path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <>2021-11-05 13:28:23 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <>2021-11-05 13:28:23 +0100
commit8c787c3591c1c885b91a54128835b400858c5cca (patch)
treeeca1b776912a305c4d45b3964038278a2fae1ead /debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/
parentfe188b907cdf30dfdfe0eba9412e7f8749fec158 (diff)
DEB htdig: Added to repository.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <>
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e0019a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id:,v 1.6 2004/05/28 13:15:28 lha Exp $
+#include "htconfig.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include "WordListOne.h"
+#include "WordReference.h"
+#include "WordRecord.h"
+#include "WordType.h"
+#include "WordContext.h"
+#include "Configuration.h"
+#include "htString.h"
+#include "HtTime.h"
+#include "WordDBCompress.h"
+#include "WordDBCache.h"
+#include "WordDead.h"
+#include "WordMeta.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef _MSC_VER /* _WIN32 */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+// *****************************************************************************
+WordListOne::WordListOne(WordContext* ncontext)
+ context = ncontext;
+ db = new WordDB(ncontext->GetDBInfo());
+ dict = new WordDict();
+ dict->Initialize(this);
+ meta = new WordMeta();
+ meta->Initialize(this);
+ dead = new WordDead();
+ dead->Initialize(this);
+ // The database itself hasn't been opened yet
+ isopen = 0;
+ Configuration& config = context->GetConfiguration();
+ extended = config.Boolean("wordlist_extend");
+ verbose = config.Value("wordlist_verbose");
+ compressor = 0;
+ caches = 0;
+ flags = 0;
+// *****************************************************************************
+ BatchEnd();
+ Close();
+ delete dead;
+ delete meta;
+ delete dict;
+ delete db;
+static int word_db_qcmp(WordContext* context, const WordDBCacheEntry *a, const WordDBCacheEntry *b)
+ return WordKey::Compare(context, (const unsigned char*)a->key, a->key_size, (const unsigned char*)b->key, b->key_size);
+// *****************************************************************************
+int WordListOne::Open(const String& nfilename, int mode)
+ filename = nfilename;
+ int usecompress = 0;
+ Configuration& config = context->GetConfiguration();
+ if(config.Boolean("wordlist_compress") == 1) {
+ usecompress = DB_COMPRESS;
+ WordDBCompress* compressor = new WordDBCompress(context);
+ // compressor->debug = config.Value("wordlist_compress_debug");
+ SetCompressor(compressor);
+ context->GetDBInfo().dbenv->mp_cmpr_info = compressor->CmprInfo();
+ context->GetDBInfo().dbenv->flags |= DB_ENV_CMPR;
+ }
+ flags = (mode & O_RDWR) ? DB_CREATE : DB_RDONLY;
+ flags |= usecompress;
+ if(mode & O_TRUNC) {
+ if(mode & O_RDWR) {
+ unlink((char*)filename);
+ } else
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordListOne::Open: O_TRUNC | O_RDONLY is meaningless\n");
+ }
+ WordLock* lock;
+ Meta()->Lock("open", lock);
+ db->set_bt_compare(word_db_cmp, (void*)context);
+ if(config.Boolean("wordlist_cache_inserts", 0)) {
+ int size = config.Value("wordlist_cache_size", 0);
+ if(size / 2 < WORD_DB_CACHE_MINIMUM)
+ size = 0;
+ else
+ size /= 2;
+ db->CacheOn(context, size);
+ db->CacheCompare(word_db_qcmp);
+ }
+ db->set_pagesize(Pagesize());
+ int ret = db->Open(filename, "index", DB_BTREE, flags, 0666, WORD_DB_INDEX) == 0 ? OK : NOTOK;
+ if(ret == NOTOK) return ret;
+ if(dict->Open() != OK) return NOTOK;
+ if(meta->Open() != OK) return NOTOK;
+ if(dead->Open() != OK) return NOTOK;
+ isopen = 1;
+ Meta()->Unlock("open", lock);
+ return ret;
+// *****************************************************************************
+int WordListOne::Close()
+ if(isopen) {
+ if(db->Close() != 0) return NOTOK;
+ if(dict->Close() != 0) return NOTOK;
+ if(meta->Close() != 0) return NOTOK;
+ if(dead->Close() != 0) return NOTOK;
+ isopen = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ WordDBCompress* compressor = GetCompressor();
+ if(compressor) {
+ delete compressor;
+ SetCompressor(0);
+ }
+ delete context->GetDBInfo().dbenv->mp_cmpr_info;
+ context->GetDBInfo().dbenv->mp_cmpr_info = 0;
