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-<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQPtrList Class Reference</h1>
-<p>The TQPtrList class is a template class that provides a list.
-<a href="#details">More...</a>
-<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qptrlist-h.html">qptrlist.h</a>&gt;</tt>
-<p>Inherits <a href="qptrcollection.html">TQPtrCollection</a>.
-<p>Inherited by <a href="qobjectlist.html">TQObjectList</a>, <a href="qsortedlist.html">TQSortedList</a>, and <a href="qstrlist.html">TQStrList</a>.
-<p><a href="qptrlist-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
-<h2>Public Members</h2>
-<li class=fn><a href="#TQPtrList"><b>TQPtrList</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn><a href="#TQPtrList-2"><b>TQPtrList</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQPtrList&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list )</li>
-<li class=fn><a href="#~TQPtrList"><b>~TQPtrList</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>TQPtrList&lt;type&gt; &amp; <a href="#operator-eq"><b>operator=</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQPtrList&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list )</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#operator-eq-eq"><b>operator==</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQPtrList&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list ) const</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#operator!-eq"><b>operator!=</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQPtrList&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list ) const</li>
-<li class=fn>virtual uint <a href="#count"><b>count</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#isEmpty"><b>isEmpty</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#insert"><b>insert</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;index, const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#inSort"><b>inSort</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#prepend"><b>prepend</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#append"><b>append</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#remove"><b>remove</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;index )</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#remove-2"><b>remove</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#remove-3"><b>remove</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#removeRef"><b>removeRef</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#removeNode"><b>removeNode</b></a> ( TQLNode&nbsp;*&nbsp;node )</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#removeFirst"><b>removeFirst</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#removeLast"><b>removeLast</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#take"><b>take</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;index )</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#take-2"><b>take</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#takeNode"><b>takeNode</b></a> ( TQLNode&nbsp;*&nbsp;node )</li>
-<li class=fn>virtual void <a href="#clear"><b>clear</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#sort"><b>sort</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>int <a href="#find"><b>find</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>int <a href="#findNext"><b>findNext</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>int <a href="#findRef"><b>findRef</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>int <a href="#findNextRef"><b>findNextRef</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>uint <a href="#contains"><b>contains</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item ) const</li>
-<li class=fn>uint <a href="#containsRef"><b>containsRef</b></a> ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item ) const</li>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#replace"><b>replace</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;index, const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#at"><b>at</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;index )</li>
-<li class=fn>int <a href="#at-2"><b>at</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#current"><b>current</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>TQLNode * <a href="#currentNode"><b>currentNode</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#getFirst"><b>getFirst</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#getLast"><b>getLast</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#first"><b>first</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#last"><b>last</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#next"><b>next</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>type * <a href="#prev"><b>prev</b></a> ()</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#toVector"><b>toVector</b></a> ( TQGVector&nbsp;*&nbsp;vec ) const</li>
-<h2>Important Inherited Members</h2>
-<li class=fn>bool <a href="#autoDelete"><b>autoDelete</b></a> () const</li>
-<li class=fn>void <a href="#setAutoDelete"><b>setAutoDelete</b></a> ( bool&nbsp;enable )</li>
-<h2>Protected Members</h2>
-<li class=fn>virtual int <a href="#compareItems"><b>compareItems</b></a> ( TQPtrCollection::Item&nbsp;item1, TQPtrCollection::Item&nbsp;item2 )</li>
-<li class=fn>virtual TQDataStream &amp; <a href="#read"><b>read</b></a> ( TQDataStream&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;s, TQPtrCollection::Item&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;item )</li>
-<li class=fn>virtual TQDataStream &amp; <a href="#write"><b>write</b></a> ( TQDataStream&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;s, TQPtrCollection::Item&nbsp;item ) const</li>
-<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-The TQPtrList class is a template class that provides a list.
-<p> <a href="qvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a> is an STL-compatible alternative to this class.
-<p> Define a template instance TQPtrList&lt;X&gt; to create a list that
-operates on pointers to X (X*).
-<p> The list class is indexable and has a <a href="#at">current
- index</a> and a <a href="#current">current item</a>. The
-first item corresponds to index position 0. The current index is
--1 if the current item is 0.
