path: root/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows
diff options
authorChristian Beier <>2014-09-03 20:54:39 +0200
committerChristian Beier <>2014-09-03 20:54:39 +0200
commit498d222976975f53dea885cfe43ef0f805abd412 (patch)
treebac684fbde46fdc3e4cc3817616816b71bb67f9f /x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows
parent8d2db0486dcc167f1b02d4454ebf4624ce03e1de (diff)
Remove x11vnc subdir.
The new x11vnc repo is at
Diffstat (limited to 'x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 1433 deletions
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/README.txt b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d816d2..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-This is a Windows utility to automatically start up STUNNEL to redirect
-SSL VNC connections to a remote host. Then TightVNC Viewer (included)
-is launched to use this SSL tunnel.
-An example server would be "x11vnc -ssl", or any VNC server with a
-2nd STUNNEL program running on the server side.
-Just click on the program "ssvnc.exe", and then enter the remote
-VNC Server and click "Connect". Click on "Help" for more information
-information. You can also set some simple options under "Options ..."
-If you want that application to run in "SSH-ONLY" mode, click on
-the "sshvnc.bat" wrapper instead. Or enter SSH_ONLY.
-Note that on Windows when the TightVNC viewer disconnects you may need to
-terminate the STUNNEL program manually. To do this: Click on the STUNNEL
-icon (dark green) on the System Tray and then click "Exit". Before that,
-however, you will be prompted if you want ssvnc.exe to try to terminate
-STUNNEL for you. (Note that even if STUNNEL termination is successful,
-the Tray Icon may not go away until the mouse hovers over it!)
-With this STUNNEL and TightVNC Viewer wrapper you can also enable using
-SSL Certificates with STUNNEL, and so the connection is not only encrypted
-but it is also not susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.
-See the STUNNEL and x11vnc documentation for how to create and add SSL
-Certificates (PEM files) for authentication. Click on the "Certs ..."
-button to specify the certificate(s). See the Help there for more info
-and also:
-You can use x11vnc to create certificates if you like:
- The openssl.exe stunnel.exe vncviewer.exe libeay32.dll
- libssl32.dll programs came from the websites mentioned above.
- IMPORTANT: some of these binaries may have cryptographic
- software that you may not be allowed to download or use.
- See the above websites for more information and also the
- util/info subdirectories.
- Also, the kill.exe and tlist.exe programs in the w98 directory
- came from diagnostic tools ftp site of Microsoft's.
-Important Note for Windows Vista: One user reports that on Windows Vista
-if you move or extract the "ssvnc" folder down to the "Program Files"
-folder you will be prompted to do this as the Administrator. But then
-when you start up ssvnc, as a regular user, it cannot create files in
-that folder and so it fails to run properly. We recommend to not copy
-or extract the "ssvnc" folder into "Program Files". Rather, extract
-it to somewhere you have write permission (e.g. C:\ or your User dir)
-and create a Shortcut to ssvnc.exe on the desktop.
-If you must put a launcher file down in "Program Files", perhaps an
-"ssvnc.bat" that looks like this:
-cd \ssvnc\Windows
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/sshvnc.bat b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/sshvnc.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd2d9e..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/sshvnc.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-start ssvnc.exe -ssh %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/tsvnc.bat b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/tsvnc.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 1331d02..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/tsvnc.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-start ssvnc.exe -ts %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/connect_br.tcl b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/connect_br.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index ec2e0b0..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/connect_br.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1271 +0,0 @@
-proc check_callback {} {
- global debug
- if {$debug} {
- puts stderr "."
- }
- check_closed
- after 1000 check_callback
-proc getout {} {
- global client_fh server_fh
- set delay 50
- catch {flush $client_fh}
- after $delay
- catch {close $client_fh}
- set client_fh ""
- after $delay
- catch {flush $server_fh}
- after $delay
- catch {close $server_fh}
- set server_fh ""
- after $delay
- global bmesg_cnt
- if [info exists bmesg_cnt] {
- catch {tkwait window .bmesg$bmesg_cnt}
- }
- destroy .