+ context->GetDBInfo().dbenv->flags &= ~DB_ENV_CMPR;
+ }
+ return OK;
+// ****************************************************************************
+unsigned int WordListOne::Size() const
+ return db->Size();
+// ****************************************************************************
+int WordListOne::Override(const WordReference& arg)
+ if (arg.GetWord().length() == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordListOne::Override(%s) word is zero length\n", (char*)arg.Get());
+ return NOTOK;
+ }
+ if (!arg.Key().Filled()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordListOne::Override(%s) key is not fully defined\n", (char*)arg.Get());
+ return NOTOK;
+ }
+ WordType& wtype = context->GetType();
+ WordReference wordRef(arg);
+ String word = wordRef.GetWord();
+ if(wtype.Normalize(word) & WORD_NORMALIZE_NOTOK)
+ return NOTOK;
+ wordRef.SetWord(word);
+ unsigned int wordid = 0;
+ if(dict->SerialRef(word, wordid) != OK) return NOTOK;
+ wordRef.Key().Set(WORD_KEY_WORD, wordid);
+ int ret = NOTOK;
+ if(caches) {
+ String key;
+ String record;
+ if(wordRef.Pack(key, record) != OK)
+ return NOTOK;
+ ret = caches->Add(key.get(), key.length(), record.get(), record.length()) == 0 ? OK : NOTOK;
+ if(caches->Full()) caches->Merge(*db);
+ } else {
+ ret = db->Put(wordRef, 0) == 0 ? OK : NOTOK;
+ }
+ return ret;
+// *****************************************************************************
+List *WordListOne::operator [] (const WordReference& wordRef)
+ return Collect(wordRef);
+// *****************************************************************************
+List *WordListOne::Prefix (const WordReference& prefix)
+ List* result = new List();
+ WordDictCursor* cursor = Dict()->CursorPrefix(prefix.GetWord());
+ String word;
+ WordDictRecord record;
+ WordReference prefix2(prefix);
+ while(Dict()->NextPrefix(cursor, word, record) == 0) {
+ prefix2.Key().Set(WORD_KEY_WORD, record.Id());
+ List* tmp_result = Collect(prefix2);
+ while(tmp_result->Count() > 0) {
+ WordReference* entry = (WordReference*)tmp_result->Shift(LIST_REMOVE_RELEASE);
+ entry->SetWord(word);
+ result->Push(entry);
+ }
+ delete tmp_result;
+ }
+ return result;
+// *****************************************************************************
+List *WordListOne::WordRefs()
+ return Collect(WordReference(context));
+// *****************************************************************************
+List *WordListOne::Collect(const WordReference& wordRef)
+ WordCursor *search = Cursor(wordRef.Key(), HTDIG_WORDLIST_COLLECTOR);
+ if(search->Walk() != OK) return 0;
+ List* result = search->GetResults();
+ delete search;
+ return result;
+// *****************************************************************************
+WordListOne::Read(FILE* f)
+ WordReference wordRef(context);
+#define WORD_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+ char buffer[WORD_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
+ String line;
+ int line_number = 0;
+ int inserted = 0;
+ BatchStart();
+ String key;
+ String record;
+ while(fgets(buffer, WORD_BUFFER_SIZE, f)) {
+ line_number++;
+ int buffer_length = strlen(buffer);
+ int eol = buffer[buffer_length - 1] == '\n';
+ if(eol) buffer[--buffer_length] = '\0';
+ line.append(buffer, buffer_length);
+ //
+ // Join big lines
+ //
+ if(!eol) continue;
+ //
+ // If line ends with a \ continue
+ //
+ if(line.last() == '\\') {
+ line.chop(1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!line.empty()) {
+ StringList fields(line, "\t ");
+ //
+ // Convert the word to a wordid
+ //
+ String* word = (String*)fields.Get_First();
+ unsigned int wordid;
+ if(dict->SerialRef(*word, wordid) != OK) return NOTOK;
+ word->trunc();
+ (*word) << wordid;
+ if(wordRef.SetList(fields) != OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordList::Read: line %d : %s\n", line_number, (char*)line);
+ fprintf(stderr, " cannot build WordReference (ignored)\n");
+ } else {
+ if(wordRef.Pack(key, record) != OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordList::Read: line %d : %s\n", line_number, (char*)line);
+ fprintf(stderr, " pack failed (ignored)\n");
+ } else {
+ caches->Add(key.get(), key.length(), record.get(), record.length());
