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Annotated Class Index

TQt's classes with brief descriptions:

TQAccelHandles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys
TQAccessibleEnums and static functions relating to accessibility
TQAccessibleInterfaceDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
TQAccessibleObjectImplements parts of the TQAccessibleInterface for TQObjects
TQActionAbstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars
TQActionGroupGroups actions together
TQApplicationManages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
TQAsciiCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on char* keys
TQAsciiCacheIteratorIterator for TQAsciiCache collections
TQAsciiDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys
TQAsciiDictIteratorIterator for TQAsciiDict collections
TQAssistantClientMeans of using TQt Assistant as an application's help tool
TQBig5CodecConversion to and from the Big5 encoding
TQBig5hkscsCodecConversion to and from the Big5-HKSCS encoding
TQBitArrayArray of bits
TQBitValInternal class, used with TQBitArray
TQBitmapMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
TQBoxLayoutLines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
TQBrushDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a TQPainter
TQBufferI/O device that operates on a TQByteArray
TQButtonThe abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
TQButtonGroupOrganizes TQButton widgets in a group
TQByteArrayArray of bytes
TQCDEStyleCDE look and feel
TQCStringAbstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *)
TQCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on TQString keys
TQCacheIteratorIterator for TQCache collections
TQCanvas2D area that can contain TQCanvasItem objects
TQCanvasEllipseEllipse or ellipse segment on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasItemAbstract graphic object on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasItemListList of TQCanvasItems
TQCanvasLineLine on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasPixmapPixmaps for TQCanvasSprites
TQCanvasPixmapArrayArray of TQCanvasPixmaps
TQCanvasPolygonPolygon on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasPolygonalItemPolygonal canvas item on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasRectangleRectangle on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasSplineMulti-bezier splines on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasSpriteAnimated canvas item on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasTextText object on a TQCanvas
TQCanvasViewOn-screen view of a TQCanvas
TQCharLightweight Unicode character
TQCharRefHelper class for TQString
TQCheckBoxCheckbox with a text label
TQCheckListItemCheckable list view items
TQCheckTableItemCheckboxes in TQTables
TQChildEventEvent parameters for child object events
TQClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
TQCloseEventParameters that describe a close event
TQColorColors based on RGB or HSV values
TQColorDialogDialog widget for specifying colors
TQColorDragDrag and drop object for transferring colors
TQColorGroupGroup of widget colors
TQComboBoxCombined button and popup list
TQComboTableItemMeans of using comboboxes in TQTables
TQCommonStyleEncapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
TQConstStringString objects using constant Unicode data
TQContextMenuEventParameters that describe a context menu event
TQCopChannelCommunication capabilities between several clients
TQCursorMouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
TQCustomEventSupport for custom events
TQCustomMenuItemAbstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus
TQDataBrowserData manipulation and navigation for data entry forms
TQDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a TQIODevice
TQDataTableFlexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing
TQDataViewRead-only SQL forms
TQDateDate functions
TQDateEditDate editor
TQDateTimeDate and time functions
TQDateTimeEditCombines a TQDateEdit and TQTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes
TQDateTimeEditBaseAbstraction for date and edit editors
TQDeepCopyTemplate class which ensures that implicitly shared and explicitly shared classes reference unique data
TQDesktopWidgetAccess to screen information on multi-head systems
TQDialRounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
TQDialogThe base class of dialog windows
TQDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on TQString keys
TQDictIteratorIterator for TQDict collections
TQDirAccess to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way
