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+<TITLE>Nmap network security scanner man page</TITLE>
+<H1>Nmap network security scanner man page</H1>
+<!-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->
+<B>NMAP(1)</B> <B>NMAP(1)</B>
+ nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
+ <B>nmap</B> [Scan Type(s)] [Options] &lt;host or net #1 ... [#N]&gt;
+ <I>Nmap</I> is designed to allow system administrators and curious individuals
+ to scan large networks to determine which hosts are up and what ser-
+ vices they are offering. <I>nmap</I> supports a large number of scanning
+ techniques such as: UDP, TCP connect(), TCP SYN (half open), ftp proxy
+ (bounce attack), ICMP (ping sweep), FIN, ACK sweep, Xmas Tree, SYN
+ sweep, IP Protocol, and Null scan. See the <I>Scan</I> <I>Types</I> section for more
+ details. nmap also offers a number of advanced features such as remote
+ OS detection via TCP/IP fingerprinting, stealth scanning, dynamic delay
+ and retransmission calculations, parallel scanning, detection of down
+ hosts via parallel pings, decoy scanning, port filtering detection,
+ direct (non-portmapper) RPC scanning, fragmentation scanning, and flex-
+ ible target and port specification.
+ Significant effort has been put into decent nmap performance for non-
+ root users. Unfortunately, many critical kernel interfaces (such as
+ raw sockets) require root privileges. nmap should be run as root when-
+ ever possible (not setuid root, of course).
+ The result of running nmap is usually a list of interesting ports on
+ the machine(s) being scanned (if any). Nmap always gives the port’s
+ "well known" service name (if any), number, state, and protocol. The
+ state is either "open", "closed" "filtered", or "unfiltered". Open
+ means that the target machine will accept() connections on that port.
+ Closed ports are not listening for connections (they have no applica-
+ tion associated with them). Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or
+ other network obstacle is covering the port and preventing nmap from
+ determining whether the port is open. Unfiltered means that the port
+ is known by nmap to be closed and no firewall/filter seems to be inter-
+ fering with nmap’s attempts to determine this. Unfiltered ports are
+ the common case and are only shown when most of the scanned ports are
+ in the filtered state. In some cases, Nmap cannot distinguish between
+ filtered ports and those that are either open or closed. For example,
+ a port that does not respond to a FIN Scan could be either open or fil-
+ tered. In these cases, Nmap lists ports as "open|filtered" or
+ "closed|filtered".
+ Depending on options used, nmap may also report the following charac-
+ teristics of the remote host: OS in use, TCP sequentiality, usernames
+ running the programs which have bound to each port, the DNS name,
+ whether the host is a smurf address, and a few others.
+ Options that make sense together can generally be combined. Some
+ options are specific to certain scan modes. <I>nmap</I> tries to catch and
+ warn the user about psychotic or unsupported option combinations.
+ If you are impatient, you can skip to the <I>examples</I> section at the end,
+ which demonstrates common usage. You can also run <B>nmap</B> <B>-h</B> for a quick
+ reference page listing all the options.
+ <B>SCAN</B> <B>TYPES</B>
+ <B id="-sS">-sS</B> TCP SYN scan: This technique is often referred to as "half-open"
+ scanning, because you don’t open a full TCP connection. You send
+ a SYN packet, as if you are going to open a real connection and
+ you wait for a response. A SYN|ACK indicates the port is listen-
+ ing. A RST is indicative of a non-listener. If a SYN|ACK is
+ received, a RST is immediately sent to tear down the connection
+ (actually our OS kernel does this for us). The primary advantage
+ to this scanning technique is that fewer sites will log it.
+ Unfortunately you need root privileges to build these custom SYN
+ packets. This is the default scan type for privileged users.
+ <B id="-sT">-sT</B> TCP connect() scan: This is the most basic form of TCP scanning.
+ The connect() system call provided by your operating system is
+ used to open a connection to every interesting port on the
+ machine. If the port is listening, connect() will succeed, oth-
+ erwise the port isn’t reachable. One strong advantage to this
+ technique is that you don’t need any special privileges. Any
+ user on most UNIX boxes is free to use this call.
+ This sort of scan is easily detectable as target host logs will
+ show a bunch of connection and error messages for the services
+ which accept() the connection just to have it immediately shut-
+ down. This is the default scan type for unprivileged users.
+ <B id="-sF">-sF</B> <B id="-sX">-sX</B> <B id="-sN">-sN</B>
+ Stealth FIN, Xmas Tree, or Null scan modes: There are times when
+ even SYN scanning isn’t clandestine enough. Some firewalls and
+ packet filters watch for SYNs to restricted ports, and programs
+ like Synlogger and Courtney are available to detect these scans.
+ These advanced scans, on the other hand, may be able to pass
+ through unmolested.
+ The idea is that closed ports are required to reply to your
+ probe packet with an RST, while open ports must ignore the pack-
+ ets in question (see RFC 793 pp 64). Filered ports also tend to
+ drop probes without a response, so Nmap considers ports
+ "open|filtered" when it fails to elicit any response. If you
+ add version detection (-sV), it will try to verify whether the
+ ports are actually open and change the state as appropriate.
+ The FIN scan uses a bare (surprise) FIN packet as the probe,
+ while the Xmas tree scan turns on the FIN, URG, and PUSH flags.
+ The Null scan turns off all flags. Unfortunately Microsoft
+ (like usual) decided to completely ignore the standard and do
+ things their own way. Thus this scan type will not work against
+ systems running Windows95/NT. On the positive side, this is a
+ good way to distinguish between the two platforms. If the scan
+ finds open ports, you know the machine is not a Windows box. If
+ a -sF,-sX,or -sN scan shows all ports closed, yet a SYN (-sS)
+ scan shows ports being opened, you are probably looking at a
+ Windows box. This is less useful now that nmap has proper OS
+ detection built in. There are also a few other systems that are
+ broken in the same way Windows is. They include Cisco, BSDI,
+ HP/UX, MVS, and IRIX. All of the above send resets from the
+ open ports when they should just drop the packet.
+ <B id="-sP">-sP</B> Ping scanning: Sometimes you only want to know which hosts on a
+ network are up. Nmap can do this by sending ICMP echo request
+ packets to every IP address on the networks you specify. Hosts
+ that respond are up. Unfortunately, some sites such as
+ block echo request packets. Thus nmap can also
+ send a TCP ack packet to (by default) port 80. If we get an RST
+ back, that machine is up. A third technique involves sending a
+ SYN packet and waiting for a RST or a SYN/ACK. For non-root
+ users, a connect() method is used.
+ By default (for root users), nmap uses both the ICMP and ACK
+ techniques in parallel. You can change these with the <B>-P</B>
+ options described later.
+ Note that pinging is done by default anyway, and only hosts that
+ respond are scanned. Only use this option if you wish to ping
+ sweep <B>without</B> doing any actual port scans.
