/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static double seed = 0.353535353535; static const int KINDA_RAND_MAX = 32767; static int kindaRand() { seed = seed*147; seed = seed - (double) ((int) seed); return (int) ( seed*(KINDA_RAND_MAX + 1) ); } static int velocity( int i ) // change velocity { const int velmax = 15; const int velmin = 4; if ( i == 1 || i == 2 ) i = (kindaRand()&0x7fff % velmax)/3 + velmin; else i = (kindaRand()&0x7fff % velmax) + velmin; return i; } // // Draw polygon on desktop. // void poly() { TQWidget *d = TQApplication::desktop(); d->setBackgroundColor( TQt::white ); // white desktop const int maxpoints = 5; const int maxcurves = 8; static int xvel[maxpoints]; static int yvel[maxpoints]; int head = 0; int tail = -maxcurves + 2; TQPointArray *a = new TQPointArray[ maxcurves ]; register TQPointArray *p; TQRect r = d->rect(); // desktop rectangle int i; for ( i=0; isetPoint( i, (kindaRand()&0x7fff) % r.width(), (kindaRand()&0x7fff) % r.height() ); xvel[i] = velocity(i); yvel[i] = velocity(i); } TQPainter paint; paint.begin( d ); // start painting desktop for ( int ntimes=0; ntimes<2000; ntimes++ ) { paint.setBrush( TQColor(kindaRand()%360, 180, 255, TQColor::Hsv) ); paint.drawPolygon( a[head] ); if ( ++tail >= maxcurves ) tail = 0; int minx=r.left(), maxx=r.right(); int miny=r.top(), maxy=r.bottom(); int x, y; p = &a[head]; if ( ++head >= maxcurves ) head = 0; for ( i=0; ipoint( i, &x, &y ); x += xvel[i]; y += yvel[i]; if ( x >= maxx ) { x = maxx - (x - maxx + 1); xvel[i] = -velocity(i); } if ( x <= minx ) { x = minx + (minx - x + 1); xvel[i] = velocity(i); } if ( y >= maxy ) { y = maxy - (y - maxy + 1); yvel[i] = -velocity(i); } if ( y <= miny ) { y = miny + (miny - y + 1); yvel[i] = velocity(i); } a[head].setPoint( i, x, y ); } } paint.end(); // painting done delete[] a; } // // Rotate pattern on desktop. // void rotate() { int i; const int w = 64; const int h = 64; TQImage image( w, h, 8, 128 ); // create image for ( i=0; i<128; i++ ) // build color table image.setColor( i, qRgb(i,0,0) ); for ( int y=0; ysetBackgroundPixmap( rpm ); // set desktop pixmap d->update(); // repaint desktop } } // // Generates a marble-like pattern in pm. // void generateStone( TQPixmap *pm, const TQColor &c1, const TQColor &c2, const TQColor &c3 ) { TQPainter p; TQPen p1 ( c1, 0 ); TQPen p2 ( c2, 0 ); TQPen p3 ( c3, 0 ); p.begin( pm ); for( int i = 0 ; i < pm->width() ; i++ ) for( int j = 0 ; j < pm->height() ; j++ ) { int r = kindaRand(); if ( r < KINDA_RAND_MAX / 3 ) p.setPen( p1 ); else if ( r < KINDA_RAND_MAX / 3 * 2 ) p.setPen( p2 ); else p.setPen( p3 ); p.drawPoint( i,j ); } p.end(); } void drawShadeText( TQPainter *p, int x, int y, const char *text, const TQColor &topColor, const TQColor &bottomColor, int sw = 2 ) { if ( !p->isActive() ) return; p->setPen( bottomColor ); p->drawText( x+sw, y+sw, text ); p->setPen( topColor ); p->drawText( x, y, text ); } // NOTE: desktop drag/drop is experimental class DesktopWidget : public TQWidget, private TQDropSite { public: DesktopWidget( const char *s, TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ); ~DesktopWidget(); void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ); void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e ) { if ( TQImageDrag::canDecode(e) ) e->accept(); } void dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * ) { } void dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { e->accept(); } void dropEvent( TQDropEvent * e ) { TQPixmap pmp; if ( TQImageDrag::decode( e, pmp ) ) { setBackgroundPixmap( pmp ); update(); } } private: TQPixmap *pm; TQString text; }; DesktopWidget::DesktopWidget( const char *s, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name, WType_Desktop | WPaintDesktop), TQDropSite(this) { text = s; pm = 0; } DesktopWidget::~DesktopWidget() { delete pm; } void DesktopWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { TQColor c1 = backgroundColor(); TQColor c2 = c1.light(104); TQColor c3 = c1.dark(106); if ( !pm ) { pm = new TQPixmap( 64, 64 ); generateStone( pm, c1, c2, c3 ); setBackgroundPixmap( *pm ); update(); } TQRect br = fontMetrics().boundingRect( text ); TQPixmap offscreen( br.width(), br.height() ); int x = width()/2 - br.width()/2; int y = height()/2 - br.height()/2; offscreen.fill( this, x, y ); TQPainter p; p.begin( &offscreen ); drawShadeText( &p, -br.x(), -br.y(), text, c2, c3, 3 ); p.end(); bitBlt( this, x, y, &offscreen ); } void desktopWidget( const char *s = "Trolltech" ) { DesktopWidget *t = new DesktopWidget(s); t->update(); qApp->exec(); delete t; } void desktopText( const char *s = "Trolltech" ) { const int border = 20; TQColor c1 = qApp->palette().inactive().background(); TQColor c2 = c1.light(104); TQColor c3 = c1.dark(106); TQPixmap pm(10,10); TQPainter p; p.begin( &pm ); TQRect r = p.fontMetrics().boundingRect( s ); p.end(); int appWidth = qApp->desktop()->width(); int appHeight = qApp->desktop()->height(); if ( r.width() > appWidth - border*2 ) r.setWidth( appWidth - border*2 ); if ( r.height() > appHeight - border*2 ) r.setHeight( appHeight - border*2 ); pm.resize( r.size() + TQSize( border*2, border*2 ) ); generateStone( &pm, c1, c2, c3 ); p.begin( &pm ); drawShadeText( &p, -r.x() + border, -r.y() + border, s, c2, c3 ); p.end(); qApp->desktop()->setBackgroundPixmap( pm ); } // // The program starts here. // int main( int argc, char **argv ) { TQApplication app( argc, argv ); if ( argc > 1 ) { TQFont f( "charter", 96, TQFont::Black ); f.setStyleHint( TQFont::Times ); app.setFont( f ); } bool validOptions = FALSE; if ( argc == 2 ) { validOptions = TRUE; if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-poly") == 0 ) poly(); else if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-rotate") == 0 ) rotate(); else if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-troll") == 0 ) desktopText(); else if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-trollwidget") == 0 ) desktopWidget(); else validOptions = FALSE; } if ( argc == 3 ) { validOptions = TRUE; if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-shadetext") == 0 ) desktopText( argv[2] ); else if ( strcmp(argv[1],"-shadewidget") == 0 ) desktopWidget( argv[2] ); else validOptions = FALSE; } if ( !validOptions ) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage:\n\tdesktop -poly" "\n\tdesktop -rotate" "\n\tdesktop -troll" "\n\tdesktop -trollwidget" "\n\tdesktop -shadetext " "\n\tdesktop -shadewidget \n" ); rotate(); } return 0; }