path: root/doc/html/_sources/specification_files.txt
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+++ b/doc/html/_sources/specification_files.txt
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+SIP Specification Files
+A SIP specification consists of some C/C++ type and function declarations and
+some directives. The declarations may contain annotations which provide SIP
+with additional information that cannot be expressed in C/C++. SIP does not
+include a full C/C++ parser.
+It is important to understand that a SIP specification describes the Python
+API, i.e. the API available to the Python programmer when they ``import`` the
+generated module. It does not have to accurately represent the underlying
+C/C++ library. There is nothing wrong with omitting functions that make
+little sense in a Python context, or adding functions implemented with
+handwritten code that have no C/C++ equivalent. It is even possible (and
+sometimes necessary) to specify a different super-class hierarchy for a C++
+class. All that matters is that the generated code compiles properly.
+In most cases the Python API matches the C/C++ API. In some cases handwritten
+code (see :directive:`%MethodCode`) is used to map from one to the other
+without SIP having to know the details itself. However, there are a few cases
+where SIP generates a thin wrapper around a C++ method or constructor (see
+:ref:`ref-derived-classes`) and needs to know the exact C++ signature. To deal
+with these cases SIP allows two signatures to be specified. For example::
+ class Klass
+ {
+ public:
+ // The Python signature is a tuple, but the underlying C++ signature
+ // is a 2 element array.
+ Klass(SIP_PYTUPLE) [(int *)];
+ %MethodCode
+ int iarr[2];
+ if (PyArg_ParseTuple(a0, "ii", &iarr[0], &iarr[1]))
+ {
+ // Note that we use the SIP generated derived class
+ // constructor.
+ sipCpp = new sipKlass(iarr);
+ }
+ %End
+ };
+Syntax Definition
+The following is a semi-formal description of the syntax of a specification
+.. parsed-literal::
+ *specification* ::= {*module-statement*}
+ *module-statement* ::= [*module-directive* | *statement*]
+ *module-directive* ::= [
+ :directive:`%API` |
+ :directive:`%CModule` |
+ :directive:`%CompositeModule` |
+ :directive:`%ConsolidatedModule` |
+ :directive:`%Copying` |
+ :directive:`%DefaultEncoding` |
+ :directive:`%DefaultMetatype` |
+ :directive:`%DefaultSupertype` |
+ :directive:`%Doc` |
+ :directive:`%ExportedDoc` |
+ :directive:`%ExportedHeaderCode` |
+ :directive:`%Feature` |
+ :directive:`%Import` |
+ :directive:`%Include` |
+ :directive:`%InitialisationCode` |
+ :directive:`%License` |
+ :directive:`%MappedType` |
+ :directive:`%Module` |
+ :directive:`%ModuleCode` |
+ :directive:`%ModuleHeaderCode` |
+ :directive:`%OptionalInclude` |
+ :directive:`%Platforms` |
+ :directive:`%PreInitialisationCode` |
+ :directive:`%PostInitialisationCode` |
+ :directive:`%Timeline` |
+ :directive:`%UnitCode` |
+ *mapped-type-template*]
+ *statement* :: [*class-statement* | *function* | *variable*]
+ *class-statement* :: [
+ :directive:`%If` |
+ *class* |
+ *class-template* |
+ *enum* |
+ *namespace* |
+ *opaque-class* |
+ *operator* |
+ *struct* |
+ *typedef* |
+ *exception*]
+ *class* ::= **class** *name* [**:** *super-classes*] [*class-annotations*]
+ **{** {*class-line*} **};**
+ *super-classes* ::= *name* [**,** *super-classes*]
+ *class-line* ::= [
+ *class-statement* |
+ :directive:`%BIGetBufferCode` |
+ :directive:`%BIGetReadBufferCode` |
+ :directive:`%BIGetWriteBufferCode` |
+ :directive:`%BIGetSegCountCode` |
+ :directive:`%BIGetCharBufferCode` |
+ :directive:`%BIReleaseBufferCode` |
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` |
+ :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` |
+ :directive:`%Docstring` |
+ :directive:`%GCClearCode` |
+ :directive:`%GCTraverseCode` |
+ :directive:`%PickleCode` |
+ :directive:`%TypeCode` |
+ :directive:`%TypeHeaderCode` |
+ *constructor* |
+ *destructor* |
+ *method* |
+ *static-method* |
+ *virtual-method* |
+ *special-method* |
+ *operator* |
+ *virtual-operator* |
+ *class-variable* |
+ **public:** |
+ **public Q_SLOTS:** |
+ **public slots:** |
+ **protected:** |
+ **protected Q_SLOTS:** |
