/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2005 main include file */ /* include other h files */ #include "arch.h" #include "parse.h" #include "xrdp_types.h" #include "constants.h" #include "xrdp_defines.h" #include "os_calls.h" /* xrdp_tcp.c */ struct xrdp_tcp* xrdp_tcp_create(struct xrdp_iso* owner, int sck); void xrdp_tcp_delete(struct xrdp_tcp* self); int xrdp_tcp_init(struct xrdp_tcp* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_tcp_recv(struct xrdp_tcp* self, struct stream* s, int len); int xrdp_tcp_send(struct xrdp_tcp* self, struct stream* s); /* xrdp_iso.c */ struct xrdp_iso* xrdp_iso_create(struct xrdp_mcs* owner, int sck); void xrdp_iso_delete(struct xrdp_iso* self); int xrdp_iso_init(struct xrdp_iso* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_iso_recv(struct xrdp_iso* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_iso_send(struct xrdp_iso* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_iso_incoming(struct xrdp_iso* self); /* xrdp_mcs.c */ struct xrdp_mcs* xrdp_mcs_create(struct xrdp_sec* owner, int sck, struct stream* client_mcs_data, struct stream* server_mcs_data); void xrdp_mcs_delete(struct xrdp_mcs* self); int xrdp_mcs_init(struct xrdp_mcs* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_mcs_recv(struct xrdp_mcs* self, struct stream* s, int* chan); int xrdp_mcs_send(struct xrdp_mcs* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_mcs_incoming(struct xrdp_mcs* self); int xrdp_mcs_disconnect(struct xrdp_mcs* self); /* xrdp_sec.c */ struct xrdp_sec* xrdp_sec_create(struct xrdp_rdp* owner, int sck); void xrdp_sec_delete(struct xrdp_sec* self); int xrdp_sec_init(struct xrdp_sec* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_sec_recv(struct xrdp_sec* self, struct stream* s, int* chan); int xrdp_sec_send(struct xrdp_sec* self, struct stream* s, int flags); int xrdp_sec_incoming(struct xrdp_sec* self); int xrdp_sec_disconnect(struct xrdp_sec* self); /* xrdp_rdp.c */ struct xrdp_rdp* xrdp_rdp_create(struct xrdp_process* owner, int sck); void xrdp_rdp_delete(struct xrdp_rdp* self); int xrdp_rdp_init(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_rdp_init_data(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_rdp_recv(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s, int* code); int xrdp_rdp_send(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s, int pdu_type); int xrdp_rdp_send_data(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s, int data_pdu_type); int xrdp_rdp_incoming(struct xrdp_rdp* self); int xrdp_rdp_send_demand_active(struct xrdp_rdp* self); int xrdp_rdp_process_confirm_active(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_rdp_process_data(struct xrdp_rdp* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_rdp_disconnect(struct xrdp_rdp* self); /* xrdp_orders.c */ struct xrdp_orders* xrdp_orders_create(struct xrdp_process* owner, struct xrdp_rdp* rdp_layer); void xrdp_orders_delete(struct xrdp_orders* self); int xrdp_orders_init(struct xrdp_orders* self); int xrdp_orders_send(struct xrdp_orders* self); int xrdp_orders_force_send(struct xrdp_orders* self); int xrdp_orders_rect(struct xrdp_orders* self, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int color, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_screen_blt(struct xrdp_orders* self, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy, int rop, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_pat_blt(struct xrdp_orders* self, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int rop, int bg_color, int fg_color, struct xrdp_brush* brush, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_dest_blt(struct xrdp_orders* self, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int rop, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_line(struct xrdp_orders* self, int mix_mode, int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int rop, int bg_color, struct xrdp_pen* pen, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_mem_blt(struct xrdp_orders* self, int cache_id, int color_table, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int rop, int srcx, int srcy, int cache_idx, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_text(struct xrdp_orders* self, int