path: root/qtsharp/src/uicsharp/uicsharp.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qtsharp/src/uicsharp/uicsharp.cs')
1 files changed, 934 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qtsharp/src/uicsharp/uicsharp.cs b/qtsharp/src/uicsharp/uicsharp.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2553d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtsharp/src/uicsharp/uicsharp.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+// A Qt compatible UI to C# generator.
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger (
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Xml;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Qt;
+namespace QtSharp {
+ enum ElementType{LayoutType,WidgetType,PropertyType};
+ public class Generator {
+ void Usage ()
+ {
+ Console.Write (
+ "generator -f file.ui -m\n\n" +
+ " -f || --file file.ui The file to parse.\n"+
+ " -m Create test main.\n\n" );
+ }
+ public static void Main (string[] args)
+ {
+ Generator gen = new Generator (args);
+ }
+ XmlTextReader xtr;
+ TextWriter writer;
+ Hashtable fields;
+ String uifile;
+ bool createMain;
+ String generatedClass;
+ Assembly qtAssembly;
+ public Generator (string[] args)
+ {
+ try {
+ String []dummyargs=new String[0];
+ QApplication dummyapp=new QApplication(dummyargs,false);
+ qtAssembly=Assembly.GetAssembly(dummyapp.GetType());
+// qtAssembly=Assembly.Load("Qt.dll");
+ Console.WriteLine("CodeBase="+qtAssembly.CodeBase);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ uifile = null;
+ string outfile = null;
+ createMain=false;
+ generatedClass=null;
+ int argc = args.Length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ string arg = args[i];
+ if (arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("/")) {
+ switch (arg) {
+ case "-f": case "--file":
+ if ((i + 1) >= argc) {
+ Usage();
+ return;
+ }
+ uifile = args[++i];
+ continue;
+ case "-m": createMain=true; break;
+ default:
+ Usage ();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (uifile == null) {
+ Usage();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!uifile.EndsWith(".ui"))
+ {
+ Usage();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!File.Exists (uifile)) {
+ Console.WriteLine ("\n No UI file at {0}\n", uifile);
+ return;
+ }
+ outfile=uifile.Substring(0,uifile.Length-3);
+ outfile+=".cs";
+ Console.WriteLine ("\n Converting {0} ==> {1}\n",uifile,outfile);
+ writer = new StreamWriter(outfile, false, new ASCIIEncoding());
+ writer.WriteLine("//**********************************************************************");
+ writer.WriteLine("// This file has been generated by the uicsharp User Interface compiler");
+ writer.WriteLine("// the input file has been: "+uifile);
+ writer.WriteLine("//**********************************************************************");
+ writer.WriteLine("\nusing System;\nusing Qt;\n");
+ fields= new Hashtable();
+ createClass();
+ writer.Flush();
+ writer.Close();
+ }
+ XmlDocument uiDoc;
+ XmlElement widgetElement;
+ XmlElement menubarElement;
+ XmlElement toolbarsElement;
+ XmlElement actionsElement;
+ XmlElement imagesElement;
+ String className;
+ String defLayoutSpacing;
+ String defLayoutMargin;
+ String buddyList;
+ public void createClass ()
+ {
+ menubarElement=null;
+ toolbarsElement=null;
+ actionsElement=null;
+ imagesElement=null;
+ defLayoutSpacing="1";
+ defLayoutMargin="1";
+ String classname=null;
+ String ancestor=null;
+ buddyList="";
+ uiDoc=new XmlDocument();
+ uiDoc.Load(uifile);
+ Console.WriteLine(uiDoc.DocumentElement.Name);
+ XmlElement dummy=uiDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild as XmlElement;
+ while (dummy!=null)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("not null");
+ switch (dummy.Name) {
+ case "class": className=dummy.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "widget": widgetElement=dummy;
+ Console.WriteLine("Widget element has been found");
+ break;
+ case "menubar": menubarElement=dummy;
+ break;
+ case "toolbars": toolbarsElement=dummy;
+ break;
+ case "actions": actionsElement=dummy;
+ break;
+ case "images": imagesElement=dummy;
+ break;
+ case "layoutdefaults": defLayoutSpacing=dummy.GetAttribute("spacing");
+ defLayoutMargin=dummy.GetAttribute("margin");
+ break;
+ }
+ dummy=dummy.NextSibling as XmlElement;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("class should be named: "+className);
+ writer.WriteLine("public class "+className+" : "+widgetElement.GetAttribute("class")+"\n{");
+ addSubMembers(widgetElement);
+ addImagesMembers();
+ addMenuBarMembers();
+ addToolBarMembers();
+ addActionMembers();
+ createConstructor();
+// setupSignalsSlots();
+ if (createMain) writeMain();
+ writer.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ private void addImagesMembers()