TQDirectPainterDirect access to the video hardware
TQDnsAsynchronous DNS lookups
TQDockAreaManages and lays out TQDockWindows
TQDockWindowWidget which can be docked inside a TQDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop
TQDomAttrRepresents one attribute of a TQDomElement
TQDomCDATASectionRepresents an XML CDATA section
TQDomCharacterDataRepresents a generic string in the DOM
TQDomCommentRepresents an XML comment
TQDomDocumentRepresents an XML document
TQDomDocumentFragmentTree of TQDomNodes which is not usually a complete TQDomDocument
TQDomDocumentTypeThe representation of the DTD in the document tree
TQDomElementRepresents one element in the DOM tree
TQDomEntityRepresents an XML entity
TQDomEntityReferenceRepresents an XML entity reference
TQDomImplementationInformation about the features of the DOM implementation
TQDomNamedNodeMapCollection of nodes that can be accessed by name
TQDomNodeThe base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
TQDomNodeListList of TQDomNode objects
TQDomNotationRepresents an XML notation
TQDomProcessingInstructionRepresents an XML processing instruction
TQDomTextRepresents text data in the parsed XML document
TQDoubleValidatorRange checking of floating-point numbers
TQDragEnterEventEvent which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget
TQDragLeaveEventEvent which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget
TQDragMoveEventEvent which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress
TQDragObjectEncapsulates MIME-based data transfer
TQDropEventEvent which is sent when a drag and drop is completed
TQEditorFactoryUsed to create editor widgets for TQVariant data types
TQErrorMessageError message display dialog
TQEucJpCodecConversion to and from EUC-JP character sets
TQEucKrCodecConversion to and from EUC-KR character sets
TQEventThe base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
TQEventLoopManages the event queue
TQFileI/O device that operates on files
TQFileDialogDialogs that allow users to select files or directories
TQFileIconProviderIcons for TQFileDialog to use
TQFileInfoSystem-independent file information
TQFilePreviewFile previewing in TQFileDialog
TQFocusDataMaintains the list of widgets in the focus chain
TQFocusEventEvent parameters for widget focus events
TQFontFont used for drawing text
TQFontDatabaseInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window system
TQFontDialogDialog widget for selecting a font
TQFontInfoGeneral information about fonts
TQFontManagerImplements font management in TQt/Embedded
TQFontMetricsFont metrics information
TQFrameThe base class of widgets that can have a frame
TQFtpImplementation of the FTP protocol
TQGLNamespace for miscellaneous identifiers in the TQt OpenGL module
TQGLColormapUsed for installing custom colormaps into TQGLWidgets
TQGLContextEncapsulates an OpenGL rendering context
TQGLFormatThe display format of an OpenGL rendering context
TQGLWidgetWidget for rendering OpenGL graphics
TQGLayoutIteratorAbstract base class of internal layout iterators
TQGb18030CodecConversion to and from the Chinese GB18030/GBK/GB2312 encoding
TQGb2312CodecConversion to and from the Chinese GB2312 encoding
TQGbkCodecConversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding
TQGfxDriverFactoryCreates TQScreen objects for TQt/Embedded
TQGfxDriverPluginAbstract base for TQt/Embedded graphics driver plugins
TQGridSimple geometry management of its children
TQGridLayoutLays out widgets in a grid
TQGridViewAbstract base for fixed-size grids
TQGroupBoxGroup box frame with a title
TQGuardedPtrTemplate class that provides guarded pointers to TQObjects
TQHBoxHorizontal geometry management for its child widgets
TQHBoxLayoutLines up widgets horizontally
TQHButtonGroupOrganizes TQButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row
TQHGroupBoxOrganizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row
TQHeaderHeader row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews
TQHebrewCodecConversion to and from visually ordered Hebrew
TQHideEventEvent which is sent after a widget is hidden
TQHostAddressIP address
TQHttpImplementation of the HTTP protocol
TQHttpHeaderHeader information for HTTP
TQHttpRequestHeaderRequest header information for HTTP
TQHttpResponseHeaderResponse header information for HTTP
TQIMEventParameters for input method events
TQIODeviceThe base class of I/O devices
TQIconDragSupports drag and drop operations within a TQIconView
TQIconDragEventSignals that a main icon drag has begun
TQIconDragItemEncapsulates a drag item
TQIconFactoryUsed to create pixmaps for a TQIconSet
