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+<title>Walkthrough: A Simple Application</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>Walkthrough: A Simple Application</h1>
+<p> This walkthrough shows simple use of <a href="qmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>, <a href="qmenubar.html">TQMenuBar</a>, <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a>, <a href="qtoolbar.html">TQToolBar</a> and <a href="qstatusbar.html">TQStatusBar</a> - classes that every
+modern application window tends to use. (See also <a href="tutorial2.html">Tutorial #2</a>.)
+<p> It also illustrates some aspects of <a href="qwhatsthis.html">TQWhatsThis</a> (for simple help) and a
+typical <tt>main()</tt> using <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a>.
+<p> Finally, it shows a typical print function based on <a href="qprinter.html">TQPrinter</a>.
+<p> <h2> The declaration of ApplicationWindow
+<a name="1"></a><p> Here's the header file in full:
+<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
+** $Id: qt/application.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include &lt;<a href="qmainwindow-h.html">qmainwindow.h</a>&gt;
+class TQTextEdit;
+class ApplicationWindow: public <a href="qmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>
+ <a href="metaobjects.html#Q_OBJECT">Q_OBJECT</a>
+ ApplicationWindow();
+ ~ApplicationWindow();
+ void closeEvent( <a href="qcloseevent.html">TQCloseEvent</a>* );
+private slots:
+ void newDoc();
+ void choose();
+ void load( const <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> &amp;fileName );
+ void save();
+ void saveAs();
+ void print();
+ void about();
+ void aboutTQt();
+ <a href="qprinter.html">TQPrinter</a> *printer;
+ <a href="qtextedit.html">TQTextEdit</a> *e;
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> filename;
+<p> It declares a class that inherits <a href="qmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>, with slots and private
+variables. The class pre-declaration of <a href="qtextedit.html">TQTextEdit</a> at the beginning
+(instead of an include) helps to speed up compilation. With this
+trick, <tt>make depend</tt> won't insist on recompiling every <tt>.cpp</tt> file that
+includes <tt>application.h</tt> when <a href="qtextedit-h.html">qtextedit.h</a> changes.
+<p> <a name="simplemain"></a>
+<h2> A simple main()
+<a name="2"></a><p> Here is <tt>main.cpp</tt> in full:
+<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
+** $Id: qt/main.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include &lt;<a href="qapplication-h.html">qapplication.h</a>&gt;
+#include "application.h"
+int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
+ <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a> a( argc, argv );
+ ApplicationWindow *mw = new ApplicationWindow();
+ mw-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( "TQt Example - Application" );
+<a name="x1598"></a> mw-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#show">show</a>();
+<a name="x1599"></a> a.<a href="qobject.html#connect">connect</a>( &amp;a, SIGNAL(<a href="qapplication.html#lastWindowClosed">lastWindowClosed</a>()), &amp;a, SLOT(<a href="qapplication.html#tquit">tquit</a>()) );
+ return a.<a href="qapplication.html#exec">exec</a>();
+<p> Now we'll look at <tt>main.cpp</tt> in detail.
+<pre> int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
+ <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a> a( argc, argv );
+<p> With the above line, we create a <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a> object with the usual
+constructor and let it
+parse <em>argc</em> and <em>argv</em>. TQApplication itself takes care of X11-specific
+command-line options like <em>-geometry</em>, so the program will automatically
+behave the way X clients are expected to.
+<p> <pre> ApplicationWindow *mw = new ApplicationWindow();
+ mw-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( "TQt Example - Application" );
+ <a name="x2115"></a> mw-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#show">show</a>();
+<p> We create an <em>ApplicationWindow</em> as a top-level widget, set its window
+system caption to "Document 1", and <em>show()</em> it.
+<p> <a name="close"></a>
+<pre> a.<a href="qobject.html#connect">connect</a>( &amp;a, SIGNAL(<a href="qapplication.html#lastWindowClosed">lastWindowClosed</a>()), &amp;a, SLOT(<a href="qapplication.html#tquit">tquit</a>()) );
+<p> When the application's last window is closed, it should tquit. Both
+the signal and the slot are predefined members of <a href="qapplication.html">TQApplication</a>.
+<p> <pre> return a.<a href="qapplication.html#exec">exec</a>();
+<p> Having completed the application's initialization, we start the main
+event loop (the GUI), and eventually return the error code
+that TQApplication returns when it leaves the event loop.