-<p> Items are inserted with <a href="#prepend">prepend</a>(), <a href="#insert">insert</a>() or <a href="#append">append</a>(). Items are
-removed with <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>(), <a href="#removeFirst">removeFirst</a>() and
-<a href="#removeLast">removeLast</a>(). You can search for an item using <a href="#find">find</a>(), <a href="#findNext">findNext</a>(),
-<a href="#findRef">findRef</a>() or <a href="#findNextRef">findNextRef</a>(). The list can be sorted with <a href="#sort">sort</a>().
-You can count the number of occurrences of an item with <a href="#contains">contains</a>()
-or <a href="#containsRef">containsRef</a>(). You can get a pointer to the current item with
-<a href="#current">current</a>(), to an item at a particular index position in the list
-with <a href="#at">at</a>() or to the first or last item with <a href="#getFirst">getFirst</a>() and
-<a href="#getLast">getLast</a>(). You can also iterate over the list with <a href="#first">first</a>(),
-<a href="#last">last</a>(), <a href="#next">next</a>() and <a href="#prev">prev</a>() (which all update current()). The list's
-deletion property is set with <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>().
-<p> <a name="example"></a>
- class Employee
- {
- public:
- Employee() : sn( 0 ) { }
- Employee( const <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; forename, const <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; surname, int salary )
- : fn( forename ), sn( surname ), sal( salary )
- { }
- void setSalary( int salary ) { sal = salary; }
- <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> forename() const { return fn; }
- <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> surname() const { return sn; }
- int salary() const { return sal; }
- private:
- <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> fn;
- <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> sn;
- int sal;
- };
- TQPtrList&lt;Employee&gt; list;
- list.<a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>( TRUE ); // the list owns the objects
- list.<a href="#append">append</a>( new Employee("John", "Doe", 50000) );
- list.<a href="#append">append</a>( new Employee("Jane", "Williams", 80000) );
- list.<a href="#append">append</a>( new Employee("Tom", "Jones", 60000) );
- Employee *employee;
- for ( employee = list.<a href="#first">first</a>(); employee; employee = list.<a href="#next">next</a>() )
- cout &lt;&lt; employee-&gt;surname().latin1() &lt;&lt; ", " &lt;&lt;
- employee-&gt;forename().latin1() &lt;&lt; " earns " &lt;&lt;
- employee-&gt;salary() &lt;&lt; endl;
- cout &lt;&lt; endl;
- // very inefficient for big lists
- for ( uint i = 0; i &lt; list.<a href="#count">count</a>(); ++i )
- if ( list.<a href="#at">at</a>(i) )
- cout &lt;&lt; list.<a href="#at">at</a>( i )-&gt;surname().latin1() &lt;&lt; endl;
- </pre>
-<p> The output is
- Doe, John earns 50000
- Williams, Jane earns 80000
- Jones, Tom earns 60000
- Doe
- Williams
- Jones
- </pre>
-<p> TQPtrList has several member functions for traversing the list, but
-using a <a href="qptrlistiterator.html">TQPtrListIterator</a> can be more practical. Multiple list
-iterators may traverse the same list, independently of each other
-and of the current list item.
-<p> In the example above we make the call <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(TRUE).
-Enabling auto-deletion tells the list to delete items that are
-removed. The default is to not delete items when they are removed
-but this would cause a memory leak in the example because there
-are no other references to the list items.
-<p> When inserting an item into a list only the pointer is copied, not
-the item itself, i.e. a <a href="shclass.html#shallow-copy">shallow copy</a>. It is possible to make the
-list copy all of the item's data (deep copy) when an item is
-inserted. <a href="#insert">insert</a>(), <a href="#inSort">inSort</a>() and <a href="#append">append</a>() call the virtual
-function <a href="qptrcollection.html#newItem">TQPtrCollection::newItem</a>() for the item to be inserted.
-Inherit a list and reimplement <a href="qptrcollection.html#newItem">newItem</a>() to have deep copies.
-<p> When removing an item from a list, the virtual function
-<a href="qptrcollection.html#deleteItem">TQPtrCollection::deleteItem</a>() is called. TQPtrList's default
-implementation is to delete the item if auto-deletion is enabled.