TQIconSetSet of icons with different styles and sizes
TQIconViewArea with movable labelled icons
TQIconViewItemSingle item in a TQIconView
TQImageHardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data
TQImageConsumerAbstraction used by TQImageDecoder
TQImageDecoderIncremental image decoder for all supported image formats
TQImageDragDrag and drop object for transferring images
TQImageFormatIncremental image decoder for a specific image format
TQImageFormatPluginAbstract base for custom image format plugins
TQImageFormatTypeFactory that makes TQImageFormat objects
TQImageIOParameters for loading and saving images
TQInputDialogSimple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
TQIntCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on long keys
TQIntCacheIteratorIterator for TQIntCache collections
TQIntDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on long keys
TQIntDictIteratorIterator for TQIntDict collections
TQIntValidatorValidator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
TQJisCodecConversion to and from JIS character sets
TQKbdDriverFactoryCreates TQWSKeyboardHandler objects for TQt/Embedded
TQKbdDriverPluginAbstract base for TQt/Embedded keyboard driver plugins
TQKeyEventDescribes a key event
TQKeySequenceEncapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators
TQLCDNumberDisplays a number with LCD-like digits
TQLabelText or image display
TQLayoutThe base class of geometry managers
TQLayoutItemAbstract item that a TQLayout manipulates
TQLayoutIteratorIterators over TQLayoutItem
TQLibraryWrapper for handling shared libraries
TQLineEditOne-line text editor
TQListBoxList of selectable, read-only items
TQListBoxItemThe base class of all list box items
TQListBoxPixmapList box items with a pixmap and optional text
TQListBoxTextList box items that display text
TQListViewImplements a list/tree view
TQListViewItemImplements a list view item
TQListViewItemIteratorIterator for collections of TQListViewItems
TQLocalFsImplementation of a TQNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system
TQLocaleConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languages
TQMacMimeMaps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors
TQMacStyleImplements an Appearance Manager style
TQMainWindowMain application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar
TQMapValue-based template class that provides a dictionary
TQMapConstIteratorIterator for TQMap
TQMapIteratorIterator for TQMap
TQMemArrayTemplate class that provides arrays of simple types
TQMenuBarHorizontal menu bar
TQMenuDataBase class for TQMenuBar and TQPopupMenu
TQMessageBoxModal dialog with a short message, an icon, and some buttons
TQMetaObjectMeta information about TQt objects
TQMetaPropertyStores meta data about a property
TQMimeSourceAbstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type
TQMimeSourceFactoryExtensible provider of mime-typed data
TQMotifThe basis of the Motif Extension
TQMotifDialogThe TQDialog API for Motif-based dialogs
TQMotifPlusStyleMore sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel
TQMotifStyleMotif look and feel
TQMotifWidgetThe TQWidget API for Xt/Motif widgets
TQMouseDriverFactoryCreates TQWSMouseHandler objects for TQt/Embedded
TQMouseDriverPluginAbstract base for TQt/Embedded mouse driver plugins
TQMouseEventParameters that describe a mouse event
TQMoveEventEvent parameters for move events
TQMovieIncremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses
TQMutexAccess serialization between threads
TQMutexLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking TQMutexes
TQNPInstanceTQObject that is a web browser plugin
TQNPStreamStream of data provided to a TQNPInstance by the browser
TQNPWidgetTQWidget that is a web browser plugin window
TQNPluginThe main factory for plugin objects
TQNetworkOperationCommon operations for network protocols
TQNetworkProtocolCommon API for network protocols
TQObjectThe base class of all TQt objects
TQObjectCleanupHandlerWatches the lifetime of multiple TQObjects
TQObjectListTQPtrList of TQObjects
TQObjectListIteratorIterator for TQObjectLists
TQPNGImagePackerCreates well-compressed PNG animations
TQPaintDeviceThe base class of objects that can be painted
TQPaintDeviceMetricsInformation about a paint device
TQPaintEventEvent parameters for paint events
TQPainterDoes low-level painting e.g. on widgets
TQPairValue-based template class that provides a pair of elements
TQPaletteColor groups for each widget state
TQPenDefines how a TQPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