- exit
-proc check_closed {} {
- global got_connection debug
- global client_fh server_fh
- if {! $got_connection} {
- return
- }
- if {$client_fh != ""} {
- set ef ""
- catch {set ef [eof $client_fh]}
- if {$ef == 1} {
- if {$debug} {
- puts stderr "client_fh EOF"
- }
- getout
- }
- }
- if {$server_fh != ""} {
- set ef ""
- catch {set ef [eof $server_fh]}
- if {$ef == 1} {
- if {$debug} {
- puts stderr "server_fh EOF"
- }
- getout
- }
- }
-proc xfer_in_to_out {} {
- global client_fh server_fh debug do_bridge
- if {$client_fh != "" && ![eof $client_fh]} {
- set ef ""
- catch {set ef [eof $client_fh]}
- if {$ef == 0} {
- set str ""
- catch {set str [read $client_fh 4096]}
- if {$debug} {
- #puts stderr "xfer_in_to_out: $str"
- puts stderr "xfer_in_to_out: [string length $str]"
- }
- if {$server_fh != "" && $str != ""} {
- catch {puts -nonewline $server_fh $str}
- catch {flush $server_fh}
- }
- }
- }
- check_closed
-proc xfer_out_to_in {} {
- global client_fh server_fh debug do_bridge
- if {$server_fh != ""} {
- set ef ""
- catch {set ef [eof $server_fh]}
- if {$ef == 0} {
- set str ""
- catch {set str [read $server_fh 4096]}
- if {$debug} {
- #puts stderr "xfer_out_to_in: $str"
- puts stderr "xfer_out_to_in: [string length $str]"
- }
- if {$client_fh != "" && $str != ""} {
- catch {puts -nonewline $client_fh $str}
- catch {flush $client_fh}
- }
- }
- }
- check_closed
-proc bmesg {msg} {
- global env
- if {! [info exists env(BMESG)]} {
- return
- }
- if {$env(BMESG) == 0} {
- return
- }
- global bmesg_cnt
- if {! [info exists bmesg_cnt]} {
- set bmesg_cnt 0
- }
- incr bmesg_cnt
- set w .bmesg$bmesg_cnt
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- label $w.l -width 70 -text "$msg"
- pack $w.l
- update
- if {$env(BMESG) > 1} {
- for {set i 0} {$i < $env(BMESG)} {incr i} {
- after 1000
- update
- }
- }
-proc do_connect_http {sock hostport which} {
- global debug cur_proxy
- set con ""
- append con "CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1\r\n"
- append con "Host: $hostport\r\n"
- append con "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"
- puts stderr "pxy=$which CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1 via $cur_proxy"
- bmesg "H: $which CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1 $cur_proxy";
- puts -nonewline $sock $con
- flush $sock
- set r ""
- set cnt 0
- while {1} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- }
- append r $c
- if {[regexp "\r\n\r\n" $r] || [regexp "a--no--\n\n" $r]} {
- break
- }
- if {$cnt > 30000} {
- break
- }
- }
- if {! [regexp {HTTP/.* 200} $r]} {
- puts stderr "did not find HTTP 200 #1"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
-proc do_connect_socks4 {sock hostport which} {
- global debug cur_proxy
- set host ""
- set port ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hostport mvar host port] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse host:port $hostport"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- set i1 ""
- set i2 ""
- set i3 ""
- set i4 ""
- set socks4a 0
- if {$host == "localhost" || $host == ""} {
- set i1 127
- set i2 0
- set i3 0
- set i4 1
- } elseif [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$} $host] {
- set n [split $host "."]
- set i1 [lindex $n 0]
- set i2 [lindex $n 1]
- set i3 [lindex $n 2]
- set i4 [lindex $n 3]
- } else {
- set i1 0
- set i2 0
- set i3 0
- set i4 3
- set socks4a 1
- }
- if {$socks4a} {
- puts stderr "pxy=$which socks4a connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
- } else {
- puts stderr "pxy=$which socks4 connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
- }
- set p1 [binary format ccScccc 4 1 $port $i1 $i2 $i3 $i4]
- set p2 "nobody"
- set p3 [binary format c 0]
- puts -nonewline $sock $p1
- puts -nonewline $sock $p2
- puts -nonewline $sock $p3
- if {$socks4a} {
- puts -nonewline $sock $host
- puts -nonewline $sock $p3
- }
- flush $sock
- set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
- set ok 1
- while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 8} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- continue
- }
- binary scan $c c s
- if {$i == 0 && $s != 0} {
- puts stderr "socks4: $i - $s"
- set ok 0
- }
- if {$i == 1 && $s != 90} {
- puts stderr "socks4: $i - $s"
- set ok 0
- }
- set r "$r,$s"
- incr i
- }
- if {! $ok} {
