path: root/doc/html/_sources/annotations.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/html/_sources/annotations.txt')
1 files changed, 805 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/_sources/annotations.txt b/doc/html/_sources/annotations.txt
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+In this section we describe each of the annotations that can be used in
+specification files.
+Annotations can either be :ref:`argument annotations <ref-arg-annos>`,
+:ref:`class annotations <ref-class-annos>`, :ref:`mapped type annotations
+<ref-mapped-type-annos>`, :ref:`enum annotations <ref-enum-annos>`,
+:ref:`exception annotations <ref-exception-annos>`, :ref:`function annotations
+<ref-function-annos>`, :ref:`license annotations <ref-license-annos>`,
+:ref:`typedef annotations <ref-typedef-annos>` or :ref:`variable annotations
+<ref-variable-annos>` depending on the context in which they can be used.
+Annotations are placed between forward slashes (``/``). Multiple annotations
+are comma separated within the slashes.
+Annotations have a type and, possibly, a value. The type determines the
+format of the value. The name of an annotation and its value are separated by
+Annotations can have one of the following types:
+ This type of annotation has no value and is implicitly true.
+ The value is a name that is compatible with a C/C++ identifier. In some
+ cases the value is optional.
+*dotted name*
+ The value is a name that is compatible with an identifier preceded by a
+ Python scope.
+ The value is a double quoted string.
+*API range*
+ The value is the name of an API (defined using the :directive:`%API`
+ directive) separated by a range of version numbers with a colon.
+ The range of version numbers is a pair of numbers separated by a hyphen
+ specifying the lower and upper bounds of the range. A version number is
+ within the range if it is greater or equal to the lower bound and less
+ than the upper bound. Each bound can be omitted meaning that the range is
+ unbounded in that direction.
+ For example::
+ # This is part of the PyQt4 API up to but excluding v2.
+ void hex() /API=PyQt4:-2/
+ # This is part of the PyQt4 API starting from v2.
+ void hex() /PyName=hex_, API=PyQt4:2-/
+The following example shows argument and function annotations::
+ void exec(QWidget * /Transfer/) /ReleaseGIL, PyName=call_exec/;
+Note that the current version of SIP does not complain about unknown
+annotations, or annotations used out of their correct context.
+.. _ref-arg-annos:
+Argument Annotations
+.. argument-annotation:: AllowNone
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the value of the corresponding
+ argument (which should be either :stype:`SIP_PYCALLABLE`,
+ :stype:`SIP_PYDICT`, :stype:`SIP_PYLIST`, :stype:`SIP_PYSLICE`,
+ :stype:`SIP_PYTUPLE` or :stype:`SIP_PYTYPE`) may be ``None``.
+.. argument-annotation:: Array
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the corresponding argument refers
+ to an array.
+ The argument should be either a pointer to a wrapped type, a ``char *`` or
+ a ``unsigned char *``. If the argument is a character array then the
+ annotation also implies the :aanno:`Encoding` annotation with an encoding
+ of ``"None"``.
+ There must be a corresponding argument with the :aanno:`ArraySize`
+ annotation specified. The annotation may only be specified once in a list
+ of arguments.
+.. argument-annotation:: ArraySize
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the corresponding argument (which
+ should be either ``short``, ``unsigned short``, ``int``, ``unsigned``,
+ ``long`` or ``unsigned long``) refers to the size of an array. There must
+ be a corresponding argument with the :aanno:`Array` annotation specified.
+ The annotation may only be specified once in a list of arguments.
+.. argument-annotation:: Constrained
+ Python will automatically convert between certain compatible types. For
+ example, if a floating pointer number is expected and an integer supplied,
+ then the integer will be converted appropriately. This can cause problems
+ when wrapping C or C++ functions with similar signatures. For example::
+ // The wrapper for this function will also accept an integer argument
+ // which Python will automatically convert to a floating point number.
+ void foo(double);
+ // The wrapper for this function will never get used.