+ {
+ if (imagesElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//Images member fields");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in imagesElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ writer.WriteLine("\tString[] "+el.GetAttribute("name")+"_data={\"22 22 7 1\","+
+ "\". c None\",\"# c #000000\",\"b c #2e2e2e\",\"c c #5c5c5c\","+
+ "\"d c #878787\",\"e c #c2c2c2\",\"a c #ffffff\","+
+ "\"......................\",\"....##########........\","+
+ writer.WriteLine("\tQPixmap {0};",el.GetAttribute("name"));
+ }
+ }
+ private void addMenuBarMembers()
+ {
+ if (menubarElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//Menubar member fields");
+ writer.WriteLine("\t QMenuBar menubar;");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in menubarElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if (el.Name=="item") {
+ writer.WriteLine("\tpublic QPopupMenu {0};",el.GetAttribute("name"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void addActionMembers()
+ {
+ if (actionsElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//Action member fields");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in actionsElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if (el.Name=="action") {
+ writer.WriteLine("\tpublic QAction {0};",getName(el));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void addToolBarMembers()
+ {
+ if (toolbarsElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//Toolbar member fields");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in toolbarsElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if (el.Name=="toolbar") {
+ writer.WriteLine("\tpublic QToolBar {0};",getName(el));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void addSubMembers(XmlElement widget)
+ {
+ String [] membertypes={"widget","vbox","hbox","grid"};
+ foreach (String membertype in membertypes) {
+ XmlNodeList nl=widget.GetElementsByTagName(membertype);
+ foreach (XmlNode submembernode in nl) {
+ if (submembernode.ParentNode!=widget) continue; // I think this is a workaround for a classlib bug
+ XmlElement submember=submembernode as XmlElement;
+ addSubMembers(submember);
+ if (submember.GetAttribute("class")=="QLayoutWidget") continue; //they are private
+ String membername=getName(submember);
+ if (membername==String.Empty) continue;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t"+submember.GetAttribute("class")+" "+membername+";");
+ Console.WriteLine((submember as XmlElement).Name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String getName(XmlElement element)
+ {
+ if (element.GetAttribute("uicsharp_name")!=String.Empty)
+ return element.GetAttribute("uicsharp_name");
+ foreach(XmlNode property in element.ChildNodes) {
+ //if (property.ParentNode!=element) continue ;//see comment in addSubMembers
+ XmlElement prop=property as XmlElement;
+ if (prop.Name!="property") continue;
+ if (prop.GetAttribute("name")=="name") {
+ return (prop.FirstChild.InnerXml=="unnamed")?String.Empty:prop.FirstChild.InnerXml;
+ }
+ }
+ return String.Empty;
+ }
+ private void setupTabOrder()
+ {
+ foreach (XmlNode node in uiDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement element=node as XmlElement;
+ if (element.Name!="tabstops") continue;
+ writer.WriteLine("\n\t\t// tab stop order");
+ foreach( XmlNode tsnode in element.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement ts=tsnode as XmlElement;
+ if (ts.NextSibling==null) break;
+ XmlElement ts1=ts.NextSibling as XmlElement;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tSetTabOrder({0},{1});",ts.InnerText,ts1.InnerText);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupConnections()
+ {
+ return;
+ foreach (XmlNode node in uiDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement element=node as XmlElement;
+ if (element.Name!="connections") continue;
+ writer.WriteLine("\n\t\t// setting up signal / slot connections");
+ foreach( XmlNode connnode in element.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement conn=connnode as XmlElement;
+ XmlElement tmp=conn.FirstChild as XmlElement;
+ String sender=tmp.InnerText;
+ sender=(sender==className)?"this":sender;
+ tmp=tmp.NextSibling as XmlElement;
+ String signal=tmp.InnerText;
+ tmp=tmp.NextSibling as XmlElement;
+ String receiver=tmp.InnerText;
+ receiver=(receiver==className)?"this":receiver;
+ tmp=tmp.NextSibling as XmlElement;
+ String slot=tmp.InnerText;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tQObject.Connect({0},SIGNAL(\"{1}\"),{2},SLOT(\"{3}\"));",
+ sender,signal,receiver,slot);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createConstructor()
+ {
+ //Later handle non qwidgets better (dialog,....)