- puts stderr "socks4 failure: $r"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
-proc do_connect_socks5 {sock hostport which} {
- global debug cur_proxy
- set host ""
- set port ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hostport mvar host port] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse host:port $hostport"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- set p1 [binary format ccc 5 1 0]
- puts -nonewline $sock $p1
- flush $sock
- set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
- set ok 1
- while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 2} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- continue
- }
- binary scan $c c s
- if {$i == 0 && $s != 5} {
- puts stderr "$i - $s"
- set ok 0
- }
- if {$i == 1 && $s != 0} {
- puts stderr "$i - $s"
- set ok 0
- }
- set r "$r,$s"
- incr i
- }
- if {! $ok} {
- puts stderr "socks5 failure: $r"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- set len [string length $host]
- set p1 [binary format ccccc 5 1 0 3 $len]
- set p2 $host
- set n1 [expr int($port/256)]
- set n2 [expr "$port - $n1 * 256"]
- set p3 [binary format cc $n1 $n2]
- puts stderr "pxy=$which socks5 connection to $host:$port via $cur_proxy"
- puts -nonewline $sock $p1
- puts -nonewline $sock $p2
- puts -nonewline $sock $p3
- flush $sock
- set i1 ""; set i2 ""; set i3 ""; set i4 ""
- set r ""; set s ""; set i 0; set cnt 0
- set ok 1
- while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < 4} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- continue
- }
- binary scan $c c s
- if {$i == 0} {
- set i1 $s
- } elseif {$i == 1} {
- set i2 $s
- } elseif {$i == 2} {
- set i3 $s
- } elseif {$i == 3} {
- set i4 $s
- }
- incr i
- }
- set r "i1=$i1,i2=$i2,i3=$i3,i4=$i4"
- if {$i4 == 1} {
- set n 6
- } elseif {$i4 == 3} {
- set c ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- continue
- }
- break;
- }
- if {$c == ""} {
- puts stderr "socks5 failure c: $r"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- binary scan $c c s
- set n [expr $s + 2]
- } elseif {$i4 == 4} {
- set n 18
- } else {
- puts stderr "socks5 failure x: $r"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- #puts "n=$n --- $r"
- set i 0; set cnt 0
- while {$cnt < 30000 && $i < $n} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- continue
- }
- incr i
- }
- if {$i1 != 5 || $i2 != 0 || $i3 != 0} {
- puts stderr "socks failure $r"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
-proc do_connect_repeater {sock hostport which repeater} {
- global debug cur_proxy
- # 250 is UltraVNC buffer size.
- set con [binary format a250 $repeater]
- puts stderr "pxy=$which REPEATER $repeater via $cur_proxy"
- bmesg "R: $which CONNECT $hostport | $repeater $cur_proxy";
- puts -nonewline $sock $con
- flush $sock
- set r ""
- set cnt 0
- while {1} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after 20
- }
- append r $c
- if {[string length $r] >= 12} {
- puts stderr "do_connect_repeater: $r"
- break
- }
- if {$cnt > 30000} {
- break
- }
- }
-proc vread {n sock} {
- set str ""
- set max 3000
- set dt 10
- set i 0
- set cnt 0
- while {$cnt < $max && $i < $n} {
- incr cnt
- set c [read $sock 1]
- if {$c == ""} {
- check_closed
- after $dt
- continue
- }
- incr i
- append str $c
- }
- if {$i != $n} {
- puts stderr "vread failure $n $i"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- return $str
-proc append_handshake {str} {
- global env
- if [info exists env(SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE)] {
- set fh ""
- catch {set fh [open $file a]}
- if {$fh != ""} {
- puts $fh $str
- catch {close $fh}
- }
- }
-proc vencrypt_bridge_connection {fh host port} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt_bridge_connection: got connection $fh $host $port"
- bmesg "vencrypt_bridge_connection: got connection $fh $host $port"
- global viewer_sock
- set viewer_sock $fh
-proc center_win {w} {
- update
- set W [winfo screenwidth $w]
- set W [expr $W + 1]
- wm geometry $w +$W+0
- update
- set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo width $w]/2]
- set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo height $w]/2]
- wm geometry $w +$x+$y
- wm deiconify $w
- update
-proc get_user_pass {} {
- global env
- set up ""
- if [info exists env(SSVNC_UNIXPW)] {
- set rm 0
