path: root/doc/man/man3/tqsqlerror.3qt
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+'\" t
+.TH QSqlError 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*-
+.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the
+.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license
+.\" statement.
+.\" l
+QSqlError \- SQL database error information
+\fC#include <ntqsqlerror.h>\fR
+.SS "Public Members" +1c
+.ti -1c
+.BI "enum \fBType\fR { None, Connection, Statement, Transaction, Unknown }"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "\fBQSqlError\fR ( const QString & driverText = QString::null, const QString & databaseText = QString::null, int type = QSqlError::None, int number = -1 )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "\fBQSqlError\fR ( const QSqlError & other )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "QSqlError & \fBoperator=\fR ( const QSqlError & other )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "virtual \fB~QSqlError\fR ()"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "QString \fBdriverText\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "virtual void \fBsetDriverText\fR ( const QString & driverText )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "QString \fBdatabaseText\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "virtual void \fBsetDatabaseText\fR ( const QString & databaseText )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBtype\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "virtual void \fBsetType\fR ( int type )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBnumber\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "virtual void \fBsetNumber\fR ( int number )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "QString \fBtext\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "void showMessage ( const QString & msg = QString::null ) const \fI(obsolete)\fR" -1c
+The QSqlError class provides SQL database error information.
+This class is used to report database-specific errors. An error description and (if appropriate) a database-specific error number can be obtained using this class.
+See also Database Classes.
+.SS "Member Type Documentation"
+.SH "QSqlError::Type"
+This enum type describes the type of SQL error that occurred.
+\fCQSqlError::None\fR - no error occurred
+\fCQSqlError::Connection\fR - connection error
+\fCQSqlError::Statement\fR - SQL statement syntax error
+\fCQSqlError::Transaction\fR - transaction failed error
+\fCQSqlError::Unknown\fR - unknown error
+.SH "QSqlError::QSqlError ( const QString & driverText = QString::null, const QString & databaseText = QString::null, int type = QSqlError::None, int number = -1 )"
+Constructs an error containing the driver error text \fIdriverText\fR, the database-specific error text \fIdatabaseText\fR, the type \fItype\fR and the optional error number \fInumber\fR.
+.SH "QSqlError::QSqlError ( const QSqlError & other )"
+Creates a copy of \fIother\fR.
+.SH "QSqlError::~QSqlError ()\fC [virtual]\fR"
+Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
+.SH "QString QSqlError::databaseText () const"
+Returns the text of the error as reported by the database. This may contain database-specific descriptions.
+.SH "QString QSqlError::driverText () const"
+Returns the text of the error as reported by the driver. This may contain database-specific descriptions.
+.SH "int QSqlError::number () const"
+Returns the database-specific error number, or -1 if it cannot be determined.
+.SH "QSqlError & QSqlError::operator= ( const QSqlError & other )"
+Sets the error equal to \fIother\fR.
+.SH "void QSqlError::setDatabaseText ( const QString & databaseText )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+Sets the database error text to the value of \fIdatabaseText\fR.
+.SH "void QSqlError::setDriverText ( const QString & driverText )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+Sets the driver error text to the value of \fIdriverText\fR.
+.SH "void QSqlError::setNumber ( int number )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+Sets the database-specific error number to \fInumber\fR.
+.SH "void QSqlError::setType ( int type )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+Sets the error type to the value of \fItype\fR.
+.SH "void QSqlError::showMessage ( const QString & msg = QString::null ) const"
+\fBThis function is obsolete.\fR It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
+This is a convenience function that pops up a QMessageBox containing the message returned by text(). An additional string can be passed in via the \fImsg\fR parameter, which will be concatenated with the text() message.
+See also text(), driverText(), and databaseText().
+.SH "QString QSqlError::text () const"
+This is a convenience function that returns databaseText() and driverText() concatenated into a single string.
+See also showMessage(), driverText(), and databaseText().
+.SH "int QSqlError::type () const"
+Returns the error type, or -1 if the type cannot be determined.
+See also QSqlError::Type.
+Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, See the
+license file included in the distribution for a complete license
+Generated automatically from the source code.
+If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in
+.BR .
+Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you.
+The definitive Qt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is
+located at $QTDIR/doc/html and can be read using Qt Assistant or with
+a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those
+users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially
+supported by Trolltech.
+If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to
+.BR .
+Please include the name of the manual page (tqsqlerror.3qt) and the Qt
+version (3.3.8).