path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/tools/tqgcache.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 866 deletions
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-** Implementation of TQGCache and TQGCacheIterator classes
-** Created : 950208
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqgcache.h"
-#include "tqptrlist.h"
-#include "tqdict.h"
-#include "tqstring.h"
- \class TQGCache tqgcache.h
- \reentrant
- \ingroup shared
- \ingroup collection
- \brief The TQGCache class is an internal class for implementing TQCache
- template classes.
- \internal
- TQGCache is a strictly internal class that acts as a base class for the
- \link collection.html collection classes\endlink TQCache and TQIntCache.
- TQGCacheItem class (internal cache item)
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct TQCacheItem
- TQCacheItem( void *k, TQPtrCollection::Item d, int c, short p )
- : priority(p), skipPriority(p), cost(c), key(k), data(d), node(0) {}
- short priority;
- short skipPriority;
- int cost;
- void *key;
- TQPtrCollection::Item data;
- TQLNode *node;
- TQCList class (internal list of cache items)
- *****************************************************************************/
-class TQCList : private TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>
-friend class TQGCacheIterator;
-friend class TQCListIt;
- TQCList() {}
- ~TQCList();
- void insert( TQCacheItem * ); // insert according to priority
- void insert( int, TQCacheItem * );
- void take( TQCacheItem * );
- void reference( TQCacheItem * );
- void setAutoDelete( bool del ) { TQPtrCollection::setAutoDelete(del); }
- bool removeFirst() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::removeFirst(); }
- bool removeLast() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::removeLast(); }
- TQCacheItem *first() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::first(); }
- TQCacheItem *last() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::last(); }
- TQCacheItem *prev() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::prev(); }
- TQCacheItem *next() { return TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::next(); }
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- int inserts; // variables for statistics
- int insertCosts;
- int insertMisses;
- int finds;
- int hits;
- int hitCosts;
- int dumps;
- int dumpCosts;
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( count() == 0 );
-void TQCList::insert( TQCacheItem *ci )
- TQCacheItem *item = first();
- while( item && item->skipPriority > ci->priority ) {
- item->skipPriority--;
- item = next();
- }
- if ( item )
- TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::insert( at(), ci );
- else
- append( ci );
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( ci->node == 0 );
- ci->node = currentNode();
-inline void TQCList::insert( int i, TQCacheItem *ci )
- TQPtrList<TQCacheItem>::insert( i, ci );
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( ci->node == 0 );
- ci->node = currentNode();
-void TQCList::take( TQCacheItem *ci )
- if ( ci ) {
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( ci->node != 0 );
- takeNode( ci->node );
- ci->node = 0;
- }
-inline void TQCList::reference( TQCacheItem *ci )
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( ci != 0 && ci->node != 0 );
- ci->skipPriority = ci->priority;
- relinkNode( ci->node ); // relink as first item
-class TQCListIt: public TQPtrListIterator<TQCacheItem>
- TQCListIt( const TQCList *p ): TQPtrListIterator<TQCacheItem>( *p ) {}
- TQCListIt( const TQCListIt *p ): TQPtrListIterator<TQCacheItem>( *p ) {}
- TQCDict class (internal dictionary of cache items)
- *****************************************************************************/
-// Since we need to decide if the dictionary should use an int or const
-// char * key (the "bool trivial" argument in the constructor below)
-// we cannot use the macro/template dict, but inherit directly from TQGDict.
-class TQCDict : public TQGDict
- TQCDict( uint size, uint kt, bool caseSensitive, bool copyKeys )
- : TQGDict( size, (KeyType)kt, caseSensitive, copyKeys ) {}
- ~TQCDict();
- void clear() { TQGDict::clear(); }
- TQCacheItem *find_string(const TQString &key) const
- { return (TQCacheItem*)((TQCDict*)this)->look_string(key, 0, 0); }
- TQCacheItem *find_ascii(const char *key) const
- { return (TQCacheItem*)((TQCDict*)this)->look_ascii(key, 0, 0); }
- TQCacheItem *find_int(long key) const
- { return (TQCacheItem*)((TQCDict*)this)->look_int(key, 0, 0); }
- TQCacheItem *take_string(const TQString &key)
- { return (TQCacheItem*)TQGDict::take_string(key); }
- TQCacheItem *take_ascii(const char *key)
- { return (TQCacheItem*)TQGDict::take_ascii(key); }
- TQCacheItem *take_int(long key)
- { return (TQCacheItem*)TQGDict::take_int(key); }
- bool insert_string( const TQString &key, const TQCacheItem *ci )
- { return TQGDict::look_string(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
- bool insert_ascii( const char *key, const TQCacheItem *ci )
- { return TQGDict::look_ascii(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
- bool insert_int( long key, const TQCacheItem *ci )
- { return TQGDict::look_int(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
- bool remove_string( TQCacheItem *item )
- { return TQGDict::remove_string(*((TQString*)(item->key)),item); }
- bool remove_ascii( TQCacheItem *item )
- { return TQGDict::remove_ascii((const char *)item->key,item); }
- bool remove_int( TQCacheItem *item )
- { return TQGDict::remove_int((long)item->key,item);}
- void statistics() { TQGDict::statistics(); }
- void deleteItem( void *item )
- { if ( del_item ) { TQCacheItem *d = (TQCacheItem*)item; delete d; } }
-inline TQCDict::~TQCDict()
- clear();
- TQGDict member functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- Constructs a cache.