font, int flags, int mixmode, int fg_color, int bg_color, int clip_left, int clip_top, int clip_right, int clip_bottom, int box_left, int box_top, int box_right, int box_bottom, int x, int y, char* data, int data_len, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_orders_send_palette(struct xrdp_orders* self, int* palette, int cache_id); int xrdp_orders_send_raw_bitmap(struct xrdp_orders* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int cache_id, int cache_idx); int xrdp_orders_send_bitmap(struct xrdp_orders* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int cache_id, int cache_idx); int xrdp_orders_send_font(struct xrdp_orders* self, struct xrdp_font_item* font_item, int font_index, int char_index); /* xrdp_cache.c */ struct xrdp_cache* xrdp_cache_create(struct xrdp_wm* owner, struct xrdp_orders* orders, struct xrdp_client_info* client_info); void xrdp_cache_delete(struct xrdp_cache* self); int xrdp_cache_add_bitmap(struct xrdp_cache* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap); int xrdp_cache_add_palette(struct xrdp_cache* self, int* palette); int xrdp_cache_add_char(struct xrdp_cache* self, struct xrdp_font_item* font_item); int xrdp_cache_add_pointer(struct xrdp_cache* self, struct xrdp_pointer_item* pointer_item); /* xrdp_wm.c */ struct xrdp_wm* xrdp_wm_create(struct xrdp_process* owner, struct xrdp_client_info* client_info); void xrdp_wm_delete(struct xrdp_wm* self); int xrdp_wm_send_palette(struct xrdp_wm* self); int xrdp_wm_init(struct xrdp_wm* self); int xrdp_wm_send_bitmap(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_wm_set_pointer(struct xrdp_wm* self, int cache_idx); int xrdp_wm_set_focused(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd); int xrdp_wm_get_vis_region(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, struct xrdp_region* region, int clip_children); int xrdp_wm_mouse_move(struct xrdp_wm* self, int x, int y); int xrdp_wm_mouse_click(struct xrdp_wm* self, int x, int y, int but, int down); int xrdp_wm_key(struct xrdp_wm* self, int device_flags, int scan_code); int xrdp_wm_key_sync(struct xrdp_wm* self, int device_flags, int key_flags); int xrdp_wm_pu(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* control); int xrdp_wm_send_pointer(struct xrdp_wm* self, int cache_idx, char* data, char* mask, int x, int y); int xrdp_wm_pointer(struct xrdp_wm* self, char* data, char* mask, int x, int y); /* xrdp_process.c */ struct xrdp_process* xrdp_process_create(struct xrdp_listen* owner); void xrdp_process_delete(struct xrdp_process* self); int xrdp_process_loop(struct xrdp_process* self, struct stream* s); int xrdp_process_main_loop(struct xrdp_process* self); /* xrdp_listen.c */ struct xrdp_listen* xrdp_listen_create(void); void xrdp_listen_delete(struct xrdp_listen* self); int xrdp_listen_delete_pro(struct xrdp_listen* self, struct xrdp_process* pro); int xrdp_listen_main_loop(struct xrdp_listen* self); /* xrdp_region.c */ struct xrdp_region* xrdp_region_create(struct xrdp_wm* wm); void xrdp_region_delete(struct xrdp_region* self); int xrdp_region_add_rect(struct xrdp_region* self, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_region_insert_rect(struct xrdp_region* self, int i, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); int xrdp_region_subtract_rect(struct xrdp_region* self, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_region_get_rect(struct xrdp_region* self, int index, struct xrdp_rect* rect); /* xrdp_bitmap.c */ struct xrdp_bitmap* xrdp_bitmap_create(int width, int height, int bpp, int type, struct xrdp_wm* wm); struct xrdp_bitmap* xrdp_bitmap_create_with_data(int width, int height, int bpp, char* data, struct xrdp_wm* wm); void xrdp_bitmap_delete(struct xrdp_bitmap* self); struct xrdp_bitmap* xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int id); int xrdp_bitmap_set_focus(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int focused); int xrdp_bitmap_load(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, char* filename, int* palette); int xrdp_bitmap_get_pixel(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int x, int y); int xrdp_bitmap_set_pixel(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int x, int y, int pixel); int