+ void foo(int);
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the corresponding argument (which
+ should be either ``bool``, ``int``, ``float``, ``double``, ``enum`` or a
+ wrapped class) must match the type without any automatic conversions. In
+ the context of a wrapped class the invocation of any
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` is suppressed.
+ The following example gets around the above problem::
+ // The wrapper for this function will only accept floating point
+ // numbers.
+ void foo(double /Constrained/);
+ // The wrapper for this function will be used for anything that Python
+ // can convert to an integer, except for floating point numbers.
+ void foo(int);
+.. argument-annotation:: DocType
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This string annotation specifies the type of the argument as it will appear
+ in any generated docstrings. It is usually used with arguments of type
+ :stype:`SIP_PYOBJECT` to provide a more specific type.
+.. argument-annotation:: DocValue
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This string annotation specifies the default value of the argument as it
+ will appear in any generated docstrings.
+.. argument-annotation:: Encoding
+ This string annotation specifies that the corresponding argument (which
+ should be either ``char``, ``const char``, ``char *`` or ``const char *``)
+ refers to an encoded character or ``'\0'`` terminated encoded string with
+ the specified encoding. The encoding can be either ``"ASCII"``,
+ ``"Latin-1"``, ``"UTF-8"`` or ``"None"``. An encoding of ``"None"`` means
+ that the corresponding argument refers to an unencoded character or string.
+ The default encoding is specified by the :directive:`%DefaultEncoding`
+ directive. If the directive is not specified then ``None`` is used.
+ Python v3 will use the ``bytes`` type to represent the argument if the
+ encoding is ``"None"`` and the ``str`` type otherwise.
+ Python v2 will use the ``str`` type to represent the argument if the
+ encoding is ``"None"`` and the ``unicode`` type otherwise.
+.. argument-annotation:: GetWrapper
+ This boolean annotation is only ever used in conjunction with handwritten
+ code specified with the :directive:`%MethodCode` directive. It causes an
+ extra variable to be generated for the corresponding argument which is a
+ pointer to the Python object that wraps the argument.
+ See the :directive:`%MethodCode` directive for more detail.
+.. argument-annotation:: In
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the corresponding argument
+ (which should be a pointer type) is used to pass a value to the function.
+ For pointers to wrapped C structures or C++ class instances, ``char *`` and
+ ``unsigned char *`` then this annotation is assumed unless the :aanno:`Out`
+ annotation is specified.
+ For pointers to other types then this annotation must be explicitly
+ specified if required. The argument will be dereferenced to obtain the
+ actual value.
+ Both :aanno:`In` and :aanno:`Out` may be specified for the same argument.
+.. argument-annotation:: KeepReference
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that a reference to the
+ corresponding argument should be kept to ensure that the object is not
+ garbage collected. If the method is called again with a new argument then
+ the reference to the previous argument is discarded. Note that ownership
+ of the argument is not changed.
+.. argument-annotation:: NoCopy
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10.1
+ This boolean annotation is used with arguments of virtual methods that are
+ a ``const`` reference to a class. Normally, if the class defines a copy
+ constructor then a copy of the returned reference is automatically created
+ and wrapped before being passed to a Python reimplementation of the method.
+ The copy will be owned by Python. This means that the reimplementation may
+ take a reference to the argument without having to make an explicit copy.
+ If the annotation is specified then the copy is not made and the original
+ reference is wrapped instead and will be owned by C++.
+.. argument-annotation:: Out
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the corresponding argument
+ (which should be a pointer type) is used by the function to return a value
+ as an element of a tuple.
+ For pointers to wrapped C structures or C++ class instances, ``char *`` and
+ ``unsigned char *`` then this annotation must be explicitly specified if
+ required.
+ For pointers to other types then this annotation is assumed unless the
+ :aanno:`In` annotation is specified.
+ Both :aanno:`In` and :aanno:`Out` may be specified for the same argument.