- The maximum cost of the cache is given by \a maxCost and the size by \a
- size. The key type is \a kt which may be \c StringKey, \c AsciiKey,
- \c IntKey or \c PtrKey. The case-sensitivity of lookups is set with
- \a caseSensitive. Keys are copied if \a copyKeys is TRUE.
-TQGCache::TQGCache( int maxCost, uint size, KeyType kt, bool caseSensitive,
- bool copyKeys )
- keytype = kt;
- lruList = new TQCList;
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( lruList );
- lruList->setAutoDelete( TRUE );
- copyk = ((keytype == AsciiKey) && copyKeys);
- dict = new TQCDict( size, kt, caseSensitive, FALSE );
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( dict );
- mCost = maxCost;
- tCost = 0;
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->inserts = 0;
- lruList->insertCosts = 0;
- lruList->insertMisses = 0;
- lruList->finds = 0;
- lruList->hits = 0;
- lruList->hitCosts = 0;
- lruList->dumps = 0;
- lruList->dumpCosts = 0;
- Cannot copy a cache.
-TQGCache::TQGCache( const TQGCache & )
- : TQPtrCollection()
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_NULL)
- qFatal( "TQGCache::TQGCache(TQGCache &): Cannot copy a cache" );
- Removes all items from the cache and destroys it.
- clear();
- delete dict;
- delete lruList;
- Cannot assign a cache.
-TQGCache &TQGCache::operator=( const TQGCache & )
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_NULL)
- qFatal( "TQGCache::operator=: Cannot copy a cache" );
- return *this;
- Returns the number of items in the cache.
-uint TQGCache::count() const
- return dict->count();
- Returns the size of the hash array.
-uint TQGCache::size() const
- return dict->size();
- \fn int TQGCache::maxCost() const
- Returns the maximum cache cost.
- \fn int TQGCache::totalCost() const
- Returns the total cache cost.
- Sets the maximum cache cost to \a maxCost.
-void TQGCache::setMaxCost( int maxCost )
- if ( maxCost < tCost ) {
- if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost - maxCost) ) // remove excess cost
- return;
- }
- mCost = maxCost;
- Inserts an item with data \a data into the cache using key \a key.
- The item has cost \a cost and priority \a priority.
- \warning If this function returns FALSE, you must delete \a data
- yourself. Additionally, be very careful about using \a data after
- calling this function, as any other insertions into the cache, from
- anywhere in the application, or within TQt itself, could cause the
- data to be discarded from the cache, and the pointer to become
- invalid.
