/**************************************************************************** ** ** Moc usage, expanded from the manual page ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the TQt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as ** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL ** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt ** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt ** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ // Note: Text in this file must also be copied to the moc man page: // src/moc/moc.1 /*! \page moc.html \title Using the Meta Object Compiler \keyword moc The Meta Object Compiler, moc among friends, is the program which handles Qt's \link metaobjects.html C++ extensions.\endlink The moc reads a C++ source file. If it finds one or more class declarations that contain the TQ_OBJECT macro, it produces another C++ source file which contains the meta object code for the classes that use the TQ_OBJECT macro. Among other things, meta object code is required for the signal/slot mechanism, runtime type information and the dynamic property system. The C++ source file generated by the moc must be compiled and linked with the implementation of the class (or it can be #included into the class's source file). If you use \link qmake-manual.book qmake\endlink to create your Makefiles, build rules will be included that call the moc when required, so you will not need to use the moc directly. For more background information on moc, see \link templates.html Why doesn't Qt use templates for signals and slots?\endlink. \section1 Usage The moc is typically used with an input file containing class declarations like this: \code class MyClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: MyClass( TQObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 ); ~MyClass(); signals: void mySignal(); public slots: void mySlot(); }; \endcode In addition to the signals and slots shown above, the moc also implements object properties as in the next example. The TQ_PROPERTY macro declares an object property, while TQ_ENUMS declares a list of enumeration types within the class to be usable inside the \link properties.html property system\endlink. In this particular case we declare a property of the enumeration type \c Priority that is also called "priority" and has a get function \c priority() and a set function \c setPriority(). \code class MyClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT TQ_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority ) TQ_ENUMS( Priority ) public: MyClass( TQObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 ); ~MyClass(); enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow }; void setPriority( Priority ); Priority priority() const; }; \endcode Properties can be modified in subclasses with the TQ_OVERRIDE macro. The TQ_SETS macro declares enums that are to be used as sets, i.e. OR'ed together. Another macro, TQ_CLASSINFO, can be used to attach additional name/value-pairs to the class' meta object: \code class MyClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT TQ_CLASSINFO( "Author", "Oscar Peterson") TQ_CLASSINFO( "Status", "Active") public: MyClass( TQObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 ); ~MyClass(); }; \endcode The three concepts, signals and slots, properties and class meta-data, can be combined. The output produced by the moc must be compiled and linked, just like the other C++ code in your program; otherwise the build will fail in the final link phase. By convention, this is done in one of the following two ways:
Method A: The class declaration is found in a header (\e .h) file
If the class declaration above is found in the file \e myclass.h, the moc output should be put in a file called \e moc_myclass.cpp. This file should then be compiled as usual, resulting in an object file \e moc_myclass.o (on Unix) or \e moc_myclass.obj (on Windows). This object should then be included in the list of object files that are linked together in the final building phase of the program.
Method B: The class declaration is found in an implementation (\e .cpp) file
If the class declaration above is found in the file \e myclass.cpp, the moc output should be put in a file called \e myclass.moc. This file should be #included in the implementation file, i.e. \e myclass.cpp should contain the line \code #include "myclass.moc" \endcode at the end. This will cause the moc-generated code to be compiled and linked together with the normal class definition in \e myclass.cpp, so it is not necessary to compile and link it separately, as in Method A.
Method A is the normal method. Method B can be used in cases where you want the implementation file to be self-contained, or in cases where the TQ_OBJECT class is implementation-internal and thus should not be visible in the header file. \section1 Automating moc Usage with Makefiles For anything but the simplest test programs, it is recommended that you automate running the moc. By adding some rules to your program's Makefile, \e make can take care of running moc when necessary and handling the moc output. We recommend using Trolltech's free makefile generation tool, \link qmake-manual.book qmake\endlink, for building your Makefiles. This tool recognizes both Method A and B style source files, and generates a Makefile that does all the necessary moc handling. If you want to create your Makefiles yourself, here are some tips on how to include moc handling. For TQ_OBJECT class declarations in header files, here is a useful makefile rule if you only use GNU make: \code moc_%.cpp: %.h moc $< -o $@ \endcode If you want to write portably, you can use individual rules with the following form: \code moc_NAME.cpp: NAME.h moc $< -o $@ \endcode You must also remember to add \e moc_NAME.cpp to your SOURCES (substitute your favorite name) variable and \e moc_NAME.o or \e moc_NAME.obj to your OBJECTS variable. (While we prefer to name our C++ source files .cpp, the moc doesn't care, so you can use .C, .cc, .CC, .cxx or even .c++ if you prefer.) For TQ_OBJECT class declarations in implementation (.cpp) files, we suggest a makefile rule like this: \code NAME.o: NAME.moc NAME.moc: NAME.cpp moc -i $< -o $@ \endcode This guarantees that make will run the moc before it compiles \e NAME.cpp. You can then put \code #include "NAME.moc" \endcode at the end of \e NAME.cpp, where all the classes declared in that file are fully known. \section1 Invoking moc Here are the command-line options supported by the moc: \table \header \i Option \i Meaning \row \i -o \e file \i Write output to \e file rather than to stdout. \row \i -f \i Force the generation of an #include statement in the output. This is the default for files whose name matches the regular expression \.[hH][^.]