+ <B id="-sV">-sV</B> Version detection: After TCP and/or UDP ports are discovered
+ using one of the other scan methods, version detection communi-
+ cates with those ports to try and determine more about what is
+ actually running. A file called nmap-service-probes is used to
+ determine the best probes for detecting various services and the
+ match strings to expect. Nmap tries to determine the service
+ protocol (e.g. ftp, ssh, telnet, http), the application name
+ (e.g. ISC Bind, Apache httpd, Solaris telnetd), the version num-
+ ber, and sometimes miscellaneous details like whether an X
+ server is open to connections or the SSH protocol version). If
+ Nmap was compiled with OpenSSL support, it will connect to SSL
+ servers to deduce the service listening behind the encryption.
+ When RPC services are discovered, the Nmap RPC grinder is used
+ to determine the RPC program and version numbers. Some UDP
+ ports are left in the "open|filtered" state after a UDP scan is
+ unable to determine whether the port is open or filtered. Ver-
+ sion detection will try to elicit a response from these ports
+ (just as it does with open ports), and change the state to open
+ if it succeeds. Note that the Nmap -A option also enables this
+ feature. For a much more detailed description of Nmap service
+ detection, read our paper at
+ sionscan.html . There is a related --version_trace option which
+ causes Nmap to print out extensive debugging info about what
+ version scanning is doing (this is a subset of what you would
+ get with --packet_trace).
+ <B id="-sU">-sU</B> UDP scans: This method is used to determine which UDP (User
+ Datagram Protocol, RFC 768) ports are open on a host. The tech-
+ nique is to send 0 byte UDP packets to each port on the target
+ machine. If we receive an ICMP port unreachable message, then
+ the port is closed. If a UDP response is received to the probe
+ (unusual), the port is open. If we get no response at all, the
+ state is "open|filtered", meaning that the port is either open
+ or packet filters are blocking the communication. Versions scan
+ (-sV) can be used to help differentiate the truly open ports
+ from the filtered ones.
+ Some people think UDP scanning is pointless. I usually remind
+ them of the Solaris rpcbind hole. Rpcbind can be found hiding on
+ an undocumented UDP port somewhere above 32770. So it doesn’t
+ matter that 111 is blocked by the firewall. But can you find
+ which of the more than 30,000 high ports it is listening on?
+ With a UDP scanner you can! There is also the cDc Back Orifice
+ backdoor program which hides on a configurable UDP port on Win-
+ dows machines. Not to mention the many commonly vulnerable ser-
+ vices that utilize UDP such as snmp, tftp, NFS, etc.
+ Unfortunately UDP scanning is sometimes painfully slow since
+ most hosts implement a suggestion in RFC 1812 (section
+ of limiting the ICMP error message rate. For example, the Linux
+ kernel (in net/ipv4/icmp.h) limits destination unreachable mes-
+ sage generation to 80 per 4 seconds, with a 1/4 second penalty
+ if that is exceeded. Solaris has much more strict limits (about
+ 2 messages per second) and thus takes even longer to scan. <I>nmap</I>
+ detects this rate limiting and slows down accordingly, rather
+ than flood the network with useless packets that will be ignored
+ by the target machine.
+ As is typical, Microsoft ignored the suggestion of the RFC and
+ does not seem to do any rate limiting at all on Win95 and NT
+ machines. Thus we can scan all 65K ports of a Windows machine
+ <B>very</B> quickly. Whoop!
+ <B id="-sO">-sO</B> IP protocol scans: This method is used to determine which IP
+ protocols are supported on a host. The technique is to send raw
+ IP packets without any further protocol header to each specified
+ protocol on the target machine. If we receive an ICMP protocol
+ unreachable message, then the protocol is not in use. Otherwise
+ we assume it is open. Note that some hosts (AIX, HP-UX, Digital
+ UNIX) and firewalls may not send protocol unreachable messages.
+ This causes all of the protocols to appear "open".
+ Because the implemented technique is very similar to UDP port
+ scanning, ICMP rate limit might apply too. But the IP protocol
+ field has only 8 bits, so at most 256 protocols can be probed
+ which should be possible in reasonable time anyway.
+ <B id="-sI">-sI</B> <B>&lt;zombie</B> <B>host[:probeport]&gt;</B>
+ Idlescan: This advanced scan method allows for a truly blind TCP
+ port scan of the target (meaning no packets are sent to the tar-
+ get from your real IP address). Instead, a unique side-channel
+ attack exploits predictable "IP fragmentation ID" sequence gen-
+ eration on the zombie host to glean information about the open
+ ports on the target. IDS systems will display the scan as com-
+ ing from the zombie machine you specify (which must be up and
+ meet certain criteria). I wrote an informal paper about this
+ technique at .
+ Besides being extraordinarily stealthy (due to its blind
+ nature), this scan type permits mapping out IP-based trust rela-
+ tionships between machines. The port listing shows open ports
+ <I>from</I> <I>the</I> <I>perspective</I> <I>of</I> <I>the</I> <I>zombie</I> <I>host.</I> So you can try scan-
+ ning a target using various zombies that you think might be
+ trusted (via router/packet filter rules). Obviously this is
+ crucial information when prioritizing attack targets. Other-
+ wise, you penetration testers might have to expend considerable
+ resources "owning" an intermediate system, only to find out that
+ its IP isn’t even trusted by the target host/network you are
+ ultimately after.
+ You can add a colon followed by a port number if you wish to
+ probe a particular port on the zombie host for IPID changes.
+ Otherwise Nmap will use the port it uses by default for "tcp
+ pings".
+ <B id="-sA">-sA</B> ACK scan: This advanced method is usually used to map out fire-
+ wall rulesets. In particular, it can help determine whether a
+ firewall is stateful or just a simple packet filter that blocks
+ incoming SYN packets.
+ This scan type sends an ACK packet (with random looking acknowl-
+ edgment/sequence numbers) to the ports specified. If a RST
+ comes back, the ports is classified as "unfiltered". If nothing
+ comes back (or if an ICMP unreachable is returned), the port is
+ classified as "filtered". Note that <I>nmap</I> usually doesn’t print
+ "unfiltered" ports, so getting <B>no</B> ports shown in the output is
+ usually a sign that all the probes got through (and returned
+ RSTs). This scan will obviously never show ports in the "open"
+ state.
+ <B id="-sW">-sW</B> Window scan: This advanced scan is very similar to the ACK scan,
+ except that it can sometimes detect open ports as well as fil-
+ tered/unfiltered due to an anomaly in the TCP window size
+ reporting by some operating systems. Systems vulnerable to this
+ include at least some versions of AIX, Amiga, BeOS, BSDI, Cray,
+ Tru64 UNIX, DG/UX, OpenVMS, Digital UNIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, OS/2,
+ IRIX, MacOS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OpenStep, QNX, Rhapsody, SunOS
+ 4.X, Ultrix, VAX, and VxWorks. See the nmap-hackers mailing
+ list archive for a full list.
