path: root/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.78.1/src/align_var_def_brace.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.78.1/src/align_var_def_brace.cpp')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.78.1/src/align_var_def_brace.cpp b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.78.1/src/align_var_def_brace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93eb34b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.78.1/src/align_var_def_brace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ * @file align_var_def_brace.cpp
+ *
+ * @author Guy Maurel
+ * split from align.cpp
+ * @author Ben Gardner
+ * @license GPL v2+
+ */
+#include "align_var_def_brace.h"
+#include "align_stack.h"
+#include "align_tools.h"
+#include "log_rules.h"
+constexpr static auto LCURRENT = LAVDB;
+using namespace uncrustify;
+Chunk *align_var_def_brace(Chunk *start, size_t span, size_t *p_nl_count)
+ if (start->IsNullChunk())
+ {
+ return(Chunk::NullChunkPtr);
+ }
+ Chunk *next;
+ size_t myspan = span;
+ size_t mythresh = 0;
+ size_t mygap = 0;
+ // Override the span, if this is a struct/union
+ if ( start->GetParentType() == CT_STRUCT
+ || start->GetParentType() == CT_UNION)
+ {
+ log_rule_B("align_var_struct_span");
+ myspan = options::align_var_struct_span();
+ log_rule_B("align_var_struct_thresh");
+ mythresh = options::align_var_struct_thresh();
+ log_rule_B("align_var_struct_gap");
+ mygap = options::align_var_struct_gap();
+ }
+ else if (start->GetParentType() == CT_CLASS)
+ {
+ log_rule_B("align_var_class_span");
+ myspan = options::align_var_class_span();
+ log_rule_B("align_var_class_thresh");
+ mythresh = options::align_var_class_thresh();
+ log_rule_B("align_var_class_gap");
+ mygap = options::align_var_class_gap();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_thresh");
+ mythresh = options::align_var_def_thresh();
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_gap");
+ mygap = options::align_var_def_gap();
+ }
+ // can't be any variable definitions in a "= {" block
+ Chunk *prev = start->GetPrevNcNnl();
+ if (prev->Is(CT_ASSIGN))
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): start->Text() '%s', type is %s, on orig line %zu (abort due to assign)\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, start->Text(), get_token_name(start->GetType()), start->GetOrigLine());
+ Chunk *pc = start->GetNextType(CT_BRACE_CLOSE, start->GetLevel());
+ return(pc->GetNextNcNnl());
+ }
+ char copy[1000];
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): start->Text() '%s', type is %s, on orig line %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, start->ElidedText(copy), get_token_name(start->GetType()), start->GetOrigLine());
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_inline");
+ auto const align_mask =
+ (options::align_var_def_inline() ? PCF_NONE : PCF_VAR_INLINE);
+ // Set up the variable/prototype/definition aligner
+ AlignStack as;
+ as.Start(myspan, mythresh);
+ as.m_gap = mygap;
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_star_style");
+ as.m_star_style = static_cast<AlignStack::StarStyle>(options::align_var_def_star_style());
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_amp_style");
+ as.m_amp_style = static_cast<AlignStack::StarStyle>(options::align_var_def_amp_style());
+ // Set up the bit colon aligner
+ AlignStack as_bc;
+ as_bc.Start(myspan, 0);
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_colon_gap");
+ as_bc.m_gap = options::align_var_def_colon_gap();
+ AlignStack as_at; // attribute
+ as_at.Start(myspan, 0);
+ // Set up the brace open aligner
+ AlignStack as_br;
+ as_br.Start(myspan, mythresh);
+ log_rule_B("align_single_line_brace_gap");
+ as_br.m_gap = options::align_single_line_brace_gap();
+ bool fp_look_bro = false;
+ bool did_this_line = false;
+ log_rule_B("align_mix_var_proto");
+ bool fp_active = options::align_mix_var_proto();
+ Chunk *pc = start->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): start->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, start->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : start->Text(), start->GetLevel(), start->GetBraceLevel());
+ while (pc->IsNotNullChunk())
+ {
+ if ( pc->GetLevel() < start->GetLevel()
+ && pc->GetLevel() != 0
+ && !pc->IsPreproc())
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): orig line is %zu, orig col is %zu, Text() '%s', type is %s, PRE is %s\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->GetOrigLine(), pc->GetOrigCol(), pc->Text(), get_token_name(pc->GetType()), pc->IsPreproc() ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pc->IsComment())
+ {
+ if (pc->GetNlCount() > 0)
+ {
+ as.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_bc.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_at.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_br.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ }
+ pc = pc->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( fp_active
+ && !pc->TestFlags(PCF_IN_CLASS_BASE))
+ {
+ // WARNING: Duplicate from the align_func_proto()
+ log_rule_B("align_single_line_func");
+ if ( pc->Is(CT_FUNC_PROTO)
+ || ( pc->Is(CT_FUNC_DEF)
+ && options::align_single_line_func()))
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): add = '%s', orig line is %zu, orig col is %zu, level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->Text(), pc->GetOrigLine(), pc->GetOrigCol(), pc->GetLevel());
+ Chunk *toadd;
+ log_rule_B("align_on_operator");
+ if ( pc->GetParentType() == CT_OPERATOR
+ && options::align_on_operator())
+ {
+ toadd = pc->GetPrevNcNnl();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ toadd = pc;
+ }
+ as.Add(step_back_over_member(toadd));
+ log_rule_B("align_single_line_brace");
+ fp_look_bro = (pc->Is(CT_FUNC_DEF))
+ && options::align_single_line_brace();
+ }
+ else if ( fp_look_bro
+ && pc->Is(CT_BRACE_OPEN)
+ && pc->TestFlags(PCF_ONE_LINER))
+ {
+ as_br.Add(pc);
+ fp_look_bro = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // process nested braces
+ if (pc->Is(CT_BRACE_OPEN))
+ {
+ size_t sub_nl_count = 0;
+ pc = align_var_def_brace(pc, span, &sub_nl_count);
+ if (sub_nl_count > 0)
+ {
+ fp_look_bro = false;
+ did_this_line = false;
+ as.NewLines(sub_nl_count);
+ as_bc.NewLines(sub_nl_count);
+ as_at.NewLines(sub_nl_count);
+ as_br.NewLines(sub_nl_count);
+ if (p_nl_count != nullptr)
+ {
+ *p_nl_count += sub_nl_count;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Done with this brace set?