TQPicturePaint device that records and replays TQPainter commands
TQPixmapOff-screen, pixel-based paint device
TQPixmapCacheApplication-global cache for pixmaps
TQPlatinumStyleMac/Platinum look and feel
TQPointDefines a point in the plane
TQPointArrayArray of points
TQPopupMenuPopup menu widget
TQPrinterPaint device that paints on a printer
TQProcessUsed to start external programs and to communicate with them
TQProgressBarHorizontal progress bar
TQProgressDialogFeedback on the progress of a slow operation
TQPtrCollectionThe base class of most pointer-based TQt collections
TQPtrDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys
TQPtrDictIteratorIterator for TQPtrDict collections
TQPtrListTemplate class that provides a list
TQPtrListIteratorIterator for TQPtrList collections
TQPtrQueueTemplate class that provides a queue
TQPtrStackTemplate class that provides a stack
TQPtrVectorTemplate collection class that provides a vector (array)
TQPushButtonCommand button
TQRadioButtonRadio button with a text or pixmap label
TQRangeControlInteger value within a range
TQRectDefines a rectangle in the plane
TQRegExpPattern matching using regular expressions
TQRegExpValidatorUsed to check a string against a regular expression
TQRegionClip region for a painter
TQResizeEventEvent parameters for resize events
TQSGIStyleSGI/Irix look and feel
TQScreenAnd its descendants manage the framebuffer and palette
TQScrollBarVertical or horizontal scroll bar
TQScrollViewScrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
TQSemaphoreRobust integer semaphore
TQServerSocketTCP-based server
TQSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
TQSettingsPersistent platform-independent application settings
TQShowEventEvent which is sent when a widget is shown
TQSignalCan be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit TQObject
TQSignalMapperBundles signals from identifiable senders
TQSimpleRichTextSmall displayable piece of rich text
TQSizeDefines the size of a two-dimensional object
TQSizeGripCorner-grip for resizing a top-level window
TQSizePolicyLayout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
TQSjisCodecConversion to and from Shift-JIS
TQSliderVertical or horizontal slider
TQSocketBuffered TCP connection
TQSocketDevicePlatform-independent low-level socket API
TQSocketNotifierSupport for socket callbacks
TQSoundAccess to the platform audio facilities
TQSpacerItemBlank space in a layout
TQSpinBoxSpin box widget (spin button)
TQSplashScreenSplash screen that can be shown during application startup
TQSplitterImplements a splitter widget
TQSqlNamespace for TQt SQL identifiers that need to be global-like
TQSqlCursorBrowsing and editing of SQL tables and views
TQSqlDatabaseUsed to create SQL database connections and to provide transaction handling
TQSqlDriverAbstract base class for accessing SQL databases
TQSqlDriverPluginAbstract base for custom TQSqlDriver plugins
TQSqlEditorFactoryUsed to create the editors used by TQDataTable and TQSqlForm
TQSqlErrorSQL database error information
TQSqlFieldManipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
TQSqlFieldInfoStores meta data associated with a SQL field
TQSqlFormCreates and manages data entry forms tied to SQL databases
TQSqlIndexFunctions to manipulate and describe TQSqlCursor and TQSqlDatabase indexes
TQSqlPropertyMapUsed to map widgets to SQL fields
TQSqlQueryMeans of executing and manipulating SQL statements
TQSqlRecordEncapsulates a database record, i.e. a set of database fields
TQSqlRecordInfoEncapsulates a set of database field meta data
TQSqlResultAbstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases
TQSqlSelectCursorBrowsing of general SQL SELECT statements
TQStatusBarHorizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
TQStoredDragSimple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data
TQStrIListDoubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison
TQStrListDoubly-linked list of char*
TQStrListIteratorIterator for the TQStrList and TQStrIList classes
TQStringAbstraction of Unicode text and the classic C '\0'-terminated char array
TQStringListList of strings
TQStyleThe look and feel of a GUI
TQStyleFactoryCreates TQStyle objects
TQStyleOptionOptional parameters for TQStyle functions
TQStylePluginAbstract base for custom TQStyle plugins
TQStyleSheetCollection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags
TQStyleSheetItemEncapsulation of a set of text styles
TQSyntaxHighlighterBase class for implementing TQTextEdit syntax highlighters
TQTabThe structures in a TQTabBar
TQTabBarTab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs
TQTabDialogStack of tabbed widgets