+ <B id="-sR">-sR</B> RPC scan. This method works in combination with the various
+ port scan methods of Nmap. It takes all the TCP/UDP ports found
+ open and then floods them with SunRPC program NULL commands in
+ an attempt to determine whether they are RPC ports, and if so,
+ what program and version number they serve up. Thus you can
+ effectively obtain the same info as "rpcinfo -p" even if the
+ target’s portmapper is behind a firewall (or protected by TCP
+ wrappers). Decoys do not currently work with RPC scan, at some
+ point I may add decoy support for UDP RPC scans. This is auto-
+ matically enabled as part of version scan (-sV) if you request
+ that.
+ <B id="-sL">-sL</B> List scan. This method simply generates and prints a list of IP
+ addresses or hostnames without actually pinging or port scanning
+ them. DNS name resolution will be performed unless you use -n.
+ <B id="-b">-b</B> <B>&lt;ftp</B> <B>relay</B> <B>host&gt;</B>
+ FTP bounce attack: An interesting "feature" of the ftp protocol
+ (RFC 959) is support for "proxy" ftp connections. In other
+ words, I should be able to connect from to the FTP
+ server of and request that the server send a file
+ ANYWHERE on the Internet! Now this may have worked well in 1985
+ when the RFC was written. But in today’s Internet, we can’t have
+ people hijacking ftp servers and requesting that data be spit
+ out to arbitrary points on the Internet. As *Hobbit* wrote back
+ in 1995, this protocol flaw "can be used to post virtually
+ untraceable mail and news, hammer on servers at various sites,
+ fill up disks, try to hop firewalls, and generally be annoying
+ and hard to track down at the same time." What we will exploit
+ this for is to (surprise, surprise) scan TCP ports from a
+ "proxy" ftp server. Thus you could connect to an ftp server
+ behind a firewall, and then scan ports that are more likely to
+ be blocked (139 is a good one). If the ftp server allows reading
+ from and writing to some directory (such as /incoming), you can
+ send arbitrary data to ports that you do find open (nmap doesn’t
+ do this for you though).
+ The argument passed to the "b" option is the host you want to
+ use as a proxy, in standard URL notation. The format is: <I>user-</I>
+ <I>name:password@server:port.</I> Everything but <I>server</I> is optional.
+ To determine what servers are vulnerable to this attack, you can
+ see my article in <I>Phrack</I> 51. An updated version is available at
+ the <I>nmap</I> URL (
+ None of these are required but some can be quite useful. Note
+ that the -P options can now be combined -- you can increase your
+ odds of penetrating strict firewalls by sending many probe types
+ using different TCP ports/flags and ICMP codes.
+ <B id="-P0">-P0</B> Do not try to ping hosts at all before scanning them. This
+ allows the scanning of networks that don’t allow ICMP echo
+ requests (or responses) through their firewall.
+ is an example of such a network, and thus you should always use
+ <B>-P0</B> or <B>-PS80</B> when portscanning Note that "ping"
+ in this context may involve more than the traditional ICMP echo
+ request packet. Nmap supports many such probes, including arbi-
+ trary combinations of TCP, UDP, and ICMP probes. By default,
+ Nmap sends an ICMP echo request and a TCP ACK packet to port 80.
+ <B id="-PA">-PA</B> <B>[portlist]</B>
+ Use TCP ACK "ping" to determine what hosts are up. Instead of
+ sending ICMP echo request packets and waiting for a response, we
+ spew out TCP ACK packets throughout the target network (or to a
+ single machine) and then wait for responses to trickle back.
+ Hosts that are up should respond with a RST. This option pre-
+ serves the efficiency of only scanning hosts that are up while
+ still allowing you to scan networks/hosts that block ping pack-
+ ets. For non root UNIX users, we use connect() and thus a SYN
+ is actually being sent. To set the destination ports of the
+ probe packets use -PA&lt;port1&gt;[,port2][...]. The default port is
+ 80, since this port is often not filtered out. Note that this
+ option now accepts multiple, comma-separated port numbers.
+ <B id="-PS">-PS</B> <B>[portlist]</B>
+ This option uses SYN (connection request) packets instead of ACK
+ packets for root users. Hosts that are up should respond with a
+ RST (or, rarely, a SYN|ACK). You can set the destination ports
+ in the same manner as -PA above.
+ <B id="-PR">-PR</B> This option specifies a raw ethernet ARP ping. It cannot be
+ used in combination with any of the other ping types. When the
+ target machines are on the same network you are scanning from,
+ this is the fastest and most reliable (because it goes below IP-
+ level filters) ping method. Nmap sends an IPv4-to-Ethernet ARP
+ request for each target IP, and watches for any ARP response.
+ <B>-PU</B> <B>[portlist]</B> This option sends UDP probes to the specified
+ hosts, expecting an ICMP port unreachable packet (or possibly a
+ UDP response if the port is open) if the host is up. Since many
+ UDP services won’t reply to an empty packet, your best bet might
+ be to send this to expected-closed ports rather than open ones.
+ <B id="-PE">-PE</B> This option uses a true ping (ICMP echo request) packet. It
+ finds hosts that are up and also looks for subnet-directed
+ broadcast addresses on your network. These are IP addresses
+ which are externally reachable and translate to a broadcast of
+ incoming IP packets to a subnet of computers. These should be
+ eliminated if found as they allow for numerous denial of service
+ attacks (Smurf is the most common).
+ <B id="-PP">-PP</B> Uses an ICMP timestamp request (type 13) packet to find listen-
+ ing hosts.
+ <B id="-PM">-PM</B> Same as <B>-PE</B> and <B>-PP</B> except uses a netmask request (ICMP type
+ 17).
+ <B>-PB</B> This is the default ping type. It uses both the ACK ( <B>-PA</B> ) and
+ ICMP echo request ( <B>-PE</B> ) sweeps in parallel. This way you can
+ get firewalls that filter either one (but not both). The TCP
+ probe destination port can be set in the same manner as with -PA
+ above. Note that this flag is now deprecated as pingtype flags
+ can now be used in combination. So you should use both "PE" and
+ "PA" (or rely on the default behavior) to achieve this same
+ effect.
+ <B id="-O">-O</B> This option activates remote host identification via TCP/IP fin-
+ gerprinting. In other words, it uses a bunch of techniques to
+ detect subtleties in the underlying operating system network
+ stack of the computers you are scanning. It uses this informa-
+ tion to create a "fingerprint" which it compares with its
+ database of known OS fingerprints (the nmap-os-fingerprints
+ file) to decide what type of system you are scanning.
+ If Nmap is unable to guess the OS of a machine, and conditions
+ are good (e.g. at least one open port), Nmap will provide a URL
+ you can use to submit the fingerprint if you know (for sure) the
+ OS running on the machine. By doing this you contribute to the
+ pool of operating systems known to nmap and thus it will be more
+ accurate for everyone. Note that if you leave an IP address on
+ the form, the machine may be scanned when we add the fingerprint
+ (to validate that it works).
+ The -O option also enables several other tests. One is the
+ "Uptime" measurement, which uses the TCP timestamp option (RFC
+ 1323) to guess when a machine was last rebooted. This is only
+ reported for machines which provide this information.
