path: root/src/modules/options/dialog.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-24 02:13:59 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-02-24 02:13:59 +0000
commita6d58bb6052ac8cb01805a48c4ad2f129126116f (patch)
treedd867a099fcbb263a8009a9fb22695b87855dad6 /src/modules/options/dialog.cpp
Added KDE3 version of kvirc
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/options/dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/options/dialog.cpp b/src/modules/options/dialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bebcae3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/options/dialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+// File : dialog.cpp
+// Created on Fri 10 Feb 2006 18:52:18 by Szymon Stefanek
+// Based on dlg_options.cpp: Tue Jun 11 2000 02:39:12 by Szymon Stefanek
+// This file is part of the KVIrc IRC Client distribution
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Szymon Stefanek <pragma at kvirc dot net>
+// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "dialog.h"
+#include "kvi_app.h"
+#include "kvi_options.h"
+#include "kvi_locale.h"
+#include "kvi_iconmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_module.h"
+#include "kvi_styled_controls.h"
+#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h"
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include "kvi_accel.h"
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_vbox.h"
+#include <qsplitter.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_widgetstack.h"
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_tooltip.h"
+ #include <q3header.h>
+ #include <qheader.h>
+ #include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include "kvi_tal_popupmenu.h"
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <kvi_tal_groupbox.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+//extern KviModule * g_pOptionsModule;
+extern KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviOptionsDialog> * g_pOptionsDialogDict;
+extern KVIRC_API KviApp * g_pApp;
+extern KviOptionsInstanceManager * g_pOptionsInstanceManager;
+KviGeneralOptionsFrontWidget::KviGeneralOptionsFrontWidget(QWidget *parent,const QString &szText)
+ createLayout(1,1);
+ QLabel * l = new QLabel(szText,this);
+ l->setWordWrap(true);
+ l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
+ layout()->addWidget(l,0,0);
+KviOptionsListViewItem::KviOptionsListViewItem(KviTalListView *parent,KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry * e)
+ m_pInstanceEntry = e;
+ m_pOptionsWidget = 0;
+ m_bHighlighted = false;
+ setPixmap(0,*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(e->iIcon)));
+KviOptionsListViewItem::KviOptionsListViewItem(KviTalListViewItem *parent,KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry * e)
+ m_pInstanceEntry = e;
+ m_pOptionsWidget = 0;
+ m_bHighlighted = false;
+ setPixmap(0,*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(e->iIcon)));
+void KviOptionsListViewItem::paintCell(QPainter * p,const QColorGroup & cg,int column,int width,int align)
+ if(m_bHighlighted)
+ {
+ QColorGroup tmp(cg);
+ tmp.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,Qt::red);
+ tmp.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,Qt::red);
+ tmp.setColor(QColorGroup::Text,Qt::yellow);
+ KviTalListViewItem::paintCell(p,tmp,column,width,align);
+ } else {
+ KviTalListViewItem::paintCell(p,cg,column,width,align);
+ }
+KviOptionsDialog::KviOptionsDialog(QWidget * par,const QString &szGroup)
+: QDialog(par,"general_options_dialog")
+ setIcon(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_KVIRC)));
+ m_szGroup = szGroup;
+ QString szDialogTitle;
+ if(szGroup.isEmpty() || KviQString::equalCI(szGroup,"general"))
+ {
+ szDialogTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("General Preferences","options");
+ } else if(KviQString::equalCI(szGroup,"theme"))