+ **protected slots:** |
+ **private:** |
+ **private Q_SLOTS:** |
+ **private slots:** |
+ **Q_SIGNALS:** |
+ **signals:**]
+ *constructor* ::= [**explicit**] *name* **(** [*argument-list*] **)**
+ [*exceptions*] [*function-annotations*]
+ [*c++-constructor-signature*] **;** [:directive:`%Docstring`]
+ [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ *c++-constructor-signature* ::= **[(** [*argument-list*] **)]**
+ *destructor* ::= [**virtual**] **~** *name* **()** [*exceptions*] [**= 0**]
+ [*function-annotations*] **;** [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ [:directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode`]
+ *method* ::= [**Q_SIGNAL**] [**Q_SLOT**] *type* *name* **(**
+ [*argument-list*] **)** [**const**] [*exceptions*] [**= 0**]
+ [*function-annotations*] [*c++-signature*] **;**
+ [:directive:`%Docstring`] [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ *c++-signature* ::= **[** *type* **(** [*argument-list*] **)]**
+ *static-method* ::= **static** *function*
+ *virtual-method* ::= [**Q_SIGNAL**] [**Q_SLOT**] **virtual** *type* *name*
+ **(** [*argument-list*] **)** [**const**] [*exceptions*] [**= 0**]
+ [*function-annotations*] [*c++-signature*] **;**
+ [:directive:`%MethodCode`] [:directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode`]
+ *special-method* ::= *type* *special-method-name*
+ **(** [*argument-list*] **)** [*function-annotations*] **;**
+ [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ *special-method-name* ::= [**__abs__** | **__add__** | **__and__** |
+ **__bool__** | **__call__** | **__cmp__** | **__contains__** |
+ **__delitem__** | **__div__** | **__eq__** | **__float__** |
+ **__floordiv__** | **__ge__** | **__getitem__** | **__gt__** |
+ **__hash__** | **__iadd__** | **__iand__** | **__idiv__** |
+ **__ifloordiv__** | **__ilshift__** | **__imod__** | **__imul__** |
+ **__index__** | **__int__** | **__invert__** | **__ior__** |
+ **__irshift__** | **__isub__** | **__iter__** | **__itruediv__** |
+ **__ixor__** | **__le__** | **__len__** | **__long__** |
+ **__lshift__** | **__lt__** | **__mod__** | **__mul__** |
+ **__ne__** | **__neg__** | **__next__** | **__nonzero__** |
+ **__or__** | **__pos__** | **__repr__** | **__rshift__** |
+ **__setitem__** | **__str__** | **__sub__** | **__truediv__** |
+ **__xor__**]
+ *operator* ::= *operator-type*
+ **(** [*argument-list*] **)** [**const**] [*exceptions*]
+ [*function-annotations*] **;** [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ *virtual-operator* ::= **virtual** *operator-type*
+ **(** [*argument-list*] **)** [**const**] [*exceptions*] [**= 0**]
+ [*function-annotations*] **;** [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ [:directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode`]
+ *operatator-type* ::= [ *operator-function* | *operator-cast* ]
+ *operator-function* ::= *type* **operator** *operator-name*
+ *operator-cast* ::= **operator** *type*
+ *operator-name* ::= [**+** | **-** | ***** | **/** | **%** | **&** |
+ **|** | **^** | **<<** | **>>** | **+=** | **-=** | ***=** |
+ **/=** | **%=** | **&=** | **|=** | **^=** | **<<=** | **>>=** |
+ **~** | **()** | **[]** | **<** | **<=** | **==** | **!=** |
+ **>** | **>>=** | **=**]
+ *class-variable* ::= [**static**] *variable*
+ *class-template* :: = **template** **<** *type-list* **>** *class*
+ *mapped-type-template* :: = **template** **<** *type-list* **>**
+ :directive:`%MappedType`
+ *enum* ::= **enum** [*name*] [*enum-annotations*] **{** {*enum-line*} **};**
+ *enum-line* ::= [:directive:`%If` | *name* [*enum-annotations*] **,**
+ *function* ::= *type* *name* **(** [*argument-list*] **)** [*exceptions*]
+ [*function-annotations*] **;** [:directive:`%Docstring`]
+ [:directive:`%MethodCode`]
+ *namespace* ::= **namespace** *name* **{** {*namespace-line*} **};**
+ *namespace-line* ::= [:directive:`%TypeHeaderCode` | *statement*]
+ *opaque-class* ::= **class** *scoped-name* **;**
+ *struct* ::= **struct** *name* **{** {*class-line*} **};**
+ *typedef* ::= **typedef** [*typed-name* | *function-pointer*]
+ *typedef-annotations* **;**
+ *variable*::= *typed-name* [*variable-annotations*] **;**
+ [:directive:`%AccessCode`] [:directive:`%GetCode`]