-<p> The virtual function <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() can be reimplemented to
-compare two list items. This function is called from all list
-functions that need to compare list items, for instance
-<a href="#remove">remove</a>(const type*). If you only want to deal with pointers, there
-are functions that compare pointers instead, for instance
-<a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>(const type*). These functions are somewhat faster than
-those that call compareItems().
-<p> List items are stored as <tt>void*</tt> in an internal TQLNode, which
-also holds pointers to the next and previous list items. The
-functions <a href="#currentNode">currentNode</a>(), <a href="#removeNode">removeNode</a>(), and <a href="#takeNode">takeNode</a>() operate
-directly on the TQLNode, but they should be used with care. The
-data component of the node is available through TQLNode::getData().
-<p> The <a href="qstrlist.html">TQStrList</a> class defined in <a href="qstrlist-h.html">qstrlist.h</a> is a list of <tt>char*</tt>.
-It reimplements <a href="qptrcollection.html#newItem">newItem</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#deleteItem">deleteItem</a>() and <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(). (But
-see <a href="qstringlist.html">TQStringList</a> for a list of Unicode TQStrings.)
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qptrlistiterator.html">TQPtrListIterator</a>, <a href="collection.html">Collection Classes</a>, and <a href="tools.html">Non-GUI Classes</a>.
-<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
-<h3 class=fn><a name="TQPtrList"></a>TQPtrList::TQPtrList ()
-<p> Constructs an empty list.
-<h3 class=fn><a name="TQPtrList-2"></a>TQPtrList::TQPtrList ( const&nbsp;<a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list )
-<p> Constructs a copy of <em>list</em>.
-<p> Each item in <em>list</em> is <a href="#append">appended</a> to this
-list. Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy).
-<h3 class=fn><a name="~TQPtrList"></a>TQPtrList::~TQPtrList ()
-<p> Removes all items from the list and destroys the list.
-<p> All list iterators that access this list will be reset.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="append"></a>TQPtrList::append ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Inserts the <em>item</em> at the end of the list.
-<p> The inserted item becomes the current list item. This is
-equivalent to <tt>insert( count(), item )</tt>.
-<p> <em>item</em> must not be 0.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#insert">insert</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#prepend">prepend</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1500">customlayout/border.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1518">customlayout/card.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1477">customlayout/flow.cpp</a>, <a href="grapher-nsplugin-example.html#x2770">grapher/grapher.cpp</a>, <a href="listviews-example.html#x160">listviews/listviews.cpp</a>, <a href="listviews-example.html#x131">listviews/listviews.h</a>, and <a href="qwerty-example.html#x387">qwerty/qwerty.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="at"></a>TQPtrList::at ( uint&nbsp;index )
-<p> Returns a pointer to the item at position <em>index</em> in the list, or
-0 if the index is out of range.
-<p> Sets the current list item to this item if <em>index</em> is valid. The
-valid range is <tt>0..(count() - 1)</tt> inclusive.
-<p> This function is very efficient. It starts scanning from the first
-item, last item, or current item, whichever is closest to <em>index</em>.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1501">customlayout/border.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1519">customlayout/card.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1478">customlayout/flow.cpp</a>, <a href="dirview-example.html#x1697">dirview/dirview.cpp</a>, <a href="mdi-example.html#x2053">mdi/application.cpp</a>, and <a href="qwerty-example.html#x388">qwerty/qwerty.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="at-2"></a>TQPtrList::at () const
-<p> This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-<p> Returns the index of the current list item. The returned value is
--1 if the current item is 0.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="autoDelete"></a>TQPtrCollection::autoDelete () const
-<p> Returns the setting of the auto-delete option. The default is FALSE.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="clear"></a>TQPtrList::clear ()<tt> [virtual]</tt>
-<p> Removes all items from the list.
-<p> The removed items are deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> All list iterators that access this list will be reset.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), <a href="#take">take</a>(), and <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>().
-<p>Reimplemented from <a href="qptrcollection.html#clear">TQPtrCollection</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="compareItems"></a>TQPtrList::compareItems ( <a href="qptrcollection.html#Item">TQPtrCollection::Item</a>&nbsp;item1, <a href="qptrcollection.html#Item">TQPtrCollection::Item</a>&nbsp;item2 )<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
-<p> This virtual function compares two list items.