+ Another test enabled by -O is TCP Sequence Predictability Clas-
+ sification. This is a measure that describes approximately how
+ hard it is to establish a forged TCP connection against the
+ remote host. This is useful for exploiting source-IP based
+ trust relationships (rlogin, firewall filters, etc) or for hid-
+ ing the source of an attack. The actual difficulty number is
+ based on statistical sampling and may fluctuate. It is gener-
+ ally better to use the English classification such as "worthy
+ challenge" or "trivial joke". This is only reported in normal
+ output with -v.
+ When verbose mode (-v) is on with -O, IPID Sequence Generation
+ is also reported. Most machines are in the "incremental" class,
+ which means that they increment the "ID" field in the IP header
+ for each packet they send. This makes them vulnerable to sev-
+ eral advanced information gathering and spoofing attacks.
+ <B id="--osscan_limit">--osscan_limit</B>
+ OS detection is far more effective if at least one open and one
+ closed TCP port are found. Set this option and Nmap will not
+ even try OS detection against hosts that do not meet this crite-
+ ria. This can save substantial time, particularly on -P0 scans
+ against many hosts. It only matters when OS detection is
+ requested (-O or -A options).
+ <B id="-A">-A</B> This option enables _a_dditional _a_dvanced and _a_ggressive
+ options. I haven’t decided exactly which it stands for yet :).
+ Presently this enables OS Detection (-O) and version scanning
+ (-sV). More features may be added in the future. The point is
+ to enable a comprehensive set of scan options without people
+ having to remember a large set of flags. This option only
+ enables features, and not timing options (such as -T4) or ver-
+ bosity options (-v) that you might wan’t as well.
+ <B id="-6">-6</B> This options enables IPv6 support. All targets must be IPv6 if
+ this option is used, and they can be specified via normal DNS
+ name (AAAA record) or as a literal IP address such as
+ 3ffe:501:4819:2000:210:f3ff:fe03:4d0 . Currently, connect() TCP
+ scan and TCP connect() Ping scan are supported. If you need UDP
+ or other scan types, have a look at http://nmap6.source-
+ .
+ <B id="--send_eth">--send_eth</B>
+ Asks Nmap to send packets at the raw ethernet (data link) layer
+ rather than the higher IP (network) layer. By default, Nmap
+ chooses the one which is generally best for the platform it is
+ running on. Raw sockets (IP layer) are generally most efficient
+ for UNIX machines, while ethernet frames work best on the many
+ Windows versions where Microsoft has disabled raw sockets sup-
+ port. Nmap still uses raw IP packets when there is no other
+ choice (such as non-ethernet connections).
+ <B id="--send_ip">--send_ip</B>
+ Asks Nmap to send packets via raw IP sockets rather than sending
+ lower level ethernet frames. It is the complement to the
+ --send-eth option.discussed previously.
+ <B id="--spoof_mac">--spoof_mac</B> <B>[mac,</B> <B>prefix,</B> <B>or</B> <B>vendor</B> <B>substring]</B>
+ Ask Nmap to use the given MAC address for all of the raw ether-
+ net frames it sends. The MAC given can take several formats.
+ If it is simply the string "0", Nmap chooses a completely random
+ MAC for the session. If the given string is an even number of
+ hex digits (with the pairs optionally separated by a colon),
+ Nmap will use those as the MAC. If less than 12 hex digits are
+ provided, Nmap fills in the remainder of the 6 bytes with random
+ values. If the argument isn’t a 0 or hex string, Nmap looks
+ through the nmap-mac-prefixes to find a vendor name containing
+ the given string (it is case insensitive). If a match is found,
+ Nmap uses the vendor’s OUI (3-byte prefix) and fills out the
+ remaining 3 bytes randomly. Valid --spoof_mac argument examples
+ are "Apple", "0", "01:02:03:04:05:06", "deadbeefcafe", "0020F2",
+ and "Cisco".
+ <B id="-f">-f</B> This option causes the requested scan (including ping scans) to
+ use tiny fragmented IP packets. The idea is to split up the TCP
+ header over several packets to make it harder for packet fil-
+ ters, intrusion detection systems, and other annoyances to
+ detect what you are doing. Be careful with this! Some programs
+ have trouble handling these tiny packets. The old-school sniffer
+ named Sniffit segmentation faulted immediately upon receiving
+ the first fragment. Specify this option once, and Nmap splits
+ the packets into 8 bytes or less after the IP header. So a
+ 20-byte TCP header would be split into 3 packets.
+ Two with eight bytes of the TCP header, and one with the final
+ four. Of course each fragment also has an IP header. Specify
+ -f again to use 16 bytes per fragment (reducing the number of
+ fragments). Or you can specify your own offset size with the
+ --mtu option. Don’t also specify -f if you use --mtu. The off-
+ set must be a multiple of 8. While fragmented packets won’t get
+ by packet filters and firewalls that queue all IP fragments,
+ such as the CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG option in the Linux kernel,
+ some networks can’t afford the performance hit this causes and
+ thus leave it disabled. Some source systems defragment outgoing
+ packets in the kernel. Linux with the ip tables connection
+ tracking module is one such example. Do a scan with a sniffer
+ such as ethereal running to ensure that sent packets are frag-
+ mented.
+ Note that I do not yet have this option working on all systems.
+ It works fine for my Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD boxes and some
+ people have reported success with other *NIX variants.
+ <B id="-v">-v</B> Verbose mode. This is a highly recommended option and it gives
+ out more information about what is going on. You can use it
+ twice for greater effect. You can also use <B>-d</B> a few times if
+ you really want to get crazy with scrolling the screen!
+ <B>-h</B> This handy option display a quick reference screen of nmap usage
+ options. As you may have noticed, this man page is not exactly
+ a "quick reference" :)
+ <B id="-oN">-oN</B> <B>&lt;logfilename&gt;</B>
+ This logs the results of your scans in a normal <B>human</B> <B>readable</B>
+ form into the file you specify as an argument.
+ <B id="-oX">-oX</B> <B>&lt;logfilename&gt;</B>
+ This logs the results of your scans in <B>XML</B> form into the file
+ you specify as an argument. This allows programs to easily cap-
+ ture and interpret Nmap results. You can give the argument "-"
+ (without quotes) to shoot output into stdout (for shell
+ pipelines, etc). In this case normal output will be suppressed.
+ Watch out for error messages if you use this (they will still go
+ to stderr). Also note that "-v" may cause some extra informa-
+ tion to be printed. The Document Type Definition (DTD) defining
+ the XML output structure is available at http://www.inse-
+ .
+ <B id="--stylesheet">--stylesheet</B> <B>&lt;filename&gt;</B>
+ Nmap ships with an XSL stylesheet named nmap.xsl for viewing or
+ translating XML output to HTML. The XML output includes an xml-
+ stylesheet directive which points to nmap.xml where it was ini-
+ tially installed by Nmap (or in the current working directory on
+ Windows). Simply load Nmap’s XML output in a modern web browser
+ and it should retrieve nmap.xsl from the filesystem and use it
+ to render results. If you wish to use a different stylesheet,
+ specify it as the argument to --stylesheet. You must pass the
+ full pathname or URL. One common invocation is --stylesheet
+ . This tells a
+ browser to load the latest version of the stylesheet from Inse-
+ cure.Org. This makes it easier to view results on a machine
+ that doesn’t have Nmap (and thus nmap.xsl) installed. So the
+ URL is often more useful, but the local filesystem locaton of
+ nmap.xsl is used by default for privacy reasons.