+ writer.WriteLine("\n\tpublic "+className+"(QWidget parent, String name) :base(parent, name) {");
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tif (name==null) SetName(\""+className+"\");");
+ setupImages();
+ setupActions();
+ setupToolBars();
+ setupMenuBar();
+ constructEverything();
+ setupConnections();
+ setupTabOrder();
+ setProperties(widgetElement);
+ if (buddyList!=String.Empty) writer.WriteLine("\n\t\t//link buddies\n"+buddyList);
+// writer.WriteLine("\t\tinit();\n\t}");
+ writer.WriteLine("\n\t}");
+ }
+ private void setupImages()
+ {
+ if (imagesElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//images");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in imagesElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}=new QPixmap({1}_data);",
+ el.GetAttribute("name"),el.GetAttribute("name"));
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupActions()
+ {
+ if (actionsElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//actions");
+ foreach (XmlNode aNode in actionsElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement action=aNode as XmlElement;
+ if (action.Name!="action") continue;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}= new QAction(this,\"{1}\");",getName(action),getName(action));
+ foreach (XmlNode pNode in action.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement prop=pNode as XmlElement;
+ if (prop.Name!="property") continue;
+ if (prop.GetAttribute("name")=="name") continue;
+ writer.WriteLine(generateSetProperty(getName(action),"",prop));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupMenuBar()
+ {
+ if (menubarElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//menubar");
+ String barname=getName(menubarElement);
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}=new QMenuBar(this,\"{1}\");",barname,barname);
+ int count=0;
+ foreach (XmlNode mNode in menubarElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement item=mNode as XmlElement;
+ if (item.Name!="item") continue;
+ String submenu_name=item.GetAttribute("name");
+ String submenu_text=stringify(item.GetAttribute("text"));
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}=new QPopupMenu(this);",submenu_name);
+ foreach (XmlNode node in item.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement element=node as XmlElement;
+ if ((element.Name=="property") && (element.GetAttribute("name")!="name")) generateSetProperty(barname,"",element);
+ else if (element.Name=="separator") writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.InsertSeparator();",submenu_name);
+ else if (element.Name=="action") writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.AddTo({1});",element.GetAttribute("name"),submenu_name);
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.InsertItem(\"{1}\",{2},{3});",barname,
+ submenu_text,submenu_name,count.ToString());
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ private void setupToolBars()
+ {
+ if (toolbarsElement==null) return;
+ writer.WriteLine("\t//toolbars");
+ foreach (XmlNode tNode in toolbarsElement.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement toolbar=tNode as XmlElement;
+ if (toolbar.Name!="toolbar") continue;
+ String varname=getName(toolbar);
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}=new QToolBar(this,\"{1}\");",varname,varname);
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tthis.AddDockWindow({0},(Qt.Dock){1},false);",varname,toolbar.GetAttribute("dock"));
+ foreach (XmlNode node in toolbar.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement element=node as XmlElement;
+ if ((element.Name=="property") && (element.GetAttribute("name")!="name")) generateSetProperty(varname,"",element);
+ else if (element.Name=="separator") writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.AddSeparator();",varname);
+ else if (element.Name=="action") writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.AddTo({1});",element.GetAttribute("name"),varname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private ElementType elementType(XmlElement el)
+ {
+ switch (el.Name) {
+ case "widget": return (el.GetAttribute("class")=="QLayoutWidget")?
