path: root/qtjava/javalib/org/trinitydesktop/qt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qtjava/javalib/org/trinitydesktop/qt/')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qtjava/javalib/org/trinitydesktop/qt/ b/qtjava/javalib/org/trinitydesktop/qt/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee1a1a79
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+++ b/qtjava/javalib/org/trinitydesktop/qt/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.trinitydesktop.qt;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
+ See {@link TQListBoxSignals} for signals emitted by TQListBox
+public class TQListBox extends TQScrollView {
+ protected TQListBox(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
+ public static final int Single = 0;
+ public static final int Multi = 1;
+ public static final int Extended = 2;
+ public static final int NoSelection = 3;
+ public static final int FixedNumber = 0;
+ public static final int FitToWidth = 1;
+ public static final int FitToHeight = FitToWidth;
+ public static final int Variable = 2;
+ public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
+ public native String className();
+ public TQListBox(TQWidget parent, String name, int f) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTQListBox(parent,name,f);
+ }
+ private native void newTQListBox(TQWidget parent, String name, int f);
+ public TQListBox(TQWidget parent, String name) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTQListBox(parent,name);
+ }
+ private native void newTQListBox(TQWidget parent, String name);
+ public TQListBox(TQWidget parent) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTQListBox(parent);
+ }
+ private native void newTQListBox(TQWidget parent);
+ public TQListBox() {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTQListBox();
+ }
+ private native void newTQListBox();
+ public native void setFont(TQFont arg1);
+ public native int count();
+ public native void insertStringList(String[] arg1, int index);
+ public native void insertStringList(String[] arg1);
+ public native void insertStrList(String[] arg1, int index);
+ public native void insertStrList(String[] arg1);
+ public native void insertStrList(String[] arg1, int numStrings, int index);
+ public native void insertItem(TQListBoxItem arg1, int index);
+ public native void insertItem(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native void insertItem(TQListBoxItem arg1, TQListBoxItem after);
+ public native void insertItem(String text, int index);
+ public native void insertItem(String text);
+ public native void insertItem(TQPixmap pixmap, int index);
+ public native void insertItem(TQPixmap pixmap);
+ public native void insertItem(TQPixmap pixmap, String text, int index);
+ public native void insertItem(TQPixmap pixmap, String text);
+ public native void removeItem(int index);
+ public native String text(int index);
+ public native TQPixmap pixmap(int index);
+ public native void changeItem(TQListBoxItem arg1, int index);
+ public native void changeItem(String text, int index);
+ public native void changeItem(TQPixmap pixmap, int index);
+ public native void changeItem(TQPixmap pixmap, String text, int index);
+ public native void takeItem(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native int numItemsVisible();
+ public native int currentItem();
+ public native String currentText();
+ public native void setCurrentItem(int index);
+ public native void setCurrentItem(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native void centerCurrentItem();
+ public native int topItem();
+ public native void setTopItem(int index);
+ public native void setBottomItem(int index);
+ public native long maxItemWidth();
+ public native void setSelectionMode(int arg1);
+ public native int selectionMode();
+ public native void setMultiSelection(boolean multi);
+ public native boolean isMultiSelection();
+ public native void setSelected(TQListBoxItem arg1, boolean arg2);
+ public native void setSelected(int arg1, boolean arg2);
+ public native boolean isSelected(int arg1);
+ public native boolean isSelected(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native TQListBoxItem selectedItem();
+ public native TQSize sizeHint();
+ public native TQSize minimumSizeHint();
+ public native TQListBoxItem item(int index);
+ public native int index(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native TQListBoxItem findItem(String text, int compare);
+ public native TQListBoxItem findItem(String text);
+ public native void triggerUpdate(boolean doLayout);
+ public native boolean itemVisible(int index);
+ public native boolean itemVisible(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native void setColumnMode(int arg1);
+ public native void setRowMode(int arg1);
+ public native int columnMode();
+ public native int rowMode();
+ public native int numColumns();
+ public native int numRows();
+ public native boolean variableWidth();
+ public native void setVariableWidth(boolean arg1);
+ public native boolean variableHeight();
+ public native void setVariableHeight(boolean arg1);
+ public native void viewportPaintEvent(TQPaintEvent arg1);
+ public native boolean dragSelect();
+ public native void setDragSelect(boolean arg1);
+ public native boolean autoScroll();
+ public native void setAutoScroll(boolean arg1);
+ public native boolean autoScrollBar();
+ public native void setAutoScrollBar(boolean enable);
+ public native boolean scrollBar();
+ public native void setScrollBar(boolean enable);
+ public native boolean autoBottomScrollBar();
+ public native void setAutoBottomScrollBar(boolean enable);
+ public native boolean bottomScrollBar();
+ public native void setBottomScrollBar(boolean enable);
+ public native boolean smoothScrolling();
+ public native void setSmoothScrolling(boolean arg1);
+ public native boolean autoUpdate();
+ public native void setAutoUpdate(boolean arg1);
+ public native void setFixedVisibleLines(int lines);
+ public native int inSort(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ public native int inSort(String text);
+ public native int cellHeight(int i);
+ public native int cellHeight();
+ public native int cellWidth();
+ public native int cellWidth(int i);
+ public native int numCols();
+ public native int itemHeight(int index);
+ public native int itemHeight();
+ public native TQListBoxItem itemAt(TQPoint arg1);
+ public native TQRect itemRect(TQListBoxItem item);
+ public native TQListBoxItem firstItem();
+ public native void sort(boolean ascending);
+ public native void sort();
+ public native void clear();
+ public native void ensureCurrentVisible();
+ public native void clearSelection();
+ public native void selectAll(boolean select);
+ public native void invertSelection();
+ public static native String tr(String arg1, String arg2);
+ public static native String tr(String arg1);
+ protected native void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
+ protected native void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
+ protected native void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
+ protected native void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
+ protected native void contentsContextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent arg1);
+ protected native void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent e);
+ protected native void focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent e);
+ protected native void focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent e);
+ protected native void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1);
+ public native void showEvent(TQShowEvent arg1);
+ public native boolean eventFilter(TQObject o, TQEvent e);
+ protected native void updateItem(int index);
+ protected native void updateItem(TQListBoxItem arg1);
+ protected native void updateCellWidth();
+ protected native int totalWidth();
+ protected native int totalHeight();
+ public native void paintCell(TQPainter arg1, int row, int col);
+ protected native void toggleCurrentItem();
+ protected native boolean isRubberSelecting();
+ protected native void doLayout();
+ protected native void windowActivationChange(boolean arg1);
+ protected native boolean itemYPos(int index, int[] yPos);
+ protected native int findItem(int yPos);
+ protected native void clearInputString();
+ /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
+ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
+ /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
+ public native void dispose();
+ /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
+ public native boolean isDisposed();