path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqrangecontrol.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQRangeControl class
-** Created : 940427
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqrangecontrol.h"
-#include "tqglobal.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-static bool sumOutOfRange(int current, int add);
- \class TQRangeControl tqrangecontrol.h
- \brief The TQRangeControl class provides an integer value within a range.
- \ingroup misc
- Although originally designed for the TQScrollBar widget, the
- TQRangeControl can also be used in conjunction with other widgets
- such as TQSlider and TQSpinBox. Here are the five main concepts in
- the class:
- \list 1
- \i \e{Current value} The bounded integer that
- TQRangeControl maintains. value() returns it, and several
- functions, including setValue(), set it.
- \i \e{Minimum} The lowest value that value() can ever
- return. Returned by minValue() and set by setRange() or one of the
- constructors.
- \i \e{Maximum} The highest value that value() can ever
- return. Returned by maxValue() and set by setRange() or one of the
- constructors.
- \i \e{Line step} The smaller of two natural steps that
- TQRangeControl provides and typically corresponds to the user
- pressing an arrow key. The line step is returned by lineStep()
- and set using setSteps(). The functions addLine() and
- subtractLine() respectively increment and decrement the current
- value by lineStep().
- \i \e{Page step} The larger of two natural steps that
- TQRangeControl provides and typically corresponds to the user
- pressing PageUp or PageDown. The page step is returned by
- pageStep() and set using setSteps(). The functions addPage() and
- substractPage() respectively increment and decrement the current
- value by pageStep().
- \endlist
- Unity (1) may be viewed as a third step size. setValue() lets you
- set the current value to any integer in the allowed range, not
- just minValue() + \e n * lineStep() for integer values of \e n.
- Some widgets may allow the user to set any value at all; others
- may just provide multiples of lineStep() or pageStep().
- TQRangeControl provides three virtual functions that are well
- suited for updating the on-screen representation of range controls
- and emitting Q_SIGNALS: valueChange(), rangeChange() and
- stepChange().
- TQRangeControl also provides a function called bound() which lets
- you force arbitrary integers to be within the allowed range of the
- range control.
- We recommend that all widgets that inherit TQRangeControl provide
- at least a signal called valueChanged(); many widgets will want to
- provide addStep(), addPage(), substractStep() and substractPage()
- as Q_SLOTS.
- Note that you must use multiple inheritance if you plan to
- implement a widget using TQRangeControl because TQRangeControl is
- not derived from TQWidget.
- Constructs a range control with a minimum value of 0, maximum
- value of 99, line step of 1, page step of 10 and initial value 0.
- minVal = 0;
- maxVal = 99;
- line = 1;
- page = 10;
- val = 0;
- prevVal = -1;
- d = 0;
- Constructs a range control whose value can never be smaller than
- \a minValue or greater than \a maxValue, whose line step size is
- \a lineStep and page step size is \a pageStep and whose value is
- initially \a value (which is guaranteed to be in range using
- bound()).
-TQRangeControl::TQRangeControl( int minValue, int maxValue,
- int lineStep, int pageStep,
- int value )
- minVal = minValue;
- maxVal = maxValue;
- line = TQABS( lineStep );
- page = TQABS( pageStep );
- prevVal = minVal - 1;
- val = bound( value );
- d = 0;
- Destroys the range control
- \fn int TQRangeControl::value() const
- Returns the current range control value. This is guaranteed to be
- within the range [minValue(), maxValue()].
- \sa setValue() prevValue()
- \fn int TQRangeControl::prevValue() const
- Returns the previous value of the range control. "Previous value"
- means the value before the last change occurred. Setting a new
- range may affect the value, too, because the value is forced to be
- inside the specified range. When the range control is initially
- created, this is the same as value().
- prevValue() can be outside the current legal range if a call to
- setRange() causes the current value to change. For example, if the
- range was [0, 1000] and the current value is 500, setRange(0, 400)
- makes value() return 400 and prevValue() return 500.
- \sa value() setRange()
- Sets the range control's value to \a value and forces it to be
- within the legal range.
- Calls the virtual valueChange() function if the new value is
- different from the previous value. The old value can still be
- retrieved using prevValue().