+ ElementType.LayoutType:ElementType.WidgetType;
+ case "vbox": return ElementType.LayoutType;
+ case "hbox": return ElementType.LayoutType;
+ case "grid": return ElementType.LayoutType;
+ case "spacer": return ElementType.LayoutType;
+ default: return ElementType.PropertyType;
+ }
+ }
+ private void constructEverything()
+ {
+ foreach (XmlNode subNode in widgetElement.ChildNodes)
+ {
+ XmlElement obj=subNode as XmlElement;
+ switch (elementType(obj)) {
+ case ElementType.WidgetType: constructChild("this",obj,true);
+ widgetAdd("this",widgetElement,obj);
+ break;
+ case ElementType.LayoutType: constructChild("this",obj,true);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void widgetAdd(String parname,XmlElement par, XmlElement obj)
+ {
+ if (par==widgetElement) {
+ if (par.GetAttribute("class")=="QWizard")
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tAddPage("+getName(obj)+", "+getName(obj)+".Caption());");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (elementType(par)==ElementType.LayoutType) {
+ if (getLayoutType(par)=="grid") {
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+getName(par)+insertIntoGrid("Widget",getName(obj),obj));
+ }
+ else writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+parname+".Add("+getName(obj)+");");
+ }
+ else switch(par.GetAttribute("class")) {
+ case "QTabWidget": writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+parname+".InsertTab("+getName(obj)+",\"\");");
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String getLayoutType(XmlElement el)
+ {
+ String tmp=el.Name;
+ if (tmp=="widget") tmp=el.GetAttribute("uicsharp_type");
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ private String insertIntoGrid(String what, String name, XmlElement obj)
+ {
+ String col,row,colspan,rowspan,endcol,endrow;
+ int tmpcols=int.Parse(
+ (obj.GetAttribute("column")==String.Empty)?
+ "0":obj.GetAttribute("column"))+
+ int.Parse((obj.GetAttribute("colspan")==String.Empty)?
+ "1":obj.GetAttribute("colspan"))-1;
+ int tmprows=int.Parse(
+ (obj.GetAttribute("row")==String.Empty)?
+ "0":obj.GetAttribute("row"))+
+ int.Parse((obj.GetAttribute("rowspan")==String.Empty)?
+ "1":obj.GetAttribute("rowspan"))-1;
+ col=obj.GetAttribute("column");
+ row=obj.GetAttribute("row");
+ endcol=tmpcols.ToString();
+ endrow=tmprows.ToString();
+ if ((col==endcol) && (row==endrow))
+ {
+ return ".Add"+what+"( "+name+", "+row + ", "+col +");";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ what=(what=="Item")?"":what;
+ return ".AddMultiCell"+what+"( "+name+", "+row+","+endrow+", "+col+", "+endcol+");";
+ }
+ }
+ private void layoutAdd(XmlElement par, XmlElement obj)
+ {
+ String what=(getLayoutType(obj)=="spacer")?"Item":"Layout";
+ if (getLayoutType(par)!="grid"){
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+getName(par)+".Add"+what+"("+getName(obj)+");");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+getName(par)+insertIntoGrid(what,getName(obj),obj));
+ }
+ }
+ void createSpacer(String name, XmlElement obj) {
+ String orientation;
+ String sizeType;
+ String shx,shy;
+ orientation=null;
+ sizeType=null;
+ shx=null;
+ shy=null;
+ foreach (XmlNode node in obj.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if (el.Name!="property") continue;
+ switch (el.GetAttribute("name")) {
+ case "orientation": orientation=(((el.FirstChild as XmlElement).InnerText).ToUpper());
+ break;
+ case "sizeType" : sizeType=(((el.FirstChild as XmlElement).InnerText));
+ break;
+ case "sizeHint" : foreach (XmlNode shn in (el.FirstChild as XmlElement).ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement she=shn as XmlElement;
+ switch (she.Name) {