-<p> Returns:
-<li> zero if <em>item1</em> == <em>item2</em>
-<li> nonzero if <em>item1</em> != <em>item2</em>
-<p> This function returns <em>int</em> rather than <em>bool</em> so that
-reimplementations can return three values and use it to sort by:
-<p> <ul>
-<li> 0 if <em>item1</em> == <em>item2</em>
-<li> &gt; 0 (positive integer) if <em>item1</em> &gt; <em>item2</em>
-<li> &lt; 0 (negative integer) if <em>item1</em> &lt; <em>item2</em>
-<p> <a href="#inSort">inSort</a>() requires that <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() is implemented as described
-<p> This function should not modify the list because some const
-functions call compareItems().
-<p> The default implementation compares the pointers.
-<h3 class=fn>uint <a name="contains"></a>TQPtrList::contains ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item ) const
-<p> Returns the number of occurrences of <em>item</em> in the list.
-<p> The <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() function is called when looking for the <em>item</em>
-in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
-efficient to call <a href="#containsRef">containsRef</a>().
-<p> This function does not affect the current list item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#containsRef">containsRef</a>() and <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>uint <a name="containsRef"></a>TQPtrList::containsRef ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item ) const
-<p> Returns the number of occurrences of <em>item</em> in the list.
-<p> Calling this function is much faster than <a href="#contains">contains</a>() because
-contains() compares <em>item</em> with each list item using
-<a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), whereas his function only compares the pointers.
-<p> This function does not affect the current list item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#contains">contains</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>uint <a name="count"></a>TQPtrList::count () const<tt> [virtual]</tt>
-<p> Returns the number of items in the list.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#isEmpty">isEmpty</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1502">customlayout/border.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1520">customlayout/card.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1479">customlayout/flow.cpp</a>, <a href="dirview-example.html#x1699">dirview/dirview.cpp</a>, <a href="grapher-nsplugin-example.html#x2771">grapher/grapher.cpp</a>, <a href="mdi-example.html#x2054">mdi/application.cpp</a>, and <a href="qwerty-example.html#x389">qwerty/qwerty.cpp</a>.
-<p>Reimplemented from <a href="qptrcollection.html#count">TQPtrCollection</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="current"></a>TQPtrList::current () const
-<p> Returns a pointer to the current list item. The current item may
-be 0 (implies that the current index is -1).
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#at">at</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>TQLNode * <a name="currentNode"></a>TQPtrList::currentNode () const
-<p> Returns a pointer to the current list node.
-<p> The node can be kept and removed later using <a href="#removeNode">removeNode</a>(). The
-advantage is that the item can be removed directly without
-searching the list.
-<p> <b>Warning:</b> Do not call this function unless you are an expert.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#removeNode">removeNode</a>(), <a href="#takeNode">takeNode</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="find"></a>TQPtrList::find ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Finds the first occurrence of <em>item</em> in the list.
-<p> If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
-the found item and returns the index of this item. If the item is
-not found, the list sets the current item to 0, the current
-index to -1, and returns -1.
-<p> The <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() function is called when searching for the item
-in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
-efficient to call <a href="#findRef">findRef</a>().
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#findNext">findNext</a>(), <a href="#findRef">findRef</a>(), <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="findNext"></a>TQPtrList::findNext ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Finds the next occurrence of <em>item</em> in the list, starting from
-the current list item.
-<p> If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
-the found item and returns the index of this item. If the item is
-not found, the list sets the current item to 0, the current
-index to -1, and returns -1.
-<p> The <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() function is called when searching for the item
-in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
-efficient to call <a href="#findNextRef">findNextRef</a>().
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#find">find</a>(), <a href="#findNextRef">findNextRef</a>(), <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="findNextRef"></a>TQPtrList::findNextRef ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Finds the next occurrence of <em>item</em> in the list, starting from
-the current list item.
-<p> If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
-the found item and returns the index of this item. If the item is
-not found, the list sets the current item to 0, the current
-index to -1, and returns -1.
