path: root/examples2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples2/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/examples2/ b/examples2/
deleted file mode 100755
index 998f26f..0000000
--- a/examples2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# TQt tutorial 14.
-import sys
-import math
-import random
-from python_tqt.qt import *
-class LCDRange(TQWidget):
- def __init__(self,s=None,parent=None,name=None):
- TQWidget.__init__(self,parent,name)
- lcd = TQLCDNumber(2,self,'lcd')
- self.slider = TQSlider(TQt.Horizontal,self,'slider')
- self.slider.setRange(0,99)
- self.slider.setValue(0)
- self.label = TQLabel(' ',self,'label')
- self.label.setAlignment(TQt.AlignCenter)
- self.connect(self.slider,SIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'),lcd,SLOT('display(int)'))
- self.connect(self.slider,SIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'),self,PYSIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'))
- self.setFocusProxy(self.slider)
- l = TQVBoxLayout(self)
- l.addWidget(lcd,1)
- l.addWidget(self.slider)
- l.addWidget(self.label)
- if s is not None:
- self.setText(s)
- def value(self):
- return self.slider.value()
- def setValue(self,value):
- self.slider.setValue(value)
- def setRange(self,minVal,maxVal):
- if minVal < 0 or maxVal > 99 or minVal > maxVal:
- raise ValueError('LCDRange.setRange(): invalid range')
- self.slider.setRange(minVal,maxVal)
- def text(self):
- return self.label.text()
- def setText(self,s):
- self.label.setText(s)
-class CannonField(TQWidget):
- def __init__(self,parent=None,name=None):
- TQWidget.__init__(self,parent,name)
- self.ang = 45
- self.f = 0
- self.timerCount = 0
- self.autoShootTimer = TQTimer(self,'movement handler')
- self.connect(self.autoShootTimer,SIGNAL('timeout()'),self.moveShot)
- self.shoot_ang = 0
- self.shoot_f = 0
- = TQPoint(0,0)
- self.gameEnded = 0
- self.barrelPressed = 0
- self.setPalette(TQPalette(TQColor(250,250,200)))
- self.barrelRect = TQRect(33,-4,15,8)
- self.newTarget()
- def angle(self):
- return self.ang
- def setAngle(self,degrees):
- if degrees < 5:
- degrees = 5
- if degrees > 70:
- degrees = 70
- if self.ang == degrees:
- return
- self.ang = degrees
- self.repaint(self.cannonRect(),0)
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('angleChanged(int)'),(self.ang,))
- def force(self):
- return self.f
- def setForce(self,newton):
- if newton < 0:
- newton = 0
- if self.f == newton:
- return
- self.f = newton
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('forceChanged(int)'),(self.f,))
- def shoot(self):
- if self.isShooting():
- return
- self.timerCount = 0
- self.shoot_ang = self.ang
- self.shoot_f = self.f
- self.autoShootTimer.start(50)
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('canShoot(bool)'),(0,))
- def newTarget(self):
- r = TQRegion(self.targetRect())
- = TQPoint(random.randint(200,390),random.randint(10,265))
- self.repaint(r.unite(TQRegion(self.targetRect())))
- def gameOver(self):
- return self.gameEnded
- def setGameOver(self):
- if self.gameEnded:
- return
- if self.isShooting():
- self.autoShootTime.stop()
- self.gameEnded = 1
- self.repaint()
- def restartGame(self):
- if self.isShooting():
- self.autoShootTime.stop()
- self.gameEnded = 0
- self.repaint()