-bool TQGCache::insert_string( const TQString &key, TQPtrCollection::Item data,
- int cost, int priority)
- if ( tCost + cost > mCost ) {
- if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost + cost - mCost, priority) ) {
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->insertMisses++;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( keytype == StringKey );
- lruList->inserts++;
- lruList->insertCosts += cost;
- if ( priority < -32768 )
- priority = -32768;
- else if ( priority > 32767 )
- priority = 32677;
- TQCacheItem *ci = new TQCacheItem( new TQString(key), newItem(data),
- cost, (short)priority );
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( ci );
- lruList->insert( 0, ci );
- dict->insert_string( key, ci );
- tCost += cost;
- return TRUE;
-bool TQGCache::insert_other( const char *key, TQPtrCollection::Item data,
- int cost, int priority)
- if ( tCost + cost > mCost ) {
- if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost + cost - mCost, priority) ) {
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->insertMisses++;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( keytype != StringKey );
- lruList->inserts++;
- lruList->insertCosts += cost;
- if ( keytype == AsciiKey && copyk )
- key = qstrdup( key );
- if ( priority < -32768 )
- priority = -32768;
- else if ( priority > 32767 )
- priority = 32677;
- TQCacheItem *ci = new TQCacheItem( (void*)key, newItem(data), cost,
- (short)priority );
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( ci );
- lruList->insert( 0, ci );
- if ( keytype == AsciiKey )
- dict->insert_ascii( key, ci );
- else
- dict->insert_int( (long)key, ci );
- tCost += cost;
- return TRUE;
- Removes the item with key \a key from the cache. Returns TRUE if the
- item was removed; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQGCache::remove_string( const TQString &key )
- Item d = take_string( key );
- if ( d )
- deleteItem( d );
- return d != 0;
-bool TQGCache::remove_other( const char *key )
- Item d = take_other( key );
- if ( d )
- deleteItem( d );
- return d != 0;
- Takes the item with key \a key out of the cache. The item is not
- deleted. If no item has this \a key 0 is returned.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCache::take_string( const TQString &key )
- TQCacheItem *ci = dict->take_string( key ); // take from dict
- Item d;
- if ( ci ) {
- d = ci->data;
- tCost -= ci->cost;
- lruList->take( ci ); // take from list
- delete (TQString*)ci->key;
- delete ci;
- } else {
- d = 0;
- }
- return d;
- Takes the item with key \a key out of the cache. The item is not
- deleted. If no item has this \a key 0 is returned.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCache::take_other( const char *key )
- TQCacheItem *ci;
- if ( keytype == AsciiKey )
- ci = dict->take_ascii( key );
- else
- ci = dict->take_int( (long)key );
- Item d;
- if ( ci ) {
- d = ci->data;
- tCost -= ci->cost;
- lruList->take( ci ); // take from list
- if ( copyk )
- delete [] (char *)ci->key;
- delete ci;
- } else {
- d = 0;
- }
- return d;
- Clears the cache.
-void TQGCache::clear()
- TQCacheItem *ci;
- while ( (ci = lruList->first()) ) {
- switch ( keytype ) {
- case StringKey:
- dict->remove_string( ci );
- delete (TQString*)ci->key;
- break;
- case AsciiKey:
- dict->remove_ascii( ci );
- if ( copyk )
- delete [] (char*)ci->key;
- break;
- case IntKey:
- dict->remove_int( ci );
- break;
- case PtrKey: // unused
- break;
- }
- deleteItem( ci->data ); // delete data
- lruList->removeFirst(); // remove from list
- }
- tCost = 0;
- Finds an item for \a key in the cache and adds a reference if \a ref is TRUE.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCache::find_string( const TQString &key, bool ref ) const
- TQCacheItem *ci = dict->find_string( key );
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->finds++;
- if ( ci ) {
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->hits++;
- lruList->hitCosts += ci->cost;
- if ( ref )
- lruList->reference( ci );
- return ci->data;
- }
- return 0;
- Finds an item for \a key in the cache and adds a reference if \a ref is TRUE.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCache::find_other( const char *key, bool ref ) const
- TQCacheItem *ci = keytype == AsciiKey ? dict->find_ascii(key)
- : dict->find_int((long)key);
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->finds++;
- if ( ci ) {
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->hits++;
- lruList->hitCosts += ci->cost;
- if ( ref )
- lruList->reference( ci );
- return ci->data;
- }
- return 0;
- Allocates cache space for one or more items.
-bool TQGCache::makeRoomFor( int cost, int priority )
- if ( cost > mCost ) // cannot make room for more
- return FALSE; // than maximum cost
- if ( priority == -1 )
- priority = 32767;
- register TQCacheItem *ci = lruList->last();
- int cntCost = 0;
- int dumps = 0; // number of items to dump
- while ( cntCost < cost && ci && ci->skipPriority <= priority ) {
- cntCost += ci->cost;
- ci = lruList->prev();
- dumps++;
- }
- if ( cntCost < cost ) // can enough cost be dumped?
- return FALSE; // no
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( dumps > 0 );
- while ( dumps-- ) {
- ci = lruList->last();
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- lruList->dumps++;
- lruList->dumpCosts += ci->cost;
- switch ( keytype ) {
- case StringKey:
- dict->remove_string( ci );
- delete (TQString*)ci->key;
- break;
- case AsciiKey:
- dict->remove_ascii( ci );
- if ( copyk )
- delete [] (char *)ci->key;
- break;
- case IntKey:
- dict->remove_int( ci );
- break;
- case PtrKey: // unused
- break;
- }
- deleteItem( ci->data ); // delete data
- lruList->removeLast(); // remove from list
- }
- tCost -= cntCost;
- return TRUE;
- Outputs debug statistics.