- set up $env(SSVNC_UNIXPW)
- if [regexp {^rm:} $up] {
- set rm 1
- regsub {^rm:} $up "" up
- }
- if [file exists $up] {
- set fh ""
- set f $up
- catch {set fh [open $up r]}
- if {$fh != ""} {
- gets $fh u
- gets $fh p
- catch {close $fh}
- set up "$u@$p"
- }
- if {$rm} {
- catch {file delete $f}
- }
- }
- } elseif [info exists env(SSVNC_VENCRYPT_USERPASS)] {
- }
- if {$up != ""} {
- return $up
- }
- toplevel .t
- wm title .t {VeNCrypt Viewer Bridge User/Pass}
- global user pass
- set user ""
- set pass ""
- label .t.l -text {SSVNC VeNCrypt Viewer Bridge}
- frame .t.f0
- frame .t.f0.fL
- label -text {Username: }
- label -text {Password: }
- pack -side top
- frame .t.f0.fR
- entry .t.f0.fR.ea -width 24 -textvariable user
- entry .t.f0.fR.eb -width 24 -textvariable pass -show *
- pack .t.f0.fR.ea .t.f0.fR.eb -side top -fill x
- pack .t.f0.fL -side left
- pack .t.f0.fR -side right -expand 1 -fill x
- button -text Cancel -command {set user ""; set pass ""; destroy .t}
- button .t.ok -text Done -command {destroy .t}
- center_win .t
- pack .t.l .t.f0 .t.ok -side top -fill x
- update
- wm deiconify .t
- bind .t.f0.fR.ea <Return> {focus .t.f0.fR.eb}
- bind .t.f0.fR.eb <Return> {destroy .t}
- focus .t.f0.fR.ea
- wm resizable .t 1 0
- wm minsize .t [winfo reqwidth .t] [winfo reqheight .t]
- tkwait window .t
- if {$user == "" || $pass == ""} {
- return ""
- } else {
- return "$user@$pass"
- }
-proc do_vencrypt_viewer_bridge {listen connect} {
- global env
- #set env(BMESG) 1
- vencrypt_constants
- set backwards 0
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE)]} {
- puts stderr "no SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE filename in environment."
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- bmesg $handshake
- if {$listen < 0} {
- set backwards 1
- set listen [expr -$listen]
- }
- # listen on $listen
- global viewer_sock
- set viewer_sock ""
- set lsock ""
- set rc [catch {set lsock [socket -myaddr -server vencrypt_bridge_connection $listen]}]
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error listening on$listen"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- bmesg "listen on $listen OK"
- # accept
- vwait viewer_sock
- catch {close $lsock}
- fconfigure $viewer_sock -translation binary -blocking 0
- global got_connection
- set got_connection 1
- # connect to $connect
- set server_sock ""
- set rc [catch {set server_sock [socket $connect]}]
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error connecting to$connect"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- bmesg "made connection to $connect"
- fconfigure $server_sock -translation binary -blocking 0
- if {$backwards} {
- puts stderr "reversing roles of viewer and server"
- set t $viewer_sock
- set viewer_sock $server_sock
- set server_sock $t
- }
- # wait for SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE "done", put in hash.
- set dt 200
- set slept 0
- set maxwait 20000
- set hs(mode) init
- while {$slept < $maxwait} {
- after $dt
- set slept [expr $slept + $dt]
- set done 0
- set fh ""
- catch {set fh [open $handshake r]}
- set str ""
- if {$fh != ""} {
- array unset hs
- while {[gets $fh line] > -1} {
- set line [string trim $line]
- set str "$str$line\n";
- if {$line == "done"} {
- set done 1
- } elseif [regexp {=} $line] {
- set s [split $line "="]
- set key [lindex $s 0]
- set val [lindex $s 1]
- set hs($key) $val
- }
- }
- catch {close $fh}
- }
- if {$done} {
- puts stderr $str
- bmesg "$str"
- break
- }
- }
- catch [file delete $handshake]
- if {! [info exists hs(sectype)]} {
- puts stderr "no hs(sectype) found"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- # read viewer RFB
- if {! [info exists hs(server)]} {
- set hs(server) "RFB 003.008"
- }
- puts -nonewline $viewer_sock "$hs(server)\n"
- flush $viewer_sock
- puts stderr "sent $hs(server) to viewer sock."
- set viewer_rfb [vread 12 $viewer_sock]
- puts stderr "read viewer_rfb $viewer_rfb"
- set viewer_major 3
- set viewer_minor 8
- if [regexp {^RFB 003\.0*([0-9][0-9]*)} $viewer_rfb m v] {
- set viewer_minor $v
- }
- if {$hs(sectype) == $rfbSecTypeAnonTls} {
- puts stderr "handling rfbSecTypeAnonTls"
- if {$viewer_major > 3 || $viewer_minor >= 7} {
- puts stderr "viewer >= 3.7, nothing to set up."
- } else {
- puts stderr "viewer <= 3.3, faking things up."
