path: root/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
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1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..200b3dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+Import data from a XHTML file to a KexiDB table.
+This script implements import of data from a XHTML file to a KexiDB table. The
+table needs to be an already existing table the data should be added to.
+Sebastian Sauer <>
+Dual-licensed under LGPL v2+higher and the BSD license.
+class SaxInput:
+ """ The inputsource we like to import the data from. This class
+ provides us abstract access to the SAX XML parser we use internaly
+ to import data from the XML-file. """
+ xmlfile = None
+ """ The XML file we should read the content from. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Constructor. """
+ # try to import the xml.sax python module.
+ try:
+ import xml.sax.saxlib
+ import xml.sax.saxexts
+ except:
+ raise "Import of the python xml.sax.saxlib module failed. This module is needed by the ImportXHTML python script."
+ def read(self, outputwriter):
+ """ Start reading and parsing the XML-file. """
+ import xml.sax.saxlib
+ import xml.sax.saxexts
+ class SaxHandler(xml.sax.saxlib.HandlerBase):
+ """ The SaxHandler is our event-handler SAX calls on
+ parsing the XML-file. """
+ tablebase = ["html","body","table"]
+ """ The table-base defines where we will find our table-tag
+ that holds all the data we are interessted at. The default
+ is to look at <html><body><table></table></body></html>. """
+ def __init__(self, inputreader, outputwriter):
+ """ Constructor. """
+ # The to a SaxInput instance pointing inputreader.
+ self.inputreader = inputreader
+ # The to a KexiDBOutput instance pointing outputwriter.
+ self.outputwriter = outputwriter
+ # The hierachy-level in the DOM-tree we are in.
+ self.level = 0
+ # Defines if we are in the with tablebase defined DOM-element.
+ self.intable = False
+ # Points to a KexiDBOutput.Record instance if we are in a DOM-element that defines a record.
+ self.record = None
+ # Points to a KexiDBOutput.Field instance if we are in a record's field.
+ self.field = None
+ def startDocument(self):
+ sys.stdout.write('=> Starting parsing\n')
+ def endDocument(self):
+ sys.stdout.write('=> Fineshed parsing\n')
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ """ This method is called by SAX if a DOM-element starts. """
+ if self.level < len(self.tablebase):
+ if self.tablebase[self.level] != name:
+ self.intable = False
+ else:
+ self.intable = True
+ self.level += 1
+ if not self.intable:
+ return
+ # Print some debugging-output to stdout.
+ for idx in range(self.level): sys.stdout.write(' ')
+ sys.stdout.write('Element: %s' % name)
+ for attrName in attrs.keys():
+ sys.stdout.write(' %s="%s"' % (attrName,attrs.get(attrName)))
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ # handle tr-, th- and td-tags inside the table.
+ if name == "tr" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 1):
+ self.record = self.outputwriter.Record()
+ elif name == "td" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 2):
+ self.field = self.outputwriter.Field()
+ elif name == "th" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 2):
+ self.field = self.outputwriter.Field()
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ """ This method is called by SAX if a DOM-Element ends. """
+ self.level -= 1
+ #sys.stdout.write('EndElement:%s level:%s len(self.tablebase):%s\n' % (name,self.level,len(self.tablebase)))
+ if self.record != None:
+ # a record is defined. so, we are looking for the matching
+ # end-tags to close a record or a field.
+ if name == "tr" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase)):
+ self.outputwriter.write(self.record)
+ self.record = None
+ self.field = None
+ elif name == "td" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 1):
+ #if self.field == None:
+ # raise "Unexpected closing </td>"
+ self.record.setField( self.field )
+ self.field = None
+ elif name == "th" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 1):
+ #if self.field == None:
+ # raise "Unexpected closing </td>"
+ self.record.setHeader( self.field )
+ self.field = None
+ def characters(self, chars, offset, length):
+ """ This method is called by SAX if the text-content of a DOM-Element
+ was parsed. """
+ if self.field != None:
+ # the xml-data is unicode and we need to encode it
+ # to latin-1 cause KexiDB deals only with latin-1.
+ u = unicode(chars[offset:offset+length])
+ self.field.append(u.encode("latin-1"))
+ # start the job
+ outputwriter.begin()
+ # create saxhandler to handle parsing events.
+ handler = SaxHandler(self, outputwriter)
+ # we need a sax-parser and connect it with the handler.
+ parser = xml.sax.saxexts.make_parser()
+ parser.setDocumentHandler(handler)
+ # open the XML-file, parse the content and close the file again.
+ f = file(self.xmlfile, 'r')
+ parser.parseFile(f)
+ f.close()
+ # job is done
+ outputwriter.end()
+class KexiDBOutput:
+ """ The destination target we like to import the data to. This class
+ provides abstract access to the KexiDB module. """
+ class Result:
+ """ Holds some informations about the import-result. """
+ def __init__(self, outputwriter):
+ self.outputwriter = outputwriter
+ # number of records successfully imported.