-<p> Calling this function is much faster than <a href="#findNext">findNext</a>() because
-findNext() compares <em>item</em> with each list item using
-<a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), whereas this function only compares the pointers.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#findRef">findRef</a>(), <a href="#findNext">findNext</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>int <a name="findRef"></a>TQPtrList::findRef ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Finds the first occurrence of <em>item</em> in the list.
-<p> If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
-the found item and returns the index of this item. If the item is
-not found, the list sets the current item to 0, the current
-index to -1, and returns -1.
-<p> Calling this function is much faster than <a href="#find">find</a>() because find()
-compares <em>item</em> with each list item using <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), whereas
-this function only compares the pointers.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#findNextRef">findNextRef</a>(), <a href="#find">find</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="first"></a>TQPtrList::first ()
-<p> Returns a pointer to the first item in the list and makes this the
-current list item; returns 0 if the list is empty.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#getFirst">getFirst</a>(), <a href="#last">last</a>(), <a href="#next">next</a>(), <a href="#prev">prev</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="grapher-nsplugin-example.html#x2772">grapher/grapher.cpp</a>, <a href="listviews-example.html#x132">listviews/listviews.h</a>, and <a href="showimg-example.html#x1343">showimg/showimg.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="getFirst"></a>TQPtrList::getFirst () const
-<p> Returns a pointer to the first item in the list, or 0 if the list
-is empty.
-<p> This function does not affect the current list item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#first">first</a>() and <a href="#getLast">getLast</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="getLast"></a>TQPtrList::getLast () const
-<p> Returns a pointer to the last item in the list, or 0 if the list
-is empty.
-<p> This function does not affect the current list item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#last">last</a>() and <a href="#getFirst">getFirst</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="inSort"></a>TQPtrList::inSort ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Inserts the <em>item</em> at its sorted position in the list.
-<p> The sort order depends on the virtual <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() function. All
-items must be inserted with <a href="#inSort">inSort</a>() to maintain the sorting
-<p> The inserted item becomes the current list item.
-<p> <em>item</em> must not be 0.
-<p> <b>Warning:</b> Using inSort() is slow. An alternative, especially if you
-have lots of items, is to simply <a href="#append">append</a>() or <a href="#insert">insert</a>() them and
-then use <a href="#sort">sort</a>(). inSort() takes up to O(n) compares. That means
-inserting n items in your list will need O(n^2) compares whereas
-sort() only needs O(n*log n) for the same task. So use inSort()
-only if you already have a presorted list and want to insert just
-a few additional items.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#insert">insert</a>(), <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#sort">sort</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="insert"></a>TQPtrList::insert ( uint&nbsp;index, const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Inserts the <em>item</em> at position <em>index</em> in the list.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. if <em>index</em> is in range;
-otherwise returns FALSE. The valid range is 0 to <a href="#count">count</a>()
-(inclusively). The item is appended if <em>index</em> == count().
-<p> The inserted item becomes the current list item.
-<p> <em>item</em> must not be 0.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#append">append</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#replace">replace</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isEmpty"></a>TQPtrList::isEmpty () const
-<p> Returns TRUE if the list is empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#count">count</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="last"></a>TQPtrList::last ()
-<p> Returns a pointer to the last item in the list and makes this the
-current list item; returns 0 if the list is empty.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#getLast">getLast</a>(), <a href="#first">first</a>(), <a href="#next">next</a>(), <a href="#prev">prev</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="next"></a>TQPtrList::next ()
-<p> Returns a pointer to the item succeeding the current item. Returns
-0 if the current item is 0 or equal to the last item.
-<p> Makes the succeeding item current. If the current item before this
-function call was the last item, the current item will be set to
-0. If the current item was 0, this function does nothing.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#first">first</a>(), <a href="#last">last</a>(), <a href="#prev">prev</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="grapher-nsplugin-example.html#x2773">grapher/grapher.cpp</a>, <a href="listviews-example.html#x133">listviews/listviews.h</a>, and <a href="showimg-example.html#x1344">showimg/showimg.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="operator!-eq"></a>TQPtrList::operator!= ( const&nbsp;<a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list ) const
-<p> Compares this list with <em>list</em>. Returns TRUE if the lists contain
-different data; otherwise returns FALSE.