+ <B id="--no_stylesheet">--no_stylesheet</B>
+ Specify this option to prevent Nmap from associating any XSL
+ stylesheet with its XML output. The xml-stylesheet directive is
+ omitted.
+ <B id="-oG">-oG</B> <B>&lt;logfilename&gt;</B>
+ This logs the results of your scans in a <B>grepable</B> form into the
+ file you specify as an argument. This simple format provides
+ all the information on one line (so you can easily grep for port
+ or OS information and see all the IPs. This used to be the pre-
+ ferred mechanism for programs to interact with Nmap, but now we
+ recommend XML output (-oX instead). This simple format may not
+ contain as much information as the other formats. You can give
+ the argument "-" (without quotes) to shoot output into stdout
+ (for shell pipelines, etc). In this case normal output will be
+ suppressed. Watch out for error messages if you use this (they
+ will still go to stderr). Also note that "-v" will cause some
+ extra information to be printed.
+ <B id="-oA">-oA</B> <B>&lt;basefilename&gt;</B>
+ This tells Nmap to log in ALL the major formats (normal,
+ grepable, and XML). You give a base for the filename, and the
+ output files will be base.nmap, base.gnmap, and base.xml.
+ <B id="-oS">-oS</B> <B>&lt;logfilename&gt;</B>
+ thIs l0gz th3 r3suLtS of YouR ScanZ iN a <B>s|&lt;ipT</B> <B>kiDd|3</B> f0rM iNto
+ THe fiL3 U sPecfy 4s an arGuMEnT! U kAn gIv3 the 4rgument "-"
+ (wItHOUt qUOteZ) to sh00t output iNT0 stDouT!@!!
+ <B id="--resume">--resume</B> <B>&lt;logfilename&gt;</B>
+ A network scan that is canceled due to control-C, network out-
+ age, etc. can be resumed using this option. The logfilename
+ must be either a normal (-oN) or grepable (-oG) log from the
+ aborted scan. No other options can be given (they will be the
+ same as the aborted scan). Nmap will start on the machine after
+ the last one successfully scanned in the log file.
+ <B id="--exclude">--exclude</B> <B>&lt;host1</B> <B>[,host2][,host3],..."&gt;</B>
+ Specifies a list of targets (hosts, ranges, netblocks) that
+ should be excluded from a scan. Useful to keep from scanning
+ yourself, your ISP, particularly sensitive hosts, etc.
+ <B>--excludefile</B> <B>&lt;exclude_file&gt;</B>
+ Same functionality as the --exclude option, only the excluded
+ targets are provided in an newline-delimited exclude_file rather
+ than on the command line.
+ <B id="--allports">--allports</B>
+ Causes version detection (-sV) to scan all open ports found,
+ including those excluded as dangerous (likely to cause crashes
+ or other problems) in nmap-service-probes.
+ <B id="--append_output">--append_output</B>
+ Tells Nmap to append scan results to any output files you have
+ specified rather than overwriting those files.
+ <B id="-iL">-iL</B> <B>&lt;inputfilename&gt;</B>
+ Reads target specifications from the file specified RATHER than
+ from the command line. The file should contain a list of host
+ or network expressions separated by spaces, tabs, or newlines.
+ Use a hyphen (-) as <I>inputfilename</I> if you want nmap to read host
+ expressions from stdin (like at the end of a pipe). See the
+ section <I>target</I> <I>specification</I> for more information on the expres-
+ sions you fill the file with.
+ <B id="-iR">-iR</B> <B>&lt;num</B> <B>hosts&gt;</B>
+ This option tells Nmap to generate its own hosts to scan by sim-
+ ply picking random numbers :). It will never end after the
+ given number of IPs has been scanned -- use 0 for a never-ending
+ scan. This option can be useful for statistical sampling of the
+ Internet to estimate various things. If you are ever really
+ bored, try <I>nmap</I> <I>-sS</I> <I>-PS80</I> <I>-iR</I> <I>0</I> <I>-p</I> <I>80</I> to find some web servers
+ to look at.
+ <B id="-p">-p</B> <B>&lt;port</B> <B>ranges&gt;</B>
+ This option specifies what ports you want to specify. For exam-
+ ple "-p 23" will only try port 23 of the target host(s). "-p
+ 20-30,139,60000-" scans ports between 20 and 30, port 139, and
+ all ports greater than 60000. The default is to scan all ports
+ between 1 and 1024 as well as any ports listed in the services
+ file which comes with nmap. For IP protocol scanning (-sO),
+ this specifies the protocol number you wish to scan for (0-255).
+ When scanning both TCP and UDP ports, you can specify a particu-
+ lar protocol by preceding the port numbers by "T:" or "U:". The
+ qualifier lasts until you specify another qualifier. For exam-
+ ple, the argument "-p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080" would
+ scan UDP ports 53,111,and 137, as well as the listed TCP ports.
+ Note that to scan both UDP &amp; TCP, you have to specify -sU and at
+ least one TCP scan type (such as -sS, -sF, or -sT). If no pro-
+ tocol qualifier is given, the port numbers are added to all pro-
+ tocol lists.
+ <B id="-F">-F</B> <B>Fast</B> <B>scan</B> <B>mode.</B>
+ Specifies that you only wish to scan for ports listed in the
+ services file which comes with nmap (or the protocols file for
+ -sO). This is obviously much faster than scanning all 65535
+ ports on a host.
+ <B id="-D">-D</B> <B>&lt;decoy1</B> <B>[,decoy2][,ME],...&gt;</B>
+ Causes a decoy scan to be performed which makes it appear to the
+ remote host that the host(s) you specify as decoys are scanning
+ the target network too. Thus their IDS might report 5-10 port
+ scans from unique IP addresses, but they won’t know which IP was
+ scanning them and which were innocent decoys. While this can be
+ defeated through router path tracing, response-dropping, and
+ other "active" mechanisms, it is generally an extremely effec-
+ tive technique for hiding your IP address.
+ Separate each decoy host with commas, and you can optionally use
+ "ME" as one of the decoys to represent the position you want
+ your IP address to be used. If you put "ME" in the 6th position
+ or later, some common port scan detectors (such as Solar
+ Designer’s excellent scanlogd) are unlikely to show your IP
+ address at all. If you don’t use "ME", nmap will put you in a
+ random position.
+ Note that the hosts you use as decoys should be up or you might
+ accidentally SYN flood your targets. Also it will be pretty
+ easy to determine which host is scanning if only one is actually
+ up on the network. You might want to use IP addresses instead
+ of names (so the decoy networks don’t see you in their name-
+ server logs).
