path: root/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/
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1 files changed, 1088 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/ b/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/
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+++ b/tdejava/koala/org/trinitydesktop/koala/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQObject;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPixmap;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQSessionManager;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQEvent;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPalette;
+import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQApplication;
+ Controls and provides information to all KDE applications.
+ Only one object of this class can be instantiated in a single app.
+ This instance is always accessible via the 'kapp' global variable.
+ See cut() for an example.
+ This class provides the following services to all KDE applications.
+ <li>
+ It controls the event queue (see TQApplication ).
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ It provides the application with KDE resources such as
+ accelerators, common menu entries, a TDEConfig object. session
+ management events, help invocation etc.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Installs a signal handler for the SIGCHLD signal in order to
+ avoid zombie children. If you want to catch this signal yourself or
+ don't want it to be caught at all, you have set a new signal handler
+ (or SIG_IGN) after TDEApplication's constructor has run.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Installs an empty signal handler for the SIGPIPE signal using
+ installSigpipeHandler(). If you want to catch this signal
+ yourself, you have set a new signal handler after TDEApplication's
+ constructor has run.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ It can start new services
+ </li>
+ The way a service gets started depends on the 'X-DCOP-ServiceType'
+ entry in the desktop file of the service:
+ There are three possibilities:
+ <li>
+ X-DCOP-ServiceType=None (default)
+ Always start a new service,
+ don't wait till the service registers with dcop.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ X-DCOP-ServiceType=Multi
+ Always start a new service,
+ wait until the service has registered with dcop.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ X-DCOP-ServiceType=Unique
+ Only start the service if it isn't already running,
+ wait until the service has registered with dcop.
+ </li>
+ See {@link TDEApplicationSignals} for signals emitted by TDEApplication
+ @author Matthias Kalle Dalheimer <>
+ @short Controls and provides information to all KDE applications.
+public class TDEApplication extends TQApplication implements TDEInstanceInterface {
+ protected TDEApplication(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
+ public static final int ShiftModifier = 1<<0;
+ public static final int LockModifier = 1<<1;
+ public static final int ControlModifier = 1<<2;
+ public static final int Modifier1 = 1<<3;
+ public static final int Modifier2 = 1<<4;
+ public static final int Modifier3 = 1<<5;
+ public static final int Modifier4 = 1<<6;
+ public static final int Modifier5 = 1<<7;
+ /** @deprecated Same values as Button1Mask etc. in X.h @short @deprecated Same values as Button1Mask etc.
+ */
+ public static final int Button1Pressed = 1<<8;
+ public static final int Button2Pressed = 1<<9;
+ public static final int Button3Pressed = 1<<10;
+ public static final int Button4Pressed = 1<<11;
+ public static final int Button5Pressed = 1<<12;
+ /** Position of the caption (presumably in the application window's
+ title bar). This enum appears to be unused.
+ @todo Find out if this is used anywhere.
+ @short Position of the caption (presumably in the application window's title bar).
+ */
+ public static final int CaptionAppLast = 1;
+ public static final int CaptionAppFirst = 2;
+ public static final int CaptionNoApp = 3;
+ /**
+ The possible values for the <code>confirm</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ @short The possible values for the <code>confirm</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ */
+ public static final int ShutdownConfirmDefault = -1;
+ public static final int ShutdownConfirmNo = 0;
+ public static final int ShutdownConfirmYes = 1;
+ /**
+ The possible values for the <code>sdtype</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ @short The possible values for the <code>sdtype</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ */
+ public static final int ShutdownTypeDefault = -1;
+ public static final int ShutdownTypeNone = 0;
+ public static final int ShutdownTypeReboot = 1;
+ public static final int ShutdownTypeHalt = 2;
+ /**
+ The possible values for the <code>sdmode</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ @short The possible values for the <code>sdmode</code> parameter of requestShutDown().
+ */
+ public static final int ShutdownModeDefault = -1;
+ public static final int ShutdownModeSchedule = 0;
+ public static final int ShutdownModeTryNow = 1;
+ public static final int ShutdownModeForceNow = 2;
+ public static final int ShutdownModeInteractive = 3;
+ /**
+ Valid values for the settingsChanged signal
+ @short Valid values for the settingsChanged signal
+ */
+ public static final int SETTINGS_MOUSE = 0;
+ public static final int SETTINGS_COMPLETION = 1;
+ public static final int SETTINGS_PATHS = 2;
+ public static final int SETTINGS_POPUPMENU = 3;
+ public static final int SETTINGS_QT = 4;
+ public static final int SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS = 5;
+ public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
+ public native String className();
+ /**
+ This constructor takes aboutData and command line
+ arguments from TDECmdLineArgs.
