'\" t .TH TQIconDrag 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the .\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license .\" statement. .\" .ad l .nh .SH NAME TQIconDrag \- Supports drag and drop operations within a TQIconView .SH SYNOPSIS \fC#include \fR .PP Inherits QDragObject. .PP .SS "Public Members" .in +1c .ti -1c .BI "\fBTQIconDrag\fR ( TQWidget * dragSource, const char * name = 0 )" .br .ti -1c .BI "virtual \fB~TQIconDrag\fR ()" .br .ti -1c .BI "void \fBappend\fR ( const TQIconDragItem & i, const QRect & pr, const QRect & tr )" .br .ti -1c .BI "virtual QByteArray \fBencodedData\fR ( const char * mime ) const" .br .in -1c .SS "Static Public Members" .in +1c .ti -1c .BI "bool \fBcanDecode\fR ( QMimeSource * e )" .br .in -1c .SH DESCRIPTION The TQIconDrag class supports drag and drop operations within a TQIconView. .PP A TQIconDrag object is used to maintain information about the positions of dragged items and the data associated with the dragged items. TQIconViews are able to use this information to paint the dragged items in the correct positions. Internally TQIconDrag stores the data associated with drag items in TQIconDragItem objects. .PP If you want to use the extended drag-and-drop functionality of TQIconView, create a TQIconDrag object in a reimplementation of TQIconView::dragObject(). Then create a TQIconDragItem for each item which should be dragged, set the data it represents with TQIconDragItem::setData(), and add each TQIconDragItem to the drag object using append(). .PP The data in TQIconDragItems is stored in a QByteArray and is mime-typed (see QMimeSource and the Drag and Drop overview). If you want to use your own mime-types derive a class from TQIconDrag and reimplement format(), encodedData() and canDecode(). .PP The fileiconview example program demonstrates the use of the TQIconDrag class including subclassing and reimplementing dragObject(), format(), encodedData() and canDecode(). See the files \fCqt/examples/fileiconview/qfileiconview.h\fR and \fCqt/examples/fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp\fR. .PP See also QMimeSource::format() and Drag And Drop Classes. .SH MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION .SH "TQIconDrag::TQIconDrag ( TQWidget * dragSource, const char * name = 0 )" Constructs a drag object called \fIname\fR, which is a child of \fIdragSource\fR. .PP Note that the drag object will be deleted when \fIdragSource\fR is deleted. .SH "TQIconDrag::~TQIconDrag ()\fC [virtual]\fR" Destructor. .SH "void TQIconDrag::append ( const TQIconDragItem & i, const QRect & pr, const QRect & tr )" Append the TQIconDragItem, \fIi\fR, to the TQIconDrag object's list of items. You must also supply the geometry of the pixmap, \fIpr\fR, and the textual caption, \fItr\fR. .PP See also TQIconDragItem. .PP Example: fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp. .SH "bool TQIconDrag::canDecode ( QMimeSource * e )\fC [static]\fR" Returns TRUE if \fIe\fR can be decoded by the TQIconDrag, otherwise return FALSE. .PP Example: fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp. .SH "QByteArray TQIconDrag::encodedData ( const char * mime ) const\fC [virtual]\fR" Returns the encoded data of the drag object if \fImime\fR is application/x-qiconlist. .PP Example: fileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp. .PP Reimplemented from QMimeSource. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR http://doc.trolltech.com/tqicondrag.html .BR http://www.trolltech.com/faq/tech.html .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, http://www.trolltech.com. See the license file included in the distribution for a complete license statement. .SH AUTHOR Generated automatically from the source code. .SH BUGS If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in .BR http://doc.trolltech.com/bughowto.html . Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you. .P The definitive TQt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is located at $TQTDIR/doc/html and can be read using TQt Assistant or with a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially supported by Trolltech. .P If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to .BR qt-bugs@trolltech.com . Please include the name of the manual page (tqicondrag.3qt) and the Qt version (3.3.8).