Thomas_-_S MainWindowBase MainWindowBase 0 0 949 633 UniversalIndentGUI (TQt) centralWidget 6 0 menuBar 0 0 949 21 toolBar Tools TQt::Horizontal 5 5 1 1 actionOpenSourceFile Open Source File Opens a dialog for selecting a source code file. Ctrl+O actionMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles Recently Opened Files Open a recently used file. actionClearRecentlyOpenedList Clear Recently Opened List Clears the list of recently open files. actionMenuEncoding Reopen File with other Encoding Reopen the current file using a specified encoding. actionSaveSourceFile Save Source File Saves the currently shown source code to the last opened or saved source file. Ctrl+S actionSaveSourceFileAs Save Source File As... Opens a file dialog to save the currently shown source code. Ctrl+Shift+S actionMenuSaveEncoded Save Source File As with other Encoding Save the current source file using a specified encoding. actionMenuExport Export Export the currently visible source. actionExportHTML HTML Export the currently visible source code as HTML document. actionExportPDF PDF Export the currently visible source code as PDF document. actionExit Exit Quits the UniversalIndentGUI. Ctrl+Q actionLiveIndentPreview true Live Indent Preview Ctrl+L false actionEnableSyntaxHighlighting true true Syntax Highlighting By enabling this, special keywords of the source code are highlighted. Ctrl+H actionWhiteSpaceIsVisible true White Space Visible Set white space visible Enables or disables diplaying of white space characters in the editor. true actionMenuHighlighter Set Syntax Highlighter Set the syntax highlighter to use. actionIndenterParameterTooltipsEnabled true true Parameter Tooltips If checked, tooltips will show up if the mouse cursor remains over an indenter parameter for a while. actionLoadLastOpenedFileOnStartup true true Auto Open Last File Auto open last source file on startup If selected opens last source code file on startup. true actionShowSettings Settings Opens the settings dialog Opens the settings dialog, to set language etc. actionShowLog Show Log Displays logging information. Displays logging info about the currently running UiGUI application. actionAboutUniversalIndentGUITQt About UniversalIndentGUI TQt Shows info about UniversalIndentGUI TQt. actionExit activated() MainWindowBase close()