+ @param allowStyles Set to false to disable the loading on plugin based
+ styles. This is only useful to applications that do not display a GUI
+ normally. If you do create an application with <code>allowStyles</code> set to false
+ it normally runs in the background but under special circumstances
+ displays widgets. Call enableStyles() before displaying any widgets.
+ @param GUIenabled Set to false to disable all GUI stuff. This implies
+ no styles either.
+ @short This constructor takes aboutData and command line arguments from TDECmdLineArgs.
+ */
+ public TDEApplication(boolean allowStyles, boolean GUIenabled) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTDEApplication(allowStyles,GUIenabled);
+ }
+ private native void newTDEApplication(boolean allowStyles, boolean GUIenabled);
+ public TDEApplication(boolean allowStyles) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTDEApplication(allowStyles);
+ }
+ private native void newTDEApplication(boolean allowStyles);
+ public TDEApplication() {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTDEApplication();
+ }
+ private native void newTDEApplication();
+ /**
+ Returns the application session config object.
+ @return A pointer to the application's instance specific
+ TDEConfig object.
+ @short Returns the application session config object.
+ @see TDEConfig
+ */
+ public native TDEConfig sessionConfig();
+ /**
+ Is the application restored from the session manager?
+ @return If true, this application was restored by the session manager.
+ Note that this may mean the config object returned by
+ sessionConfig() contains data saved by a session closedown.
+ @short Is the application restored from the session manager?
+ @see #sessionConfig
+ */
+ public native boolean isRestored();
+ /**
+ Disables session management for this application.
+ Useful in case your application is started by the
+ initial "starttde" script.
+ @short Disables session management for this application.
+ */
+ public native void disableSessionManagement();
+ /**
+ Enables again session management for this application, formerly
+ disabled by calling disableSessionManagement(). You usually
+ shouldn't call this function, as the session management is enabled
+ by default.
+ @short Enables again session management for this application, formerly disabled by calling disableSessionManagement().
+ */
+ public native void enableSessionManagement();
+ /**
+ Asks the session manager to shut the session down.
+ Using <code>confirm</code> == ShutdownConfirmYes or <code>sdtype</code> != ShutdownTypeDefault or
+ <code>sdmode</code> != ShutdownModeDefault causes the use of ksmserver's DCOP
+ interface. The remaining two combinations use the standard XSMP and
+ will work with any session manager compliant with it.
+ @param confirm Whether to ask the user if he really wants to log out.
+ ShutdownConfirm
+ @param sdtype The action to take after logging out. ShutdownType
+ @param sdmode If/When the action should be taken. ShutdownMode
+ @return true on success, false if the session manager could not be
+ contacted.
+ @short Asks the session manager to shut the session down.
+ */
+ public native boolean requestShutDown(int confirm, int sdtype, int sdmode);
+ public native boolean requestShutDown(int confirm, int sdtype);
+ public native boolean requestShutDown(int confirm);
+ public native boolean requestShutDown();
+ /**
+ Propagates the network address of the session manager in the
+ SESSION_MANAGER environment variable so that child processes can
+ pick it up.
+ If SESSION_MANAGER isn't defined yet, the address is searched in
+ $HOME/.KSMserver.
+ This function is called by clients that are started outside the
+ session ( i.e. before ksmserver is started), but want to launch
+ other processes that should participate in the session. Examples
+ are kdesktop or kicker.
+ @short Propagates the network address of the session manager in the SESSION_MANAGER environment variable so that child processes can pick it up.
+ */
+ public native void propagateSessionManager();
+ /**
+ Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel
+ handling of session management with KSessionManaged.
+ @short Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel handling of session management with KSessionManaged.
+ */
+ public native void commitData(TQSessionManager sm);
+ /**
+ Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel
+ handling of session management with KSessionManaged.
+ @short Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel handling of session management with KSessionManaged.