+.. argument-annotation:: ResultSize
+ This boolean annotation is used with functions or methods that return a
+ ``void *`` or ``const void *``. It identifies an argument that defines the
+ size of the block of memory whose address is being returned. This allows
+ the ``sip.voidptr`` object that wraps the address to support the Python
+ buffer protocol and allows the memory to be read and updated when wrapped
+ by the Python ``buffer()`` builtin.
+.. argument-annotation:: SingleShot
+ This boolean annotation is used only with arguments of type
+ :stype:`SIP_RXOBJ_CON` to specify that the signal connected to the slot
+ will only ever be emitted once. This prevents a certain class of memory
+ leaks.
+.. argument-annotation:: Transfer
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that ownership of the
+ corresponding argument (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class
+ instance) is transferred from Python to C++. In addition, if the argument
+ is of a class method, then it is associated with the class instance with
+ regard to the cyclic garbage collector.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. argument-annotation:: TransferBack
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that ownership of the
+ corresponding argument (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class
+ instance) is transferred back to Python from C++. In addition, any
+ association of the argument with regard to the cyclic garbage collector
+ with another instance is removed.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. argument-annotation:: TransferThis
+ This boolean annotation is only used in C++ constructors or methods. In
+ the context of a constructor or factory method it specifies that ownership
+ of the instance being created is transferred from Python to C++ if the
+ corresponding argument (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class
+ instance) is not ``None``. In addition, the newly created instance is
+ associated with the argument with regard to the cyclic garbage collector.
+ In the context of a non-factory method it specifies that ownership of
+ ``this`` is transferred from Python to C++ if the corresponding argument is
+ not ``None``. If it is ``None`` then ownership is transferred to Python.
+ The annotation may be used more that once, in which case ownership is
+ transferred to last instance that is not ``None``.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. _ref-class-annos:
+Class Annotations
+.. class-annotation:: Abstract
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the class has additional
+ pure virtual methods that have not been specified and so it cannot be
+ instantiated or sub-classed from Python.
+.. class-annotation:: AllowNone
+ .. versionadded:: 4.8.2
+ Normally when a Python object is converted to a C/C++ instance ``None``
+ is handled automatically before the class's
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` is called. This boolean annotation
+ specifies that the handling of ``None`` will be left to the
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`. The annotation is ignored if the class
+ does not have any :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`.
+.. class-annotation:: API
+ .. versionadded:: 4.9
+ This API range annotation is used to specify an API and corresponding
+ range of version numbers that the class is enabled for.
+ If a class or mapped type has different implementations enabled for
+ different ranges of version numbers then those ranges must not overlap.
+ See :ref:`ref-incompat-apis` for more detail.
+.. class-annotation:: DelayDtor
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the class's destructor
+ should not be called until the Python interpreter exits. It would normally
+ only be applied to singleton classes.
+ When the Python interpreter exits the order in which any wrapped instances
+ are garbage collected is unpredictable. However, the underlying C or C++
+ instances may need to be destroyed in a certain order. If this annotation
+ is specified then when the wrapped instance is garbage collected the C or
+ C++ instance is not destroyed but instead added to a list of delayed
+ instances. When the interpreter exits then the function
+ :cfunc:`sipDelayedDtors()` is called with the list of delayed instances.
+ :cfunc:`sipDelayedDtors()` can then choose to call (or ignore) the
+ destructors in any desired order.
+ The :cfunc:`sipDelayedDtors()` function must be specified using the
+ :directive:`%ModuleCode` directive.
+.. cfunction:: void sipDelayedDtors(const sipDelayedDtor *dd_list)
+ :param dd_list:
+ the linked list of delayed instances.
+.. ctype:: sipDelayedDtor
+ This structure describes a particular delayed destructor.
+ .. cmember:: const char *dd_name
+ This is the name of the class excluding any package or module name.
+ .. cmember:: void *dd_ptr
+ This is the address of the C or C++ instance to be destroyed. It's
+ exact type depends on the value of :cmember:`dd_isderived`.
+ .. cmember:: int dd_isderived
+ This is non-zero if the type of :cmember:`dd_ptr` is actually the
+ generated derived class. This allows the correct destructor to be
+ called. See :ref:`ref-derived-classes`.