* (i.e. the extension starts with H or h). This option is only useful if you have header files that do not follow the standard naming conventions. \row \i -i \i Do not generate an #include statement in the output. This may be used to run the moc on on a C++ file containing one or more class declarations. You should then #include the meta object code in the .cpp file. If both -i and -f are present, the last one wins. \row \i -nw \i Do not generate any warnings. Not recommended. \row \i -ldbg \i Write a flood of lex debug information to stdout. \row \i -p \e path \i Makes the moc prepend \e {path}/ to the file name in the generated #include statement (if one is generated). \row \i -q \e path \i Makes the moc prepend \e {path}/ to the file name of qt #include files in the generated code. \endtable You can explicitly tell the moc not to parse parts of a header file. It recognizes any C++ comment (//) that contains the substrings MOC_SKIP_BEGIN or MOC_SKIP_END. They work as you would expect and you can have several levels of them. The net result as seen by the moc is as if you had removed all lines between a MOC_SKIP_BEGIN and a MOC_SKIP_END. \section1 Diagnostics The moc will warn you about a number of dangerous or illegal constructs in the TQ_OBJECT class declarations. If you get linkage errors in the final building phase of your program, saying that YourClass::className() is undefined or that YourClass lacks a vtbl, something has been done wrong. Most often, you have forgotten to compile or #include the moc-generated C++ code, or (in the former case) include that object file in the link command. \section1 Limitations The moc does not expand #include or #define, it simply skips any preprocessor directives it encounters. This is regrettable, but is not usually a problem in practice. The moc does not handle all of C++. The main problem is that class templates cannot have signals or slots. Here is an example: \code class SomeTemplate : public TQFrame { TQ_OBJECT ... signals: void bugInMocDetected( int ); }; \endcode Less importantly, the following constructs are illegal. All of them have alternatives which we think are usually better, so removing these limitations is not a high priority for us. \section2 Multiple inheritance requires TQObject to be first If you are using multiple inheritance, moc assumes that the \e first inherited class is a subclass of TQObject. Also, be sure that \e only the first inherited class is a TQObject. \code class SomeClass : public TQObject, public OtherClass { ... }; \endcode (This limitation is almost impossible to remove; since the moc does not expand #include or #define, it cannot find out which one of the base classes is a TQObject.) \section2 Function pointers cannot be arguments to signals or slots In most cases where you would consider using function pointers as signal/slot arguments, we think inheritance is a better alternative. Here is an example of illegal syntax: \code class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT ... public slots: // illegal void apply( void (*apply)(List *, void *), char * ); }; \endcode You can work around this restriction like this: \code typedef void (*ApplyFunctionType)( List *, void * ); class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT ... public slots: void apply( ApplyFunctionType, char * ); }; \endcode It may sometimes be even better to replace the function pointer with inheritance and virtual functions, signals or slots. \section2 Friend declarations cannot be placed in signals or slots sections Sometimes it will work, but in general, friend declarations cannot be placed in signals or slots sections. Put them in the private, protected or public sections instead. Here is an example of the illegal syntax: \code class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT ... signals: friend class ClassTemplate; // WRONG }; \endcode \section2 Signals and slots cannot be upgraded The C++ feature of upgrading an inherited member function to public status is not extended to cover signals and slots. Here is an illegal example: \code class Whatever : public TQButtonGroup { ... public slots: TQButtonGroup::buttonPressed; // WRONG ... }; \endcode The TQButtonGroup::buttonPressed() slot is protected. C++ quiz: What happens if you try to upgrade a protected member function which is overloaded? \list 1 \i All the functions are overloaded. \i That is not legal C++. \endlist \omit C++ ARM, section r.11.3 \endomit \section2 Type macros cannot be used for signal and slot parameters Since the moc does not expand #define, type macros that take an argument will not work in signals and slots. Here is an illegal example: \code #ifdef ultrix #define SIGNEDNESS(a) unsigned a #else #define SIGNEDNESS(a) a #endif class Whatever : public TQObject { ... signals: void someSignal( SIGNEDNESS(int) ); ... }; \endcode A #define without parameters will work as expected. \section2 Nested classes cannot be in the signals or slots sections nor have signals or slots Here's an example: \code class A { TQ_OBJECT public: class B { public slots: // WRONG void b(); ... }; signals: class B { // WRONG void b(); ... }: }; \endcode \section2 Constructors cannot be used in signals or slots sections It is a mystery to us why anyone would put a constructor in either the signals or slots sections. You can't anyway (except that it happens to work in some cases). Put them in private, protected or public sections, where they belong. Here is an example of the illegal syntax: \code class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public slots: SomeClass( TQObject *parent, const char *name ) : TQObject( parent, name ) { } // WRONG ... }; \endcode \section2 Properties need to be declared before the public section that contains the respective get and set functions Declaring the first property within or after the public section that contains the type definition and the respective get and set functions does not work as expected. The moc will complain that it can neither find the functions nor resolve the type. Here is an example of the illegal syntax: \code class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: ... TQ_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority ) // WRONG TQ_ENUMS( Priority ) // WRONG enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow }; void setPriority( Priority ); Priority priority() const; ... }; \endcode Work around this limitation by declaring all properties at the beginning of the class declaration, right after TQ_OBJECT: \code class SomeClass : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT TQ_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority ) TQ_ENUMS( Priority ) public: ... enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow }; void setPriority( Priority ); Priority priority() const; ... }; \endcode */