- set t [vread 1 $server_sock]
- binary scan $t c nsectypes
- puts stderr "nsectypes=$nsectypes"
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nsectypes} {incr i} {
- set t [vread 1 $server_sock]
- binary scan $t c st
- puts stderr " $i: $st"
- set types($st) $i
- }
- set use 1
- if [info exists types(1)] {
- set use 1
- } elseif [info exists types(2)] {
- set use 2
- } else {
- puts stderr "no valid sectypes"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- # this should be MSB:
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock $use
- vsend_uchar $server_sock $use
- if {$use == 1} {
- set t [vread 4 $server_sock]
- }
- }
- } elseif {$hs(sectype) == $rfbSecTypeVencrypt} {
- puts stderr "handling rfbSecTypeVencrypt"
- if {! [info exists hs(subtype)]} {
- puts stderr "no subtype"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- set fake_type "None"
- set plain 0
- set sub_type $hs(subtype)
- if {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptTlsNone} {
- set fake_type "None"
- } elseif {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptTlsVnc} {
- set fake_type "VncAuth"
- } elseif {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptTlsPlain} {
- set fake_type "None"
- set plain 1
- } elseif {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptX509None} {
- set fake_type "None"
- } elseif {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptX509Vnc} {
- set fake_type "VncAuth"
- } elseif {$sub_type == $rfbVencryptX509Plain} {
- set fake_type "None"
- set plain 1
- }
- if {$plain} {
- set up [get_user_pass]
- if [regexp {@} $up] {
- set user $up
- set pass $up
- regsub {@.*$} $user "" user
- regsub {^[^@]*@} $pass "" pass
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock [string length $user]
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $server_sock [string length $pass]
- puts stderr "sending VencryptPlain user and pass."
- puts -nonewline $server_sock $user
- puts -nonewline $server_sock $pass
- flush $server_sock
- }
- }
- set ft 0
- if {$fake_type == "None"} {
- set ft 1
- } elseif {$fake_type == "VncAuth"} {
- set ft 2
- } else {
- puts stderr "no valid fake_type"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- if {$viewer_major > 3 || $viewer_minor >= 7} {
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 1
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock $ft
- set t [vread 1 $viewer_sock]
- binary scan $t c cr
- if {$cr != $ft} {
- puts stderr "client selected wront type $cr $ft"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- } else {
- puts stderr "viewer <= 3.3, faking things up."
- # this should be MSB:
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock 0
- vsend_uchar $viewer_sock $ft
- if {$ft == 1} {
- set t [vread 4 $server_sock]
- }
- }
- }
- global client_fh server_fh
- set client_fh $viewer_sock
- set server_fh $server_sock
- fileevent $client_fh readable xfer_in_to_out
- fileevent $server_fh readable xfer_out_to_in
-proc vsend_uchar {sock n} {
- set s [binary format c $n]
- puts -nonewline $sock $s
- flush $sock
-proc vencrypt_constants {} {
- uplevel {
- set rfbSecTypeAnonTls 18
- set rfbSecTypeVencrypt 19
- set rfbVencryptPlain 256
- set rfbVencryptTlsNone 257
- set rfbVencryptTlsVnc 258
- set rfbVencryptTlsPlain 259
- set rfbVencryptX509None 260
- set rfbVencryptX509Vnc 261
- set rfbVencryptX509Plain 262
- }
-proc do_vencrypt {sock which} {
- vencrypt_constants
- set t [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $t c vs_major
- set t [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $t c vs_minor
- if {$vs_minor == "" || $vs_major == "" || $vs_major != 0 || $vs_minor < 2} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt failure bad vs version major=$major minor=$minor"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- puts stderr "server vencrypt version $vs_major.$vs_minor"
- bmesg "server vencrypt version $vs_major.$vs_minor"
- append_handshake "subversion=0.2"
- vsend_uchar $sock 0
- vsend_uchar $sock 2
- set t [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $t c result
- if {$result != 0} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt failed result: $result"
- bmesg "vencrypt failed result: $result"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- set t [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $t c nsubtypes
- puts stderr "nsubtypes: $nsubtypes"
- bmesg "nsubtypes: $nsubtypes"
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nsubtypes} {incr i} {
- set t [vread 4 $sock]
- binary scan $t I stype
- puts stderr "subtypes: $i: $stype"
- append_handshake "sst$i=$stype"
- set subtypes($stype) $i
- }
- set subtype 0