+ */
+ public native void saveState(TQSessionManager sm);
+ /**
+ Returns true if the application is currently saving its session
+ data (most probably before KDE logout). This is intended for use
+ mainly in TDEMainWindow.queryClose() and TDEMainWindow.queryExit().
+ @short Returns true if the application is currently saving its session data (most probably before KDE logout).
+ @see TDEMainWindow#queryClose
+ @see TDEMainWindow#queryExit
+ */
+ public native boolean sessionSaving();
+ /**
+ Returns a TQPixmap with the application icon.
+ @return the application icon
+ @short Returns a TQPixmap with the application icon.
+ */
+ public native TQPixmap icon();
+ /**
+ Returns the name of the application icon.
+ @return the icon's name
+ @short Returns the name of the application icon.
+ */
+ public native String iconName();
+ /**
+ Returns the mini-icon for the application as a TQPixmap.
+ @return the application's mini icon
+ @short Returns the mini-icon for the application as a TQPixmap.
+ */
+ public native TQPixmap miniIcon();
+ /**
+ Returns the name of the mini-icon for the application.
+ @return the mini icon's name
+ @short Returns the name of the mini-icon for the application.
+ */
+ public native String miniIconName();
+ /**
+ Sets the top widget of the application.
+ This means basically applying the right window caption and
+ icon. An application may have several top widgets. You don't
+ need to call this function manually when using TDEMainWindow.
+ @param topWidget A top widget of the application.
+ @short Sets the top widget of the application.
+ @see #icon
+ @see #caption
+ */
+ public native void setTopWidget(TQWidget topWidget);
+ /**
+ Invokes the KHelpCenter HTML help viewer from docbook sources.
+ @param anchor This has to be a defined anchor in your
+ docbook sources. If empty the main index
+ is loaded
+ @param appname This allows you to show the help of another
+ application. If empty the current name() is
+ used
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @short Invokes the KHelpCenter HTML help viewer from docbook sources.
+ */
+ public native void invokeHelp(String anchor, String appname, String startup_id);
+ public native void invokeHelp(String anchor, String appname);
+ public native void invokeHelp(String anchor);
+ public native void invokeHelp();
+ /**
+ Convenience method; invokes the standard email application.
+ @param address The destination address
+ @param subject Subject string. Can be null.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @short Convenience method; invokes the standard email application.
+ */
+ public native void invokeMailer(String address, String subject, String startup_id);
+ public native void invokeMailer(String address, String subject);
+ /**
+ Invokes the standard email application.
+ @param mailtoURL A mailto URL.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param allowAttachments whether attachments specified in mailtoURL should be honoured.
+ The default is false; do not honour requests for attachments.
+ @short Invokes the standard email application.
+ */
+ public native void invokeMailer(KURL mailtoURL, String startup_id, boolean allowAttachments);
+ public native void invokeMailer(KURL mailtoURL, String startup_id);
+ public native void invokeMailer(KURL mailtoURL);
+ /**
+ Convenience method; invokes the standard email application.
+ All parameters are optional.
+ @param to The destination address.
+ @param cc The Cc field
+ @param bcc The Bcc field
+ @param subject Subject string
+ @param body A string containing the body of the mail (exclusive with messageFile)
+ @param messageFile A file (URL) containing the body of the mail (exclusive with body) - currently unsupported
+ @param attachURLs List of URLs to be attached to the mail.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @short Convenience method; invokes the standard email application.
+ */
+ public native void invokeMailer(String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String body, String messageFile, String[] attachURLs, String startup_id);
+ public native void invokeMailer(String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String body, String messageFile, String[] attachURLs);
+ public native void invokeMailer(String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String body, String messageFile);
+ public native void invokeMailer(String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String body);
+ /**
+ Returns a text for the window caption.
+ This may be set by
+ "-caption", otherwise it will be equivalent to the name of the
+ executable.
+ @return the text for the window caption
+ @short Returns a text for the window caption.
+ */
+ public native String caption();
+ /**
+ Builds a caption that contains the application name along with the
+ userCaption using a standard layout.
+ To make a compliant caption
+ for your window, simply do: <code>setCaption</code>(kapp.makeStdCaption(yourCaption));
+ @param userCaption The caption string you want to display in the
+ window caption area. Do not include the application name!
