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+<title>QAsciiDictIterator Class</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QAsciiDictIterator Class Reference</h1>
+<p>The QAsciiDictIterator class provides an iterator for QAsciiDict collections.
+<a href="#details">More...</a>
+<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qasciidict-h.html">qasciidict.h</a>&gt;</tt>
+<p><a href="qasciidictiterator-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
+<h2>Public Members</h2>
+<li class=fn><a href="#QAsciiDictIterator"><b>QAsciiDictIterator</b></a> ( const&nbsp;QAsciiDict&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dict )</li>
+<li class=fn><a href="#~QAsciiDictIterator"><b>~QAsciiDictIterator</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>uint <a href="#count"><b>count</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>bool <a href="#isEmpty"><b>isEmpty</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>type * <a href="#toFirst"><b>toFirst</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn><a href="#operator-type-*"><b>operator type *</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>type * <a href="#current"><b>current</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>const char * <a href="#currentKey"><b>currentKey</b></a> () const</li>
+<li class=fn>type * <a href="#operator()"><b>operator()</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>type * <a href="#operator++"><b>operator++</b></a> ()</li>
+<li class=fn>type * <a href="#operator+-eq"><b>operator+=</b></a> ( uint&nbsp;jump )</li>
+<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
+The QAsciiDictIterator class provides an iterator for <a href="qasciidict.html">QAsciiDict</a> collections.
+<p> QAsciiDictIterator is implemented as a template class. Define a
+template instance QAsciiDictIterator&lt;X&gt; to create a dictionary
+iterator that operates on QAsciiDict&lt;X&gt; (dictionary of X*).
+<p> Example:
+ <a href="qasciidict.html">QAsciiDict</a>&lt;QLineEdit&gt; fields;
+ fields.<a href="qasciidict.html#insert">insert</a>( "forename", new <a href="qlineedit.html">QLineEdit</a>( this ) );
+ fields.<a href="qasciidict.html#insert">insert</a>( "surname", new <a href="qlineedit.html">QLineEdit</a>( this ) );
+ fields.<a href="qasciidict.html#insert">insert</a>( "age", new <a href="qlineedit.html">QLineEdit</a>( this ) );
+ fields["forename"]-&gt;setText( "Homer" );
+ fields["surname"]-&gt;setText( "Simpson" );
+ fields["age"]-&gt;setText( "45" );
+ QAsciiDictIterator&lt;QLineEdit&gt; it( fields );
+ for( ; it.<a href="#current">current</a>(); ++it )
+ cout &lt;&lt; it.<a href="#currentKey">currentKey</a>() &lt;&lt; ": " &lt;&lt; it.<a href="#current">current</a>()-&gt;text() &lt;&lt; endl;
+ cout &lt;&lt; endl;
+ // Output (random order):
+ // age: 45
+ // surname: Simpson
+ // forename: Homer
+ </pre>
+In the example we insert some line edits into a dictionary, then
+iterate over the dictionary printing the strings associated with
+those line edits.
+<p> Note that the traversal order is arbitrary; you are not guaranteed
+any particular order.
+<p> Multiple iterators may independently traverse the same dictionary.
+A <a href="qasciidict.html">QAsciiDict</a> knows about all the iterators that are operating on
+the dictionary. When an item is removed from the dictionary,
+QAsciiDict updates all the iterators that are referring to the
+removed item to point to the next item in the (arbitrary)
+traversal order.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="qasciidict.html">QAsciiDict</a>, <a href="collection.html">Collection Classes</a>, and <a href="tools.html">Non-GUI Classes</a>.
+<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
+<h3 class=fn><a name="QAsciiDictIterator"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::QAsciiDictIterator ( const&nbsp;<a href="qasciidict.html">QAsciiDict</a>&lt;type&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dict )
+<p> Constructs an iterator for <em>dict</em>. The current iterator item is
+set to point on the first item in the <em>dict</em>.
+<h3 class=fn><a name="~QAsciiDictIterator"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::~QAsciiDictIterator ()
+<p> Destroys the iterator.
+<h3 class=fn>uint <a name="count"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::count () const
+<p> Returns the number of items in the dictionary this iterator
+operates over.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#isEmpty">isEmpty</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="current"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::current () const
+<p> Returns a pointer to the current iterator item.
+<h3 class=fn>const char * <a name="currentKey"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::currentKey () const
+<p> Returns a pointer to the key for the current iterator item.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isEmpty"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::isEmpty () const
+<p> Returns TRUE if the dictionary is empty, i.e. <a href="#count">count</a>() == 0,
+otherwise returns FALSE.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#count">count</a>().
+<h3 class=fn><a name="operator-type-*"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::operator type * () const
+<p> Cast operator. Returns a pointer to the current iterator item.
+Same as <a href="#current">current</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="operator()"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::operator() ()
+<p> Makes the succeeding item current and returns the original current
+<p> If the current iterator item was the last item in the dictionary
+or if it was 0, 0 is returned.
+<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="operator++"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::operator++ ()
+<p> Prefix ++ makes the succeeding item current and returns the new
+current item.
+<p> If the current iterator item was the last item in the dictionary
+or if it was 0, 0 is returned.
+<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="operator+-eq"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::operator+= ( uint&nbsp;jump )
+<p> Sets the current item to the item <em>jump</em> positions after the
+current item, and returns a pointer to that item.
+<p> If that item is beyond the last item or if the dictionary is
+empty, it sets the current item to 0 and returns 0.
+<h3 class=fn>type * <a name="toFirst"></a>QAsciiDictIterator::toFirst ()
+<p> Sets the current iterator item to point to the first item in the
+dictionary and returns a pointer to the item. If the dictionary is
+empty it sets the current item to 0 and returns 0.
+<!-- eof -->
+This file is part of the <a href="index.html">Qt toolkit</a>.
+Copyright &copy; 1995-2007
+<a href="">Trolltech</a>. All Rights Reserved.<p><address><hr><div align=center>
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