- if [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptX509None)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptX509None
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptX509None"
- } elseif [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptX509Vnc)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptX509Vnc
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptX509Vnc"
- } elseif [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptX509Plain)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptX509Plain
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptX509Plain"
- } elseif [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptTlsNone)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptTlsNone
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptTlsNone"
- } elseif [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptTlsVnc)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptTlsVnc
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptTlsVnc"
- } elseif [info exists subtypes($rfbVencryptTlsPlain)] {
- set subtype $rfbVencryptTlsPlain
- puts stderr "selected rfbVencryptTlsPlain"
- }
- append_handshake "subtype=$subtype"
- set st [binary format I $subtype]
- puts -nonewline $sock $st
- flush $sock
- if {$subtype == 0} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt could not find an acceptable subtype: $subtype"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- set t [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $t c result
- puts stderr "result=$result"
- append_handshake "done"
- if {$result == 0} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt failure result: $result"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
-proc do_connect_vencrypt {sock hostport which} {
- global debug cur_proxy
- vencrypt_constants
- puts stderr "pxy=$which vencrypt $hostport via $cur_proxy"
- bmesg "V: $which vencrypt $hostport via $cur_proxy"
- append_handshake "mode=connect"
- set srfb [vread 12 $sock]
- puts stderr "srfb: $srfb"
- bmesg "srfb: $srfb"
- set srfb [string trim $srfb]
- append_handshake "server=$srfb"
- set minor ""
- if [regexp {^RFB 00[456]\.} $srfb] {
- set minor 8
- } elseif [regexp {^RFB 003\.0*([0-9][0-9]*)} $srfb mvar minor] {
- ;
- }
- if {$minor == "" || $minor < 7} {
- puts stderr "vencrypt failure bad minor=$minor"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- set vrfb "RFB 003.008\n"
- if {$minor == 7} {
- set vrfb "RFB 003.007\n"
- }
- puts -nonewline $sock $vrfb
- flush $sock
- set vrfb [string trim $vrfb]
- append_handshake "viewer=$vrfb"
- append_handshake "latency=0.10"
- set str [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $str c nsec
- puts stderr "nsec: $nsec"
- bmesg "nsec: $nsec"
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nsec} {incr i} {
- set str [vread 1 $sock]
- binary scan $str c sec
- puts stderr "sec: $sec"
- bmesg "sec: $sec"
- set sectypes($i) $sec
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nsec} {incr i} {
- if {$sectypes($i) == $rfbSecTypeVencrypt} {
- append_handshake "sectype=$rfbSecTypeVencrypt"
- vsend_uchar $sock $rfbSecTypeVencrypt
- after 500
- bmesg "do_vencrypt $sock $which"
- do_vencrypt $sock $which
- return
- }
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nsec} {incr i} {
- if {$sectypes($i) == $rfbSecTypeAnonTls} {
- append_handshake "sectype=$rfbSecTypeAnonTls"
- vsend_uchar $sock $rfbSecTypeAnonTls
- bmesg "rfbSecTypeAnonTls"
- after 500
- append_handshake "done"
- return
- }
- }
-proc do_connect {sock type hostport which} {
- if {$type == "http"} {
- do_connect_http $sock $hostport $which
- } elseif {$type == "socks"} {
- do_connect_socks4 $sock $hostport $which
- } elseif {$type == "socks5"} {
- do_connect_socks5 $sock $hostport $which
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^repeater:} $type] {
- regsub -nocase {^repeater:} $type "" repeater
- do_connect_repeater $sock $hostport $which $repeater
- } elseif {$type == "vencrypt"} {
- do_connect_vencrypt $sock $hostport $which
- }
-proc handle_connection {fh host port} {
- global proxy1_host proxy1_port proxy1_type
- global proxy2_host proxy2_port proxy2_type
- global proxy3_host proxy3_port proxy3_type
- global proxy1 proxy2 proxy3 dest
- global debug cur_proxy
- global got_connection
- if {$got_connection} {
- catch {close $fh}
- return
- }
- set got_connection 1
- if {$debug} {
- puts stderr "connection from: $host $port"
- puts stderr "socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port"
- }
- set rc [catch {set sock [socket $proxy1_host $proxy1_port]}]
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error connecting"
- catch {close $sock}
- destroy .