+ .. cmember:: sipDelayedDtor *dd_next
+ This is the address of the next entry in the list or zero if this is
+ the last one.
+ Note that the above applies only to C and C++ instances that are owned by
+ Python.
+.. class-annotation:: Deprecated
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the class is deprecated.
+ It is the equivalent of annotating all the class's constructors, function
+ and methods as being deprecated.
+.. class-annotation:: External
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the class is defined in
+ another module. Declarations of external classes are private to the module
+ in which they appear.
+.. class-annotation:: Metatype
+ This dotted name annotation specifies the name of the Python type object
+ (i.e. the value of the ``tp_name`` field) used as the meta-type used when
+ creating the type object for this C structure or C++ type.
+ See the section :ref:`ref-types-metatypes` for more details.
+.. class-annotation:: NoDefaultCtors
+ This boolean annotation is used to suppress the automatic generation of
+ default constructors for the class.
+.. class-annotation:: PyName
+ This name annotation specifies an alternative name for the class being
+ wrapped which is used when it is referred to from Python. It is required
+ when a class name is the same as a Python keyword. It may also be used to
+ avoid name clashes with other objects (e.g. enums, exceptions, functions)
+ that have the same name in the same C++ scope.
+.. class-annotation:: Supertype
+ This dotted name annotation specifies the name of the Python type object
+ (i.e. the value of the ``tp_name`` field) used as the super-type used when
+ creating the type object for this C structure or C++ type.
+ See the section :ref:`ref-types-metatypes` for more details.
+.. _ref-mapped-type-annos:
+Mapped Type Annotations
+.. mapped-type-annotation:: AllowNone
+ Normally when a Python object is converted to a C/C++ instance ``None``
+ is handled automatically before the mapped type's
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` is called. This boolean annotation
+ specifies that the handling of ``None`` will be left to the
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`.
+.. mapped-type-annotation:: API
+ .. versionadded:: 4.9
+ This API range annotation is used to specify an API and corresponding
+ range of version numbers that the mapped type is enabled for.
+ If a class or mapped type has different implementations enabled for
+ different ranges of version numbers then those ranges must not overlap.
+ See :ref:`ref-incompat-apis` for more detail.
+.. mapped-type-annotation:: DocType
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This string annotation specifies the name of the type as it will appear in
+ any generated docstrings.
+.. mapped-type-annotation:: NoRelease
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the mapped type does not
+ support the :cfunc:`sipReleaseType()` function. Any
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` should not create temporary instances of
+ the mapped type, i.e. it should not return :cmacro:`SIP_TEMPORARY`.
+.. _ref-enum-annos:
+Enum Annotations
+.. enum-annotation:: PyName
+ This name annotation specifies an alternative name for the enum or enum
+ member being wrapped which is used when it is referred to from Python. It
+ is required when an enum or enum member name is the same as a Python
+ keyword. It may also be used to avoid name clashes with other objects
+ (e.g. classes, exceptions, functions) that have the same name in the same
+ C++ scope.
+.. _ref-exception-annos:
+Exception Annotations
+.. exception-annotation:: Default
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the exception being defined will be
+ used as the default exception to be caught if a function or constructor
+ does not have a ``throw`` clause.
+.. exception-annotation:: PyName
+ This name annotation specifies an alternative name for the exception being
+ defined which is used when it is referred to from Python. It is required
+ when an exception name is the same as a Python keyword. It may also be
+ used to avoid name clashes with other objects (e.g. classes, enums,
+ functions) that have the same name.
+.. _ref-function-annos:
+Function Annotations
+.. function-annotation:: API
+ .. versionadded:: 4.9
+ This API range annotation is used to specify an API and corresponding
+ range of version numbers that the function is enabled for.
+ See :ref:`ref-incompat-apis` for more detail.
+.. function-annotation:: AutoGen
+ This optional name annotation is used with class methods to specify that
+ the method be automatically included in all sub-classes. The value is the
+ name of a feature (specified using the :directive:`%Feature` directive)
+ which must be enabled for the method to be generated.