+ case "width": shx=she.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "height": shy=she.InnerText;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\tQSpacerItem {0}=new QSpacerItem({1},{2},{3},{4});",
+ name,shx,shy,
+ (orientation=="VERTICAL")?"Qt.QSizePolicy.SizeType.Minimum":("Qt.QSizePolicy.SizeType."+toPascal(sizeType)),
+ (orientation!="VERTICAL")?"Qt.QSizePolicy.SizeType.Minimum":("Qt.QSizePolicy.SizeType."+toPascal(sizeType)));
+ }
+ int layoutcnt=1;
+ XmlElement createLayout(String parent, XmlElement obj, ref String name, bool privateLayout)
+ {
+ name = ((name==String.Empty)?getName(obj):name);
+ if (name==String.Empty)
+ {
+ name="my_internal_Layout"+layoutcnt;
+ privateLayout=true;
+ layoutcnt++;
+ }
+ if ((privateLayout) && (obj.Name!="widget"))
+ obj.SetAttribute("uicsharp_name",name);
+ if ((obj.Name!="widget") && (obj.GetAttribute("uicsharp_parent")!=String.Empty))
+ parent=obj.GetAttribute("uicsharp_parent");
+ switch (obj.Name) {
+ case "vbox": writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+(privateLayout?"QVBoxLayout ":"")+name+"= new QVBoxLayout("+
+ ((parent==null)?"":parent)+");");
+ setupLayout(name,obj);
+ return obj;
+ case "hbox": writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+(privateLayout?"QHBoxLayout ":"")+name+"= new QHBoxLayout("+
+ ((parent==null)?"":parent)+");");
+ setupLayout(name,obj);
+ return obj;
+ case "spacer": createSpacer(name,obj);
+ return obj;
+ case "widget":
+ foreach (XmlNode node in obj.ChildNodes)
+ {
+ if (elementType(node as XmlElement)==ElementType.LayoutType) {
+ (node as XmlElement).SetAttribute("uicsharp_margin","0");
+ XmlElement el=createLayout(parent,node as XmlElement,ref name,true);
+ obj.SetAttribute("uicsharp_name",getName(el));
+ obj.SetAttribute("uicsharp_type",el.Name);
+ return el;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ case "grid":
+ int cols=1;
+ int rows=1;
+ foreach (XmlNode node in obj.ChildNodes){
+ XmlElement elem=node as XmlElement;
+ ElementType etype=elementType(elem);
+ if ((etype==ElementType.LayoutType) ||
+ (etype==ElementType.WidgetType)) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Grid size calculation group");
+ int tmpcols=int.Parse(
+ (elem.GetAttribute("column")==String.Empty)?
+ "0":elem.GetAttribute("column"))+
+ int.Parse((elem.GetAttribute("colspan")==String.Empty)?
+ "1":elem.GetAttribute("colspan"))-1;
+ int tmprows=int.Parse(
+ (elem.GetAttribute("row")==String.Empty)?
+ "0":elem.GetAttribute("row"))+
+ int.Parse((elem.GetAttribute("rowspan")==String.Empty)?
+ "1":elem.GetAttribute("rowspan"))-1;
+ cols=(tmpcols<cols)?cols:tmpcols;
+ rows=(tmprows<rows)?rows:tmprows;
+ }
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+ (privateLayout?"QGridLayout ":"")+name +"= new QGridLayout ("+
+ ((parent==null)?"":(parent+", "))+rows+", "+cols+");");
+ setupLayout(name,obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ private void setupLayout(String name,XmlElement layout)
+ {
+ String margin=layout.GetAttribute("uicsharp_margin");
+ if (margin==String.Empty){
+ foreach(XmlNode node in layout.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if ((el.Name=="property") && (el.GetAttribute("name")=="margin")) {
+ margin=(el.FirstChild as XmlElement).InnerText;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (margin==String.Empty) margin=defLayoutMargin;
+ String spacing=layout.GetAttribute("uicsharp_spacing");
+ if (spacing==String.Empty){
+ foreach(XmlNode node in layout.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement el=node as XmlElement;
+ if ((el.Name=="property") && (el.GetAttribute("name")=="spacing")) {
+ margin=(el.FirstChild as XmlElement).InnerText;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (spacing==String.Empty) spacing=defLayoutSpacing;