+ Also note that some "port scan detectors" will firewall/deny
+ routing to hosts that attempt port scans. The problem is that
+ many scan types can be forged (as this option demonstrates). So
+ attackers can cause such a machine to sever connectivity with
+ important hosts such as its internet gateway, DNS TLD servers,
+ sites like Windows Update, etc. Most such software offers
+ whitelist capabilities, but you are unlikely to enumerate all of
+ the critical machines. For this reason we never recommend tak-
+ ing action against port scans that can be forged, including SYN
+ scans, UDP scans, etc. The machine you block could just be a
+ decoy.
+ Decoys are used both in the initial ping scan (using ICMP, SYN,
+ ACK, or whatever) and during the actual port scanning phase.
+ Decoys are also used during remote OS detection ( <B>-O</B> ).
+ It is worth noting that using too many decoys may slow your scan
+ and potentially even make it less accurate. Also, some ISPs
+ will filter out your spoofed packets, although many (currently
+ most) do not restrict spoofed IP packets at all.
+ <B id="-S">-S</B> <B>&lt;IP_Address&gt;</B>
+ In some circumstances, <I>nmap</I> may not be able to determine your
+ source address ( <I>nmap</I> will tell you if this is the case). In
+ this situation, use -S with your IP address (of the interface
+ you wish to send packets through).
+ Another possible use of this flag is to spoof the scan to make
+ the targets think that <B>someone</B> <B>else</B> is scanning them. Imagine a
+ company being repeatedly port scanned by a competitor! This is
+ not a supported usage (or the main purpose) of this flag. I
+ just think it raises an interesting possibility that people
+ should be aware of before they go accusing others of port scan-
+ ning them. <B>-e</B> would generally be required for this sort of
+ usage.
+ <B id="-e">-e</B> <B>&lt;interface&gt;</B>
+ Tells nmap what interface to send and receive packets on. Nmap
+ should be able to detect this but it will tell you if it cannot.
+ <B id="-g">--source_port</B> <B>&lt;portnumber&gt;</B>
+ Sets the source port number used in scans. Many naive firewall
+ and packet filter installations make an exception in their rule-
+ set to allow DNS (53) or FTP-DATA (20) packets to come through
+ and establish a connection. Obviously this completely subverts
+ the security advantages of the firewall since intruders can just
+ masquerade as FTP or DNS by modifying their source port. Obvi-
+ ously for a UDP scan you should try 53 first and TCP scans
+ should try 20 before 53. Note that this is only a request --
+ nmap will honor it only if and when it is able to. For example,
+ you can’t do TCP ISN sampling all from one host:port to one
+ host:port, so nmap changes the source port even if you used this
+ option. This is an alias for the shorter, but harder to remem-
+ ber, -g option.
+ Be aware that there is a small performance penalty on some scans
+ for using this option, because I sometimes store useful informa-
+ tion in the source port number.
+ <B id="--data_length">--data_length</B> <B>&lt;number&gt;</B>
+ Normally Nmap sends minimalistic packets that only contain a
+ header. So its TCP packets are generally 40 bytes and ICMP echo
+ requests are just 28. This option tells Nmap to append the
+ given number of random bytes to most of the packets it sends.
+ OS detection (-O) packets are not affected, but most pinging and
+ portscan packets are. This slows things down, but can be
+ slightly less conspicuous.
+ <B id="-n">-n</B> Tells Nmap to <B>NEVER</B> do reverse DNS resolution on the active IP
+ addresses it finds. Since DNS is often slow, this can help
+ speed things up.
+ <B id="-R">-R</B> Tells Nmap to <B>ALWAYS</B> do reverse DNS resolution on the target IP
+ addresses. Normally this is only done when a machine is found
+ to be alive.
+ <B id="-r">-r</B> Tells Nmap <B>NOT</B> to randomize the order in which ports are
+ scanned.
+ <B id="-ttl">--ttl</B> <B>&lt;value&gt;</B>
+ Sets the IPv4 time to live field in sent packets to the given
+ value.
+ <B id="--privileged">--privileged</B>
+ Tells Nmap to simply assume that it is privileged enough to per-
+ form raw socket sends, packet sniffing, and similar operations
+ that usually require root privileges on UNIX systems. By
+ default Nmap bails if such operations are requested but
+ geteuid() is not zero. --privileged is useful with Linux kernel
+ capabilities and similar systems that may be configured to allow
+ unprivileged users to perform raw-packet scans. Be sure to pro-
+ vide this option flag before any flags for options that require
+ privileges (SYN scan, OS detection, etc.). The NMAP_PRIVILEGED
+ variable may be set as an equivalent alternative --privileged.
+ <B>--interactive</B>
+ Starts Nmap in interactive mode, which offers an interactive
+ Nmap prompt allowing easy launching of multiple scans (either
+ synchronously or in the background). This is useful for people
+ who scan from multi-user systems -- they often want to test
+ their security without letting everyone else on the system know
+ exactly which systems they are scanning. Use --interactive to
+ activate this mode and then type usually more familiar and fea-
+ ture-complete.
+ <B id="--randomize_hosts">--randomize_hosts</B>
+ Tells Nmap to shuffle each group of up to 2048 hosts before it
+ scans them. This can make the scans less obvious to various
+ network monitoring systems, especially when you combine it with
+ slow timing options (see below).
+ <B id="-M">-M</B> <B>&lt;max</B> <B>sockets&gt;</B>
+ Sets the maximum number of sockets that will be used in parallel
+ for a TCP connect() scan (the default). This is useful to slow
+ down the scan a little bit and avoid crashing remote machines.
+ Another approach is to use -sS, which is generally easier for
+ machines to handle.
+ <B id="--packet_trace">--packet_trace</B>
+ Tells Nmap to show all the packets it sends and receives in a
+ tcpdump-like format. This can be tremendously useful for debug-
+ ging, and is also a good learning tool.
+ <B id="--datadir">--datadir</B> <B>[directoryname]</B>
+ Nmap obtains some special data at runtime in files named nmap-
+ service-probes, nmap-services, nmap-protocols, nmap-rpc, nmap-
+ mac-prefixes, and nmap-os-fingerprints. Nmap first searches
+ these files in the directory option to --datadir. Any files not
+ found there, are searched for in the directory specified by the
+ NMAPDIR environmental variable. Next comes ~/.nmap for real and
+ effective UIDs (POSIX systems only) or location of the Nmap exe-
+ cutable (Win32 only), and then a compiled-in location such as
+ /usr/local/share/nmap or /usr/share/nmap . As a last resort,
+ Nmap will look in the current directory.