- exit
- }
- if {$debug} {
- puts stderr "got sock: $sock"
- }
- global client_fh server_fh
- set client_fh $fh
- set server_fh $sock
- fconfigure $fh -translation binary -blocking 0
- fconfigure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0
- set cur_proxy $proxy1
- if {$proxy2 != ""} {
- do_connect $sock $proxy1_type "$proxy2_host:$proxy2_port" 1
- set cur_proxy $proxy2
- if {$proxy3 != ""} {
- do_connect $sock $proxy2_type "$proxy3_host:$proxy3_port" 2
- set cur_proxy $proxy3
- do_connect $sock $proxy3_type $dest 3
- } else {
- do_connect $sock $proxy2_type $dest 2
- }
- } else {
- do_connect $sock $proxy1_type $dest 1
- }
- fileevent $fh readable xfer_in_to_out
- fileevent $sock readable xfer_out_to_in
-proc proxy_type {proxy} {
- if [regexp -nocase {^socks://} $proxy] {
- return "socks"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks4://} $proxy] {
- return "socks"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks4a://} $proxy] {
- return "socks"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^socks5://} $proxy] {
- return "socks5"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^http://} $proxy] {
- return "http"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^https://} $proxy] {
- return "http"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^repeater://.*\+(.*)$} $proxy mat idstr] {
- return "repeater:$idstr"
- } elseif [regexp -nocase {^vencrypt://} $proxy] {
- return "vencrypt"
- } else {
- return "http"
- }
-proc proxy_hostport {proxy} {
- regsub -nocase {^[a-z][a-z0-9]*://} $proxy "" hp
- regsub {\+.*$} $hp "" hp
- if {! [regexp {:[0-9]} $hp] && [regexp {^repeater:} $proxy]} {
- set hp "$hp:5900"
- }
- return $hp
-proc setb {} {
- wm withdraw .
- catch {destroy .b}
- button .b -text "CONNECT_BR" -command {destroy .}
- pack .b
- after 1000 check_callback
-proc connect_br_sleep {} {
- global env
- if [info exists env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP)] {
- if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP)] {
- setb
- for {set i 0} {$i < $env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP)} {incr i} {
- bmesg "$i sleep"
- after 1000
- }
- }
- }
-global env
-set got_connection 0
-set proxy1 ""
-set proxy2 ""
-set proxy3 ""
-set client_fh ""
-set server_fh ""
-set do_bridge 0
-set debug 0
-if [info exists env(CONNECT_BR_DEBUG)] {
- set debug 1
-if [info exists env(SSVNC_VENCRYPT_VIEWER_BRIDGE)] {
- set s [split $env(SSVNC_VENCRYPT_VIEWER_BRIDGE) ","]
- set listen [lindex $s 0]
- set connect [lindex $s 1]
- setb
- do_vencrypt_viewer_bridge $listen $connect
- set do_bridge 1
-if {$do_bridge} {
- ;
-} else {
- if {$debug && 0} {
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)]} {
- set env(SSVNC_DEST) "haystack:2037"
- }
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)]} {
- set env(SSVNC_PROXY) "haystack:2037"
- }
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)]} {
- set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) "6789"
- }
- } else {
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)]} {
- destroy .; exit;
- }
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)]} {
- destroy .; exit;
- }
- if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)] && ! [info exists env(SSVNC_REVERSE)]} {
- destroy .; exit;
- }
- }
- #set env(BMESG) 1
- set dest $env(SSVNC_DEST)
- if [regexp {,} $env(SSVNC_PROXY)] {
- set s [split $env(SSVNC_PROXY) ","]
- set proxy1 [lindex $s 0]
- set proxy2 [lindex $s 1]
- set proxy3 [lindex $s 2]
- } else {
- set proxy1 $env(SSVNC_PROXY)
- }
- set proxy1_type [proxy_type $proxy1]
- set proxy1_hp [proxy_hostport $proxy1]
- set proxy1_host ""
- set proxy1_port ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $proxy1_hp mvar proxy1_host proxy1_port] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse hp1 host:port $proxy1_hp"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- set proxy2_type ""
- set proxy2_host ""
- set proxy2_port ""
- if {$proxy2 != ""} {
- set proxy2_type [proxy_type $proxy2]
- set proxy2_hp [proxy_hostport $proxy2]
- set proxy2_host ""
- set proxy2_port ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $proxy2_hp mvar proxy2_host proxy2_port] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse hp2 host:port $proxy2_hp"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- }
- set proxy3_type ""
- set proxy3_host ""
- set proxy3_port ""
- if {$proxy3 != ""} {
- set proxy3_type [proxy_type $proxy3]
- set proxy3_hp [proxy_hostport $proxy3]
- set proxy3_host ""
- set proxy3_port ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $proxy3_hp mvar proxy3_host proxy3_port] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse hp3 host:port $proxy3_hp"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- }
- bmesg "1: '$proxy1_host' '$proxy1_port' '$proxy1_type'";
- bmesg "2: '$proxy2_host' '$proxy2_port' '$proxy2_type'";
- bmesg "3: '$proxy3_host' '$proxy3_port' '$proxy3_type'";
- if [info exists env(SSVNC_REVERSE)] {
- set rhost ""
- set rport ""
- if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $env(SSVNC_REVERSE) mvar rhost rport] {
- ;
- } else {
- puts stderr "could not parse SSVNC_REVERSE host:port $env(SSVNC_REVERSE)"
- destroy .
