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This is the verbatim text of the tqcstring.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.

** $Id: qt/tqcstring.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:38 $
** Definition of the extended char array operations,
** and TQByteArray and TQCString classes
** Created : 920609
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
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#ifndef QT_H
#include "tqmemarray.h"
#endif // QT_H

#include <string.h>

  Safe and portable C string functions; extensions to standard string.h

TQ_EXPORT void *tqmemmove( void *dst, const void *src, uint len );

TQ_EXPORT char *tqstrdup( const char * );

TQ_EXPORT inline uint tqstrlen( const char *str )
{ return str ? (uint)strlen(str) : 0u; }

TQ_EXPORT inline char *qstrcpy( char *dst, const char *src )
{ return src ? strcpy(dst, src) : 0; }

TQ_EXPORT char *tqstrncpy( char *dst, const char *src, uint len );

TQ_EXPORT inline int qstrcmp( const char *str1, const char *str2 )
    return ( str1 && str2 ) ? strcmp( str1, str2 )
			    : ( str1 ? 1 : ( str2 ? -1 : 0 ) );

TQ_EXPORT inline int tqstrncmp( const char *str1, const char *str2, uint len )
    return ( str1 && str2 ) ? strncmp( str1, str2, len )
			    : ( str1 ? 1 : ( str2 ? -1 : 0 ) );

TQ_EXPORT int tqstricmp( const char *, const char * );

TQ_EXPORT int tqstrnicmp( const char *, const char *, uint len );

// tqChecksum: Internet checksum

TQ_EXPORT TQ_UINT16 tqChecksum( const char *s, uint len );

  TQByteArray class

#if defined(Q_QDOC)
  We want qdoc to document TQByteArray as a real class that inherits
  TQMemArray<char> and that is inherited by TQBitArray.
class TQByteArray : public TQMemArray<char>
    TQByteArray( int size );
typedef TQMemArray<char> TQByteArray;

TQ_EXPORT TQByteArray tqCompress( const uchar* data, int nbytes );
TQ_EXPORT TQByteArray tqUncompress( const uchar* data, int nbytes );
TQ_EXPORT inline TQByteArray tqCompress( const TQByteArray& data)
{ return tqCompress( (const uchar*)data.data(), data.size() ); }
TQ_EXPORT inline TQByteArray tqUncompress( const TQByteArray& data )
{ return tqUncompress( (const uchar*)data.data(), data.size() ); }

  TQByteArray stream functions
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &, const TQByteArray & );
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &, TQByteArray & );

  TQCString class

class TQRegExp;

class TQ_EXPORT TQCString : public TQByteArray	// C string class
    TQCString() {}				// make null string
    TQCString( int size );			// allocate size incl. \0
    TQCString( const TQCString &s ) : TQByteArray( s ) {}
    TQCString( const char *str );		// deep copy
    TQCString( const char *str, uint maxlen );	// deep copy, max length

    TQCString    &operator=( const TQCString &s );// shallow copy
    TQCString    &operator=( const char *str );	// deep copy

    bool	isNull()	const;
    bool	isEmpty()	const;
    uint	length()	const;
    bool	resize( uint newlen );
    bool	truncate( uint pos );
    bool	fill( char c, int len = -1 );

    TQCString	copy()	const;

    TQCString    &sprintf( const char *format, ... );

    int		find( char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int		find( const char *str, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int		find( const TQRegExp &, int index=0 ) const;
    int		findRev( char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const;
    int		findRev( const char *str, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const;
    int		findRev( const TQRegExp &, int index=-1 ) const;
    int		contains( char c, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int		contains( const char *str, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int		contains( const TQRegExp & ) const;
    TQCString	left( uint len )  const;
    TQCString	right( uint len ) const;
    TQCString	mid( uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const;

    TQCString	leftJustify( uint width, char fill=' ', bool trunc=FALSE)const;
    TQCString	rightJustify( uint width, char fill=' ',bool trunc=FALSE)const;

    TQCString	lower() const;
    TQCString	upper() const;