TQTabWidgetStack of tabbed widgets
TQTableFlexible editable table widget
TQTableItemThe cell content for TQTable cells
TQTableSelectionAccess to a selected area in a TQTable
TQTabletEventParameters that describe a Tablet event
TQTextBrowserRich text browser with hypertext navigation
TQTextCodecConversion between text encodings
TQTextCodecPluginAbstract base for custom TQTextCodec plugins
TQTextDecoderState-based decoder
TQTextDragDrag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text
TQTextEditPowerful single-page rich text editor
TQTextEncoderState-based encoder
TQTextIStreamConvenience class for input streams
TQTextOStreamConvenience class for output streams
TQTextStreamBasic functions for reading and writing text using a TQIODevice
TQThreadPlatform-independent threads
TQThreadStoragePer-thread data storage
TQTimeClock time functions
TQTimeEditTime editor
TQTimerTimer signals and single-shot timers
TQTimerEventParameters that describe a timer event
TQToolBarMovable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons
TQToolBoxColumn of tabbed widget items
TQToolButtonQuick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a TQToolBar
TQToolTipTool tips (balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget
TQToolTipGroupCollects tool tips into related groups
TQTranslatorInternationalization support for text output
TQTranslatorMessageTranslator message and its properties
TQTsciiCodecConversion to and from the Tamil TSCII encoding
TQUriDragDrag object for a list of URI references
TQUrlURL parser and simplifies working with URLs
TQUrlInfoStores information about URLs
TQUrlOperatorCommon operations on URLs
TQUuidDefines a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
TQVBoxVertical geometry management of its child widgets
TQVBoxLayoutLines up widgets vertically
TQVButtonGroupOrganizes TQButton widgets in a vertical column
TQVGroupBoxOrganizes a group of widgets in a vertical column
TQValidatorValidation of input text
TQValueListValue-based template class that provides lists
TQValueListConstIteratorConst iterator for TQValueList
TQValueListIteratorIterator for TQValueList
TQValueStackValue-based template class that provides a stack
TQValueVectorValue-based template class that provides a dynamic array
TQVariantActs like a union for the most common TQt data types
TQWMatrix2D transformations of a coordinate system
TQWSDecorationAllows the appearance of the TQt/Embedded Window Manager to be customized
TQWSInputMethodInternational input methods for TQt/Embedded
TQWSKeyboardHandlerImplements the keyboard driver for TQt/Embedded
TQWSMouseHandlerMouse driver for TQt/Embedded
TQWSServerServer-specific functionality in TQt/Embedded
TQWSWindowServer-specific functionality in TQt/Embedded
TQWaitConditionAllows waiting/waking for conditions between threads
TQWhatsThisSimple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's this?"
TQWheelEventParameters that describe a wheel event
TQWidgetThe base class of all user interface objects
TQWidgetFactoryFor the dynamic creation of widgets from TQt Designer .ui files
TQWidgetItemLayout item that represents a widget
TQWidgetPluginAbstract base for custom TQWidget plugins
TQWidgetStackStack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible
TQWindowsMimeMaps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
TQWindowsStyleMicrosoft Windows-like look and feel
TQWizardFramework for wizard dialogs
TQWorkspaceWorkspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI
TQXmlAttributesXML attributes
TQXmlContentHandlerInterface to report the logical content of XML data
TQXmlDTDHandlerInterface to report DTD content of XML data
TQXmlDeclHandlerInterface to report declaration content of XML data
TQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault implementation of all the XML handler classes
TQXmlEntityResolverInterface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
TQXmlErrorHandlerInterface to report errors in XML data
TQXmlInputSourceThe input data for the TQXmlReader subclasses
TQXmlLexicalHandlerInterface to report the lexical content of XML data
TQXmlLocatorThe XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
TQXmlNamespaceSupportHelper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
TQXmlParseExceptionUsed to report errors with the TQXmlErrorHandler interface
TQXmlReaderInterface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
TQXmlSimpleReaderImplementation of a simple XML reader (parser)
TQtNamespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like

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TQt 3.3.8