/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2005 main login window and login help window */ #include "xrdp.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /* all login help screen events go here */ int xrdp_wm_login_help_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd, struct xrdp_bitmap* sender, int msg, int param1, int param2) { struct xrdp_painter* p; if (wnd == 0) { return 0; } if (sender == 0) { return 0; } if (wnd->owner == 0) { return 0; } if (msg == 1) /* click */ { if (sender->id == 1) /* ok button */ { if (sender->owner->notify != 0) { wnd->owner->notify(wnd->owner, wnd, 100, 1, 0); /* ok */ } } } else if (msg == WM_PAINT) /* 3 */ { p = (struct xrdp_painter*)param1; if (p != 0) { p->font->color = wnd->wm->black; xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 30, "You must be authenticated \ before using this"); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 46, "session."); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 78, "Enter a valid username in \ the username edit box."); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 94, "Enter the password in \ the password edit box."); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 110, "Both the username and \ password are case"); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 126, "sensitive."); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 158, "Contact your system \ administrator if you are"); xrdp_painter_draw_text(p, wnd, 10, 174, "having problems \ logging on."); } } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int xrdp_wm_popup_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd, struct xrdp_bitmap* sender, int msg, int param1, int param2) { return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int xrdp_wm_setup_mod(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_mod_data* mod_data) { if (self != 0) { if (self->mod_handle == 0) { self->mod_handle = g_load_library(mod_data->lib); if (self->mod_handle != 0) { self->mod_init = (struct xrdp_mod* (*)(void)) g_get_proc_address(self->mod_handle, "mod_init"); self->mod_exit = (int (*)(struct xrdp_mod*)) g_get_proc_address(self->mod_handle, "mod_exit"); if (self->mod_init != 0 && self->mod_exit != 0) { self->mod = self->mod_init(); } } if (self->mod != 0) { self->mod->wm = (long)self; self->mod->server_begin_update = server_begin_update; self->mod->server_end_update = server_end_update; self->mod->server_fill_rect = server_fill_rect; self->mod->server_screen_blt = server_screen_blt; self->mod->server_paint_rect = server_paint_rect; self->mod->server_set_pointer = server_set_pointer; self->mod->server_palette = server_palette; self->mod->server_msg = server_msg; self->mod->server_is_term = server_is_term; } } } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int xrdp_wm_delete_all_childs(struct xrdp_wm* self) { int i; struct xrdp_bitmap* b; for (i = self->screen->child_list->count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { b = (struct xrdp_bitmap*)xrdp_list_get_item(self->screen->child_list, i); xrdp_bitmap_delete(b); } xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(self->screen, 0); return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* all login screen events go here */ int xrdp_wm_login_notify(struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd, struct xrdp_bitmap* sender, int msg, int param1, int param2) { struct xrdp_bitmap* help; struct xrdp_bitmap* but; struct xrdp_bitmap* b; struct xrdp_bitmap* combo; struct xrdp_bitmap* edit; struct xrdp_wm* wm; struct xrdp_rect rect; struct xrdp_mod_data con_mod; struct xrdp_mod_data* mod; int i; if (wnd->modal_dialog != 0 && msg != 100) { return 0; } wm = wnd->wm; if (msg == 1) /* click */ { if (sender->id == 1) /* help button */ { /* create help screen */ help = xrdp_bitmap_create(300, 300, wnd->wm->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_WND, wnd->wm); xrdp_list_insert_item(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, 0, (long)help); help->parent = wnd->wm->screen; help->owner = wnd; wnd->modal_dialog = help; help->bg_color = wnd->wm->grey; help->left = wnd->wm->screen->width / 2 - help->width / 2; help->top = wnd->wm->screen->height / 2 - help->height / 2; help->notify = xrdp_wm_login_help_notify; set_string(&help->caption1, "Login help"); /* ok button */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 25, wnd->wm->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, wnd->wm); xrdp_list_insert_item(help->child_list, 0, (long)but); but->parent = help; but->owner = help; but->left = 120; but->top = 260; but->id = 1; but->tab_stop = 1; set_string(&but->caption1, "OK"); /* draw it */ help->focused_control = but; xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(help, 0); xrdp_wm_set_focused(wnd->wm, help); } else if (sender->id == 2) /* cancel button */ { if (wnd != 0) { if (wnd->wm != 0) { if (wnd->wm->pro_layer != 0) { wnd->wm->pro_layer->term = 1; } } } } else if (sender->id == 3) /* ok button */ { combo = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, 6); if (combo != 0) { mod = (struct xrdp_mod_data*) xrdp_list_get_item(combo->data_list, combo->item_index); if (mod != 0) { con_mod = *mod; if (g_strcmp(con_mod.username, "ask") == 0) { edit = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, 4); if (edit != 0) { g_strcpy(con_mod.username, edit->caption1); } } if (g_strcmp(con_mod.password, "ask") == 0) { edit = xrdp_bitmap_get_child_by_id(wnd, 5); if (edit != 0) { g_strcpy(con_mod.password, edit->caption1); } } if (xrdp_wm_setup_mod(wm, mod) == 0) { xrdp_wm_delete_all_childs(wm); if (!wm->pro_layer->term) { if (wm->mod->mod_start(wm->mod, wm->screen->width, wm->screen->height, wm->screen->bpp) != 0) { wm->pro_layer->term = 1; /* kill session */ } } if (!wm->pro_layer->term) { wm->mod->mod_set_param(wm->mod, "ip", con_mod.ip); wm->mod->mod_set_param(wm->mod, "port", con_mod.port); wm->mod->mod_set_param(wm->mod, "username", con_mod.username); wm->mod->mod_set_param(wm->mod, "password", con_mod.password); if (wm->mod->mod_connect(wm->mod) != 0) { /* totaly free mod */ wm->mod_exit(wm->mod); g_free_library(wm->mod_handle); wm->mod = 0; wm->mod_handle = 0; wm->mod_init = 