It's also a win when you are using low
+quality settings to make very small JPEG files; the percentage improvement
+is often a lot more than it is on larger files. (At present, -optimize
+mode is always selected when generating progressive JPEG files.)
+GIF input files are no longer supported, to avoid the Unisys LZW patent.
+Use a Unisys-licensed program if you need to read a GIF file. (Conversion
+of GIF files to JPEG is usually a bad idea anyway.)
+To get a tquick preview of an image, use the -grayscale and/or -scale switches.
+"-grayscale -scale 1/8" is the fastest case.
+Several options are available that trade off image quality to gain speed.
+"-fast" turns on the recommended settings.
+"-dct fast" and/or "-nosmooth" gain speed at a small sacrifice in quality.
+When producing a color-quantized image, "-onepass -dither ordered" is fast but
+much lower quality than the default behavior. "-dither none" may give
+acceptable results in two-pass mode, but is seldom tolerable in one-pass mode.
+If you are fortunate enough to have very fast floating point hardware,
+"-dct float" may be even faster than "-dct fast". But on most machines
+"-dct float" is slower than "-dct int"; in this case it is not worth using,
+because its theoretical accuracy advantage is too small to be significant
+in practice.
+Two-pass color quantization retquires a good deal of memory; on MS-DOS machines
+it may run out of memory even with -maxmemory 0. In that case you can still
+decompress, with some loss of image quality, by specifying -onepass for
+one-pass quantization.
+To avoid the Unisys LZW patent, djpeg produces uncompressed GIF files. These
+are larger than they should be, but are readable by standard GIF decoders.
+If more space is needed than will fit in the available main memory (as
+determined by -maxmemory), temporary files will be used. (MS-DOS versions
+will try to get extended or expanded memory first.) The temporary files are
+often rather large: in typical cases they occupy three bytes per pixel, for
+example 3*800*600 = 1.44Mb for an 800x600 image. If you don't have enough
+free disk space, leave out -progressive and -optimize (for cjpeg) or specify
+-onepass (for djpeg).
+On MS-DOS, the temporary files are created in the directory named by the TMP
+or TEMP environment variable, or in the current directory if neither of those
+exist. Amiga implementations put the temp files in the directory named by
+JPEGTMP:, so be sure to assign JPEGTMP: to a disk partition with adequate free
+The default memory usage limit (-maxmemory) is set when the software is
+compiled. If you get an "insufficient memory" error, try specifying a smaller
+-maxmemory value, even -maxmemory 0 to use the absolute minimum space. You
+may want to recompile with a smaller default value if this happens often.
+On machines that have "environment" variables, you can define the environment
+variable JPEGMEM to set the default memory limit. The value is specified as
+described for the -maxmemory switch. JPEGMEM overrides the default value
+specified when the program was compiled, and itself is overridden by an
+explicit -maxmemory switch.
+On MS-DOS machines, -maxmemory is the amount of main (conventional) memory to
+use. (Extended or expanded memory is also used if available.) Most
+DOS-specific versions of this software do their own memory space estimation
+and do not need you to specify -maxmemory.
+jpegtran performs various useful transformations of JPEG files.
+It can translate the coded representation from one variant of JPEG to another,
+for example from baseline JPEG to progressive JPEG or vice versa. It can also
+perform some rearrangements of the image data, for example turning an image
+from landscape to portrait format by rotation.
+jpegtran works by rearranging the compressed data (DCT coefficients), without
+ever fully decoding the image. Therefore, its transformations are lossless:
+there is no image degradation at all, which would not be true if you used
+djpeg followed by cjpeg to accomplish the same conversion. But by the same
+token, jpegtran cannot perform lossy operations such as changing the image
+jpegtran uses a command line syntax similar to cjpeg or djpeg.
+On Unix-like systems, you say:
+ jpegtran [switches] [inputfile] >outputfile
+On most non-Unix systems, you say:
+ jpegtran [switches] inputfile outputfile
+where both the input and output files are JPEG files.
+To specify the coded JPEG representation used in the output file,
+jpegtran accepts a subset of the switches recognized by cjpeg:
+ -optimize Perform optimization of entropy encoding parameters.
+ -progressive Create progressive JPEG file.
+ -restart N Emit a JPEG restart marker every N MCU rows, or every
+ N MCU blocks if "B" is attached to the number.
+ -scans file Use the scan script given in the specified text file.
+See the previous discussion of cjpeg for more details about these switches.
+If you specify none of these switches, you get a plain baseline-JPEG output
+file. The quality setting and so forth are determined by the input file.
+The image can be losslessly transformed by giving one of these switches:
+ -flip horizontal Mirror image horizontally (left-right).
+ -flip vertical Mirror image vertically (top-bottom).
+ -rotate 90 Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise.
+ -rotate 180 Rotate image 180 degrees.
+ -rotate 270 Rotate image 270 degrees clockwise (or 90 ccw).
+ -transpose Transpose image (across UL-to-LR axis).
+ -transverse Transverse transpose (across UR-to-LL axis).
+The transpose transformation has no restrictions regarding image dimensions.
+The other transformations operate rather oddly if the image dimensions are not
+a multiple of the iMCU size (usually 8 or 16 pixels), because they can only
+transform complete blocks of DCT coefficient data in the desired way.