+ inserted++;
+ }
+ if(verbose && (inserted % 10000 == 0)) fprintf(stderr, "WordList::Read: inserted %d entries\n", inserted);
+ if(verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "WordList::Read: inserting %s\n", (char*)wordRef.Get());
+ }
+ line.trunc();
+ }
+ }
+ BatchEnd();
+ return inserted;
+// *****************************************************************************
+// streaming operators for ascii dumping and reading a list
+class FileOutData : public Object
+ FILE* f;
+ String word;
+ FileOutData(FILE* f_arg) : f(f_arg) { }
+// *****************************************************************************
+static int
+wordlist_walk_callback_file_out(WordList *, WordDBCursor& , const WordReference *wordRef, Object &ndata)
+ FileOutData& data = (FileOutData&)ndata;
+ ((WordReference*)wordRef)->SetWord(data.word);
+ fprintf(data.f, "%s\n", (char*)wordRef->Get());
+ return OK;
+int WordListOne::Write(FILE* f)
+ FileOutData data(f);
+ WordDictCursor* cursor = dict->Cursor();
+ int ret;
+ String word;
+ WordDictRecord wordinfo;
+ while((ret = dict->Next(cursor, word, wordinfo)) == 0) {
+ WordKey key(context);
+ key.Set(WORD_KEY_WORD, wordinfo.Id());
+ data.word = word;
+ WordCursor *search = Cursor(key, wordlist_walk_callback_file_out, (Object *)&data);
+ search->Walk();
+ delete search;
+ }
+ return ret == DB_NOTFOUND ? OK : NOTOK;
+// *****************************************************************************
+// Callback data dedicated to Dump and dump_word communication
+class DeleteWordData : public Object
+ DeleteWordData() { count = 0; }
+ int count;
+// *****************************************************************************
+static int delete_word(WordList *words, WordDBCursor &cursor, const WordReference *word, Object &data)
+ WordListOne *words_one = (WordListOne*)words;
+ if(words_one->DeleteCursor(cursor) == 0) {
+ ((DeleteWordData&)data).count++;
+ return OK;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordList delete_word: deleting %s failed\n", (char*)word->Get());
+ return NOTOK;
+ }
+// *****************************************************************************
+// Delete all records matching wordRef, return the number of
+// deleted records.
+int WordListOne::WalkDelete(const WordReference& wordRef)
+ DeleteWordData data;
+ WordKey key = wordRef.Key();
+ if(key.IsDefined(WORD_KEY_WORD)) {
+ WordCursor *description = Cursor(key, delete_word, &data);
+ description->Walk();
+ delete description;
+ dict->Decr(wordRef.GetWord(), data.count);
+ } else {
+ WordDictCursor* cursor = dict->Cursor();
+ int ret;
+ String word;
+ WordDictRecord wordinfo;
+ int total = 0;
+ while((ret = dict->Next(cursor, word, wordinfo)) == 0) {
+ key.Set(WORD_KEY_WORD, wordinfo.Id());
+ WordCursor *search = Cursor(key, delete_word, &data);
+ search->Walk();
+ delete search;
+ dict->Decr(word, data.count);
+ total += data.count;
+ data.count = 0;
+ }
+ data.count = total;
+ }
+ return data.count;
+// *****************************************************************************
+// Returns the reference count for word in <count> arg
+int WordListOne::Noccurrence(const String& word, unsigned int& noccurrence) const
+ return dict->Noccurrence(word, noccurrence);
+WordKey WordListOne::Key(const String& bufferin)
+ WordKey key(context);
+ StringList fields(bufferin, "\t ");
+ String* field = (String*)fields.Get_First();
+ unsigned int wordid;
+ Dict()->Serial(*field, wordid);
+ field->trunc();
+ (*field) << wordid;
+ key.SetList(fields);
+ return key;
+WordReference WordListOne::Word(const String& bufferin, int exists /* = 1 */)
+ WordReference wordRef(context);
+ StringList fields(bufferin, "\t ");
+ String* field = (String*)fields.Get_First();
+ if(context->GetType().Normalize(*field) & WORD_NORMALIZE_NOTOK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WordListOne::Word: cannot normalize word\n");
+ }
+ String word = *field;
+ unsigned int wordid;
+ if(exists)
+ Dict()->SerialExists(word, wordid);
+ else
+ Dict()->Serial(word, wordid);
+ field->trunc();
+ (*field) << wordid;
+ wordRef.SetList(fields);
+ wordRef.SetWord(word);
+ return wordRef;
+ if(caches) {
+ caches->Merge(*db);
+ WordList::BatchEnd();
+ }