+ [:directive:`%SetCode`]
+ *exception* ::= :directive:`%Exception` *exception-name* [*exception-base*]
+ **{** [:directive:`%TypeHeaderCode`] :directive:`%RaiseCode` **};**
+ *exception-name* ::= *scoped-name*
+ *exception-base* ::= **(** [*exception-name* | *python-exception*] **)**
+ *python-exception* ::= [**SIP_Exception** | **SIP_StopIteration** |
+ **SIP_StandardError** | **SIP_ArithmeticError** |
+ **SIP_LookupError** | **SIP_AssertionError** |
+ **SIP_AttributeError** | **SIP_EOFError** |
+ **SIP_FloatingPointError** | **SIP_EnvironmentError** |
+ **SIP_IOError** | **SIP_OSError** | **SIP_ImportError** |
+ **SIP_IndexError** | **SIP_KeyError** | **SIP_KeyboardInterrupt** |
+ **SIP_MemoryError** | **SIP_NameError** | **SIP_OverflowError** |
+ **SIP_RuntimeError** | **SIP_NotImplementedError** |
+ **SIP_SyntaxError** | **SIP_IndentationError** | **SIP_TabError** |
+ **SIP_ReferenceError** | **SIP_SystemError** | **SIP_SystemExit** |
+ **SIP_TypeError** | **SIP_UnboundLocalError** |
+ **SIP_UnicodeError** | **SIP_UnicodeEncodeError** |
+ **SIP_UnicodeDecodeError** | **SIP_UnicodeTranslateError** |
+ **SIP_ValueError** | **SIP_ZeroDivisionError** |
+ **SIP_WindowsError** | **SIP_VMSError**]
+ *exceptions* ::= **throw (** [*exception-list*] **)**
+ *exception-list* ::= *scoped-name* [**,** *exception-list*]
+ *argument-list* ::= *argument* [**,** *argument-list*] [**,** **...**]
+ *argument* ::= [
+ *type* [*name*] [*argument-annotations*] [*default-value*] |
+ :stype:`SIP_ANYSLOT` [*default-value*] |
+ :stype:`SIP_QOBJECT` |
+ :stype:`SIP_RXOBJ_CON` |
+ :stype:`SIP_RXOBJ_DIS` |
+ :stype:`SIP_SIGNAL` [*default-value*] |
+ :stype:`SIP_SLOT` [*default-value*] |
+ :stype:`SIP_SLOT_CON` |
+ :stype:`SIP_SLOT_DIS`]
+ *default-value* ::= **=** *expression*
+ *expression* ::= [*value* | *value* *binary-operator* *expression*]
+ *value* ::= [*unary-operator*] *simple-value*
+ *simple-value* ::= [*scoped-name* | *function-call* | *real-value* |
+ *integer-value* | *boolean-value* | *string-value* |
+ *character-value*]
+ *typed-name*::= *type* *name*
+ *function-pointer*::= *type* **(*** *name* **)(** [*type-list*] **)**
+ *type-list* ::= *type* [**,** *type-list*]
+ *function-call* ::= *scoped-name* **(** [*value-list*] **)**
+ *value-list* ::= *value* [**,** *value-list*]
+ *real-value* ::= a floating point number
+ *integer-value* ::= a number
+ *boolean-value* ::= [**true** | **false**]
+ *string-value* ::= **"** {*character*} **"**
+ *character-value* ::= **'** *character* **'**
+ *unary-operator* ::= [**!** | **~** | **-** | **+**]
+ *binary-operator* ::= [**-** | **+** | ***** | **/** | **&** | **|**]
+ *argument-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-arg-annos`
+ *class-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-class-annos`
+ *enum-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-enum-annos`
+ *function-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-function-annos`
+ *typedef-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-typedef-annos`
+ *variable-annotations* ::= see :ref:`ref-variable-annos`
+ *type* ::= [**const**] *base-type* {*****} [**&**]
+ *type-list* ::= *type* [**,** *type-list*]
+ *base-type* ::= [*scoped-name* | *template* | **struct** *scoped-name* |
+ **char** | **signed char** | **unsigned char** | **wchar_t** |
+ **int** | **unsigned** | **unsigned int** |
+ **short** | **unsigned short** |
+ **long** | **unsigned long** |
+ **long long** | **unsigned long long** |
+ **float** | **double** |
+ **bool** |
+ **void** |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYCALLABLE` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYDICT` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYLIST` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYOBJECT` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYSLICE` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYTUPLE` |
+ :stype:`SIP_PYTYPE`]
+ *scoped-name* ::= *name* [**::** *scoped-name*]
+ *template* ::= *scoped-name* **<** *type-list* **>**
+ *dotted-name* ::= *name* [**.** *dotted-name*]
+ *name* ::= _A-Za-z {_A-Za-z0-9}
+Here is a short list of differences between C++ and the subset supported by
+SIP that might trip you up.