0; wm->mod_exit = 0; //wm->pro_layer->app_sck = 0; } } if (!wm->pro_layer->term) { if (wm->mod != 0) { if (wm->mod->sck != 0) { wm->pro_layer->app_sck = wm->mod->sck; } } } } } } } } else if (msg == 2) /* mouse move */ { } else if (msg == 100) /* modal result is done */ { i = xrdp_list_index_of(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, (long)sender); if (i >= 0) { b = (struct xrdp_bitmap*) xrdp_list_get_item(wnd->wm->screen->child_list, i); xrdp_list_remove_item(sender->wm->screen->child_list, i); MAKERECT(rect, b->left, b->top, b->width, b->height); xrdp_bitmap_invalidate(wnd->wm->screen, &rect); xrdp_bitmap_delete(sender); wnd->modal_dialog = 0; xrdp_wm_set_focused(wnd->wm, wnd); } } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ int xrdp_wm_login_fill_in_combo(struct xrdp_wm* self, struct xrdp_bitmap* b) { struct xrdp_list* sections; struct xrdp_list* section_names; struct xrdp_list* section_values; int fd; int i; int j; char* p; char* q; char* r; struct xrdp_mod_data* mod_data; sections = xrdp_list_create(); sections->auto_free = 1; section_names = xrdp_list_create(); section_names->auto_free = 1; section_values = xrdp_list_create(); section_values->auto_free = 1; fd = g_file_open("xrdp.ini"); xrdp_file_read_sections(fd, sections); for (i = 0; i < sections->count; i++) { p = (char*)xrdp_list_get_item(sections, i); xrdp_file_read_section(fd, p, section_names, section_values); if (g_strcmp(p, "globals") == 0) { } else { mod_data = (struct xrdp_mod_data*) g_malloc(sizeof(struct xrdp_mod_data), 1); g_strcpy(mod_data->name, p); for (j = 0; j < section_names->count; j++) { q = (char*)xrdp_list_get_item(section_names, j); r = (char*)xrdp_list_get_item(section_values, j); if (g_strcmp("name", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->name, r); } else if (g_strcmp("lib", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->lib, r); } else if (g_strcmp("ip", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->ip, r); } else if (g_strcmp("port", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->port, r); } else if (g_strcmp("username", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->username, r); } else if (g_strcmp("password", q) == 0) { g_strcpy(mod_data->password, r); } } xrdp_list_add_item(b->string_list, (long)g_strdup(mod_data->name)); xrdp_list_add_item(b->data_list, (long)mod_data); } } g_file_close(fd); xrdp_list_delete(sections); xrdp_list_delete(section_names); xrdp_list_delete(section_values); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ int xrdp_login_wnd_create(struct xrdp_wm* self) { struct xrdp_bitmap* but; /* draw login window */ self->login_window = xrdp_bitmap_create(400, 200, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_WND, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->screen->child_list, (long)self->login_window); self->login_window->parent = self->screen; self->login_window->owner = self->screen; self->login_window->bg_color = self->grey; self->login_window->left = self->screen->width / 2 - self->login_window->width / 2; self->login_window->top = self->screen->height / 2 - self->login_window->height / 2; self->login_window->notify = xrdp_wm_login_notify; set_string(&self->login_window->caption1, "Login to xrdp"); /* image */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(4, 4, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_IMAGE, self); xrdp_bitmap_load(but, "xrdp256.bmp", self->palette); but->parent = self->screen; but->owner = self->screen; but->left = self->screen->width - but->width; but->top = self->screen->height - but->height; xrdp_list_add_item(self->screen->child_list, (long)but); /* image */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(4, 4, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_IMAGE, self); xrdp_bitmap_load(but, "ad256.bmp", self->palette); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 10; but->top = 30; xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); /* label */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_LABEL, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 155; but->top = 50; set_string(&but->caption1, "Username"); /* edit */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(140, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_EDIT, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 220; but->top = 50; but->id = 4; but->pointer = 1; but->tab_stop = 1; but->caption1 = (char*)g_malloc(256, 1); self->login_window->focused_control = but; /* label */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_LABEL, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 155; but->top = 80; set_string(&but->caption1, "Password"); /* edit */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(140, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_EDIT, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 220; but->top = 80; but->id = 5; but->pointer = 1; but->tab_stop = 1; but->caption1 = (char*)g_malloc(256, 1); but->password_char = '*'; /* label */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_LABEL, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 155; but->top = 110; set_string(&but->caption1, "Module"); /* combo */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(140, 20, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_COMBO, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 220; but->top = 110; but->id = 6; but->tab_stop = 1; xrdp_wm_login_fill_in_combo(self, but); /* button */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 25, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 180; but->top = 160; but->id = 3; set_string(&but->caption1, "OK"); but->tab_stop = 1; /* button */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 25, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 250; but->top = 160; but->id = 2; set_string(&but->caption1, "Cancel"); but->tab_stop = 1; /* button */ but = xrdp_bitmap_create(60, 25, self->screen->bpp, WND_TYPE_BUTTON, self); xrdp_list_add_item(self->login_window->child_list, (long)but); but->parent = self->login_window; but->owner = self->login_window; but->left = 320; but->top = 160; but->id = 1; set_string(&but->caption1, "Help"); but->tab_stop = 1; return 0; }