+.. function-annotation:: Default
+ This boolean annotation is only used with C++ constructors. Sometimes SIP
+ needs to create a class instance. By default it uses a constructor with no
+ compulsory arguments if one is specified. (SIP will automatically generate
+ a constructor with no arguments if no constructors are specified.) This
+ annotation is used to explicitly specify which constructor to use. Zero is
+ passed as the value of any arguments to the constructor.
+.. function-annotation:: Deprecated
+ This boolean annotation is used to specify that the constructor or function
+ is deprecated. A deprecation warning is issued whenever the constructor or
+ function is called.
+.. function-annotation:: DocType
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This string annotation specifies the name of the type of the returned value
+ as it will appear in any generated docstrings. It is usually used with
+ values of type :stype:`SIP_PYOBJECT` to provide a more specific type.
+.. function-annotation:: Factory
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the value returned by the function
+ (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class instance) is a newly
+ created instance and is owned by Python.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. function-annotation:: HoldGIL
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the Python Global Interpreter Lock
+ (GIL) is not released before the call to the underlying C or C++ function.
+ See :ref:`ref-gil` and the :fanno:`ReleaseGIL` annotation.
+.. function-annotation:: KeywordArgs
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the argument parser generated for
+ this function will support passing the parameters using Python's keyword
+ argument syntax. Keyword arguments cannot be used for functions that have
+ unnamed arguments or use an ellipsis to designate that the function has a
+ variable number of arguments.
+.. function-annotation:: __len__
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10.3
+ This boolean annotation specifies that a ``__len__()`` method should be
+ automatically generated that will use the method being annotated to compute
+ the value that the ``__len__()`` method will return.
+.. function-annotation:: NewThread
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the function will create a new
+ thread.
+.. function-annotation:: NoArgParser
+ This boolean annotation is used with methods and global functions to
+ specify that the supplied :directive:`%MethodCode` will handle the parsing
+ of the arguments.
+.. function-annotation:: NoCopy
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10.1
+ This boolean annotation is used with methods and global functions that
+ return a ``const`` reference to a class. Normally, if the class defines a
+ copy constructor then a copy of the returned reference is automatically
+ created and wrapped. The copy will be owned by Python.
+ If the annotation is specified then the copy is not made and the original
+ reference is wrapped instead and will be owned by C++.
+.. function-annotation:: NoDerived
+ This boolean annotation is only used with C++ constructors. In many cases
+ SIP generates a derived class for each class being wrapped (see
+ :ref:`ref-derived-classes`). This derived class contains constructors with
+ the same C++ signatures as the class being wrapped. Sometimes you may want
+ to define a Python constructor that has no corresponding C++ constructor.
+ This annotation is used to suppress the generation of the constructor in
+ the derived class.
+.. function-annotation:: NoKeywordArgs
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the argument parser generated for
+ this function will not support passing the parameters using Python's
+ keyword argument syntax. In other words, the argument parser will only
+ support only normal positional arguments. This annotation is useful when
+ the default setting of allowing keyword arguments has been changed via the
+ command line, but you would still like certain functions to only support
+ positional arguments.
+.. function-annotation:: Numeric
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the operator should be interpreted
+ as a numeric operator rather than a sequence operator. Python uses the
+ ``+`` operator for adding numbers and concatanating sequences, and the
+ ``*`` operator for multiplying numbers and repeating sequences. SIP tries
+ to work out which is meant by looking at other operators that have been
+ defined for the type. If it finds either ``-``, ``-=``, ``/``, ``/=``,
+ ``%`` or ``%=`` defined then it assumes that ``+``, ``+=``, ``*`` and
+ ``*=`` should be numeric operators. Otherwise, if it finds either ``[]``,
+ :meth:`__getitem__`, :meth:`__setitem__` or :meth:`__delitem__` defined
+ then it assumes that they should be sequence operators. This annotation is
+ used to force SIP to treat the operator as numeric.