+ self.successcount = 0
+ # number of records where import failed.
+ self.failedcount = 0
+ def addLog(self, record, state):
+ import datetime
+ date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S")
+ self.outputwriter.logfile.write("%s (%s) %s\n" % (date,state,str(record)))
+ def success(self, record):
+ """ Called if a record was written successfully. """
+ print "SUCCESS: %s" % str(record)
+ self.successcount += 1
+ if hasattr(self.outputwriter,"logfile"):
+ self.addLog(record, "Success")
+ def failed(self, record):
+ """ Called if we failed to write a record. """
+ print "FAILED: %s" % str(record)
+ self.failedcount += 1
+ if hasattr(self.outputwriter,"logfile"):
+ self.addLog(record, "Failed")
+ class Record:
+ """ A Record in the dataset. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fields = []
+ def setHeader(self, headerfield):
+ self.fields.append( headerfield )
+ self.isHeader = True
+ def setField(self, field):
+ self.fields.append( field )
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = "["
+ for f in self.fields:
+ s += "%s, " % str(f)
+ return s + "]"
+ class Field:
+ """ A field in a record. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.content = []
+ def append(self, content):
+ self.content.append( content )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "".join(self.content)
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Constructor. """
+ import kexiapp
+ keximainwindow = kexiapp.get("KexiAppMainWindow")
+ try:
+ self.connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
+ except:
+ raise "No connection established. Please open a project before."
+ self.fieldlist = None
+ self.headerrecord = None
+ self.mapping = {}
+ def begin(self):
+ """ Called before parsing starts. """
+ print "START JOB"
+ if self.fieldlist == None:
+ raise "Invalid tableschema or fieldlist!"
+ global KexiDBOutput
+ self.result = KexiDBOutput.Result(self)
+ if hasattr(self,"logfilename") and self.logfilename != None and self.logfilename != "":
+ self.logfile = open(self.logfilename,'w')
+ def end(self):
+ """ Called if parsing is fineshed. """
+ print "END JOB"
+ self.logfile = None
+ self.mapping = {}
+ #self.headerrecord = None
+ def getTables(self):
+ """ return a list of avaiable tablenames. """
+ tables = self.connection.tableNames()
+ tables.sort()
+ return tables
+ def setTable(self, tablename):
+ """ Set the tablename we like to import the data to. """
+ tableschema = self.connection.tableSchema(tablename)
+ if tableschema == None:
+ raise "There exists no table with the name '%s'!" % tablename
+ self.fieldlist = tableschema.fieldlist()
+ fields = self.fieldlist.fields()
+ for field in fields:
+ print "KexiDBOutput.setTable(%s): %s(%s)" % (tablename,,field.type())
+ print "names=%s" % self.fieldlist.names()
+ def setMapping(self, mapping):
+ """ Set the tablefieldname=xmlcolnr dictonary we should map the data to. """
+ self.mapping = mapping
+ def setLogFile(self, logfilename):
+ """ Set the name of the logfile. """
+ self.logfilename = logfilename
+ def write(self, record):
+ """ Write the record to the KexiDB table. """
+ if hasattr(record, "isHeader"):
+ self.headerrecord = record
+ return
+ sys.stdout.write('KexiDBOutput.write:')
+ for f in record.fields:
+ sys.stdout.write(' "%s"' % f)
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ if hasattr(self,"onWrite"):
+ if not self.onWrite(record):
+ raise RuntimeError()
+ delattr(self,"onWrite")
+ self.fieldlist = self.fieldlist.subList( list( self.mapping ) )
+ # Translate a KexiDBOutput.Record into a list of values.
+ values = []
+ for k in self.fieldlist.names():
+ values.append( str(record.fields[ int(self.mapping[k]) ]) )
+ print "Import values: %s" % values
+ try:
+ if self.connection.insertRecord(self.fieldlist, values):
+ self.result.success(record)
+ else:
+ self.result.failed(record)
+ except:
+ err = self.connection.lastError()
+ raise Exception( "Failed to insert the record:\n%s\n\n%s" % (values,err) )
+ #raise Exception( "Failed to insert into table \"%s\" the record:\n%s\n%s" % (,values,self.connection.lastError()) )
+class GuiApp:
+ """ The GUI-dialog displayed to let the user define the source
+ XML-file and the destination KexiDB table. """
+ class InitialDialog:
+ def __init__(self, guiapp):
+ self.guiapp = guiapp
+ self.ok = False
+ import gui
+ self.dialog = gui.Dialog("Import XHTML")
+ self.dialog.addLabel(self.dialog, "Import data from a XHTML-file to a KexiDB table.\n"
+ "The destination table needs to be an existing table the data should be added to.")
