/**************************************************************************** ** ** ** TQt thread support ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. 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If you are new to threading see our \link #reading Recommended Reading\endlink list. \section1 Enabling Thread Support When TQt is installed on Windows, thread support is an option on some compilers. On Mac OS X and Unix, thread support is enabled by adding the \c{-thread} option when running the \c{configure} script. On Unix platforms where multithreaded programs must be linked in special ways, such as with a special libc, installation will create a separate library, \c{libtqt-mt} and hence threaded programs must be linked against this library (with \c{-ltqt-mt}) rather than the standard Qt library. On both platforms, you should compile with the macro \c TQT_THREAD_SUPPORT defined (e.g. compile with \c{-DTQT_THREAD_SUPPORT}). On Windows, this is usually done by an entry in \c{ntqconfig.h}. \section1 The Thread Classes These classes are built into the TQt library when thread support is enabled: \list \i TQThread - Provides the means to start a new thread, which begins execution in your reimplementation of TQThread::run(). This is similar to the Java thread class. \i TQThreadStorage - Provides per-thread data storage. This class can only be used with threads started with TQThread; it cannot be used with threads started with platform-specific APIs. \i TQMutex - Provides a mutual exclusion lock (also know as a mutex). \i TQMutexLocker - A convenience class which automatically locks and unlocks a TQMutex. TQMutexLocker is useful in complicated code, or in code which uses exceptions. See the documentation for more details. \i TQWaitCondition - Provides a way for threads to go to sleep until woken up by another thread. \i TQSemaphore - Provides a simple integer semaphore. \endlist \section1 Important Definitions \target reentrant \target threadsafe When using TQt in a multithreaded program, it is important to understand the definition of the terms \e reentrant and \e thread-safe: \list \i \e reentrant - Describes a function which can be called simultaneously by multiple threads when each invocation of the function references unique data. Calling a reentrant function simultaneously with the same data is not safe, and such invocations should be serialized. \i \e thread-safe - Describes a function which can be called simultaneously by multiple threads when each invocation references shared data. Calling a thread-safe function simultaneously with the same data is safe, since all access to the shared data are serialized. \endlist Note that TQt provides both implictly and explicitly shared classes. For more information, see the \link threads.html#threads-shared Threads and Shared Data \endlink section. Most C++ member functions are inherently reentrant, since they only reference class member data. Any thread can call such a member function on an instance, as long as no other thread is calling a member function on the same instance. For example, given the class \c Number below: \code class Number { public: inline Number( int n ) : num( n ) { } inline int number() const { return num; } inline void setNumber( int n ) { num = n; } private: int num; }; \endcode The methods \c Number::number() and \c Number::setNumber() are reentrant, since they only reference unique data. Only one thread at a time can call member functions on each instance of \c Number. However, multiple threads can call member functions on separate instances of \c Number. Thread-safe functions usually use a mutex (e.g a TQMutex) to serialize access to shared data. Because of this, thread-safe functions are usually slower than reentrant functions, because of the extra overhead of locking and unlocking the mutex. For example, given the class \c Counter below: \code class Counter { public: inline Counter() { ++instances; } inline ~Counter() { --instances; } private: static int instances; }; \endcode Since the modifications of the static \c instances integer are not serialized, this class is not thread-safe. So make it threadsafe, a mutex must be used: \code class Counter { public: inline Counter() { mutex.lock(); ++instances; mutex.unlock(); } ... private: static TQMutex mutex; static int instances; }; \endcode \section1 Thread-safe Event Posting In Qt, one thread is always the GUI or event thread. This is the thread that creates a QApplication object and calls QApplication::exec(). This is also the initial thread that calls main() at program start. This thread is the only thread that is allowed to perform GUI operations, including generating and receiving events from the window system. TQt does not support creating QApplication and running the event loop (with QApplication::exec()) in a secondary thread. You must create the QApplication object and call QApplication::exec() from the main() function in your program. Threads that wish to display data in a widget cannot modify the widget directly, so they must post an event to the widget using QApplication::postEvent(). The event will be delivered later on by the GUI thread. Normally, the programmer would like to include some information in the event sent to the widget. See the documentation for TQCustomEvent for more information on user-defined events. \section1 Threads and TQObject subclasses The TQObject class itself is \e reentrant. However, certain rules apply when creating and using TQObjects in a thread that is not the GUI thread. \list 1 \i \e None of the TQObject based classes included in the TQt library are \e reentrant. This includes all widgets (e.g. TQWidget and subclasses), OS kernel classes (e.g. TQProcess, TQAccel, TQTimer), and all networking classes (e.g. TQSocket, TQDns). \i TQObject and all of its subclasses are \e