+ @param withAppName Indicates that the method shall include or ignore
+ the application name when making the caption string. You are not
+ compliant if you set this to <code>false.</code>
+ @param modified If true, a 'modified' sign will be included in the
+ returned string. This is useful when indicating that a file is
+ modified, i.e., it contains data that has not been saved.
+ @return the created caption
+ @short Builds a caption that contains the application name along with the userCaption using a standard layout.
+ */
+ public native String makeStdCaption(String userCaption, boolean withAppName, boolean modified);
+ public native String makeStdCaption(String userCaption, boolean withAppName);
+ public native String makeStdCaption(String userCaption);
+ /**
+ Get a file name in order to make a temporary copy of your document.
+ @param pFilename The full path to the current file of your
+ document.
+ @return A new filename for auto-saving.
+ @short Get a file name in order to make a temporary copy of your document.
+ */
+ public native String tempSaveName(String pFilename);
+ /**
+ Check whether an auto-save file exists for the document you want to
+ open.
+ @param pFilename The full path to the document you want to open.
+ @param bRecover This gets set to true if there was a recover
+ file.
+ @return The full path of the file to open.
+ @short Check whether an auto-save file exists for the document you want to open.
+ */
+ public native String checkRecoverFile(String pFilename, boolean bRecover);
+ /**
+ Enables style plugins.
+ This is useful only to applications that normally
+ do not display a GUI and create the TDEApplication with
+ allowStyles set to false.
+ @short Enables style plugins.
+ */
+ public native void enableStyles();
+ /**
+ Disables style plugins.
+ Current style plugins do not get unloaded.
+ This is only useful when used in combination with enableStyles().
+ @short Disables style plugins.
+ */
+ public native void disableStyles();
+ /**
+ Installs widget filter as global X11 event filter.
+ The widget
+ filter receives XEvents in its standard TQWidget.x11Event() function.
+ Warning: Only do this when absolutely necessary. An installed X11 filter
+ can slow things down.
+ @short Installs widget filter as global X11 event filter.
+ */
+ public native void installX11EventFilter(TQWidget filter);
+ /**
+ Removes global X11 event filter previously installed by
+ installX11EventFilter().
+ @short Removes global X11 event filter previously installed by installX11EventFilter().
+ */
+ public native void removeX11EventFilter(TQWidget filter);
+ /**
+ Adds a message type to the KIPC event mask. You can only add "system
+ messages" to the event mask. These are the messages with id < 32.
+ Messages with id >= 32 are user messages.
+ @param id The message id. See KIPC.Message.
+ @short Adds a message type to the KIPC event mask.
+ @see KIPC
+ @see #removeKipcEventMask
+ @see #kipcMessage
+ */
+ public native void addKipcEventMask(int id);
+ /**
+ Removes a message type from the KIPC event mask. This message will
+ not be handled anymore.
+ @param id The message id.
+ @short Removes a message type from the KIPC event mask.
+ @see KIPC
+ @see #addKipcEventMask
+ @see #kipcMessage
+ */
+ public native void removeKipcEventMask(int id);
+ /**
+ Returns the app startup notification identifier for this running
+ application.
+ @return the startup notification identifier
+ @short Returns the app startup notification identifier for this running application.
+ */
+ public native String startupId();
+ /**
+ Sets a new value for the application startup notification window property for newly
+ created toplevel windows.
+ @param startup_id the startup notification identifier
+ @short
+ @see TDEStartupInfo#setNewStartupId
+ */
+ public native void setStartupId(String startup_id);
+ /**
+ Updates the last user action timestamp to the given time, or to the current time,
+ if 0 is given. Do not use unless you're really sure what you're doing.
+ Consult focus stealing prevention section in tdebase/twin/README.
+ @short Updates the last user action timestamp to the given time, or to the current time, if 0 is given.
+ */
+ public native void updateUserTimestamp(long time);
+ public native void updateUserTimestamp();
+ /**
+ Returns the last user action timestamp or 0 if no user activity has taken place yet.
+ @short Returns the last user action timestamp or 0 if no user activity has taken place yet.
+ @see #updateuserTimestamp
+ */
+ public native long userTimestamp();
+ /**
+ Updates the last user action timestamp in the application registered to DCOP with dcopId
+ to the given time, or to this application's user time, if 0 is given.
+ Use before causing user interaction in the remote application, e.g. invoking a dialog
+ in the application using a DCOP call.