+ {
+ szDialogTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("Theme Preferences","options");
+ } else {
+ szDialogTitle = __tr2qs_ctx("KVIrc Preferences","options");
+ }
+ QString szDialog = __tr2qs_ctx("This dialog contains a set of KVIrc settings.<br> Use the icons " \
+ "on the left to navigate through the option pages. The text box in the " \
+ "bottom left corner is a small search engine. It will highlight the " \
+ "pages that contain options related to the search term you have entered.","options");
+ QString szInfoTips;
+ szInfoTips = __tr2qs_ctx("Many settings have tooltips that can be shown by holding " \
+ "the cursor over their label for a few seconds.","options");
+ szInfoTips = "";
+ QString szOkCancelButtons = __tr2qs_ctx("When you have finished, click \"<b>OK</b>\" to accept your changes " \
+ "or \"<b>Cancel</b>\" to discard them. Clicking \"<b>Apply</b>\" will commit your " \
+ "changes without closing the window.","options");
+ QString szFrontText = QString(
+ "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"4\">" \
+ "<tr>" \
+ "<td bgcolor=\"#303030\" valign=\"top\">" \
+ "<center><h1><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">%1</font></h1></center>" \
+ "</td>" \
+ "</tr>" \
+ "<tr>" \
+ "<td valign=\"bottom\">" \
+ "<br>" \
+ "<br>" \
+ "<p>" \
+ "%2" \
+ "</p>" \
+ "<br>" \
+ "<p>" \
+ "%3" \
+ "</p>" \
+ "<br>" \
+ "<p>" \
+ "%4" \
+ "</p>" \
+ "</td>" \
+ "</tr>" \
+ "</table>"
+ ).arg(szDialogTitle).arg(szDialog).arg(szInfoTips).arg(szOkCancelButtons);
+ QString szCaption = szDialogTitle + " - KVIrc";
+ setCaption(szCaption);
+ QGridLayout * g1 = new QGridLayout(this,2,5,8,8);
+ QSplitter * spl = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal,this);
+ g1->addMultiCellWidget(spl,0,0,0,4);
+ KviTalVBox * vbox = new KviTalVBox(spl);
+ vbox->setSpacing(2);
+ vbox->setMargin(0);
+ // Controlling list view
+ m_pListView = new KviTalListView(vbox);
+ m_pListView->addColumn("");
+ m_pListView->header()->hide();
+ m_pListView->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ m_pListView->setSorting(-1);
+ connect(m_pListView,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(KviTalListViewItem *)),this,SLOT(listViewItemSelectionChanged(KviTalListViewItem *)));
+ KviTalHBox * hbox = new KviTalHBox(vbox);
+ vbox->setSpacing(2);
+ vbox->setMargin(0);
+ m_pSearchLineEdit = new QLineEdit(hbox);
+ connect(m_pSearchLineEdit,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(searchClicked()));
+ m_pSearchButton = new KviStyledToolButton(hbox);
+ m_pSearchButton->setUsesBigPixmap(false);
+ m_pSearchButton->setIconSet(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_SEARCH)));
+ connect(m_pSearchButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(searchClicked()));
+ connect(m_pSearchLineEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),this,SLOT(searchLineEditTextChanged(const QString &)));
+ QString szTip = __tr2qs_ctx("<p>This is the search tool for this options dialog.</p>" \
+ "<p>You can enter a search term either in your native " \
+ "language or in english and press the button on the right. " \
+ "The pages that contain some options related to the " \
+ "search term will be highlighted and you will be able " \
+ "to quickly find them.</p><p>Try \"nickname\" for example.</p>","options");
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pSearchLineEdit,szTip);
+ KviTalToolTip::add(m_pSearchButton,szTip);
+ vbox = new KviTalVBox(spl);
+ vbox->setSpacing(2);
+ vbox->setMargin(0);
+ m_pCategoryLabel = new QLabel("<b>&nbsp;</b>",vbox,"labgeneraloptions");
+ //m_pCategoryLabel->setMargin(3);
+ QFrame * f = new QFrame(vbox);
+ f->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken);
+ // Widget stack
+ m_pWidgetStack = new KviTalWidgetStack(vbox);
+ vbox->setStretchFactor(m_pWidgetStack,1);
+ // First widget visible