+ String alignment=layout.GetAttribute("uicsharp_alignment");
+ if (alignment!=String.Empty) writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.SetAlignment({1});",name,alignment);
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.SetMargin({1});",name,margin);
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.SetSpacing({1});",name,spacing);
+ }
+ private void widgetType(XmlElement obj, ref String typename, ref XmlElement subcontainer, bool write)
+ {
+ typename=obj.GetAttribute("class");
+ if ((typename!="QGroupBox") && (typename!="ButtonGroup")) return;
+ foreach (XmlNode node in obj.ChildNodes) {
+ if (elementType(node as XmlElement)==ElementType.LayoutType) {
+ XmlElement el =node as XmlElement;
+// subcontainer=el;
+ el.SetAttribute("uicsharp_type",el.Name);
+ el.SetAttribute("uicsharp_name",getName(obj)+"Layout");
+ el.SetAttribute("uicsharp_parent",getName(obj)+".Layout()");
+ el.SetAttribute("uicsharp_margin","0");
+ el.SetAttribute("uicsharp_alignment","(int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignTop");
+ switch (el.Name) {
+ case "vbox": typename="QGroupBox";
+ if (write)
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t QVBoxLayout "+el.GetAttribute("uicsharp_name")+";");
+ return;
+ case "hbox": typename="QGroupBox";
+ if (write)
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t QHBoxLayout "+el.GetAttribute("uicsharp_name")+";");
+ return;
+ case "grid": typename="QGroupBox";
+ if (write)
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t QGridLayout "+el.GetAttribute("uicsharp_name")+";");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// typename=null;
+ }
+ private void specialInit(XmlElement el)
+ {
+ if (el.GetAttribute("class").EndsWith("GroupBox"))
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+getName(el)+".SetColumnLayout(0,Qt.Orientation.Vertical);");
+ }
+ private String toPascal(String data)
+ {
+ return System.Char.ToUpper(data[0]).ToString()+ data.Substring(1,data.Length-1);
+ }
+ private String stringify(String data)
+ {
+ data=data.Replace("\"","\\\"");
+ data=data.Replace("\n","\\n");
+ return data;
+ }
+ private String toBool(String data)
+ {
+ if ((data=="1") || (data=="true")) return "true"; else return "false";
+ }
+ private String generateSetProperty(String varName, String widgetClass, XmlElement prop)
+ {
+ if ((prop.GetAttribute("name")=="whatsThis") || (prop.GetAttribute("name")=="toolTip"))
+ {
+ String tmp="\t\tQ"+toPascal(prop.GetAttribute("name"))+".Add("+varName+", \""+
+ stringify((prop.FirstChild as XmlElement).InnerText)+"\");";
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ String methodName="Set"+toPascal(prop.GetAttribute("name"));
+ String sc=methodName+" (";
+ XmlElement value=(prop.FirstChild as XmlElement);
+ switch (value.Name) {
+ case "string" : if (prop.GetAttribute("name")!="accel") sc += "\""+stringify(value.InnerText)+"\"";
+ else sc+="new QKeySequence(\""+stringify(value.InnerText)+"\")";
+ break;
+ case "cstring" : sc += value.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "rect" : String rx=null,ry=null,rw=null,rh=null;
+ foreach (XmlNode srn in value.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement sre=srn as XmlElement;
+ switch (sre.Name) {
+ case "x" : rx=sre.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "y" : ry=sre.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "height" : rh=sre.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "width" : rw=sre.InnerText;
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((varName=="this") && (methodName=="SetGeometry"))
+ sc = "Resize ((new QSize("+rw+", "+rh+")).ExpandedTo(SizeHint())";
+ else
+ sc += "new QRect("+rx+", "+ry+", "+rw+", "+rh+")";
+ break;
+ case "enum" :
+ try {