+<p> <pre> }
+<p> <a name="ApplicationWindow"></a>
+<h2> The Implementation of ApplicationWindow
+<a name="3"></a><p>
+<p> Since the implementation is tquite large (almost 300 lines) we
+won't list the whole thing. (The source code is included in the
+examples/application directory.) Before we start with the constructor
+there are three <tt>#include</tt>s worth mentioning:
+<p> <pre> #include "filesave.xpm"
+ #include "fileopen.xpm"
+ #include "fileprint.xpm"
+<p> The tool buttons in our application wouldn't look good without icons!
+These icons can be found in the XPM files included above. If you ever
+moved a program to a different location and wondered why icons were
+missing afterwards you will probably agree that it is a good idea to
+compile them into the binary. This is what we are doing here.
+<p> <pre> ApplicationWindow::ApplicationWindow()
+ : <a href="qmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>( 0, "example application main window", WDestructiveClose | WGroupLeader )
+ {
+<p> <em>ApplicationWindow</em> inherits <a href="qmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>, the TQt class that provides
+typical application main windows, with menu bars, toolbars, etc.
+<p> <pre> printer = new <a href="qprinter.html">TQPrinter</a>( TQPrinter::HighResolution );
+<p> The application example can print things, and we chose to have a
+<a href="qprinter.html">TQPrinter</a> object lying around so that when the user changes a setting
+during one printing, the new setting will be the default next time.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qpixmap.html">TQPixmap</a> openIcon, saveIcon, printIcon;
+<p> For the sake of simplicity, our example only has a few commands in the
+toolbar. The above variables are used to hold an icon for each of
+<p> <pre> <a href="qtoolbar.html">TQToolBar</a> * fileTools = new <a href="qtoolbar.html">TQToolBar</a>( this, "file operations" );
+<p> We create a toolbar in <em>this</em> window ...
+<p> <pre> fileTools-&gt;<a href="qtoolbar.html#setLabel">setLabel</a>( "File Operations" );
+<p> ... and define a title for it. When a user drags the toolbar out of
+its location and floats it over the desktop, the toolbar-window will
+show "File Operations" as caption.
+<p> <pre> openIcon = TQPixmap( fileopen );
+ TQToolButton * fileOpen
+ = new <a href="qtoolbutton.html">TQToolButton</a>( openIcon, "Open File", <a href="qstring.html#TQString-null">TQString::null</a>,
+ this, SLOT(choose()), fileTools, "open file" );
+<p> Now we create the first tool button for the <em>fileTools</em> toolbar
+with the appropriate icon and the tool-tip text "Open File".
+The <tt>fileopen.xpm</tt> we included at the beginning
+contains the definition of a pixmap called <em>fileopen</em>.
+We use this icon to illustrate our first tool button.
+<p> <pre> saveIcon = TQPixmap( filesave );
+ TQToolButton * fileSave
+ = new <a href="qtoolbutton.html">TQToolButton</a>( saveIcon, "Save File", TQString::null,
+ this, SLOT(save()), fileTools, "save file" );
+ printIcon = TQPixmap( fileprint );
+ TQToolButton * filePrint
+ = new <a href="qtoolbutton.html">TQToolButton</a>( printIcon, "Print File", TQString::null,
+ this, SLOT(print()), fileTools, "print file" );
+<p> In a similar way we create two more tool buttons in this toolbar, each with
+appropriate icons and tool-tip text. All three buttons are connected
+to appropriate slots in this object; for example, the "Print File" button
+to <a href="#printer">ApplicationWindow::print()</a>.
+<p> <pre> (void)TQWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools );
+<p> The fourth button in the toolbar is somewhat peculiar: it's the one that
+provides "What's This?" help. This must be set up using a special
+function, as its mouse interface is unusual.
+<p> <pre> const char * fileOpenText = "&lt;p&gt;&lt;img source=\"fileopen\"&gt; "
+ "Click this button to open a &lt;em&gt;new file&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;br&gt;"
+ "You can also select the &lt;b&gt;Open&lt;/b&gt; command "
+ "from the &lt;b&gt;File&lt;/b&gt; menu.&lt;/p&gt;";
+ TQWhatsThis::<a href="qwhatsthis.html#add">add</a>( fileOpen, fileOpenText );
+<p> With the above line we add the "What's This?" help-text to the
+<em>fileOpen</em> button...