xrdp_bitmap_copy_box(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* dest, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_bitmap_copy_box_with_crc(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* dest, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_bitmap_compare(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* b); int xrdp_bitmap_compare_with_crc(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* b); int xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, struct xrdp_rect* rect); int xrdp_bitmap_def_proc(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int msg, int param1, int param2); int xrdp_bitmap_to_screenx(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int x); int xrdp_bitmap_to_screeny(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int y); int xrdp_bitmap_from_screenx(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int x); int xrdp_bitmap_from_screeny(struct xrdp_bitmap* self, int y); /* xrdp_painter.c */ struct xrdp_painter* xrdp_painter_create(struct xrdp_wm* wn); void xrdp_painter_delete(struct xrdp_painter* self); int xrdp_painter_begin_update(struct xrdp_painter* self); int xrdp_painter_end_update(struct xrdp_painter* self); int xrdp_painter_font_needed(struct xrdp_painter* self); int xrdp_painter_set_clip(struct xrdp_painter* self, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_painter_clr_clip(struct xrdp_painter* self); int xrdp_painter_fill_rect(struct xrdp_painter* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_painter_fill_rect2(struct xrdp_painter* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_painter_draw_bitmap(struct xrdp_painter* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, struct xrdp_bitmap* to_draw, int x, int y, int cx, int cy); int xrdp_painter_text_width(struct xrdp_painter* self, char* text); int xrdp_painter_text_height(struct xrdp_painter* self, char* text); int xrdp_painter_draw_text(struct xrdp_painter* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, char* text); /* xrdp_list.c */ struct xrdp_list* xrdp_list_create(void); void xrdp_list_delete(struct xrdp_list* self); void xrdp_list_add_item(struct xrdp_list* self, int item); int xrdp_list_get_item(struct xrdp_list* self, int index); void xrdp_list_clear(struct xrdp_list* self); int xrdp_list_index_of(struct xrdp_list* self, int item); void xrdp_list_remove_item(struct xrdp_list* self, int index); void xrdp_list_insert_item(struct xrdp_list* self, int index, int item); /* xrdp_font.c */ struct xrdp_font* xrdp_font_create(struct xrdp_wm* wm); void xrdp_font_delete(struct xrdp_font* self); int xrdp_font_item_compare(struct xrdp_font_item* font1, struct xrdp_font_item* font2); /* funcs.c */ int rect_contains_pt(struct xrdp_rect* in, int x, int y); int rect_intersect(struct xrdp_rect* in1, struct xrdp_rect* in2, struct xrdp_rect* out); int check_bounds(struct xrdp_bitmap* b, int* x, int* y, int* cx, int* cy); char get_char_from_scan_code(int device_flags, int scan_code, int* keys, int caps_lock, int num_lock, int scroll_lock); int add_char_at(char* text, char ch, int index); int remove_char_at(char* text, int index); int set_string(char** in_str, char* in); int xrdp_login_wnd_create(struct xrdp_wm* self); int xrdp_file_read_sections(int fd, struct xrdp_list* names); int xrdp_file_read_section(int fd, char* section, struct xrdp_list* names, struct xrdp_list* values); /* xrdp_bitmap_compress.c */ int xrdp_bitmap_compress(char* in_data, int width, int height, struct stream* s, int bpp, int byte_limit, int start_line, struct stream* temp, int e); #ifndef XRDP_LIB /* xrdp_interface.c */ int server_begin_update(struct xrdp_mod* mod); int server_end_update(struct xrdp_mod* mod); int server_fill_rect(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int color); int server_screen_blt(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy); int server_paint_rect(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, char* data); int server_set_pointer(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y, char* data, char* mask); int server_palette(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int* palette); int server_error_popup(struct xrdp_mod* mod, char* error, char* caption); #endif