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('canShoot(bool)'),(1,))
- def moveShot(self):
- r = TQRegion(self.shotRect())
- self.timerCount = self.timerCount + 1
- shotR = self.shotRect()
- if shotR.intersects(self.targetRect()):
- self.autoShootTimer.stop()
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('hit()'),())
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('canShoot(bool)'),(1,))
- elif shotR.x() > self.width() or shotR.y() > self.height() or shotR.intersects(self.barrierRect()):
- self.autoShootTimer.stop()
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('missed()'),())
- self.emit(PYSIGNAL('canShoot(bool)'),(1,))
- else:
- r = r.unite(TQRegion(shotR))
- self.repaint(r)
- def mousePressEvent(self,ev):
- if ev.button() != TQt.LeftButton:
- return
- if self.barrelHit(ev.pos()):
- self.barrelPressed = 1
- def mouseMoveEvent(self,ev):
- if not self.barrelPressed:
- return
- pnt = ev.pos()
- if pnt.x() <= 0:
- pnt.setX(1)
- if pnt.y() >= self.height():
- pnt.setY(self.height() - 1)
- rad = math.atan(float(self.rect().bottom() - pnt.y()) / pnt.x())
- self.setAngle(int(round(rad * 180 / math.pi)))
- def mouseReleaseEvent(self,ev):
- if ev.button() == TQt.LeftButton:
- self.barrelPressed = 0
- def paintEvent(self,ev):
- updateR = ev.rect()
- p = TQPainter(self)
- if self.gameEnded:
- p.setPen(
- p.setFont(TQFont('Courier',48,TQFont.Bold))
- p.drawText(self.rect(),TQt.AlignCenter,'Game Over')
- if updateR.intersects(self.cannonRect()):
- self.paintCannon(p)
- if updateR.intersects(self.barrierRect()):
- self.paintBarrier(p)
- if self.isShooting() and updateR.intersects(self.shotRect()):
- self.paintShot(p)
- if not self.gameEnded and updateR.intersects(self.targetRect()):
- self.paintTarget(p)
- def paintShot(self,p):
- p.setBrush(
- p.setPen(TQt.NoPen)
- p.drawRect(self.shotRect())
- def paintTarget(self,p):
- p.setBrush(
- p.setPen(
- p.drawRect(self.targetRect())
- def paintBarrier(self,p):
- p.setBrush(TQt.yellow)
- p.setPen(
- p.drawRect(self.barrierRect())
- def paintCannon(self,p):
- cr = self.cannonRect()
- pix = TQPixmap(cr.size())
- pix.fill(self,cr.topLeft())
- tmp = TQPainter(pix)
- tmp.setBrush(
- tmp.setPen(TQt.NoPen)
- tmp.translate(0,pix.height() - 1)
- tmp.drawPie(TQRect(-35,-35,70,70),0,90 * 16)
- tmp.rotate(-self.ang)
- tmp.drawRect(self.barrelRect)
- tmp.end()
- p.drawPixmap(cr.topLeft(),pix)
- def cannonRect(self):
- r = TQRect(0,0,50,50)
- r.moveBottomLeft(self.rect().bottomLeft())
- return r
- def shotRect(self):
- gravity = 4.0
- time = self.timerCount / 4.0
- velocity = self.shoot_f
- radians = self.shoot_ang * math.pi / 180
- velx = velocity * math.cos(radians)
- vely = velocity * math.sin(radians)
- x0 = (self.barrelRect.right() + 5) * math.cos(radians)
- y0 = (self.barrelRect.right() + 5) * math.sin(radians)
- x = x0 + velx * time
- y = y0 + vely * time - 0.5 * gravity * time * time
- r = TQRect(0,0,6,6)
- r.moveCenter(TQPoint(int(x),int(self.height() - 1 - y)))
- return r
- def targetRect(self):
- r = TQRect(0,0,20,10)
- r.moveCenter(TQPoint(,self.height() - 1 -
- return r
- def barrierRect(self):
- return TQRect(145,self.height() - 100,15,100)
- def barrelHit(self,p):
- mtx = TQWMatrix()
- mtx.translate(0,self.height() - 1)
- mtx.rotate(-self.ang)
- (mtx, invertable) = mtx.invert()
- return self.barrelRect.contains(