-void TQGCache::statistics() const
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQString line;
- line.fill( '*', 80 );
- qDebug( line.ascii() );
- qDebug( "CACHE STATISTICS:" );
- qDebug( "cache contains %d item%s, with a total cost of %d",
- count(), count() != 1 ? "s" : "", tCost );
- qDebug( "maximum cost is %d, cache is %d%% full.",
- mCost, (200*tCost + mCost) / (mCost*2) );
- qDebug( "find() has been called %d time%s",
- lruList->finds, lruList->finds != 1 ? "s" : "" );
- qDebug( "%d of these were hits, items found had a total cost of %d.",
- lruList->hits,lruList->hitCosts );
- qDebug( "%d item%s %s been inserted with a total cost of %d.",
- lruList->inserts,lruList->inserts != 1 ? "s" : "",
- lruList->inserts != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->insertCosts );
- qDebug( "%d item%s %s too large or had too low priority to be inserted.",
- lruList->insertMisses, lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "s" : "",
- lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "were" : "was" );
- qDebug( "%d item%s %s been thrown away with a total cost of %d.",
- lruList->dumps, lruList->dumps != 1 ? "s" : "",
- lruList->dumps != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->dumpCosts );
- qDebug( "Statistics from internal dictionary class:" );
- dict->statistics();
- qDebug( line.ascii() );
- TQGCacheIterator member functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- \class TQGCacheIterator tqgcache.h
- \reentrant
- \ingroup shared
- \ingroup collection
- \brief The TQGCacheIterator class is an internal class for implementing TQCacheIterator and
- TQIntCacheIterator.
- \internal
- TQGCacheIterator is a strictly internal class that does the heavy work for
- TQCacheIterator and TQIntCacheIterator.
- Constructs an iterator that operates on the cache \a c.
-TQGCacheIterator::TQGCacheIterator( const TQGCache &c )
- it = new TQCListIt( c.lruList );
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( it != 0 );
- Constructs an iterator that operates on the same cache as \a ci.
-TQGCacheIterator::TQGCacheIterator( const TQGCacheIterator &ci )
- it = new TQCListIt( );
-#if defined(TQT_DEBUG)
- TQ_ASSERT( it != 0 );
- Destroys the iterator.
- delete it;
- Assigns the iterator \a ci to this cache iterator.
-TQGCacheIterator &TQGCacheIterator::operator=( const TQGCacheIterator &ci )
- *it = *;
- return *this;
- Returns the number of items in the cache.
-uint TQGCacheIterator::count() const
- return it->count();
- Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the first item.
-bool TQGCacheIterator::atFirst() const
- return it->atFirst();
- Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the last item.
-bool TQGCacheIterator::atLast() const
- return it->atLast();
- Sets the list iterator to point to the first item in the cache.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::toFirst()
- TQCacheItem *item = it->toFirst();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Sets the list iterator to point to the last item in the cache.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::toLast()
- TQCacheItem *item = it->toLast();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Returns the current item.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::get() const
- TQCacheItem *item = it->current();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Returns the key of the current item.
-TQString TQGCacheIterator::getKeyString() const
- TQCacheItem *item = it->current();
- return item ? *((TQString*)item->key) : TQString::null;
- Returns the key of the current item, as a \0-terminated C string.
-const char *TQGCacheIterator::getKeyAscii() const
- TQCacheItem *item = it->current();
- return item ? (const char *)item->key : 0;
- Returns the key of the current item, as a long.
-long TQGCacheIterator::getKeyInt() const
- TQCacheItem *item = it->current();
- return item ? (long)item->key : 0;
- Moves to the next item (postfix).
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::operator()()
- TQCacheItem *item = it->operator()();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Moves to the next item (prefix).
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::operator++()
- TQCacheItem *item = it->operator++();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Moves \a jump positions forward.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::operator+=( uint jump )
- TQCacheItem *item = it->operator+=(jump);
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Moves to the previous item (prefix).
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::operator--()
- TQCacheItem *item = it->operator--();
- return item ? item->data : 0;
- Moves \a jump positions backward.
-TQPtrCollection::Item TQGCacheIterator::operator-=( uint jump )
- TQCacheItem *item = it->operator-=(jump);
- return item ? item->data : 0;