path: root/SConstruct
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1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128317b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SConstruct
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+## The kde detection is located in (have a look!)
+## Delete the comments following as you see it fit
+scons files are python scripts, comments begin by a "#" symbol
+or are enclosed between sequences of triple quotes, so
+this is a comment :)
+There is a lot of documentation and comments, but you can
+remove them when you convert your program
+How to enjoy bksys full and plenty
+(and forget about the autohell ? :)
+The program scons is usually launched as "scons"
+When it is not intalled globally, one can run
+"python" instead (ie : to use the local scons
+that comes with bksys - try ./
+To compile the project, you will then only need to launch
+scons on the top-level directory, the scripts find and
+cache the proper environment automatically :
+-> scons
+(or python
+To clean the project
+-> scons -c
+(or python -c)
+To install the project
+-> scons install
+(or python scons install)
+To uninstall the project
+-> scons -c install
+To compile while being in a subdirectory
+-> cd src; scons -u
+To (re)configure the project and give particular arguments, use ie :
+-> scons configure debug=1
+-> scons configure prefix=/tmp/ita debug=full extraincludes=/usr/local/include:/tmp/include prefix=/usr/local
+or -> python configure debug=1
+etc ..
+The variables are saved automatically after the first run
+(look at, ..)
+Here is a quick list of options used (look at and :
+extraincludes (a list of paths separated by ':')
+## Common section, for loading the tools
+## Load the builders in config
+env = Environment(TARGS=COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, ARGS=ARGUMENTS, tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde'], toolpath=['./', './admin'])
+#env = Environment(TARGS=COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, ARGS=ARGUMENTS, tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde', 'cg'], toolpath=['./'])
+#env = Environment(TARGS=COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, ARGS=ARGUMENTS, tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde', 'sound'], toolpath=['./'])
+#env = Environment(TARGS=COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, ARGS=ARGUMENTS, tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde', 'libxml'], toolpath=['./'])
+## the configuration should be done by now, quit
+if 'configure' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
+ env.Exit(0)
+Overview of the module system :
+Each module (,, tries to load a stored
+configuration when run. If the stored configuration does not exist
+or if 'configure' is given on the command line (scons configure),
+the module launches the verifications and detectioins and stores
+the results. Modules also call exit when the detection fail.
+For example, stores its config into
+This has several advantages for both developers and users :
+ - Users do not have to run ./configure to compile
+ - The build is insensitive to environment changes
+ - The cache maintains the objects so the config can be changed often
+ - Each module adds its own help via env.Help("message")
+## Use the variables available in the environment - unsafe, but moc, meinproc need it :-/
+import os
+env.AppendUnique( ENV = os.environ )
+## The target make dist requires the python module shutil which is in 2.3
+env.EnsurePythonVersion(2, 3)
+## Bksys requires scons 0.96
+env.EnsureSConsVersion(0, 96)
+Explanation of the 'env = Environment...' line :
+* the command line arguments and targets are stored in env['TARGS'] and env['ARGS'] for use by the tools
+* the part 'tools=['default', 'generic ..' detect and load the necessary functions for doing the things
+* the part "toolpath=['./']" tells that the tools can be found in the current directory (, ..)
+To load more configuration modules one should only have to add the appropriate tool
+ie: to detect alsa and add the proper cflags, ldflags ..
+ a file file will be needed, and one should then use :
+ env = Environment(TARGS=COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, ARGS=ARGUMENTS, tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde', 'alsa'], toolpath=['./'])
+You can also load environments that are targetted to different platforms
+ie: if os.sys.platform = "darwin":
+ env = Environment(...
+ elsif os.sys.platform = "linux":
+ env = Environment(...
+## Setup the cache directory - this avoids recompiling the same files over and over again
+## this is very handy when working with cvs
+## Avoid spreading .sconsign files everywhere - keep this line
+## If you need more libs and they rely on pkg-config
+## ie: add support for GTK (source: the scons wiki on
+# env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0')
+This tell scons that there are no rcs or sccs files - this trick
+can speed up things a bit when having lots of #include
+in the source code and for network file systems
+env.SourceCode(".", None)
+dirs = [ '.', 'src', 'po', 'doc']
+for dir in dirs:
+ env.SourceCode(dir, None)
+## If we had only one program (named kvigor) to build,
+## we could add before exporting the env (some kde
+## helpers in need it) :
+# env['APPNAME'] = 'kvigor'
+## Use this define if you are using the kde translation scheme (.po files)
+## Add this define if you want to use qthreads
+## To use kdDebug(intvalue)<<"some trace"<<endl; you need to define -DDEBUG - it is done
+## in automatically when you do scons configure debug=1
+## There are also many other defines :
+# where are they documented ? if you know, mail tnagyemail-mail@yahoo@fr please
+## Important : export the environment so that SConscript files can the
+## configuration and builders in it
+## Process the SConscript files to build the targets
+## the sconscript files are comparable to Makefile.am_s
+## except that no makefile is generated here :)
+## Quick helper to distribute the program
+'scons dist' creates a tarball named bksys-version.tar.bz2
+containing the source code - this is handy
+do not forget to remove the object files by scons -c
+### To make a tarball of your sctest
+ APPNAME = 'sctest'
+ VERSION = os.popen("cat VERSION").read().rstrip()
+ ARCHIVE = FOLDER+'.tar.bz2'
+ GREEN ="\033[92m"
+ NORMAL ="\033[0m"
+ import shutil
+ import glob
+ ## check if the temporary directory already exists
+ if os.path.isdir(FOLDER):
+ shutil.rmtree(FOLDER)
+ ## create a temporary directory
+ startdir = os.getcwd()
+ shutil.copytree(startdir, FOLDER)
+ ## remove the unnecessary files
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"{arch}\" | xargs rm -rf")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".arch-ids\" | xargs rm -rf")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".arch-inventory\" | xargs rm -f")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"sconsign*\" | xargs rm -f")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"*cache*\" | xargs rm -rf")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"kdiss*-data\" | xargs rm -rf")
+ os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -f")
+ os.popen("rm -f "+FOLDER+"/*")
+ ## make the tarball
+ print GREEN+"Writing archive "+ARCHIVE+NORMAL
+ os.popen("tar cjf "+ARCHIVE+" "+FOLDER)
+ ## remove the temporary directory
+ if os.path.isdir(FOLDER):
+ shutil.rmtree(FOLDER)
+ env.Default(None)
+ env.Exit(0)