+ Generally Nmap does a good job at adjusting for Network charac-
+ teristics at runtime and scanning as fast as possible while min-
+ imizing that chances of hosts/ports going undetected. However,
+ there are same cases where Nmap’s default timing policy may not
+ meet your objectives. The following options provide a fine
+ level of control over the scan timing:
+ <B id="-T">-T</B> <B>&lt;Paranoid|Sneaky|Polite|Normal|Aggressive|Insane&gt;</B>
+ These are canned timing policies for conveniently expressing
+ your priorities to Nmap. <B>Paranoid</B> mode scans <B>very</B> slowly in the
+ hopes of avoiding detection by IDS systems. It serializes all
+ scans (no parallel scanning) and generally waits at least 5 min-
+ utes between sending packets. <B>Sneaky</B> is similar, except it only
+ waits 15 seconds between sending packets. <B>Polite</B> is meant to
+ ease load on the network and reduce the chances of crashing
+ machines. It serializes the probes and waits <B>at</B> <B>least</B> 0.4 sec-
+ onds between them. Note that this is generally at least an
+ order of magnitude slower than default scans, so only use it
+ when you need to. <B>Normal</B> is the default Nmap behavior, which
+ tries to run as quickly as possible without overloading the net-
+ work or missing hosts/ports. <B>Aggressive</B> This option can make
+ certain scans (especially SYN scans against heavily filtered
+ hosts) much faster. It is recommended for impatient folks with
+ a fast net connection. <B>Insane</B> is only suitable for very fast
+ networks or where you don’t mind losing some information. It
+ times out hosts in 15 minutes and won’t wait more than 0.3 sec-
+ onds for individual probes. It does allow for very quick net-
+ work sweeps though :).
+ You can also reference these by number (0-5). For example,
+ "-T0" gives you Paranoid mode and "-T5" is Insane mode. If you
+ wish to set specific timing values such as --max_rtt_timeout or
+ --host_timeout, place them after any -T option on the command
+ line. Otherwise the defaults for the selected timing mode will
+ override your choices.
+ <B id="--host_timeout">--host_timeout</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the amount of time Nmap is allowed to spend scanning a
+ single host before giving up on that IP. The default timing
+ mode has no host timeout.
+ <B id="--max_rtt_timeout">--max_rtt_timeout</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the maximum amount of time Nmap is allowed to wait for
+ a probe response before retransmitting or timing out that par-
+ ticular probe. The default mode sets this to about 9000.
+ <B id="--min_rtt_timeout">--min_rtt_timeout</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ When the target hosts start to establish a pattern of responding
+ very quickly, Nmap will shrink the amount of time given per
+ probe. This speeds up the scan, but can lead to missed packets
+ when a response takes longer than usual. With this parameter
+ you can guarantee that Nmap will wait at least the given amount
+ of time before giving up on a probe.
+ <B id="--initial_rtt_timeout">--initial_rtt_timeout</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the initial probe timeout. This is generally only
+ useful when scanning firewalled hosts with -P0. Normally Nmap
+ can obtain good RTT estimates from the ping and the first few
+ probes. The default mode uses 6000.
+ <B id="--max_hostgroup">--max_hostgroup</B> <B>&lt;numhosts&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the maximum number of hosts that Nmap is allowed to
+ scan in parallel. Most of the port scan techniques support
+ multi-host operation, which makes them much quicker. Spreading
+ the load among multiple target hosts makes the scans gentler.
+ The downside is increased results latency. You need to wait for
+ all hosts in a group to finish, rather than having them pop up
+ one by one. Specify an argument of one for old-style (one host
+ at a time) Nmap behavior. Note that the ping scanner handles
+ its own grouping, and ignores this value.
+ <B id="--min_hostgroup">--min_hostgroup</B> <B>&lt;numhosts&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the minimum host group size (see previous entry).
+ Large values (such as 50) are often beneficial for unattended
+ scans, though they do take up more memory. Nmap may override
+ this preference when it needs to, because a group must all use
+ the same network interface, and some scan types can only handle
+ one host at a time.
+ <B id="--max_parallelism">--max_parallelism</B> <B>&lt;number&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the maximum number of scans Nmap is allowed to perform
+ in parallel. Setting this to one means Nmap will never try to
+ scan more than 1 port at a time. It also effects other parallel
+ scans such as ping sweep, RPC scan, etc.
+ <B id="--min_parallelism">--min_parallelism</B> <B>&lt;number&gt;</B>
+ Tells Nmap to scan at least the given number of ports in paral-
+ lel. This can speed up scans against certain firewalled hosts
+ by an order of magnitude. But be careful -- results will become
+ unreliable if you push it too far.
+ <B id="--scan_delay">--scan_delay</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ Specifies the <B>minimum</B> amount of time Nmap must wait between
+ probes. This is mostly useful to reduce network load or to slow
+ the scan way down to sneak under IDS thresholds. Nmap will
+ sometimes increase the delay itself when it detects many dropped
+ packets. For example, Solaris systems tend to respond with only
+ one ICMP port unreachable packet per second during a UDP scan.
+ So Nmap will try to detect this and lower its rate of UDP probes
+ to one per second.
+ <B id="--max_scan_delay">--max_scan_delay</B> <B>&lt;milliseconds&gt;</B>
+ As noted above, Nmap will sometimes enforce a special delay
+ between sending packets. This can provide more accurate results
+ while reducing network congestion, but it can slow the scans
+ down substantially. By default (with no -T options specified),
+ Nmap allows this delay to grow to one second per probe. This
+ option allows you to set a lower or higher maximum. Even if you
+ set it to zero, Nmap will have some delay between packet sends
+ so that it can wait for responses and avoid having too many out-
+ standing probes in parallel.
+ Everything that isn’t an option (or option argument) in nmap is treated
+ as a target host specification. The simplest case is listing single
+ hostnames or IP addresses on the command line. If you want to scan a
+ subnet of IP addresses, you can append <B>/mask</B> to the hostname or IP
+ address. <B>mask</B> must be between 0 (scan the whole Internet) and 32 (scan
+ the single host specified). Use /24 to scan a class "C" address and
+ /16 for a class "B".
+ Nmap also has a more powerful notation which lets you specify an IP
+ address using lists/ranges for each element. Thus you can scan the
+ whole class "B" network 192.168.*.* by specifying "192.168.*.*" or
+ "192.168.0-255.0-255" or even "192.168.1-50,51-255.1,2,3,4,5-255". And
+ of course you can use the mask notation: "". These are
+ all equivalent. If you use asterisks ("*"), remember that most shells
+ require you to escape them with back slashes or protect them with
+ quotes.
+ Another interesting thing to do is slice the Internet the other way.
+ Instead of scanning all the hosts in a class "B", scan "*.*.5.6-7" to
+ scan every IP address that ends in .5.6 or .5.7 Pick your own numbers.
+ For more information on specifying hosts to scan, see the <I>examples</I> sec-
+ tion.
+ Here are some examples of using nmap, from simple and normal to a lit-
+ tle more complex/esoteric. Note that actual numbers and some actual
+ domain names are used to make things more concrete. In their place you
+ should substitute addresses/names from <B>your</B> <B>own</B> <B>network.</B> I do not
+ think portscanning other networks is illegal; nor should portscans be
+ construed by others as an attack. I have scanned hundreds of thousands
+ of machines and have received only one complaint. But I am not a
+ lawyer and some (anal) people may be annoyed by <I>nmap</I> probes. Get
+ permission first or use at your own risk.
+ <B>nmap</B> <B>-v</B> <B></B>
+ This option scans all reserved TCP ports on the machine target.exam-
+ . The -v means turn on verbose mode.