- \sa value()
-void TQRangeControl::setValue( int value )
- directSetValue( value );
- if ( prevVal != val )
- valueChange();
- Sets the range control \a value directly without calling
- valueChange().
- Forces the new \a value to be within the legal range.
- You will rarely have to call this function. However, if you want
- to change the range control's value inside the overloaded method
- valueChange(), setValue() would call the function valueChange()
- again. To avoid this recursion you must use directSetValue()
- instead.
- \sa setValue()
-void TQRangeControl::directSetValue(int value)
- prevVal = val;
- val = bound( value );
- Equivalent to \c{setValue( value() + pageStep() )}.
- If the value is changed, then valueChange() is called.
- \sa subtractPage() addLine() setValue()
-void TQRangeControl::addPage()
- if (!sumOutOfRange(value(), pageStep()))
- setValue(value() + pageStep());
- Equivalent to \c{setValue( value() - pageStep() )}.
- If the value is changed, then valueChange() is called.
- \sa addPage() subtractLine() setValue()
-void TQRangeControl::subtractPage()
- if (!sumOutOfRange(value(), -pageStep()))
- setValue(value() - pageStep());
- Equivalent to \c{setValue( value() + lineStep() )}.
- If the value is changed, then valueChange() is called.
- \sa subtractLine() addPage() setValue()
-void TQRangeControl::addLine()
- if (!sumOutOfRange(value(), lineStep()))
- setValue(value() + lineStep());
- Equivalent to \c{setValue( value() - lineStep() )}.
- If the value is changed, then valueChange() is called.
- \sa addLine() subtractPage() setValue()
-void TQRangeControl::subtractLine()
- if (!sumOutOfRange(value(), -lineStep()))
- setValue(value() - lineStep());
- \fn int TQRangeControl::minValue() const
- Returns the minimum value of the range.
- \sa setMinValue() setRange() maxValue()
- \fn int TQRangeControl::maxValue() const
- Returns the maximum value of the range.
- \sa setMaxValue() setRange() minValue()
- Sets the minimum value of the range to \a minVal.
- If necessary, the maxValue() is adjusted so that the range remains
- valid.
- \sa minValue() setMaxValue()
-void TQRangeControl::setMinValue( int minVal )
- int maxVal = maxValue();
- if ( maxVal < minVal )
- maxVal = minVal;
- setRange( minVal, maxVal );
- Sets the minimum value of the range to \a maxVal.
- If necessary, the minValue() is adjusted so that the range remains
- valid.
- \sa maxValue() setMinValue()
-void TQRangeControl::setMaxValue( int maxVal )
- int minVal = minValue();
- if ( minVal > maxVal )
- minVal = maxVal;
- setRange( minVal, maxVal );
- Sets the range control's minimum value to \a minValue and its
- maximum value to \a maxValue.
- Calls the virtual rangeChange() function if one or both of the new
- minimum and maximum values are different from the previous
- setting. Calls the virtual valueChange() function if the current
- value is adjusted because it was outside the new range.
- If \a maxValue is smaller than \a minValue, \a minValue becomes
- the only legal value.
- \sa minValue() maxValue()
-void TQRangeControl::setRange( int minValue, int maxValue )
- if ( minValue > maxValue ) {
-#if defined(TQT_CHECK_RANGE)
- qWarning( "TQRangeControl::setRange: minValue %d > maxValue %d",
- minValue, maxValue );
- maxValue = minValue;
- }
- if ( minValue == minVal && maxValue == maxVal )
- return;
- minVal = minValue;
- maxVal = maxValue;
- int tmp = bound( val );
- rangeChange();
- if ( tmp != val ) {
- prevVal = val;
- val = tmp;
- valueChange();
- }
- \fn int TQRangeControl::lineStep() const
- Returns the line step.
- \sa setSteps() pageStep()
- \fn int TQRangeControl::pageStep() const
- Returns the page step.
- \sa setSteps() lineStep()
- Sets the range's line step to \a lineStep and page step to \a
- pageStep.
- Calls the virtual stepChange() function if the new line step
- or page step are different from the previous settings.
