/**************************************************************************** ** ** Implementation of asynchronous image/movie loading classes ** ** Created : 970617 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as ** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL ** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt ** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt ** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qasyncimageio.h" #ifndef QT_NO_ASYNC_IMAGE_IO #include "qptrlist.h" #include "qgif.h" #include extern void qt_init_image_handlers(); extern void qt_init_image_plugins(); #define Q_TRANSPARENT 0x00ffffff /*! \class TQImageConsumer qasyncimageio.h \brief The TQImageConsumer class is an abstraction used by TQImageDecoder. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics \ingroup multimedia The TQMovie class, or TQLabel::setMovie(), are easy to use and for most situations do what you want with regards animated images. A TQImageConsumer consumes information about changes to the TQImage maintained by a TQImageDecoder. Think of the TQImage as the model or source of the image data, with the TQImageConsumer as a view of that data and the TQImageDecoder being the controller that orchestrates the relationship between the model and the view. You'd use the TQImageConsumer class, for example, if you were implementing a web browser with your own image loaders. \sa TQImageDecoder */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::changed(const TQRect&) Called when the given area of the image has changed. */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::end() Called when all the data from all the frames has been decoded and revealed as changed(). */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::frameDone() One of the two frameDone() functions will be called when a frame of an animated image has ended and been revealed as changed(). When this function is called, the current image should be displayed. The decoder will not make any further changes to the image until the next call to TQImageFormat::decode(). */ /*! \overload void TQImageConsumer::frameDone( const TQPoint& offset, const TQRect& rect ) One of the two frameDone() functions will be called when a frame of an animated image has ended and been revealed as changed(). When this function is called, the area \a rect in the current image should be moved by \a offset and displayed. The decoder will not make any further changes to the image until the next call to TQImageFormat::decode(). */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::setLooping(int n) Called to indicate that the sequence of frames in the image should be repeated \a n times, including the sequence during decoding. \list \i 0 = Forever \i 1 = Only display frames the first time through \i 2 = Repeat once after first pass through images \i etc. \endlist To make the TQImageDecoder do this, just delete it and pass the information to it again for decoding (setLooping() will be called again, of course, but that can be ignored), or keep copies of the changed areas at the ends of frames. */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::setFramePeriod(int milliseconds) Notes that the frame about to be decoded should not be displayed until the given number of \a milliseconds after the time that this function is called. Of course, the image may not have been decoded by then, in which case the frame should not be displayed until it is complete. A value of -1 (the assumed default) indicates that the image should be displayed even while it is only partially loaded. */ /*! \fn void TQImageConsumer::setSize(int, int) This function is called as soon as the size of the image has been determined. */ /*! \class TQImageDecoder qasyncimageio.h \brief The TQImageDecoder class is an incremental image decoder for all supported image formats. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics \ingroup multimedia New formats are installed by creating objects of class TQImageFormatType; the TQMovie class can be used for all installed incremental image formats. TQImageDecoder is only useful for creating new ways of feeding data to an TQImageConsumer. A TQImageDecoder is a machine that decodes images. It takes encoded image data via its decode() method and expresses its decoding by supplying information to a TQImageConsumer. It implements its decoding by using a TQImageFormat created by one of the currently-existing TQImageFormatType factory objects. TQImageFormatType and TQImageFormat are the classes that you might need to implement support for additional image formats. \legalese TQt supports GIF reading if it is configured that way during installation (see qgif.h). If it is, we are required to state that "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated." \warning