not \e thread-safe. This includes the entire event delivery system. It is important to remember that the GUI thread may be delivering events to your TQObject subclass while you are accessing the object from another thread. If you are using TQObject in a thread that is not the GUI thread, and you are handling events sent to this object, you \e must protect all access to your data with a mutex; otherwise you may experience crashes or other undesired behavior. \i As a corollary to the above, deleting a TQObject while pending events are waiting to be delivered can cause a crash. You must not delete the TQObject directly from a thread that is not the GUI thread. Use the TQObject::deleteLater() method instead, which will cause the event loop to delete the object after all pending events have been delivered to the object. \endlist \section1 The TQt Library Mutex QApplication includes a mutex that is used to protect access to window system functions. This mutex is locked while the event loop is running (e.g. during event delivery) and unlocked when the eventloop goes to sleep. Note: The TQt event loop is recursive, and the library mutex is \e not unlocked when re-entering the event loop (e.g. when executing a modal dialog with TQDialog::exec()). If another thread locks the TQt library mutex, then the event loop will stop processing events, and the locking thread may do simple GUI operations. Operations such as creating a TQPainter and drawing a line are examples of simple GUI operations: \code ... tqApp->lock(); TQPainter p; p.begin( mywidget ); p.setPen( TQColor( "red" ) ); p.drawLine( 0,0,100,100 ); p.end(); tqApp->unlock(); ... \endcode Any operations that generate events must not be called by any thread other than the GUI thread. Examples of such operations are: \list \i creating a TQWidget, TQTimer, TQSocketNotifier, TQSocket or other network class. \i moving, resizing, showing or hiding a TQWidget. \i starting or stoping a TQTimer. \i enabling or disabling a TQSocketNotifier. \i using a TQSocket or other network class. \endlist Events generated by these operations will be lost on some platforms. \section1 Threads and Signals and Slots The Signals and Slots mechanism can be used in separate threads, as long as the rules for TQObject based classes are followed. The Signals and Slots mechanism is synchronous: when a signal is emitted, all slots are called immediately. The slots are executed in the thread context that emitted the signal. \warning Slots that generate window system events or use window system functions \e must \e not be connected to a signal that is emitted from a thread that is not the GUI thread. See the TQt Library Mutex section above for more details. \target threads-shared \section1 Threads and Shared Data Qt provides many implicitly shared and explicitly shared classes. In a multithreaded program, multiple instances of a shared class can reference shared data, which is dangerous if one or more threads attempt to modify the data. TQt provides the TQDeepCopy class, which ensures that shared classes reference unique data. See the description of \link shclass.html implicit sharing\endlink for more information. \target threads-sql \section1 Threads and the SQL Module A connection can only be used from within the thread that created it. Moving connections between threads or creating queries from a different thread is not supported. In addition, the third party libraries used by the TQSqlDrivers can impose further restrictions on using the SQL Module in a multithreaded program. Consult the manual of your database client for more information. \section1 Caveats Some things to watch out for when programming with threads: \list \i As mentioned above, TQObject based classes are neither thread-safe nor reentrant. This includes all widgets (e.g. TQWidget and subclasses), OS kernel classes (e.g. TQProcess, TQAccel), and all networking classes (e.g. TQSocket, TQDns). \i Deleting a TQObject while pending events are waiting to be delivered will cause a crash. If you are creating TQObjects in a thread that is not the GUI thread and posting events to these objects, you should not delete the TQObject directly. Use the TQObject::deleteLater() method instead, which will cause the event loop to delete the object after all pending events have been delivered to the object. \i Don't do any blocking operations while holding the TQt library mutex. This will freeze up the event loop. \i Make sure you unlock a recursive TQMutex as many times as you lock it, no more and no less. \i Don't mix the normal TQt library and the threaded TQt library in your application. This means that if your application uses the threaded Qt library, you should not link with the normal TQt library, dynamically load the normal TQt library or dynamically load another library or plugin that depends on the normal TQt library. On some systems, doing this can corrupt the static data used in the TQt library. \i TQt does not support creating QApplication and running the event loop (with QApplication::exec()) in a secondary thread. You must create the QApplication object and call QApplication::exec() from the main() function in your program. \endlist \target reading \section1 Recommended Reading \list \i \link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0134436989/trolltech/t Threads Primer: A Guide to Multithreaded Programming\endlink \i \link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0131900676/trolltech/t Thread Time: The Multithreaded Programming Guide\endlink \i \link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565921151/trolltech/t Pthreads Programming: A POSIX Standard for Better Multiprocessing (O'Reilly Nutshell)\endlink \i \link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565922964/trolltech/t Win32 Multithreaded Programming\endlink \endlist */