- def isShooting(self):
- return self.autoShootTimer.isActive()
- def sizePolicy(self):
- return TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy.Expanding,TQSizePolicy.Expanding)
-class GameBoard(TQWidget):
- def __init__(self,parent=None,name=None):
- TQWidget.__init__(self,parent,name)
- quit = TQPushButton('&Quit',self,'quit')
- quit.setFont(TQFont('Times',18,TQFont.Bold))
- self.connect(quit,SIGNAL('clicked()'),tqApp,SLOT('quit()'))
- self.angle = LCDRange('ANGLE',self,'angle')
- self.angle.setRange(5,70)
- self.force = LCDRange('FORCE',self,'force')
- self.force.setRange(10,50)
- box = TQVBox(self,'cannonFrame')
- box.setFrameStyle(TQFrame.WinPanel | TQFrame.Sunken)
- self.cannonField = CannonField(box,'cannonField')
- self.connect(self.angle,PYSIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'),self.cannonField.setAngle)
- self.connect(self.cannonField,PYSIGNAL('angleChanged(int)'),self.angle.setValue)
- self.connect(self.force,PYSIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'),self.cannonField.setForce)
- self.connect(self.cannonField,PYSIGNAL('forceChanged(int)'),self.force.setValue)
- self.connect(self.cannonField,PYSIGNAL('hit()'),self.hit)
- self.connect(self.cannonField,PYSIGNAL('missed()'),self.missed)
- self.shoot = TQPushButton('&Shoot',self,'shoot')
- self.shoot.setFont(TQFont('Times',18,TQFont.Bold))
- self.connect(self.shoot,SIGNAL('clicked()'),
- self.connect(self.cannonField,PYSIGNAL('canShoot(bool)'),self.shoot,SLOT('setEnabled(bool)'))
- restart = TQPushButton('&New Game',self,'newgame')
- restart.setFont(TQFont('Times',18,TQFont.Bold))
- self.connect(restart,SIGNAL('clicked()'),self.newGame)
- self.hits = TQLCDNumber(2,self,'hits')
- self.shotsLeft = TQLCDNumber(2,self,'shotsleft')
- hitsL = TQLabel('HITS',self,'hitsLabel')
- shotsLeftL = TQLabel('SHOTS LEFT',self,'shotsleftLabel')
- accel = TQAccel(self)
- accel.connectItem(accel.insertItem(TQt.Key_Enter),
- accel.connectItem(accel.insertItem(TQt.Key_Return),
- accel.connectItem(accel.insertItem(TQt.CTRL + TQt.Key_Q),tqApp,SLOT('quit()'))
- grid = TQGridLayout(self,2,2,10)
- grid.addWidget(quit,0,0)
- grid.addWidget(box,1,1)
- grid.setColStretch(1,10)
- leftBox = TQVBoxLayout()
- grid.addLayout(leftBox,1,0)
- leftBox.addWidget(self.angle)
- leftBox.addWidget(self.force)
- topBox = TQHBoxLayout()
- grid.addLayout(topBox,0,1)
- topBox.addWidget(self.shoot)
- topBox.addWidget(self.hits)
- topBox.addWidget(hitsL)
- topBox.addWidget(self.shotsLeft)
- topBox.addWidget(shotsLeftL)
- topBox.addStretch(1)
- topBox.addWidget(restart)
- self.angle.setValue(60)
- self.force.setValue(25)
- self.angle.setFocus()
- self.newGame()
- def fire(self):
- if self.cannonField.gameOver() or self.cannonField.isShooting():
- return
- self.shotsLeft.display(self.shotsLeft.intValue() - 1)
- self.cannonField.shoot()
- def hit(self):
- self.hits.display(self.hits.intValue() + 1)
- if self.shotsLeft.intValue() == 0:
- self.cannonField.setGameOver()
- else:
- self.cannonField.newTarget()
- def missed(self):
- if self.shotsLeft.intValue() == 0:
- self.cannonField.setGameOver()
- def newGame(self):
- self.shotsLeft.display(15)
- self.hits.display(0)
- self.cannonField.restartGame()
- self.cannonField.newTarget()
-a = TQApplication(sys.argv)
-gb = GameBoard()