#include "i18n.h" #include "wrapper.h" #include "../textdrawing/textedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int windowIdNumber = 5000; static bool firstShow = TRUE; I18nDemo::I18nDemo(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQMainWindow(parent, name, 0), lastwrapper(0) { initActions(); initMenuBar(); TQVBox *box = new TQVBox(this); box->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::StyledPanel | TQFrame::Sunken ); box->setMargin( 1 ); box->setLineWidth( 1 ); workspace = new TQWorkspace(box); connect(workspace, SIGNAL(windowActivated(TQWidget *)), SLOT(windowActivated(TQWidget *))); workspace->setBackgroundMode(PaletteMid); setCentralWidget(box); } I18nDemo::~I18nDemo() { } void I18nDemo::initActions() { actionClose = new TQAction(tr("Close the current window."), tr("Close"), CTRL + Key_F4, this); connect(actionClose, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(closeSlot())); actionCloseAll = new TQAction(tr("Close all opened windows."), tr("Close All"), 0, this); connect(actionCloseAll, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(closeAllSlot())); actionTile = new TQAction(tr("Tile opened windows."), tr("Tile"), 0, this); connect(actionTile, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(tileSlot())); actionCascade = new TQAction(tr("Cascade opened windows."), tr("Cascade"), 0, this); connect(actionCascade, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(cascadeSlot())); } void I18nDemo::initMenuBar() { newMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); connect(newMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(newSlot(int))); newMenu->insertItem("&English", 0); newMenu->insertItem("&Japanese", 1); newMenu->insertItem("&Korean", 2); newMenu->insertItem("&Norwegian", 3); windowMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); connect(windowMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(windowSlot(int))); windowMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); actionClose->addTo(windowMenu); actionCloseAll->addTo(windowMenu); windowMenu->insertSeparator(); actionTile->addTo(windowMenu); actionCascade->addTo(windowMenu); windowMenu->insertSeparator(); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&New"), newMenu); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&Window"), windowMenu); } void I18nDemo::newSlot(int id) { TQString qmfile; switch (id) { default: case 0: qmfile = "i18n/en.qm"; break; case 1: qmfile = "i18n/ja.qm"; break; case 2: qmfile = "i18n/ko.qm"; break; case 3: qmfile = "i18n/no.qm"; break; } if (lastwrapper) { qApp->removeTranslator(&lastwrapper->translator); lastwrapper = 0; } Wrapper *wrapper = new Wrapper(workspace, windowIdNumber); wrapper->translator.load(qmfile, "."); qApp->installTranslator(&wrapper->translator); connect(wrapper, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(wrapperDead())); wrapper->setCaption(tr("--language--")); TextEdit *te = new TextEdit(wrapper); te->layout()->setResizeMode( TQLayout::FreeResize ); te->setMinimumSize(500, 400); te->fileNew(); te->currentEditor()-> setText(tr("

About TQt

" "

This program uses TQt version %1, a multiplatform C++ " "GUI toolkit from Trolltech. TQt provides single-source " "portability across Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, " "HP-UX and many other versions of Unix with X11.

" "

See http://www.trolltech.com/qt/ for more " "information.

").arg(QT_VERSION_STR)); qApp->removeTranslator(&wrapper->translator); te->show(); wrapper->show(); windowMenu->insertItem(wrapper->caption(), wrapper->id); windowMenu->setItemChecked(wrapper->id, TRUE); lastwrapper = wrapper; windowIdNumber++; } void I18nDemo::windowSlot(int id) { if (id < 5000) return; TQWidgetList list = workspace->windowList(); Wrapper *wrapper = (Wrapper *) list.first(); while (wrapper) { if (wrapper->id == id) { wrapper->setFocus(); break; } wrapper = (Wrapper *) list.next(); } } void I18nDemo::windowActivated(TQWidget *w) { if (lastwrapper) { qApp->removeTranslator(&lastwrapper->translator); windowMenu->setItemChecked(lastwrapper->id, FALSE); } if (! w) { lastwrapper = 0; return; } Wrapper *wrapper = (Wrapper *) w; windowMenu->setItemChecked(wrapper->id, TRUE); lastwrapper = wrapper; } void I18nDemo::closeSlot() { TQWidget *w = workspace->activeWindow(); delete w; } void I18nDemo::closeAllSlot() { TQWidget *w; while ((w = workspace->activeWindow())) w->close(TRUE); } void I18nDemo::tileSlot() { workspace->tile(); } void I18nDemo::cascadeSlot() { workspace->cascade(); } void I18nDemo::wrapperDead() { Wrapper *w = (Wrapper *) sender(); if (w == lastwrapper) { qApp->removeTranslator(&w->translator); lastwrapper = 0; } windowMenu->removeItem(w->id); } void I18nDemo::showEvent(TQShowEvent *) { if (firstShow) { newSlot(1); firstShow = FALSE; return; } if (! lastwrapper) return; qApp->installTranslator(&lastwrapper->translator); } void I18nDemo::hideEvent(TQHideEvent *) { if (! lastwrapper) return; qApp->removeTranslator(&lastwrapper->translator); }