+jpegtran's default behavior when transforming an odd-size image is designed
+to preserve exact reversibility and mathematical consistency of the
+transformation set. As stated, transpose is able to flip the entire image
+area. Horizontal mirroring leaves any partial iMCU column at the right edge
+untouched, but is able to flip all rows of the image. Similarly, vertical
+mirroring leaves any partial iMCU row at the bottom edge untouched, but is
+able to flip all columns. The other transforms can be built up as sequences
+of transpose and flip operations; for consistency, their actions on edge
+pixels are defined to be the same as the end result of the corresponding
+transpose-and-flip sequence.
+For practical use, you may prefer to discard any untransformable edge pixels
+rather than having a strange-looking strip along the right and/or bottom edges
+of a transformed image. To do this, add the -trim switch:
+ -trim Drop non-transformable edge blocks.
+Obviously, a transformation with -trim is not reversible, so strictly speaking
+jpegtran with this switch is not lossless. Also, the expected mathematical
+equivalences between the transformations no longer hold. For example,
+"-rot 270 -trim" trims only the bottom edge, but "-rot 90 -trim" followed by
+"-rot 180 -trim" trims both edges.
+Another not-strictly-lossless transformation switch is:
+ -grayscale Force grayscale output.
+This option discards the chrominance channels if the input image is YCbCr
+(ie, a standard color JPEG), resulting in a grayscale JPEG file. The
+luminance channel is preserved exactly, so this is a better method of reducing
+to grayscale than decompression, conversion, and recompression. This switch
+is particularly handy for fixing a monochrome picture that was mistakenly
+encoded as a color JPEG. (In such a case, the space savings from getting rid
+of the near-empty chroma channels won't be large; but the decoding time for
+a grayscale JPEG is substantially less than that for a color JPEG.)
+jpegtran also recognizes these switches that control what to do with "extra"
+markers, such as comment blocks:
+ -copy none Copy no extra markers from source file. This setting
+ suppresses all comments and other excess baggage
+ present in the source file.
+ -copy comments Copy only comment markers. This setting copies
+ comments from the source file, but discards
+ any other inessential data.
+ -copy all Copy all extra markers. This setting preserves
+ miscellaneous markers found in the source file, such
+ as JFIF thumbnails and Photoshop settings. In some
+ files these extra markers can be sizable.
+The default behavior is -copy comments. (Note: in IJG releases v6 and v6a,
+jpegtran always did the equivalent of -copy none.)
+Additional switches recognized by jpegtran are:
+ -outfile filename
+ -maxmemory N
+ -verbose
+ -debug
+These work the same as in cjpeg or djpeg.
+The JPEG standard allows "comment" (COM) blocks to occur within a JPEG file.
+Although the standard doesn't actually define what COM blocks are for, they
+are widely used to hold user-supplied text strings. This lets you add
+annotations, titles, index terms, etc to your JPEG files, and later retrieve
+them as text. COM blocks do not interfere with the image stored in the JPEG
+file. The maximum size of a COM block is 64K, but you can have as many of
+them as you like in one JPEG file.
+We provide two utility programs to display COM block contents and add COM
+blocks to a JPEG file.
+rdjpgcom searches a JPEG file and prints the contents of any COM blocks on
+standard output. The command line syntax is
+ rdjpgcom [-verbose] [inputfilename]
+The switch "-verbose" (or just "-v") causes rdjpgcom to also display the JPEG
+image dimensions. If you omit the input file name from the command line,
+the JPEG file is read from standard input. (This may not work on some
+operating systems, if binary data can't be read from stdin.)
+wrjpgcom adds a COM block, containing text you provide, to a JPEG file.
+Ordinarily, the COM block is added after any existing COM blocks, but you
+can delete the old COM blocks if you wish. wrjpgcom produces a new JPEG
+file; it does not modify the input file. DO NOT try to overwrite the input
+file by directing wrjpgcom's output back into it; on most systems this will
+just destroy your file.
+The command line syntax for wrjpgcom is similar to cjpeg's. On Unix-like
+systems, it is
+ wrjpgcom [switches] [inputfilename]
+The output file is written to standard output. The input file comes from
+the named file, or from standard input if no input file is named.
+On most non-Unix systems, the syntax is
+ wrjpgcom [switches] inputfilename outputfilename
+where both input and output file names must be given explicitly.
+wrjpgcom understands three switches:
+ -replace Delete any existing COM blocks from the file.
+ -comment "Comment text" Supply new COM text on command line.
+ -cfile name Read text for new COM block from named file.
+(Switch names can be abbreviated.) If you have only one line of comment text
+to add, you can provide it on the command line with -comment. The comment
+text must be surrounded with quotes so that it is treated as a single
+argument. Longer comments can be read from a text file.
+If you give neither -comment nor -cfile, then wrjpgcom will read the comment
+text from standard input. (In this case an input image file name MUST be
+supplied, so that the source JPEG file comes from somewhere else.) You can
+enter multiple lines, up to 64KB worth. Type an end-of-file indicator
+(usually control-D or control-Z) to terminate the comment text entry.
+wrjpgcom will not add a COM block if the provided comment string is empty.
+Therefore -replace -comment "" can be used to delete all COM blocks from a
+These utility programs do not depend on the IJG JPEG library. In
+particular, the source code for rdjpgcom is intended as an illustration of
+the minimum amount of code retquired to parse a JPEG file header correctly.