+ <B>nmap</B> <B>-sS</B> <B>-O</B> <B></B>
+ Launches a stealth SYN scan against each machine that is up out of the
+ 255 machines on class "C" where resides. It also
+ tries to determine what operating system is running on each host that
+ is up and running. This requires root privileges because of the SYN
+ scan and the OS detection.
+ <B>nmap</B> <B>-sX</B> <B>-p</B> <B>22,53,110,143,4564</B> <B>198.116.*.1-127</B>
+ Sends an Xmas tree scan to the first half of each of the 255 possible 8
+ bit subnets in the 198.116 class "B" address space. We are testing
+ whether the systems run sshd, DNS, pop3d, imapd, or port 4564. Note
+ that Xmas scan doesn’t work on Microsoft boxes due to their deficient
+ TCP stack. Same goes with CISCO, IRIX, HP/UX, and BSDI boxes.
+ <B>nmap</B> <B>-v</B> <B>--randomize_hosts</B> <B>-p</B> <B>80</B> <B>*.*.2.3-5</B>
+ Rather than focus on a specific IP range, it is sometimes interesting
+ to slice up the entire Internet and scan a small sample from each
+ slice. This command finds all web servers on machines with IP
+ addresses ending in .2.3, .2.4, or .2.5. If you are root you might as
+ well add -sS. Also you will find more interesting machines starting at
+ 127. so you might want to use "127-222" instead of the first asterisks
+ because that section has a greater density of interesting machines
+ (IMHO).
+ <B>host</B> <B>-l</B> <B></B> <B>|</B> <B>cut</B> <B>-d</B> <B>-f</B> <B>4</B> <B>|</B> <B>./nmap</B> <B>-v</B> <B>-iL</B> <B>-</B>
+ Do a DNS zone transfer to find the hosts in and then feed
+ the IP addresses to <I>nmap.</I> The above commands are for my GNU/Linux box.
+ You may need different commands/options on other operating systems.
+ Bugs? What bugs? Send me any that you find. Patches are nice too :)
+ Remember to also send in new OS fingerprints so we can grow the
+ database. Nmap will give you a submission URL when an appropriate fin-
+ gerprint is found.
+ Fyodor <I>&lt;;</I>
+ The newest version of <I>nmap</I> can be obtained from <I>http://www.inse-</I>
+ <I></I>
+ The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2004 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is
+ also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC. This program is free
+ software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the
+ GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Founda-
+ tion; Version 2. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redis-
+ tribute this software under certain conditions. If you wish to embed
+ Nmap technology into proprietary software, we may be willing to sell
+ alternative licenses (contact Many security scan-
+ ner vendors already license Nmap technology such as our remote OS fin-
+ gerprinting database and code, service/version detection system, and
+ port scanning code.
+ Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet
+ it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid mis-
+ understandings, we consider an application to constitute a "derivative
+ work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the following:
+ o Integrates source code from Nmap
+ o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as nmap-os-fin-
+ gerprints or nmap-service-probes.
+ o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or
+ execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are
+ not derivative works.)
+ o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable
+ installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.
+ o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above
+ The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived
+ works of Nmap. This list is not exclusive, but is just meant to clar-
+ ify our interpretation of derived works with some common examples.
+ These restrictions only apply when you actually redistribute Nmap. For
+ example, nothing stops you from writing and selling a proprietary
+ front-end to Nmap. Just distribute it by itself, and point people to
+ to download Nmap.
+ We don’t consider these to be added restrictions on top of the GPL, but
+ just a clarification of how we interpret "derived works" as it applies
+ to our GPL-licensed Nmap product. This is similar to the way Linus
+ Torvalds has announced his interpretation of how "derived works"
+ applies to Linux kernel modules. Our interpretation refers only to
+ Nmap - we don’t speak for any other GPL products.
+ If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using
+ Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help. As mentioned above,
+ we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary
+ applications and appliances. These contracts have been sold to many
+ security vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well as
+ providing for priority support and updates as well as helping to fund
+ the continued development of Nmap technology. Please email sales@inse-
+ for further information.
+ As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants per-
+ mission to link the code of this program with any version of the
+ OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that
+ listed in the included Copying.OpenSSL file, and distribute linked com-
+ binations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all respects
+ for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify this file,
+ you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are
+ not obligated to do so.
+ If you received these files with a written license agreement or con-
+ tract stating terms other than the terms above, then that alternative
+ license agreement takes precedence over these comments.
+ Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a
+ right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it.
+ This also allows you to audit the software for security holes (none
+ have been found so far).
+ Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs,
+ and add new features. You are highly encouraged to send your changes
+ to for possible incorporation into the main distri-
+ bution. By sending these changes to Fyodor or one the Insecure.Org
+ development mailing lists, it is assumed that you are offering Fyodor
+ and Insecure.Com LLC the unlimited, non-exclusive right to reuse, mod-
+ ify, and relicense the code. Nmap will always be available Open
+ Source, but this is important because the inability to relicense code
+ has caused devastating problems for other Free Software projects (such
+ as KDE and NASM). We also occasionally relicense the code to third
+ parties as discussed above. If you wish to specify special license
+ conditions of your contributions, just say so when you send them.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
+ Public License for more details at
+ , or in the COPYING file included with Nmap.
+ It should also be noted that Nmap has been known to crash certain
+ poorly written applications, TCP/IP stacks, and even operating systems.
+ <B>Nmap</B> <B>should</B> <B>never</B> <B>be</B> <B>run</B> <B>against</B> <B>mission</B> <B>critical</B> <B>systems</B> unless you
+ are prepared to suffer downtime. We acknowledge here that Nmap may
+ crash your systems or networks and we disclaim all liability for any
+ damage or problems Nmap could cause.
+ Because of the slight risk of crashes and because a few black hats like
+ to use Nmap for reconnaissance prior to attacking systems, there are
+ administrators who become upset and may complain when their system is
+ scanned. Thus, it is often advisable to request permission before
+ doing even a light scan of a network.
+ Nmap should never be installed with special privileges (eg suid root)
+ for security reasons.
+ This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Founda-
+ tion ( The <I>Libpcap</I> portable packet capture
+ library is distributed along with nmap. Libpcap was originally copy-
+ righted by Van Jacobson, Craig Leres and Steven McCanne, all of the
+ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berke-
+ ley, CA. It is now maintained by .
+ Regular expression support is provided by the PCRE library package,
+ which is open source software, written by Philip Hazel, and copyright
+ by the University of Cambridge, England. See .
+ Nmap can optionally link to the OpenSSL cryptography toolkit, which is
+ available from .
+ US Export Control: Insecure.Com LLC believes that Nmap falls under US
+ ECCN (export control classification number) 5D992. This category is
+ called ’"Information Security" "software" not controlled by 5D002’.
+ The only restriction of this classification is AT (anti-terrorism),
+ which applies to almost all goods and denies export to a handful of
+ rogue nations such as Iran and North Korea. Thus exporting Nmap does
+ not require any special license, permit, or other governmental autho-
+ rization.
+ <B>NMAP(1)</B>
+Man(1) output converted with
+<a href="">man2html</a>