- \sa lineStep() pageStep() setRange()
-void TQRangeControl::setSteps( int lineStep, int pageStep )
- if ( lineStep != line || pageStep != page ) {
- line = TQABS( lineStep );
- page = TQABS( pageStep );
- stepChange();
- }
- This virtual function is called whenever the range control value
- changes. You can reimplement it if you want to be notified when
- the value changes. The default implementation does nothing.
- Note that this method is called after the value has changed. The
- previous value can be retrieved using prevValue().
- \sa setValue(), addPage(), subtractPage(), addLine(),
- subtractLine() rangeChange(), stepChange()
-void TQRangeControl::valueChange()
- This virtual function is called whenever the range control's range
- changes. You can reimplement it if you want to be notified when
- the range changes. The default implementation does nothing.
- Note that this method is called after the range has changed.
- \sa setRange(), valueChange(), stepChange()
-void TQRangeControl::rangeChange()
- This virtual function is called whenever the range control's
- line or page step settings change. You can reimplement it if you
- want to be notified when the step changes. The default
- implementation does nothing.
- Note that this method is called after a step setting has changed.
- \sa setSteps(), rangeChange(), valueChange()
-void TQRangeControl::stepChange()
- Forces the value \a v to be within the range from minValue() to
- maxValue() inclusive, and returns the result.
- This function is provided so that you can easily force other
- numbers than value() into the allowed range. You do not need to
- call it in order to use TQRangeControl itself.
- \sa setValue() value() minValue() maxValue()
-int TQRangeControl::bound( int v ) const
- if ( v < minVal )
- return minVal;
- if ( v > maxVal )
- return maxVal;
- return v;
- Converts \a logical_val to a pixel position. minValue() maps to 0,
- maxValue() maps to \a span and other values are distributed evenly
- in-between.
- This function can handle the entire integer range without
- overflow, providing \a span is \<= 4096.
- Calling this method is useful when actually drawing a range
- control such as a TQScrollBar on-screen.
- \sa valueFromPosition()
-int TQRangeControl::positionFromValue( int logical_val, int span ) const
- if ( span <= 0 || logical_val < minValue() || maxValue() <= minValue() )
- return 0;
- if ( logical_val > maxValue() )
- return span;
- uint range = maxValue() - minValue();
- uint p = logical_val - minValue();
- if ( range > (uint)INT_MAX/4096 ) {
- const int scale = 4096*2;
- return ( (p/scale) * span ) / (range/scale);
- // ### the above line is probably not 100% correct
- // ### but fixing it isn't worth the extreme pain...
- } else if ( range > (uint)span ) {
- return (2*p*span + range) / (2*range);
- } else {
- uint div = span / range;
- uint mod = span % range;
- return p*div + (2*p*mod + range) / (2*range);
- }
- //equiv. to (p*span)/range + 0.5
- // no overflow because of this implicit assumption:
- // span <= 4096
- Converts the pixel position \a pos to a value. 0 maps to
- minValue(), \a span maps to maxValue() and other values are
- distributed evenly in-between.
- This function can handle the entire integer range without
- overflow.
- Calling this method is useful if you actually implemented a range
- control widget such as TQScrollBar and want to handle mouse press
- events. This function then maps screen coordinates to the logical
- values.
- \sa positionFromValue()
-int TQRangeControl::valueFromPosition( int pos, int span ) const
- if ( span <= 0 || pos <= 0 )
- return minValue();
- if ( pos >= span )
- return maxValue();
- uint range = maxValue() - minValue();
- if ( (uint)span > range )
- return minValue() + (2*pos*range + span) / (2*span);
- else {
- uint div = range / span;
- uint mod = range % span;
- return minValue() + pos*div + (2*pos*mod + span) / (2*span);
- }
- // equiv. to minValue() + (pos*range)/span + 0.5
- // no overflow because of this implicit assumption:
- // pos <= span < sqrt(INT_MAX+0.0625)+0.25 ~ sqrt(INT_MAX)
-static bool sumOutOfRange(int current, int add)
- if (add > 0 && INT_MAX - add < current) {
- return true;
- }
- if (add < 0 && INT_MIN - add > current) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;