-<h3 class=fn><a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp; <a name="operator-eq"></a>TQPtrList::operator= ( const&nbsp;<a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list )
-<p> Assigns <em>list</em> to this list and returns a reference to this list.
-<p> This list is first cleared and then each item in <em>list</em> is <a href="#append">appended</a> to this list. Only the pointers are
-copied (shallow copy) unless <a href="qptrcollection.html#newItem">newItem</a>() has been reimplemented.
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="operator-eq-eq"></a>TQPtrList::operator== ( const&nbsp;<a href="qptrlist.html">TQPtrList</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;list ) const
-<p> Compares this list with <em>list</em>. Returns TRUE if the lists contain
-the same data; otherwise returns FALSE.
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="prepend"></a>TQPtrList::prepend ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Inserts the <em>item</em> at the start of the list.
-<p> The inserted item becomes the current list item. This is
-equivalent to <tt>insert( 0, item )</tt>.
-<p> <em>item</em> must not be 0.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#append">append</a>(), <a href="#insert">insert</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="prev"></a>TQPtrList::prev ()
-<p> Returns a pointer to the item preceding the current item. Returns
-0 if the current item is 0 or equal to the first item.
-<p> Makes the preceding item current. If the current item before this
-function call was the first item, the current item will be set to
-0. If the current item was 0, this function does nothing.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#first">first</a>(), <a href="#last">last</a>(), <a href="#next">next</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn><a href="qdatastream.html">TQDataStream</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="read"></a>TQPtrList::read ( <a href="qdatastream.html">TQDataStream</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;s, <a href="qptrcollection.html#Item">TQPtrCollection::Item</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;item )<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
-<p> Reads a list item from the stream <em>s</em> and returns a reference to
-the stream.
-<p> The default implementation sets <em>item</em> to 0.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#write">write</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="remove"></a>TQPtrList::remove ( uint&nbsp;index )
-<p> Removes the item at position <em>index</em> in the list.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. if <em>index</em> is in range;
-otherwise returns FALSE. The valid range is <tt>0..(count() - 1)</tt>
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#take">take</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="remove-2"></a>TQPtrList::remove ()
-<p> This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-<p> Removes the current list item.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. if the current item isn't 0;
-otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#take">take</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="remove-3"></a>TQPtrList::remove ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-<p> Removes the first occurrence of <em>item</em> from the list.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. if <em>item</em> is in the list;
-otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>() function is called when searching for the item
-in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
-efficient to call <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>().
-<p> If <em>item</em> is NULL then the current item is removed from the list.
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>(), <a href="#take">take</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="removeFirst"></a>TQPtrList::removeFirst ()
-<p> Removes the first item from the list. Returns TRUE if successful,
-i.e. if the list isn't empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The first item in the list becomes the new current list item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#removeLast">removeLast</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#remove">remove</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="removeLast"></a>TQPtrList::removeLast ()
-<p> Removes the last item from the list. Returns TRUE if successful,
-i.e. if the list isn't empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The last item in the list becomes the new current list item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#removeFirst">removeFirst</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="removeNode"></a>TQPtrList::removeNode ( TQLNode&nbsp;*&nbsp;node )
-<p> Removes the <em>node</em> from the list.
-<p> This node must exist in the list, otherwise the program may crash.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> The first item in the list will become the new current list item.
-The current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the item succeeding this item or to the preceding item if
-the removed item was the last item.
-<p> <b>Warning:</b> Do not call this function unless you are an expert.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#takeNode">takeNode</a>(), <a href="#currentNode">currentNode</a>(), <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), and <a href="#removeRef">removeRef</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="removeRef"></a>TQPtrList::removeRef ( const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Removes the first occurrence of <em>item</em> from the list.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. if <em>item</em> is in the list;
-otherwise returns FALSE.
-<p> The removed item is deleted if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled.
-<p> Equivalent to:
- if ( list.findRef( item ) != -1 )
- list.remove();
- </pre>
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="replace"></a>TQPtrList::replace ( uint&nbsp;index, const&nbsp;type&nbsp;*&nbsp;item )
-<p> Replaces the item at position <em>index</em> with the new <em>item</em>.