+ - SIP does not support the use of ``[]`` in types. Use pointers instead.
+ - A global ``operator`` can only be defined if its first argument is a
+ class or a named enum that has been wrapped in the same module.
+ - Variables declared outside of a class are effectively read-only.
+ - A class's list of super-classes doesn't not include any access specifier
+ (e.g. ``public``).
+Variable Numbers of Arguments
+SIP supports the use of ``...`` as the last part of a function signature. Any
+remaining arguments are collected as a Python tuple.
+Additional SIP Types
+SIP supports a number of additional data types that can be used in Python
+.. sip-type:: SIP_ANYSLOT
+This is both a ``const char *`` and a ``PyObject *`` that is used as the type
+of the member instead of ``const char *`` in functions that implement the
+connection or disconnection of an explicitly generated signal to a slot.
+Handwritten code must be provided to interpret the conversion correctly.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYCALLABLE
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python callable object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYDICT
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python dictionary object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYLIST
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python list object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYOBJECT
+This is a ``PyObject *`` of any Python type.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYSLICE
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python slice object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYTUPLE
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python tuple object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_PYTYPE
+This is a ``PyObject *`` that is a Python type object.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_QOBJECT
+This is a ``QObject *`` that is a C++ instance of a class derived from Qt's
+``QObject`` class.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_RXOBJ_CON
+This is a ``QObject *`` that is a C++ instance of a class derived from Qt's
+``QObject`` class. It is used as the type of the receiver instead of ``const
+QObject *`` in functions that implement a connection to a slot.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_RXOBJ_DIS
+This is a ``QObject *`` that is a C++ instance of a class derived from Qt's
+``QObject`` class. It is used as the type of the receiver instead of ``const
+QObject *`` in functions that implement a disconnection from a slot.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_SIGNAL
+This is a ``const char *`` that is used as the type of the signal instead of
+``const char *`` in functions that implement the connection or disconnection
+of an explicitly generated signal to a slot.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_SLOT
+This is a ``const char *`` that is used as the type of the member instead of
+``const char *`` in functions that implement the connection or disconnection
+of an explicitly generated signal to a slot.
+.. sip-type:: SIP_SLOT_CON
+This is a ``const char *`` that is used as the type of the member instead of
+``const char *`` in functions that implement the connection of an internally
+generated signal to a slot. The type includes a comma separated list of types
+that is the C++ signature of of the signal.
+To take an example, ``QAccel::connectItem()`` connects an internally generated
+signal to a slot. The signal is emitted when the keyboard accelerator is
+activated and it has a single integer argument that is the ID of the
+accelerator. The C++ signature is::
+ bool connectItem(int id, const QObject *receiver, const char *member);
+The corresponding SIP specification is::
+ bool connectItem(int, SIP_RXOBJ_CON, SIP_SLOT_CON(int));
+.. sip-type:: SIP_SLOT_DIS
+This is a ``const char *`` that is used as the type of the member instead of
+``const char *`` in functions that implement the disconnection of an
+internally generated signal to a slot. The type includes a comma separated
+list of types that is the C++ signature of of the signal.
+Classic Division and True Division
+SIP supports the ``__div__`` and ``__truediv__`` special methods (and the
+corresponding inplace versions) for both Python v2 and v3.
+For Python v2 the ``__div__`` method will be used for both classic and true
+division if a ``__truediv__`` method is not defined.
+For Python v3 the ``__div__`` method will be used for true division if a
+``__truediv__`` method is not defined.
+For all versions of Python, if both methods are defined then ``__div__``
+should be defined first.