+ m_pFrontWidget = new KviGeneralOptionsFrontWidget(m_pWidgetStack,szFrontText);
+ m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(m_pFrontWidget,0);
+ m_pWidgetStack->raiseWidget(m_pFrontWidget);
+// Ok,Cancel,Help
+ QPushButton * b = new QPushButton(__tr2qs_ctx("&OK","options"),this,"btnok");
+ KviTalToolTip::add(b,__tr2qs_ctx("Close this dialog, accepting all changes.","options"));
+ connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(okClicked()));
+ //b->setMinimumWidth(whatIsThisWidth);
+ b->setIconSet(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_ACCEPT)));
+ g1->addWidget(b,1,2);
+ b = new QPushButton(__tr2qs_ctx("&Apply","options"),this,"btnapply");
+ KviTalToolTip::add(b,__tr2qs_ctx("Commit all changes immediately.","options"));
+ connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(applyClicked()));
+ b->setIconSet(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_ACCEPT)));
+ g1->addWidget(b,1,3);
+ b = new QPushButton(__tr2qs_ctx("Cancel","options"),this,"btncancel");
+ KviTalToolTip::add(b,__tr2qs_ctx("Close this dialog, discarding all changes.","options"));
+ b->setDefault(true);
+ //b->setMinimumWidth(whatIsThisWidth);
+ connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(cancelClicked()));
+ b->setIconSet(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_DISCARD)));
+ g1->addWidget(b,1,4);
+ g1->setRowStretch(0,1);
+ g1->setColStretch(1,1);
+ fillListView(0,g_pOptionsInstanceManager->instanceEntryTree(),szGroup);
+ if(!parent())
+ {
+ if(KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).y() < 5)
+ {
+ KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).setY(5);
+ }
+ //setGeometry(KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry));
+ resize(KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).width(),
+ KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).height());
+ move(KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).x(),
+ KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry).y());
+ }
+ KviAccel *a = new KviAccel( this );
+ a->connectItem( a->insertItem(Qt::Key_Escape), this,SLOT(close()) );
+ if(!parent())KVI_OPTION_RECT(KviOption_rectGeneralOptionsDialogGeometry) = QRect(pos().x(),pos().y(),
+ size().width(),size().height());
+ if(g_pOptionsDialogDict)
+ g_pOptionsDialogDict->remove(m_szGroup);
+void KviOptionsDialog::searchLineEditTextChanged(const QString &)
+ QString txt = m_pSearchLineEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ m_pSearchButton->setEnabled(txt.length() > 0);
+bool KviOptionsDialog::recursiveSearch(KviOptionsListViewItem * pItem,const QStringList &lKeywords)
+ //debug("recursive search:");
+ if(!pItem)return false;
+ if(!pItem->m_pOptionsWidget)
+ {
+ pItem->m_pOptionsWidget = g_pOptionsInstanceManager->getInstance(pItem->m_pInstanceEntry,m_pWidgetStack);
+ m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(pItem->m_pOptionsWidget,0);
+ }
+ bool bFoundSomethingHere = false;
+ KviPointerHashTable<void *,bool> lOptionWidgetsToMark;
+ lOptionWidgetsToMark.setAutoDelete(true);
+ QTabWidget * pTabWidgetToMark = 0;
+ QObject * o;
+ QObjectList ol = pItem->m_pOptionsWidget->queryList();
+ if(ol.count() > 0)
+ {
+ for(QObjectList::Iterator it = ol.begin();it != ol.end();++it)
+ {
+ o = *it;
+ QObjectList * ol = pItem->m_pOptionsWidget->queryList();
+ if(ol)
+ {
+ QObjectListIt it(*ol);
+ while((o = it.current())/* && (!bFoundSomethingHere)*/)
+ {
+ QString szText;
+ if(o->inherits("QLabel"))szText = ((QLabel *)o)->text();
+ else if(o->inherits("QCheckBox"))szText = ((QCheckBox *)o)->text();
+ else if(o->inherits("KviTalGroupBox"))szText = ((KviTalGroupBox *)o)->title();
+ if(o->inherits("QWidget"))
+ szText.append(((QWidget *)o)->toolTip());
+ szText.append(QToolTip::textFor((QWidget*)o));
+ if(!szText.isEmpty())
+ {
+ bool bOk = true;
+ for(int j=0;j<lKeywords.count();j++)
+ {