- exit 1
- }
- setb
- set rc [catch {set lsock [socket $rhost $rport]}]
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error reversing"
- bmesg "1 error reversing"
- after 2000
- set rc [catch {set lsock [socket $rhost $rport]}]
- }
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error reversing"
- bmesg "2 error reversing"
- after 2000
- set rc [catch {set lsock [socket $rhost $rport]}]
- }
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error reversing"
- bmesg "3 error reversing"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- puts stderr "SSVNC_REVERSE to $rhost $rport OK";
- bmesg "SSVNC_REVERSE to $rhost $rport OK";
- connect_br_sleep
- handle_connection $lsock $rhost $rport
- } else {
- set lport $env(SSVNC_LISTEN)
- connect_br_sleep
- set rc [catch {set lsock [socket -myaddr -server handle_connection $lport]}]
- if {$rc != 0} {
- puts stderr "error listening"
- destroy .; exit 1
- }
- puts stderr "SSVNC_LISTEN on $lport OK";
- setb
- }
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/esound/download.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/esound/download.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f1f6b..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/esound/download.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/download.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/download.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 237d4b1..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/download.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/location.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/location.url
deleted file mode 100644
index c700866..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/openssl/location.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/download.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/download.url
deleted file mode 100644
index a23901e..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/download.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/licence.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/licence.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 2efcc31..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/plink/licence.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/download.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/download.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 237d4b1..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/download.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/location.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/location.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f87491..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/stunnel/location.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/download.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/download.url
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c60e4..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/download.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/location.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/location.url
deleted file mode 100644
index a686ae0..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/info/vncviewer/location.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-client.conf b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-client.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7517e23..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-client.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Example SSL stunnel CLIENT configuration file. (you run stunnel on
-# this machine and point your vnc viewer to it, it goes to remote VNC
-# server via SSL)
-# To use this file you will need to edit it. Then you will need
-# to manually start up stunnel using it.
-# (e.g. /path/to/stunnel stunnel-server.conf)
-# This is just an example and is not used by the tools in this package.
-# It is here to show how to create outgoing SSL connections to remote
-# VNC servers when not using the tools in this package.
-client = yes
-options = ALL
-RNDbytes = 2048
-RNDfile = bananarand.bin
-RNDoverwrite = yes
-# Remote server certs could go here:
-# CApath = /path/to/.../crt-dir
-# CAfile = /path/to/.../foo.crt
-# verify = 2
-# My cert could go here:
-# cert = /path/to/.../my.pem
-# Set to local listening port number (e.g. 5900 for vnc display 0):
-accept = localhost:5900
-# Set to remote host:port to connect to (e.g. far-away.east:5900):
-# (this is where the VNC server is. :0 -> port 5900, etc)
-connect = HOST:PORT
-delay = no
-# You could add additional ones going to other VNC servers:
-# [vnc2]
-# accept = localhost:5901
-# connect = HOST2:PORT2
-# etc ...
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-server.conf b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5dd50..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/stunnel-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Example SSL stunnel SERVER configuration file. (e.g. for your VNC
-# server on this same machine.)
-# To use this file you may need to edit it. Then you will need
-# to manually start up stunnel using it.
-# (e.g. /path/to/stunnel stunnel-server.conf)
-# This is just an example and is not used by the tools in this package.
-# It is here in case you wanted to see how to add SSL support to any
-# VNC server you have.
-RNDbytes = 2048
-RNDfile = bananarand.bin
-RNDoverwrite = yes
-# Remote client certs could go here:
-# CApath = /path/to/.../crt-dir
-# CAfile = /path/to/.../foo.crt
-# verify = 2
-# My server cert could go here:
-# cert = /path/to/.../my.pem
-# Set to local listening port number (e.g. 5901 for vnc display 1):
-# so the remote viewers would connect to: yourmachine:1
-accept = 5901
-# Set to localhost:port to connect to VNC server on this same machine:
-# (E.g. you run WinVNC on :0, preferably listening on localhost).
-connect = localhost:5900
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/w98/location.url b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/w98/location.url
deleted file mode 100644
index eb94b91..0000000
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/Windows/util/w98/location.url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@