If you are in a country that recognizes software patents and in which Unisys holds a patent on LZW compression and/or decompression and you want to use GIF, Unisys may require you to license that technology. Such countries include Canada, Japan, the USA, France, Germany, Italy and the UK. GIF support may be removed completely in a future version of TQt. We recommend using the MNG or PNG format. */ static const int max_header = 32; // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 class TQGIFFormat : public TQImageFormat { public: TQGIFFormat(); virtual ~TQGIFFormat(); int decode(TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer, const uchar* buffer, int length); private: void fillRect(TQImage&, int x, int y, int w, int h, TQRgb col); TQRgb color( uchar index ) const; // GIF specific stuff TQRgb* globalcmap; TQRgb* localcmap; TQImage backingstore; unsigned char hold[16]; bool gif89; int count; int ccount; int expectcount; enum State { Header, LogicalScreenDescriptor, GlobalColorMap, LocalColorMap, Introducer, ImageDescriptor, TableImageLZWSize, ImageDataBlockSize, ImageDataBlock, ExtensionLabel, GraphicControlExtension, ApplicationExtension, NetscapeExtensionBlockSize, NetscapeExtensionBlock, SkipBlockSize, SkipBlock, Done, Error } state; int gncols; int lncols; int ncols; int lzwsize; bool lcmap; int swidth, sheight; int width, height; int left, top, right, bottom; enum Disposal { NoDisposal, DoNotChange, RestoreBackground, RestoreImage }; Disposal disposal; bool disposed; int trans_index; bool gcmap; int bgcol; int interlace; int accum; int bitcount; enum { max_lzw_bits=12 }; // (poor-compiler's static const int) int code_size, clear_code, end_code, max_code_size, max_code; int firstcode, oldcode, incode; short table[2][1<< max_lzw_bits]; short stack[(1<<(max_lzw_bits))*2]; short *sp; bool needfirst; int x, y; int frame; bool out_of_bounds; bool digress; void nextY(TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer); void disposePrevious( TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer ); }; class TQGIFFormatType : public TQImageFormatType { TQImageFormat* decoderFor(const uchar* buffer, int length); const char* formatName() const; }; #endif class TQImageDecoderPrivate { public: TQImageDecoderPrivate() { count = 0; } static void cleanup(); static void ensureFactories() { if ( !factories ) { factories = new TQPtrList; // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 gif_decoder_factory = new TQGIFFormatType; #endif qt_init_image_handlers(); qAddPostRoutine( cleanup ); } } static TQPtrList * factories; // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 static TQGIFFormatType * gif_decoder_factory; #endif uchar header[max_header]; int count; }; TQPtrList * TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories = 0; // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 TQGIFFormatType * TQImageDecoderPrivate::gif_decoder_factory = 0; #endif void TQImageDecoderPrivate::cleanup() { delete factories; factories = 0; // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 delete gif_decoder_factory; gif_decoder_factory = 0; #endif } /*! Constructs a TQImageDecoder that will send change information to the TQImageConsumer \a c. */ TQImageDecoder::TQImageDecoder(TQImageConsumer* c) { qt_init_image_handlers(); d = new TQImageDecoderPrivate; Q_CHECK_PTR(d); consumer = c; actual_decoder = 0; } /*! Destroys a TQImageDecoder. The image it built is destroyed. The decoder built by the factory for the file format is destroyed. The consumer for which it decoded the image is \e not destroyed. */ TQImageDecoder::~TQImageDecoder() { delete d; delete actual_decoder; } /*! \fn const TQImage& TQImageDecoder::image() Returns the image currently being decoded. */ static bool plugins_loaded = FALSE; /*! Call this function to decode some data into image changes. The data in \a buffer will be decoded, sending change information to the TQImageConsumer of this TQImageDecoder until one of the change functions of the consumer returns FALSE. The length of the data is given in \a length. Returns the number of bytes consumed: 0 if consumption is complete, and -1 if decoding fails due to invalid data. */ int TQImageDecoder::decode(const uchar* buffer, int length) { if (!actual_decoder) { int i=0; while (i < length && d->count < max_header) d->header[d->count++] = buffer[i++]; TQImageDecoderPrivate::ensureFactories(); for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f && !actual_decoder; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { actual_decoder = f->decoderFor(d->header, d->count); } if ( !actual_decoder && !plugins_loaded) { qt_init_image_plugins(); plugins_loaded = TRUE; for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f && !actual_decoder; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { actual_decoder = f->decoderFor(d->header, d->count); } } if (!actual_decoder) { if ( d->count < max_header ) { // not enough info yet return i; } else { // failure - nothing matches max_header bytes return -1; } } } return actual_decoder->decode(img, consumer, buffer, length); } /*! Returns a TQImageFormatType by name. This might be used when the user needs to force data to be interpreted as being in a certain format. \a name is one of the formats listed by TQImageDecoder::inputFormats(). Note that you will still need to supply decodable data to result->decoderFor() before you can begin decoding the data. */ TQImageFormatType* TQImageDecoder::format( const char* name ) { TQImageDecoderPrivate::ensureFactories(); qt_init_image_plugins(); for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { if ( qstricmp(name,f->formatName())==0 ) return f; } return 0; } /*! Call this function to find the name of the format of the given header. The returned string is statically allocated. The function will look at the first \a length characters in the \a buffer. Returns 0 if the format is not recognized. */ const char* TQImageDecoder::formatName(const uchar* buffer, int length) { TQImageDecoderPrivate::ensureFactories(); const char* name = 0; for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f && !name; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { TQImageFormat *decoder = f->decoderFor(buffer, length); if (decoder) { name = f->formatName(); delete decoder; } } if ( !name && !plugins_loaded) { qt_init_image_plugins(); plugins_loaded = TRUE; for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f && !name; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { TQImageFormat *decoder = f->decoderFor(buffer, length); if (decoder) { name = f->formatName(); delete decoder; } } } return name; } /*! Returns a sorted list of formats for which asynchronous loading is supported. */ TQStrList TQImageDecoder::inputFormats() { TQImageDecoderPrivate::ensureFactories(); qt_init_image_plugins(); TQStrList result; for (TQImageFormatType* f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->first(); f; f = TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->next()) { if ( !result.contains( f->formatName() ) ) { result.inSort( f->formatName() ); } } return result; } /*! Registers the new TQImageFormatType \a f. This is not needed in application code because factories call this themselves. */ void TQImageDecoder::registerDecoderFactory(TQImageFormatType* f) { TQImageDecoderPrivate::ensureFactories(); TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->insert(0,f); } /*! Unregisters the TQImageFormatType \a f. This is not needed in application code because factories call this themselves. */ void TQImageDecoder::unregisterDecoderFactory(TQImageFormatType* f) { if ( !TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories ) return; TQImageDecoderPrivate::factories->remove(f); } /*! \class TQImageFormat qasyncimageio.h \brief The TQImageFormat class is an incremental image decoder for a specific image format. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics \ingroup multimedia By making a derived class of TQImageFormatType, which in turn creates objects that are a subclass of TQImageFormat, you can add support for more incremental image formats, allowing such formats to be sources for a TQMovie or for the first frame of the image stream to be loaded as a TQImage or TQPixmap. Your new subclass must reimplement the decode() function in order to process your new format. New TQImageFormat objects are generated by new TQImageFormatType factories. */ /*! Destroys the object. \internal More importantly, destroys derived classes. */ TQImageFormat::~TQImageFormat() { } /*! \fn int TQImageFormat::decode(TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer, const uchar* buffer, int length) New subclasses must reimplement this method. It should decode some or all of the bytes from \a buffer into \a img, calling the methods of \a consumer as the decoding proceeds to inform that consumer of changes to the image. The length of the data is given in \a length. The consumer may be 0, in which case the function should just process the data into \a img without telling any consumer about the changes. Note that the decoder must store enough state to be able to continue in subsequent calls to this method - this is the essence of the incremental image loading. The function should return without processing all the data if it reaches the end of a frame in the input. The function must return the number of bytes it has processed. */ /*! \class TQImageFormatType qasyncimageio.h \brief The TQImageFormatType class is a factory that makes TQImageFormat objects. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics \ingroup multimedia Whereas the TQImageIO class allows for \e complete loading of images, TQImageFormatType allows for \e incremental loading of images. New image file formats are installed by creating objects of derived classes of TQImageFormatType. They must implement decoderFor() and formatName(). TQImageFormatType is a very simple class. Its only task is to recognize image data in some format and make a new object, subclassed from TQImageFormat, which can decode that format. The factories for formats built into TQt are automatically defined before any other factory is initialized. If two factories would recognize an image format, the factory created last will override the earlier one; you can thus override current and future built-in formats. */ /*! \fn virtual TQImageFormat* TQImageFormatType::decoderFor(const uchar* buffer, int length) Returns a decoder for decoding an image that starts with the bytes in \a buffer. The length of the data is given in \a length. This function should only return a decoder if it is certain that the decoder applies to data with the given header. Returns 0 if there is insufficient data in the header to make a positive identification or if the data is not recognized. */ /*! \fn virtual const char* TQImageFormatType::formatName() const Returns the name of the format supported by decoders from this factory. The string is statically allocated. */ /*! Constructs a factory. It automatically registers itself with TQImageDecoder. */ TQImageFormatType::TQImageFormatType() { TQImageDecoder::registerDecoderFactory(this); } /*! Destroys a factory. It automatically unregisters itself from TQImageDecoder. */ TQImageFormatType::~TQImageFormatType() { TQImageDecoder::unregisterDecoderFactory(this); } /*! Returns TRUE if TQt was compiled with built-in GIF reading support; otherwise returns FALSE. */ bool qt_builtin_gif_reader() { #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) return QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1; #else return 0; #endif } // See qgif.h for important information regarding this option #if defined(QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER) && QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER == 1 /* -- NOTDOC \class TQGIFFormat qasyncimageio.h \brief Incremental image decoder for GIF image format. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics This subclass of TQImageFormat decodes GIF format images, including animated GIFs. Internally in */ /*! Constructs a TQGIFFormat. */ TQGIFFormat::TQGIFFormat() { globalcmap = 0; localcmap = 0; lncols = 0; gncols = 0; disposal = NoDisposal; out_of_bounds = FALSE; disposed = TRUE; frame = -1; state = Header; count = 0; lcmap = FALSE; } /*! Destroys a TQGIFFormat. */ TQGIFFormat::~TQGIFFormat() { if (globalcmap) delete[] globalcmap; if ( localcmap ) delete[] localcmap; } /* -- NOTDOC \class TQGIFFormatType qasyncimageio.h \brief Incremental image decoder for GIF image format. \ingroup images \ingroup graphics This subclass of TQImageFormatType recognizes GIF format images, creating a TQGIFFormat when required. An instance of this class is created automatically before any other factories, so you should have no need for such objects. */ TQImageFormat* TQGIFFormatType::decoderFor( const uchar* buffer, int length) { if (length < 6) return 0; if (buffer[0]=='G' && buffer[1]=='I' && buffer[2]=='F' && buffer[3]=='8' && (buffer[4]=='9' || buffer[4]=='7') && buffer[5]=='a') return new TQGIFFormat; return 0; } const char* TQGIFFormatType::formatName() const { return "GIF"; } void TQGIFFormat::disposePrevious( TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer ) { if ( out_of_bounds ) // flush anything that survived consumer->changed(TQRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); // Handle disposal of previous image before processing next one if ( disposed ) return; int l = TQMIN(swidth-1,left); int r = TQMIN(swidth-1,right); int t = TQMIN(sheight-1,top); int b = TQMIN(sheight-1,bottom); switch (disposal) { case NoDisposal: break; case DoNotChange: break; case RestoreBackground: if (trans_index>=0) { // Easy: we use the transparent color fillRect(img, l, t, r-l+1, b-t+1, Q_TRANSPARENT); } else if (bgcol>=0) { // Easy: we use the bgcol given fillRect(img, l, t, r-l+1, b-t+1, color(bgcol)); } else { // Impossible: We don't know of a bgcol - use pixel 0 TQRgb** line = (TQRgb **)img.jumpTable(); fillRect(img, l, t, r-l+1, b-t+1, line[0][0]); } if (consumer) consumer->changed(TQRect(l, t, r-l+1, b-t+1)); break; case RestoreImage: { if ( frame >= 0 ) { TQRgb** line = (TQRgb **)img.jumpTable(); for (int ln=t; ln<=b; ln++) { memcpy(line[ln]+l, backingstore.scanLine(ln-t), (r-l+1)*sizeof(TQRgb) ); } consumer->changed(TQRect(l, t, r-l+1, b-t+1)); } } } disposal = NoDisposal; // Until an extension says otherwise. disposed = TRUE; } /*! This function decodes some data into image changes. Returns the number of bytes consumed. */ int TQGIFFormat::decode(TQImage& img, TQImageConsumer* consumer, const uchar* buffer, int length) { // We are required to state that // "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of // CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of // CompuServe Incorporated." #define LM(l, m) (((m)<<8)|l) digress = FALSE; int initial = length; TQRgb** line = (TQRgb **)img.jumpTable(); while (!digress && length) { length--; unsigned char ch=*buffer++; switch (state) { case Header: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==6) { // Header gif89=(hold[3]!='8' || hold[4]!='7'); state=LogicalScreenDescriptor; count=0; } break; case LogicalScreenDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==7) { // Logical Screen Descriptor swidth=LM(hold[0], hold[1]); sheight=LM(hold[2], hold[3]); gcmap=!!(hold[4]&0x80); //UNUSED: bpchan=(((hold[4]&0x70)>>3)+1); //UNUSED: gcmsortflag=!!(hold[4]&0x08); gncols=2<<(hold[4]&0x7); bgcol=(gcmap) ? hold[5] : -1; //aspect=hold[6] ? double(hold[6]+15)/64.0 : 1.0; trans_index = -1; count=0; ncols=gncols; if (gcmap) { ccount=0; state=GlobalColorMap; globalcmap = new TQRgb[gncols+1]; // +1 for trans_index globalcmap[gncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; } else { state=Introducer; } } break; case GlobalColorMap: case LocalColorMap: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==3) { TQRgb rgb = qRgb(hold[0], hold[1], hold[2]); if ( state == LocalColorMap ) { if ( ccount < lncols ) localcmap[ccount] = rgb; } else { globalcmap[ccount] = rgb; } if (++ccount >= ncols) { if ( state == LocalColorMap ) state=TableImageLZWSize; else state=Introducer; } count=0; } break; case Introducer: hold[count++]=ch; switch (ch) { case ',': state=ImageDescriptor; break; case '!': state=ExtensionLabel; break; case ';': if (consumer) { if ( out_of_bounds ) // flush anything that survived consumer->changed(TQRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); consumer->end(); } state=Done; break; default: digress=TRUE; // Unexpected Introducer - ignore block state=Error; } break; case ImageDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==10) { int newleft=LM(hold[1], hold[2]); int newtop=LM(hold[3], hold[4]); int newwidth=LM(hold[5], hold[6]); int newheight=LM(hold[7], hold[8]); // disbelieve ridiculous logical screen sizes, // unless the image frames are also large. if ( swidth/10 > TQMAX(newwidth,200) ) swidth = -1; if ( sheight/10 > TQMAX(newheight,200) ) sheight = -1; if ( swidth <= 0 ) swidth = newleft + newwidth; if ( sheight <= 0 ) sheight = newtop + newheight; if (img.isNull()) { img.create(swidth, sheight, 32); memset( img.bits(), 0, img.numBytes() ); if (consumer) consumer->setSize(swidth, sheight); } img.setAlphaBuffer(trans_index >= 0); line = (TQRgb **)img.jumpTable(); disposePrevious( img, consumer ); disposed = FALSE; left = newleft; top = newtop; width = newwidth; height = newheight; right=TQMAX( 0, TQMIN(left+width, swidth)-1); bottom=TQMAX(0, TQMIN(top+height, sheight)-1); lcmap=!!(hold[9]&0x80); interlace=!!(hold[9]&0x40); //bool lcmsortflag=!!(hold[9]&0x20); lncols=lcmap ? (2<<(hold[9]&0x7)) : 0; if (lncols) { if ( localcmap ) delete [] localcmap; localcmap = new TQRgb[lncols+1]; localcmap[lncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; ncols = lncols; } else { ncols = gncols; } frame++; if ( frame == 0 ) { if ( left || top || width= 0 ) { fillRect(img, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(trans_index)); if (consumer) consumer->changed(TQRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); } else if ( bgcol>=0 ) { fillRect(img, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(bgcol)); if (consumer) consumer->changed(TQRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); } } } if ( disposal == RestoreImage ) { int l = TQMIN(swidth-1,left); int r = TQMIN(swidth-1,right); int t = TQMIN(sheight-1,top); int b = TQMIN(sheight-1,bottom); int w = r-l+1; int h = b-t+1; if (backingstore.width() < w || backingstore.height() < h) { // We just use the backing store as a byte array backingstore.create( TQMAX(backingstore.width(), w), TQMAX(backingstore.height(), h), 32); memset( img.bits(), 0, img.numBytes() ); } for (int ln=0; ln=swidth || y>=sheight; } break; case TableImageLZWSize: { lzwsize=ch; if ( lzwsize > max_lzw_bits ) { state=Error; } else { code_size=lzwsize+1; clear_code=1<frameDone(); digress = TRUE; } state=Introducer; } break; case ImageDataBlock: count++; accum|=(ch<=code_size && state==ImageDataBlock) { int code=accum&((1<>=code_size; if (code==clear_code) { if (!needfirst) { int i; code_size=lzwsize+1; max_code_size=2*clear_code; max_code=clear_code+2; for (i=0; i=swidth) out_of_bounds = TRUE; needfirst=FALSE; if (x>=left+width) { x=left; out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(img,consumer); } } else { incode=code; if (code>=max_code) { *sp++=firstcode; code=oldcode; } while (code>=clear_code) { *sp++=table[1][code]; if (code==table[0][code]) { state=Error; break; } if (sp-stack>=(1<<(max_lzw_bits))*2) { state=Error; break; } code=table[0][code]; } *sp++=firstcode=table[1][code]; code=max_code; if (code<(1<=max_code_size) && (max_code_size<(1<stack) { --sp; if (!out_of_bounds && line && *sp!