+<p> <pre> TQMimeSourceFactory::<a href="qmimesourcefactory.html#defaultFactory">defaultFactory</a>()-&gt;setPixmap( "fileopen", openIcon );
+<p> ... and tell the rich-text engine that when a help-text (like the one
+saved in <em>fileOpenText</em>) requests an image named "fileopen", the <em>openIcon</em> pixmap is used.
+<p> <pre> const char * fileSaveText = "&lt;p&gt;Click this button to save the file you "
+ "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
+ "You can also select the &lt;b&gt;Save&lt;/b&gt; command "
+ "from the &lt;b&gt;File&lt;/b&gt; menu.&lt;/p&gt;";
+ TQWhatsThis::<a href="qwhatsthis.html#add">add</a>( fileSave, fileSaveText );
+ const char * filePrintText = "Click this button to print the file you "
+ "are editing.\n"
+ "You can also select the Print command "
+ "from the File menu.";
+ TQWhatsThis::<a href="qwhatsthis.html#add">add</a>( filePrint, filePrintText );
+<p> The "What's This?" help of the remaining two buttons doesn't make use
+of pixmaps, therefore all we need to do is to add the help-text to the
+button. Be careful though: To invoke the rich-text elements in <tt>fileSaveText()</tt>, the entire string must be surrounded by &lt;p&gt; and
+&lt;/p&gt;. In <tt>filePrintText()</tt>, we don't have rich-text elements, so
+this is not necessary.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> * file = new <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a>( this );
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#menuBar">menuBar</a>()-&gt;insertItem( "&amp;File", file );
+<p> Next we create a <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> for the <em>File</em> menu and
+add it to the menu bar. With the ampersand in front of the letter F,
+we allow the user to use the shortcut <em>Alt+F</em> to pop up this menu.
+<p> <pre> file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "&amp;New", this, SLOT(newDoc()), CTRL+Key_N );
+<p> Its first entry is connected to the (yet to be implemented) slot <tt>newDoc()</tt>. When the user chooses this <em>New</em> entry (e.g. by typing the
+letter N as marked by the ampersand) or uses the
+<em>Ctrl+N</em> accelerator, a new editor-window will pop up.
+<p> <pre> int id;
+ id = file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( openIcon, "&amp;Open...",
+ this, SLOT(choose()), CTRL+Key_O );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#setWhatsThis">setWhatsThis</a>( id, fileOpenText );
+ id = file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( saveIcon, "&amp;Save",
+ this, SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#setWhatsThis">setWhatsThis</a>( id, fileSaveText );
+ id = file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Save &amp;As...", this, SLOT(saveAs()) );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#setWhatsThis">setWhatsThis</a>( id, fileSaveText );
+<p> We populate the <em>File</em> menu with three more commands (<em>Open</em>, <em>Save</em> and
+<em>Save As</em>), and set "What's This?" help for them. Note in particular
+that "What's This?" help and pixmaps are used in both the toolbar (above)
+and the menu bar (here). (See <a href="qaction.html">TQAction</a> and the <tt>examples/action</tt>
+example for a shorter and easier approach.)
+<p> <pre> file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertSeparator">insertSeparator</a>();
+<p> Then we insert a separator, ...
+<p> <pre> id = file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( printIcon, "&amp;Print...",
+ this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#setWhatsThis">setWhatsThis</a>( id, filePrintText );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertSeparator">insertSeparator</a>();
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "&amp;Close", this, SLOT(<a href="qwidget.html#close">close</a>()), CTRL+Key_W );
+ file-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "&amp;Quit", qApp, SLOT( <a href="qapplication.html#closeAllWindows">closeAllWindows</a>() ), CTRL+Key_Q );
+<p> ... the <em>Print</em> command with "What's This?" help, another separator and
+two more commands (<em>Close</em> and <em>Quit</em>) without "What's This?" and pixmaps.
+In case of the <em>Close</em> command, the signal is connected
+to the <em>close()</em> slot of the respective <em>ApplicationWindow</em> object whilst
+the <em>Quit</em> command affects the entire application.
+<p> Because <em>ApplicationWindow</em> is a <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a>, the <em>close()</em> function
+triggers a call to <a href="#closeEvent">closeEvent()</a> which we
+will implement later.