+ Type ct=qtAssembly.GetType("Qt."+widgetClass,true);
+ MemberInfo []mi=ct.GetMember(methodName);
+ ParameterInfo []pi=((MethodBase)mi[0]).GetParameters();
+ String ptn=pi[0].ParameterType.FullName;
+ Console.WriteLine("Parameter Type Name: "+ptn);
+ ptn=ptn.Replace("+",".");
+ sc+=ptn+"."+toPascal(value.InnerText);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message+":"+widgetClass);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "iconset" : sc += "new QIconSet("+value.InnerText+")";
+ break;
+ case "bool" : sc += value.InnerText;
+ break;
+ case "font": String fvn=varName+"_Font";
+ sc="\t\tQFont "+fvn+" = ("+varName+".Font());\n";
+ foreach(XmlNode fn in value.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement fe=fn as XmlElement;
+ switch (fe.Name) {
+ case "pointsize":
+ sc+="\t\t"+fvn+".SetPointSize("+fe.InnerText+");\n";
+ break;
+ case "bold":
+ sc+="\t\t"+fvn+".SetBold("+toBool(fe.InnerText)+");\n";
+ break;
+ case "italic":
+ sc+="\t\t"+fvn+".SetItalic("+toBool(fe.InnerText)+");\n";
+ break;
+ case "underline":
+ sc+="\t\t"+fvn+".SetUnderline("+toBool(fe.InnerText)+");\n";
+ break;
+ case "strikeout":
+ sc+="\t\t"+fvn+".SetStrikeOut("+toBool(fe.InnerText)+");\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ sc +="\t\t"+varName+".SetFont("+fvn+");";
+ return sc;
+ default: Console.WriteLine("Not yet supported property type : "+value.Name);
+ return String.Empty;
+ }
+ sc += " )";
+ return "\t\t"+varName+"."+sc+";";
+ }
+ private void setProperties(XmlElement obj)
+ {
+ String myWidgetClass=null;
+ XmlElement dummy=null;
+ widgetType(obj, ref myWidgetClass, ref dummy,false);
+ foreach (XmlNode node in obj.ChildNodes) {
+ XmlElement prop = node as XmlElement;
+ if (prop.Name!="property") continue;
+ if (prop.GetAttribute("name")=="buddy") {
+ buddyList+="\n"+generateSetProperty(getName(obj),myWidgetClass,prop);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prop.GetAttribute("name")=="name") continue;
+ String str=generateSetProperty((obj==widgetElement)?"this":getName(obj),myWidgetClass,prop);
+ if (str!=String.Empty) writer.WriteLine(str);
+ }
+ }
+ private void constructChild(String parent,XmlElement obj,bool mainLayout)
+ {
+ ElementType mytype=elementType(obj);
+ String myname=getName(obj);
+ XmlElement lobj=null;
+ switch (mytype){
+ case ElementType.WidgetType:
+ String widgettype=null;
+ XmlElement tmpobj=null;
+ widgetType(obj,ref widgettype,ref tmpobj,true);
+ mainLayout=true;
+ XmlElement origNode=obj;
+ if (tmpobj!=null) {
+ mytype=ElementType.LayoutType;
+ lobj=obj;
+ obj=tmpobj;
+ mainLayout=false;
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("\t\t"+myname+"=new "+widgettype
+ +"("+parent+", \""+myname+"\");");
+ specialInit(origNode);
+ setProperties(origNode);
+ parent=myname;
+ break;
+ case ElementType.LayoutType:
+ lobj=obj;
+ myname="";
+ obj=createLayout(mainLayout?parent:null,obj,ref myname,false);
+ mainLayout=false;
+ break;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ foreach (XmlNode subNode in obj.ChildNodes)
+ {
+ XmlElement subObj=subNode as XmlElement;
+ switch (elementType(subObj)) {
+ case ElementType.WidgetType: constructChild(parent,subObj,mainLayout);
+ widgetAdd(myname,obj,subObj);
+ break;
+ case ElementType.LayoutType: constructChild(parent,subObj,mainLayout);
+ if (mytype==ElementType.LayoutType) layoutAdd(lobj,subObj);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeMain()
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("\tpublic static void Main (String[] args)\n"+
+ "\t{\n"+
+ "\t\tQApplication app = new QApplication (args);\n"+
+ "\t\t"+className+" test = new "+className+" (null,\"\");\n"+
+ "\t\tapp.SetMainWidget (test);\n"+
+ "\t\ttest.Show ();\n"+
+ "\t\tapp.Exec ();\n"+
+ "\t}");
+ }
+ }