=trans_index) line[y][x] = color(*sp); x++; if (x>=swidth) out_of_bounds = TRUE; if (x>=left+width) { x=left; out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(img,consumer); } } } } } if (count==expectcount) { count=0; state=ImageDataBlockSize; } break; case ExtensionLabel: switch (ch) { case 0xf9: state=GraphicControlExtension; break; case 0xff: state=ApplicationExtension; break; #if 0 case 0xfe: state=CommentExtension; break; case 0x01: break; #endif default: state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; break; case ApplicationExtension: if (count<11) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { if (qstrncmp((char*)(hold+1), "NETSCAPE", 8)==0) { // Looping extension state=NetscapeExtensionBlockSize; } else { state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; } break; case NetscapeExtensionBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=NetscapeExtensionBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case NetscapeExtensionBlock: if (count<3) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==expectcount) { int loop = hold[0]+hold[1]*256; if (consumer) consumer->setLooping(loop); state=SkipBlockSize; // Ignore further blocks } break; case GraphicControlExtension: if (count<5) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { disposePrevious( img, consumer ); disposal=Disposal((hold[1]>>2)&0x7); //UNUSED: waitforuser=!!((hold[1]>>1)&0x1); int delay=count>3 ? LM(hold[2], hold[3]) : 1; // IE and mozilla use a minimum delay of 10. With the minumum delay of 10 // we are compatible to them and avoid huge loads on the app and xserver. if ( delay < 10 ) delay = 10; bool havetrans=hold[1]&0x1; trans_index = havetrans ? hold[4] : -1; if (consumer) consumer->setFramePeriod(delay*10); count=0; state=SkipBlockSize; } break; case SkipBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=SkipBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case SkipBlock: count++; if (count==expectcount) state=SkipBlockSize; break; case Done: digress=TRUE; /* Netscape ignores the junk, so we do too. length++; // Unget state=Error; // More calls to this is an error */ break; case Error: return -1; // Called again after done. } } return initial-length; } void TQGIFFormat::fillRect(TQImage& img, int col, int row, int w, int h, TQRgb color) { if (w>0) { TQRgb** line = (TQRgb **)img.jumpTable() + row; for (int j=0; jchanged(TQRect(left, y, right-left+1, 1)); y++; break; case 1: { int i; my = TQMIN(7, bottom-y); if ( trans_index < 0 ) // Don't dup with transparency for (i=1; i<=my; i++) memcpy(img.scanLine(y+i)+left, img.scanLine(y)+left, (right-left+1)*sizeof(TQRgb)); if (consumer && !out_of_bounds) consumer->changed(TQRect(left, y, right-left+1, my+1)); y+=8; if (y>bottom) { interlace++; y=top+4; if (y > bottom) { // for really broken GIFs with bottom < 5 interlace=2; y = top + 2; if (y > bottom) { // for really broken GIF with bottom < 3 interlace = 0; y = top + 1; } } } } break; case 2: { int i; my = TQMIN(3, bottom-y); if ( trans_index < 0 ) // Don't dup with transparency for (i=1; i<=my; i++) memcpy(img.scanLine(y+i)+left, img.scanLine(y)+left, (right-left+1)*sizeof(TQRgb)); if (consumer && !out_of_bounds) consumer->changed(TQRect(left, y, right-left+1, my+1)); y+=8; if (y>bottom) { interlace++; y=top+2; if (y > bottom) { // for really broken GIF with bottom < 3 interlace = 3; y = top + 1; } } } break; case 3: { int i; my = TQMIN(1, bottom-y); if ( trans_index < 0 ) // Don't dup with transparency for (i=1; i<=my; i++) memcpy(img.scanLine(y+i)+left, img.scanLine(y)+left, (right-left+1)*sizeof(TQRgb)); if (consumer && !out_of_bounds) consumer->changed(TQRect(left, y, right-left+1, my+1)); y+=4; if (y>bottom) { interlace++; y=top+1; } } break; case 4: if (consumer && !out_of_bounds) consumer->changed(TQRect(left, y, right-left+1, 1)); y+=2; } // Consume bogus extra lines if (y >= sheight) out_of_bounds=TRUE; //y=bottom; } TQRgb TQGIFFormat::color( uchar index ) const { if ( index == trans_index || index > ncols ) return Q_TRANSPARENT; TQRgb *map = lcmap ? localcmap : globalcmap; return map ? map[index] : 0; } #endif // QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER #endif // QT_NO_ASYNC_IMAGE_IO