+<p> <a name="common_constructor"></a>
+<pre> <a href="qmainwindow.html#menuBar">menuBar</a>()-&gt;insertSeparator();
+<p> Now that we have done the File menu we shift our focus back to the
+menu bar and insert a separator. From now on further menu bar entries
+will be aligned to the right if the windows system style retquires it.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> * help = new <a href="qpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a>( this );
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#menuBar">menuBar</a>()-&gt;insertItem( "&amp;Help", help );
+ help-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "&amp;About", this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 );
+ help-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "About &amp;TQt", this, SLOT(aboutTQt()) );
+ help-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertSeparator">insertSeparator</a>();
+ help-&gt;<a href="qmenudata.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "What's &amp;This", this, SLOT(<a href="qmainwindow.html#whatsThis">whatsThis</a>()), SHIFT+Key_F1 );
+<p> We create a <em>Help</em> menu, add it to the menu bar, and insert a few
+commands. Depending on the style it will appear on the right hand
+side of the menu bar or not.
+<p> <pre> e = new <a href="qtextedit.html">TQTextEdit</a>( this, "editor" );
+ e-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#setCentralWidget">setCentralWidget</a>( e );
+<p> Now we create a simple text-editor, set the initial focus to it,
+and make it the window's central widget.
+<p> <a href="qmainwindow.html#centralWidget">TQMainWindow::centralWidget</a>() is the heart of the entire application:
+It's what menu bar, statusbar and toolbars are all arranged around. Since
+the central widget is a text editing widget, we can now reveal that
+our simple application is a text editor. :)
+<p> <pre> <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Ready", 2000 );
+<p> We make the statusbar say "Ready" for two seconds at startup, just to
+tell the user that the window has finished initialization and can be
+<p> <pre> <a href="qwidget.html#resize">resize</a>( 450, 600 );
+<p> Finally it's time to resize the new window to a a nice default size.
+<p> <pre> }
+<p> We have now finished with the constructor. Now we'll deal with the
+<p> <pre> ApplicationWindow::~ApplicationWindow()
+ {
+ delete printer;
+ }
+<p> The only thing an <em>ApplicationWindow</em> widget needs to do in its
+destructor is to delete the printer it created. All other objects are
+child widgets, which TQt will delete when appropriate.
+<p> Now our task is to implement all the slots mentioned in the header file
+and used in the constructor.
+<p> <a name="newDoc()"></a>
+<pre> void ApplicationWindow::newDoc()
+ {
+ ApplicationWindow *ed = new ApplicationWindow;
+ ed-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>("TQt Example - Application");
+ ed-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#show">show</a>();
+ }
+<p> This slot, connected to the <em>File|New</em> menu item, simply creates a
+new <em>ApplicationWindow</em> and shows it.
+<p> <a name="choose()"></a>
+<pre> void ApplicationWindow::choose()
+ {
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> fn = TQFileDialog::<a href="qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName">getOpenFileName</a>( TQString::null, TQString::null,
+ this);
+ if ( !fn.<a href="qstring.html#isEmpty">isEmpty</a>() )
+ load( fn );
+ else
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Loading aborted", 2000 );
+ }
+<p> The <em>choose()</em> slot is connected to the <em>Open</em> menu item and
+tool button. With a little help from <a href="qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName">TQFileDialog::getOpenFileName</a>(), it
+asks the user for a file name and then either loads that file or gives an
+error message in the statusbar.
+<p> <pre> void ApplicationWindow::load( const <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> &amp;fileName )
+ {
+ <a href="qfile.html">TQFile</a> f( fileName );
+ if ( !f.<a href="qfile.html#open">open</a>( <a href="qfile.html#open">IO_ReadOnly</a> ) )
+ return;
+ <a href="qtextstream.html">TQTextStream</a> ts( &amp;f );
+ e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#setText">setText</a>( ts.<a href="qtextstream.html#read">read</a>() );
+ e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#setModified">setModified</a>( FALSE );
+ <a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( fileName );
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Loaded document " + fileName, 2000 );
+ }
+<p> This function loads a file into the editor. When it's done, it sets the
+window system caption to the file name and displays a success message in
+the statusbar for two seconds. With files that exist but are not
+readable, nothing happens.