+.. function-annotation:: PostHook
+ This name annotation is used to specify the name of a Python builtin that
+ is called immediately after the call to the underlying C or C++ function or
+ any handwritten code. The builtin is not called if an error occurred. It
+ is primarily used to integrate with debuggers.
+.. function-annotation:: PreHook
+ This name annotation is used to specify the name of a Python builtin that
+ is called immediately after the function's arguments have been successfully
+ parsed and before the call to the underlying C or C++ function or any
+ handwritten code. It is primarily used to integrate with debuggers.
+.. function-annotation:: PyName
+ This name annotation specifies an alternative name for the function being
+ wrapped which is used when it is referred to from Python. It is required
+ when a function or method name is the same as a Python keyword. It may
+ also be used to avoid name clashes with other objects (e.g. classes, enums,
+ exceptions) that have the same name in the same C++ scope.
+.. function-annotation:: ReleaseGIL
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the Python Global Interpreter Lock
+ (GIL) is released before the call to the underlying C or C++ function and
+ reacquired afterwards. It should be used for functions that might block or
+ take a significant amount of time to execute. See :ref:`ref-gil` and the
+ :fanno:`HoldGIL` annotation.
+.. function-annotation:: Transfer
+ This boolean annotation specifies that ownership of the value returned by
+ the function (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class instance)
+ is transferred to C++. It is only used in the context of a class
+ constructor or a method.
+ In the case of methods returned values (unless they are new references to
+ already wrapped values) are normally owned by C++ anyway. However, in
+ addition, an association between the returned value and the instance
+ containing the method is created with regard to the cyclic garbage
+ collector.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. function-annotation:: TransferBack
+ This boolean annotation specifies that ownership of the value returned by
+ the function (which should be a wrapped C structure or C++ class instance)
+ is transferred back to Python from C++. Normally returned values (unless
+ they are new references to already wrapped values) are owned by C++. In
+ addition, any association of the returned value with regard to the cyclic
+ garbage collector with another instance is removed.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. function-annotation:: TransferThis
+ This boolean annotation specifies that ownership of ``this`` is transferred
+ from Python to C++.
+ See :ref:`ref-object-ownership` for more detail.
+.. _ref-license-annos:
+License Annotations
+.. license-annotation:: Licensee
+ This optional string annotation specifies the license's licensee. No
+ restrictions are placed on the contents of the string.
+ See the :directive:`%License` directive.
+.. license-annotation:: Signature
+ This optional string annotation specifies the license's signature. No
+ restrictions are placed on the contents of the string.
+ See the :directive:`%License` directive.
+.. license-annotation:: Timestamp
+ This optional string annotation specifies the license's timestamp. No
+ restrictions are placed on the contents of the string.
+ See the :directive:`%License` directive.
+.. license-annotation:: Type
+ This string annotation specifies the license's type. No restrictions are
+ placed on the contents of the string.
+ See the :directive:`%License` directive.
+.. _ref-typedef-annos:
+Typedef Annotations
+.. typedef-annotation:: NoTypeName
+ This boolean annotation specifies that the definition of the type rather
+ than the name of the type being defined should be used in the generated
+ code.
+ Normally a typedef would be defined as follows::
+ typedef bool MyBool;
+ This would result in ``MyBool`` being used in the generated code.
+ Specifying the annotation means that ``bool`` will be used in the generated
+ code instead.
+.. _ref-variable-annos:
+Variable Annotations
+.. variable-annotation:: DocType
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This string annotation specifies the name of the type of the variable as it
+ will appear in any generated docstrings. It is usually used with variables
+ of type :stype:`SIP_PYOBJECT` to provide a more specific type.
+.. variable-annotation:: PyName
+ This name annotation specifies an alternative name for the variable being
+ wrapped which is used when it is referred to from Python. It is required
+ when a variable name is the same as a Python keyword. It may also be used
+ to avoid name clashes with other objects (e.g. classes, functions) that
+ have the same name in the same C++ scope.