    TQCString	stripWhiteSpace()	const;
    TQCString	simplifyWhiteSpace()	const;

    TQCString    &insert( uint index, const char * );
    TQCString    &insert( uint index, char );
    TQCString    &append( const char * );
    TQCString    &prepend( const char * );
    TQCString    &remove( uint index, uint len );
    TQCString    &replace( uint index, uint len, const char * );
    TQCString    &replace( const TQRegExp &, const char * );
    TQCString    &replace( char c, const char *after );
    TQCString    &replace( const char *, const char * );
    TQCString    &replace( char, char );

    short	toShort( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    ushort	toUShort( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    int		toInt( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    uint	toUInt( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    long	toLong( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    ulong	toULong( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    float	toFloat( bool *ok=0 )	const;
    double	toDouble( bool *ok=0 )	const;

    TQCString    &setStr( const char *s );
    TQCString    &setNum( short );
    TQCString    &setNum( ushort );
    TQCString    &setNum( int );
    TQCString    &setNum( uint );
    TQCString    &setNum( long );
    TQCString    &setNum( ulong );
    TQCString    &setNum( float, char f='g', int prec=6 );
    TQCString    &setNum( double, char f='g', int prec=6 );

    bool	setExpand( uint index, char c );

		operator const char *() const;
    TQCString    &operator+=( const char *str );
    TQCString    &operator+=( char c );
    int	find( const char *str, int index, bool cs, uint l ) const;

  TQCString stream functions
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &, const TQCString & );
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &, TQCString & );

  TQCString inline functions

inline TQCString &TQCString::operator=( const TQCString &s )
{ return (TQCString&)assign( s ); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::operator=( const char *str )
{ return (TQCString&)duplicate( str, tqstrlen(str)+1 ); }

inline bool TQCString::isNull() const
{ return data() == 0; }

inline bool TQCString::isEmpty() const
{ return data() == 0 || *data() == '\0'; }

inline uint TQCString::length() const
{ return tqstrlen( data() ); }

inline bool TQCString::truncate( uint pos )
{ return resize(pos+1); }

inline TQCString TQCString::copy() const
{ return TQCString( data() ); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::prepend( const char *s )
{ return insert(0,s); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::append( const char *s )
{ return operator+=(s); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::setNum( short n )
{ return setNum((long)n); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::setNum( ushort n )
{ return setNum((ulong)n); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::setNum( int n )
{ return setNum((long)n); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::setNum( uint n )
{ return setNum((ulong)n); }

inline TQCString &TQCString::setNum( float n, char f, int prec )
{ return setNum((double)n,f,prec); }

inline TQCString::operator const char *() const
{ return (const char *)data(); }

  TQCString non-member operators

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator==( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) == 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator==( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) == 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator==( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) == 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator!=( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) != 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator!=( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) != 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator!=( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) != 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString& s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) < 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) < 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) < 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<=( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) <= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<=( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) <= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator<=( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) <= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) > 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) > 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) > 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>=( const TQCString &s1, const TQCString& s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2.data() ) >= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>=( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1.data(), s2 ) >= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline bool operator>=( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
{ return qstrcmp( s1, s2.data() ) >= 0; }

TQ_EXPORT inline const TQCString operator+( const TQCString &s1,
					  const TQCString &s2 )
    TQCString tmp( s1.data() );
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

TQ_EXPORT inline const TQCString operator+( const TQCString &s1, const char *s2 )
    TQCString tmp( s1.data() );
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

TQ_EXPORT inline const TQCString operator+( const char *s1, const TQCString &s2 )
    TQCString tmp( s1 );
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

TQ_EXPORT inline const TQCString operator+( const TQCString &s1, char c2 )
    TQCString tmp( s1.data() );
    tmp += c2;
    return tmp;

TQ_EXPORT inline const TQCString operator+( char c1, const TQCString &s2 )
    TQCString tmp;
    tmp += c1;
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;
#include "tqwinexport.h"
#endif // TQCSTRING_H

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TQt 3.3.8