+ self.importfile = self.dialog.addFileChooser(self.dialog,
+ "Source File:",
+ gui.getHome() + "/kexidata.xhtml",
+ (('XHTML files', '*.xhtml'),('All files', '*')))
+ self.desttable = self.dialog.addList(self.dialog, "Destination Table:", self.guiapp.outputwriter.getTables())
+ #self.operation = self.dialog.addList(self.dialog, "Operation:", ("Insert","Update","Insert/Update"))
+ #self.error = self.dialog.addList(self.dialog, "On error:", ("Ask","Skip","Abort"))
+ self.logfile = self.dialog.addFileChooser(self.dialog,
+ "Log File:",
+ "",
+ (('Logfiles', '*.log'),('All files', '*')))
+ btnframe = self.dialog.addFrame(self.dialog)
+ self.dialog.addButton(btnframe, "Next", self.doNext)
+ self.dialog.addButton(btnframe, "Cancel", self.doCancel)
+ def doCancel(self):
+ """ Called if the Cancel-button was pressed. """
+ self.dialog.close()
+ self.dialog = None
+ #self.guiapp.InitialDialog
+ def doNext(self):
+ """ Start to import the XML-file into the KexiDB table. """
+ self.guiapp.inputreader.xmlfile = str(self.importfile.get())
+ self.guiapp.outputwriter.setTable( str(self.desttable.get()) )
+ self.guiapp.outputwriter.setLogFile( str(self.logfile.get()) )
+ try:
+ self.guiapp.outputwriter )
+ msgbox = self.dialog.showMessageBox("info","Import done",
+ "Successfully imported records: %s\nFailed to import records: %s" % (self.guiapp.outputwriter.result.successcount, self.guiapp.outputwriter.result.failedcount) )
+ self.doCancel()
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ pass
+ #except Exception, e:
+ # import traceback
+ # traceback.print_exc()
+ # msgbox = self.dialog.showMessageBox("error", "Error", e)
+ #
+ class MapperDialog:
+ """ The dialog that provides us a way to map
+ XHTML columns to the destination table. """
+ def __init__(self, outputwriter, record):
+ self.outputwriter = outputwriter
+ self.ok = False
+ fieldlist = outputwriter.fieldlist
+ import gui
+ self.dlg = gui.Dialog("Import XHTML")
+ self.dlg.addLabel(self.dlg, "Define how the destination table should be mapped to the data from the XHTML file.")
+ values = ["",]
+ for i in range(len(record.fields)):
+ try:
+ values.append( "%s: %s" % (i,str(outputwriter.headerrecord.fields[i])) )
+ except:
+ values.append( "%s: (%s)" % (i,str(record.fields[i])) )
+ self.items = []
+ i = 0
+ for field in fieldlist.fields():
+ f = self.dlg.addFrame(self.dlg)
+ l = self.dlg.addList(f, "%s:" %, values)
+ self.items.append( (field,l) )
+ details = "%s:" % str( field.type() )
+ if field.isAutoInc(): details += "autoinc,"
+ if field.isUniqueKey(): details += "unique,"
+ if field.isNotNull(): details += "notnull,"
+ if field.isNotEmpty(): details += "notempty,"
+ self.dlg.addLabel(f, "(%s)" % details[:-1])
+ try:
+ variable = str( record.fields[i] )
+ try:
+ int(variable)
+ i += 1
+ if not field.isAutoInc():
+ l.set(i)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if not field.type() in ("Integer","BigInteger","ShortInteger","Float","Double"):
+ i += 1
+ l.set(i)
+ except:
+ pass
+ btnframe = self.dlg.addFrame(self.dlg)
+ self.dlg.addButton(btnframe, "Next", self.doNext)
+ self.dlg.addButton(btnframe, "Cancel", self.dlg.close)
+ def doNext(self):
+ mapping = {}
+ for item in self.items:
+ (field,l) = item
+ fieldname =
+ colnr = str( l.get() ).split(":",1)[0]
+ if colnr.isdigit():
+ print "Table field '%s' is mapped to XML column '%s'" % (fieldname,colnr)
+ mapping[ fieldname ] = colnr
+ self.outputwriter.setMapping(mapping)
+ self.ok = True
+ self.dlg.close()
+ def __init__(self, inputreader, outputwriter):
+ """ Constructor. """
+ self.inputreader = inputreader
+ self.outputwriter = outputwriter
+ self.outputwriter.onWrite = self.onWrite
+ self.InitialDialog(self)
+ def onWrite(self, record):
+ """ This method got called after the first record got
+ readed and before we start to import. """
+ return self.MapperDialog(self.outputwriter, record).ok
+GuiApp( SaxInput(), KexiDBOutput() )