-<p> Returns TRUE if successful, i.e. <em>index</em> is in the range 0 to
-<a href="#count">count</a>()-1.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#append">append</a>(), <a href="#current">current</a>(), and <a href="#insert">insert</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setAutoDelete"></a>TQPtrCollection::setAutoDelete ( bool&nbsp;enable )
-<p> Sets the collection to auto-delete its contents if <em>enable</em> is
-TRUE and to never delete them if <em>enable</em> is FALSE.
-<p> If auto-deleting is turned on, all the items in a collection are
-deleted when the collection itself is deleted. This is convenient
-if the collection has the only pointer to the items.
-<p> The default setting is FALSE, for safety. If you turn it on, be
-careful about copying the collection - you might find yourself
-with two collections deleting the same items.
-<p> Note that the auto-delete setting may also affect other functions
-in subclasses. For example, a subclass that has a <a href="#remove">remove</a>()
-function will remove the item from its data structure, and if
-auto-delete is enabled, will also delete the item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qptrcollection.html#autoDelete">autoDelete</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="grapher-nsplugin-example.html#x2769">grapher/grapher.cpp</a>, <a href="scribble-example.html#x924">scribble/scribble.cpp</a>, and <a href="bigtable-example.html#x1291">table/bigtable/main.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="sort"></a>TQPtrList::sort ()
-<p> Sorts the list by the result of the virtual <a href="#compareItems">compareItems</a>()
-<p> The heap sort algorithm is used for sorting. It sorts n items with
-O(n*log n) comparisons. This is the asymptotic optimal solution of
-the sorting problem.
-<p> If the items in your list support <a href="qcstring.html#operator-lt-2">operator&lt;</a>() and <a href="#operator-eq-eq">operator==</a>(),
-you might be better off with TQSortedList because it implements the
-compareItems() function for you using these two operators.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#inSort">inSort</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="take"></a>TQPtrList::take ( uint&nbsp;index )
-<p> Takes the item at position <em>index</em> out of the list without
-deleting it (even if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a>
-is enabled).
-<p> Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list, or 0 if the
-index is out of range. The valid range is <tt>0..(count() - 1)</tt>
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<p>Examples: <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1503">customlayout/border.cpp</a>, <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1521">customlayout/card.cpp</a>, and <a href="customlayout-example.html#x1480">customlayout/flow.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="take-2"></a>TQPtrList::take ()
-<p> This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-<p> Takes the current item out of the list without deleting it (even
-if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled).
-<p> Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list, or 0 if
-the current item is 0.
-<p> The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item
-if the removed item is not the last item in the list. If the last
-item is removed, the new last item becomes the current item. The
-current item is set to 0 if the list becomes empty.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to
-point to the new current item.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#remove">remove</a>(), <a href="#clear">clear</a>(), and <a href="#current">current</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="takeNode"></a>TQPtrList::takeNode ( TQLNode&nbsp;*&nbsp;node )
-<p> Takes the <em>node</em> out of the list without deleting its item (even
-if <a href="qptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">auto-deletion</a> is enabled).
-Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list.
-<p> This node must exist in the list, otherwise the program may crash.
-<p> The first item in the list becomes the new current list item.
-<p> All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to
-point to the item succeeding this item or to the preceding item if
-the taken item was the last item.
-<p> <b>Warning:</b> Do not call this function unless you are an expert.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#removeNode">removeNode</a>() and <a href="#currentNode">currentNode</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>void <a name="toVector"></a>TQPtrList::toVector ( TQGVector&nbsp;*&nbsp;vec ) const
-<p> Stores all list items in the vector <em>vec</em>.
-<p> The vector must be of the same item type, otherwise the result
-will be undefined.
-<h3 class=fn><a href="qdatastream.html">TQDataStream</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="write"></a>TQPtrList::write ( <a href="qdatastream.html">TQDataStream</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;s, <a href="qptrcollection.html#Item">TQPtrCollection::Item</a>&nbsp;item ) const<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
-<p> Writes a list item, <em>item</em> to the stream <em>s</em> and returns a
-reference to the stream.
-<p> The default implementation does nothing.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="#read">read</a>().
-<!-- eof -->
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