+ if(szText.find(,0,false) == -1)
+ if(szText.find(*(,0,false) == -1)
+ {
+ bOk = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bOk)
+ {
+ bFoundSomethingHere = true;
+ }
+ if(o->inherits("QWidget"))
+ {
+ QWidget* pWidget=(QWidget*)o;
+ QFont font = pWidget->font();
+ font.setBold(bOk);
+ font.setUnderline(bOk);
+ pWidget->setFont(font);
+ // if there is a QTabWidget in the parent chain, signal it in the tab text
+ QObject * pParent = pWidget->parent();
+ while(pParent)
+ {
+ if(pParent->inherits("QTabWidget"))
+ {
+ pTabWidgetToMark = (QTabWidget *)pParent;
+ break;
+ }
+ pParent = pParent->parent();
+ }
+ if(pTabWidgetToMark)
+ {
+ // lookup the KviOptionsWidget parent
+ pParent = pWidget->parent();
+ while(pParent)
+ {
+ if(pParent->inherits("KviOptionsWidget"))
+ {
+ bool * pExistingBool = lOptionWidgetsToMark.find(pParent);
+ if(pExistingBool)
+ {
+ if(bOk)
+ *pExistingBool = true;
+ } else {
+ lOptionWidgetsToMark.insert(pParent,new bool(bOk));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pParent = pParent->parent();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef COMPILE_USE_QT4
+ ++it;
+ }
+#ifndef COMPILE_USE_QT4
+ delete ol;
+ }
+ if(pTabWidgetToMark)
+ {
+ KviPointerHashTableIterator<void *,bool> it(lOptionWidgetsToMark);
+ while(bool * pBool = it.current())
+ {
+ KviOptionsWidget * pOptionsWidget = (KviOptionsWidget *)it.currentKey();
+ QString szTxt = pTabWidgetToMark->tabLabel(pOptionsWidget);
+ if(KviQString::equalCIN(szTxt,">>> ",4))
+ {
+ szTxt.replace(">>> ","");
+ szTxt.replace(" <<<","");
+ }
+ if(*pBool)
+ {
+ szTxt.insert(0,">>> ");
+ szTxt += QString(" <<<");
+ }
+ pTabWidgetToMark->setTabLabel(pOptionsWidget,szTxt);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ pItem->setHighlighted(bFoundSomethingHere);
+ KviOptionsListViewItem * pChild = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)pItem->firstChild();
+ bool bFoundSomethingInside = false;
+ while(pChild)
+ {
+ bool bRet = recursiveSearch(pChild,lKeywords);
+ if(bRet)bFoundSomethingInside = true;
+ pChild = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)(pChild->nextSibling());
+ }
+ pItem->setSelected(false);
+ m_pListView->setOpen(pItem,bFoundSomethingInside);
+ return (bFoundSomethingInside || bFoundSomethingHere);
+void KviOptionsDialog::search(const QStringList &lKeywords)
+ m_pListView->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ KviOptionsListViewItem * pChild = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)(m_pListView->firstChild());
+ bool bFoundSomethingInside = false;
+ while(pChild)
+ {
+ bFoundSomethingInside = recursiveSearch(pChild,lKeywords);
+ pChild = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)(pChild->nextSibling());
+ }
+ m_pListView->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ m_pListView->triggerUpdate();
+void KviOptionsDialog::search(const QString &szKeywords)
+ QStringList lKeywords = QStringList::split(" ",szKeywords,false);
+ search(lKeywords);
+void KviOptionsDialog::searchClicked()
+ QString szTxt = m_pSearchLineEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace();
+ if(!szTxt.isEmpty())
+ search(szTxt);
+void KviOptionsDialog::fillListView(KviTalListViewItem * p,KviPointerList<KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry> * l,const QString &szGroup,bool bNotContainedOnly)
+ if(!l)return;
+ KviOptionsListViewItem * it;
+ KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry * e;
+ KviPointerList<KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry> tmp;
+ tmp.setAutoDelete(false);
+ for(e = l->first();e;e = l->next())
+ {
+ // must be in the correct group
+ // if we want only containers then well.. must be one
+ e->bDoInsert = KviQString::equalCI(szGroup,e->szGroup) && ((!bNotContainedOnly) || e->bIsContainer || e->bIsNotContained);
+ KviOptionsWidgetInstanceEntry * ee = tmp.first();
+ int idx = 0;
+ while(ee)