+ if (pc->Is(CT_BRACE_CLOSE))
+ {
+ pc = pc->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pc->IsNewline())
+ {
+ fp_look_bro = false;
+ did_this_line = false;
+ as.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_bc.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_at.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ as_br.NewLines(pc->GetNlCount());
+ if (p_nl_count != nullptr)
+ {
+ *p_nl_count += pc->GetNlCount();
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ if (!pc->IsNewline())
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc orig line is %zu, orig col is %zu, Text() '%s', type is %s\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->GetOrigLine(), pc->GetOrigCol(), pc->Text(), get_token_name(pc->GetType()));
+ if (pc->IsNot(CT_IGNORED))
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, " ");
+ log_pcf_flags(LAVDB, pc->GetFlags());
+ }
+ }
+ // don't align stuff inside parenthesis/squares/angles
+ if (pc->GetLevel() > pc->GetBraceLevel())
+ {
+ pc = pc->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If this is a variable def, update the max_col
+ if ( !pc->TestFlags(PCF_IN_CLASS_BASE)
+ && pc->IsNot(CT_FUNC_CLASS_DEF)
+ && ((pc->GetFlags() & align_mask) == PCF_VAR_1ST)
+ && pc->IsNot(CT_FUNC_DEF) // Issue 1452
+ && ( (pc->GetLevel() == (start->GetLevel() + 1))
+ || pc->GetLevel() == 0)
+ && pc->GetPrev()->IsNot(CT_MEMBER))
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): a-did_this_line is %s\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, did_this_line ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): Text() is '%s', orig line is %zu, orig col is %zu, level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->Text(), pc->GetOrigLine(), pc->GetOrigCol(), pc->GetLevel());
+ if (!did_this_line)
+ {
+ if ( start->GetParentType() == CT_STRUCT
+ && (as.m_star_style == AlignStack::SS_INCLUDE))
+ {
+ // we must look after the previous token
+ Chunk *prev_local = pc->GetPrev();
+ while ( prev_local->Is(CT_PTR_TYPE)
+ || prev_local->Is(CT_ADDR))
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): prev_local '%s', prev_local->GetType() %s\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, prev_local->Text(), get_token_name(prev_local->GetType()));
+ prev_local = prev_local->GetPrev();
+ }
+ pc = prev_local->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ }
+ // we must look after the previous token
+ Chunk *prev_local = pc->GetPrev();
+ if (prev_local->IsNot(CT_DEREF)) // Issue #2971
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): add = '%s', orig line is %zu, orig col is %zu, level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->Text(), pc->GetOrigLine(), pc->GetOrigCol(), pc->GetLevel());
+ as.Add(step_back_over_member(pc));
+ }
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_colon");
+ if (options::align_var_def_colon())
+ {
+ next = pc->GetNextNc();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ if (next->Is(CT_BIT_COLON))
+ {
+ as_bc.Add(next);
+ }
+ }
+ log_rule_B("align_var_def_attribute");
+ if (options::align_var_def_attribute())
+ {
+ next = pc;
+ while ((next = next->GetNextNc())->IsNotNullChunk())
+ {
+ if (next->Is(CT_ATTRIBUTE))
+ {
+ as_at.Add(next);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( next->Is(CT_SEMICOLON)
+ || next->IsNewline())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ did_this_line = true;
+ }
+ else if (pc->Is(CT_BIT_COLON))
+ {
+ if (!did_this_line)
+ {
+ as_bc.Add(pc);
+ did_this_line = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): b-did_this_line is %s\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, did_this_line ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+ }
+ pc = pc->GetNext();
+ LOG_FMT(LAVDB, "%s(%d): pc->Text() is '%s', level is %zu, brace level is %zu\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pc->IsNewline() ? "Newline" : pc->Text(), pc->GetLevel(), pc->GetBraceLevel());
+ }
+ as.End();
+ as_bc.End();
+ as_at.End();
+ as_br.End();
+ return(pc);
+} // align_var_def_brace