+<p> <a name="save()"></a>
+<pre> void ApplicationWindow::save()
+ {
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() ) {
+ saveAs();
+ return;
+ }
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> text = e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#text">text</a>();
+ <a href="qfile.html">TQFile</a> f( filename );
+ if ( !f.<a href="qfile.html#open">open</a>( <a href="qfile.html#open">IO_WriteOnly</a> ) ) {
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( TQString("Could not write to %1").arg(filename),
+ 2000 );
+ return;
+ }
+ <a href="qtextstream.html">TQTextStream</a> t( &amp;f );
+ t &lt;&lt; text;
+ f.<a href="qfile.html#close">close</a>();
+<p> As its name suggests, this function saves the current file. If no
+filename has been specified so far, the <a href="#saveAs()">saveAs()</a> function is called. Unwritable files cause the <em>ApplicationWindow</em> object to provide an error-message in the statusbar.
+Note that there is more than one way to do this:
+compare the above <tt>statusBar()-&gt;message()</tt> line with the equivalent
+code in the <tt>load()</tt> function.
+<p> <pre> e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#setModified">setModified</a>( FALSE );
+<p> Tell the editor that the contents haven't been edited since the last
+save. When the user does some further editing and wishes to close the
+window without explicit saving, <a href="#closeEvent">ApplicationWindow::closeEvent()</a> will ask about it.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( filename );
+<p> It may be that the document was saved under a different name than the
+old caption suggests, so we set the window caption just to be sure.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( TQString( "File %1 saved" ).arg( filename ), 2000 );
+ }
+<p> With a message in the statusbar, we inform the user that the file
+was saved successfully.
+<p> <a name="saveAs()"></a>
+<pre> void ApplicationWindow::saveAs()
+ {
+ <a href="qstring.html">TQString</a> fn = TQFileDialog::<a href="qfiledialog.html#getSaveFileName">getSaveFileName</a>( TQString::null, TQString::null,
+ this );
+ if ( !fn.<a href="qstring.html#isEmpty">isEmpty</a>() ) {
+ filename = fn;
+ save();
+ } else {
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Saving aborted", 2000 );
+ }
+ }
+<p> This function asks for a new name, saves the document under that name,
+and implicitly changes the window system caption to the new name.
+<p> <a name="printer"></a>
+<p> <pre> void ApplicationWindow::print()
+ {
+ printer-&gt;<a href="qprinter.html#setFullPage">setFullPage</a>( TRUE );
+ if ( printer-&gt;<a href="qprinter.html#setup">setup</a>(this) ) { // printer dialog
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Printing..." );
+ <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> p;
+ if( !p.<a href="qpainter.html#begin">begin</a>( printer ) ) { // paint on printer
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Printing aborted", 2000 );
+ return;
+ }
+ <a href="qpaintdevicemetrics.html">TQPaintDeviceMetrics</a> metrics( p.<a href="qpainter.html#device">device</a>() );
+ int dpiy = metrics.<a href="qpaintdevicemetrics.html#logicalDpiY">logicalDpiY</a>();
+ int margin = (int) ( (2/2.54)*dpiy ); // 2 cm margins
+ <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> view( margin, margin, metrics.<a href="qpaintdevicemetrics.html#width">width</a>() - 2*margin, metrics.<a href="qpaintdevicemetrics.html#height">height</a>() - 2*margin );
+ <a href="qsimplerichtext.html">TQSimpleRichText</a> richText( TQStyleSheet::<a href="qstylesheet.html#convertFromPlainText">convertFromPlainText</a>(e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#text">text</a>()),
+ TQFont(),
+ e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#context">context</a>(),
+ e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#styleSheet">styleSheet</a>(),
+ e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#mimeSourceFactory">mimeSourceFactory</a>(),
+ view.<a href="qrect.html#height">height</a>() );
+ richText.<a href="qsimplerichtext.html#setWidth">setWidth</a>( &amp;p, view.<a href="qrect.html#width">width</a>() );
+ int page = 1;
+ do {
+ richText.<a href="qsimplerichtext.html#draw">draw</a>( &amp;p, margin, margin, view, colorGroup() );
+ view.<a href="qrect.html#moveBy">moveBy</a>( 0, view.<a href="qrect.html#height">height</a>() );
+ p.<a href="qpainter.html#translate">translate</a>( 0 , -view.<a href="qrect.html#height">height</a>() );
+ p.<a href="qpainter.html#drawText">drawText</a>( view.<a href="qrect.html#right">right</a>() - p.<a href="qpainter.html#fontMetrics">fontMetrics</a>().width( TQString::<a href="qstring.html#number">number</a>( page ) ),
+ view.<a href="qrect.html#bottom">bottom</a>() + p.<a href="qpainter.html#fontMetrics">fontMetrics</a>().ascent() + 5, TQString::number( page ) );
+ if ( view.<a href="qrect.html#top">top</a>() - margin &gt;= richText.<a href="qsimplerichtext.html#height">height</a>() )
+ break;
+ printer-&gt;<a href="qprinter.html#newPage">newPage</a>();
+ page++;
+ } while (TRUE);
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Printing completed", 2000 );
+ } else {
+ <a href="qmainwindow.html#statusBar">statusBar</a>()-&gt;message( "Printing aborted", 2000 );
+ }
+ }
+<p> <em>print()</em> is called by the <em>File|Print</em> menu item and the <em>filePrint</em>
+tool button.