+ {
+ if(ee->iPriority >= e->iPriority)break;
+ idx++;
+ ee =;
+ }
+ tmp.insert(idx,e);
+ }
+ for(e = tmp.first();e;e =
+ {
+ if(e->bDoInsert)
+ {
+ if(p)it = new KviOptionsListViewItem(p,e);
+ else it = new KviOptionsListViewItem(m_pListView,e);
+ if(!it->m_pOptionsWidget)
+ {
+ it->m_pOptionsWidget = g_pOptionsInstanceManager->getInstance(it->m_pInstanceEntry,m_pWidgetStack);
+ m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(it->m_pOptionsWidget,0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ it = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)p;
+ }
+ if(e->pChildList)
+ {
+ if(e->bIsContainer)
+ {
+ // it's a container: add only eventual not contained children (containers or explicitly marked as not contained)
+ fillListView(it,e->pChildList,szGroup,true);
+ } else {
+ // it's not a container, add any children
+ fillListView(it,e->pChildList,szGroup,false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KviOptionsDialog::listViewItemSelectionChanged(KviTalListViewItem *it)
+ if(it)
+ {
+ QString str = it->text(0);
+ KviTalListViewItem * par = it->parent();
+ while(par)
+ {
+ str.prepend(" :: ");
+ str.prepend(par->text(0));
+ par = par->parent();
+ }
+ str.prepend("<b>");
+ str += "</b>";
+ KviOptionsListViewItem *i = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)it;
+ if(!i->m_pOptionsWidget)
+ {
+ i->m_pOptionsWidget = g_pOptionsInstanceManager->getInstance(i->m_pInstanceEntry,m_pWidgetStack);
+ m_pWidgetStack->addWidget(i->m_pOptionsWidget,0);
+ }
+ m_pWidgetStack->raiseWidget(i->m_pOptionsWidget);
+ m_pCategoryLabel->setText(str);
+ }
+KviOptionsListViewItem * KviOptionsDialog::findItemByPage(KviOptionsListViewItem *it,KviOptionsWidget * pPage)
+ if(!it)return 0;
+ if(it->m_pOptionsWidget == pPage)return it;
+ KviOptionsListViewItem *i;
+ // run through the children
+ i = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)(it->firstChild());
+ if(i)
+ {
+ i = findItemByPage(i,pPage);
+ if(i)return i;
+ }
+ // not found in the children tree.. look in the next sibling
+ i = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)(it->nextSibling());
+ if(i)
+ {
+ i = findItemByPage(i,pPage);
+ if(i)return i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void KviOptionsDialog::pageWantsToSwitchToAdvancedPage(KviOptionsWidget * pPage)
+ // unused
+void KviOptionsDialog::applyClicked()
+ apply(false);
+void KviOptionsDialog::apply(bool bDialogAboutToClose)
+ KviOptionsListViewItem *it = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)m_pListView->firstChild();
+ while(it)
+ {
+ recursiveCommit(it);
+ it = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)it->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if(!bDialogAboutToClose)
+ {
+ // bring up the current widget again!
+ it = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)m_pListView->currentItem();
+ if(it)listViewItemSelectionChanged(it);
+ }
+ g_pApp->saveConfiguration();
+void KviOptionsDialog::okClicked()
+ apply(true);
+ delete this;
+void KviOptionsDialog::cancelClicked()
+ delete this;
+void KviOptionsDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e)
+ e->ignore();
+ delete this;
+void KviOptionsDialog::recursiveCommit(KviOptionsListViewItem *it)
+ // First commit the children
+ if(!it) return;
+ KviOptionsListViewItem *it2 = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)it->firstChild();
+ while(it2)
+ {
+ recursiveCommit(it2);
+ it2 = (KviOptionsListViewItem *)it2->nextSibling();
+ }
+ // then the parents
+ if(it->m_pOptionsWidget)
+ {
+ it->m_pOptionsWidget->commit();
+ delete it->m_pOptionsWidget;
+ it->m_pOptionsWidget = 0;
+ }
+ //refreshListView(); // <-- this tends to jump into infinite recursion
+void KviOptionsDialog::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
+ if(e->key()==Qt::Key_Return)
+ e->accept();
+ else
+ e->ignore();
+#include "m_dialog.moc"