+<p> We present the user with the print setup dialog, and abandon printing
+if they cancel.
+<p> We create a <a href="qsimplerichtext.html">TQSimpleRichText</a> object and give it the text. This object
+is able to format the text nicely as one long page. We achieve
+pagination by printing one paper page's worth of text from the
+TQSimpleRichText page at a time.
+<p> Now let's see what happens when a user wishes to <em>close()</em>
+an <em>ApplicationWindow</em>.
+<p> <a name="closeEvent"></a>
+<pre> void ApplicationWindow::<a href="qwidget.html#closeEvent">closeEvent</a>( <a href="qcloseevent.html">TQCloseEvent</a>* ce )
+ {
+<p> This event gets to process window system close events. A close event is
+subtly different from a hide event: hide often means "iconify" whereas
+close means that the window is going away for good.
+<p> <pre> if ( !e-&gt;<a href="qtextedit.html#isModified">isModified</a>() ) {
+ ce-&gt;<a href="qcloseevent.html#accept">accept</a>();
+ return;
+ }
+<p> If the text hasn't been edited, we just accept the event. The window
+will be closed, and because we used the <em>WDestructiveClose</em> <a href="qt.html#WidgetFlags">widget flag</a> in the <a href="#ApplicationWindow"><i>ApplicationWindow()</i> constructor</a>,
+the widget will be deleted.
+<p> <pre> switch( TQMessageBox::<a href="qmessagebox.html#information">information</a>( this, "TQt Application Example",
+ "Do you want to save the changes"
+ " to the document?",
+ "Yes", "No", "Cancel",
+ 0, 1 ) ) {
+<p> Otherwise we ask the user: What do you want to do?
+<p> <pre> case 0:
+ save();
+ ce-&gt;<a href="qcloseevent.html#accept">accept</a>();
+ break;
+<p> If they want to save and then exit, we do that.
+<p> <pre> case 1:
+ ce-&gt;<a href="qcloseevent.html#accept">accept</a>();
+ break;
+<p> If the user doesn't want to exit, we ignore the close event (there is
+a chance that we can't block it but we try).
+<p> <pre> case 2:
+ default: // just for sanity
+ ce-&gt;<a href="qcloseevent.html#ignore">ignore</a>();
+ break;
+<p> The last case -- the user wants to abandon the edits and exit -- is very
+<p> <pre> }
+ }
+<p> Last but not least we implement the slots used by the help menu entries.
+<p> <pre> void ApplicationWindow::about()
+ {
+ TQMessageBox::<a href="qmessagebox.html#about">about</a>( this, "TQt Application Example",
+ "This example demonstrates simple use of "
+ "TQMainWindow,\nTQMenuBar and TQToolBar.");
+ }
+ void ApplicationWindow::aboutTQt()
+ {
+ TQMessageBox::<a href="qmessagebox.html#aboutTQt">aboutTQt</a>( this, "TQt Application Example" );
+ }
+<p> These two slots use ready-made "about" functions to provide some
+information about this program and the GUI toolkit it uses. (Although you
+don't need to provide an About TQt in your programs, if you use TQt for free
+we would appreciate it if you tell people what you're using.)
+<p> That was all we needed to write a complete, almost useful application with
+nice help-functions, almost as good as the "editors" some computer vendors
+ship with their desktops, and in less than 300 lines of code!
+<p> <p>See also <a href="step-by-step-examples.html">Step-by-step Examples</a>.
+<!-- eof -->
+<p><address><hr><div align=center>
+<table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
+<td>Copyright &copy; 2007
+<a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a>
+<td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div>