+ Consult focus stealing prevention section in tdebase/twin/README.
+ @short Updates the last user action timestamp in the application registered to DCOP with dcopId to the given time, or to this application's user time, if 0 is given.
+ */
+ public native void updateRemoteUserTimestamp(String dcopId, long time);
+ public native void updateRemoteUserTimestamp(String dcopId);
+ /**
+ Returns the argument to --geometry if any, so the geometry can be set
+ wherever necessary
+ @return the geometry argument, or null if there is none
+ @short Returns the argument to --geometry if any, so the geometry can be set wherever necessary
+ */
+ public native String geometryArgument();
+ /**
+ Install a Qt SQL property map with entries for all KDE widgets
+ Call this in any application using KDE widgets in TQSqlForm or TQDataView.
+ @short Install a Qt SQL property map with entries for all KDE widgets Call this in any application using KDE widgets in TQSqlForm or TQDataView.
+ */
+ public native void installKDEPropertyMap();
+ /**
+ Returns whether a certain action is authorized
+ @param genericAction The name of a generic action
+ @return true if the action is authorized
+ @short Returns whether a certain action is authorized
+ */
+ public native boolean authorize(String genericAction);
+ /**
+ Returns whether a certain TDEAction is authorized.
+ @param action The name of a TDEAction action. The name is prepended
+ with "action/" before being passed to authorize()
+ @return true if the TDEAction is authorized
+ @short Returns whether a certain TDEAction is authorized.
+ */
+ public native boolean authorizeTDEAction(String action);
+ /**
+ Returns whether a certain URL related action is authorized.
+ @param action The name of the action. Known actions are
+ list (may be listed (e.g. in file selection dialog)),
+ link (may be linked to),
+ open (may open) and
+ redirect (may be redirected to)
+ @param baseURL The url where the action originates from
+ @param destURL The object of the action
+ @return true when the action is authorized, false otherwise.
+ @short Returns whether a certain URL related action is authorized.
+ */
+ public native boolean authorizeURLAction(String action, KURL baseURL, KURL destURL);
+ /**
+ Allow a certain URL action. This can be useful if your application
+ needs to ensure access to an application specific directory that may
+ otherwise be subject to KIOSK restrictions.
+ @param action The name of the action.
+ @param _baseURL The url where the action originates from
+ @param _destURL The object of the action
+ @short Allow a certain URL action.
+ */
+ public native void allowURLAction(String action, KURL _baseURL, KURL _destURL);
+ /**
+ Returns whether access to a certain control module is authorized.
+ @param menuId identifying the control module, e.g. tde-mouse.desktop
+ @return true if access to the module is authorized, false otherwise.
+ @short Returns whether access to a certain control module is authorized.
+ */
+ public native boolean authorizeControlModule(String menuId);
+ /**
+ Returns whether access to a certain control modules is authorized.
+ @param menuIds list of menu-ids of control module,
+ an example of a menu-id is tde-mouse.desktop.
+ @return Those control modules for which access has been authorized.
+ @short Returns whether access to a certain control modules is authorized.
+ */
+ public native ArrayList authorizeControlModules(String[] menuIds);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public native boolean notify(TQObject receiver, TQEvent event);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ // int xErrhandler(Display* arg1,void* arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ // int xioErrhandler(Display* arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ // void iceIOErrorHandler(_IceConn* arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ /**
+ Invokes the standard browser.
+ Note that you should only do this when you know for sure that the browser can
+ handle the URL (i.e. its mimetype). In doubt, if the URL can point to an image
+ or anything else than directory or HTML, prefer to use new KRun( url ).
+ @param url The destination address
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @short Invokes the standard browser.
+ */
+ public native void invokeBrowser(String url, String startup_id);
+ /**
+ Invoke the standard browser. Uses a <code>startup_id</code> of "" (empty)
+ and is otherwise the same as the above function.
+ @short Invoke the standard browser.
+ */
+ public native void invokeBrowser(String url);
+ /**
+ If the widget with focus provides a cut() slot, call that slot. Thus for a
+ simple application cut can be implemented as:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.cut( kapp, SLOT("cut()"), actionCollection() );
+ </pre>
+ @short If the widget with focus provides a cut() slot, call that slot.
+ */
+ public native void cut();
+ /**
+ If the widget with focus provides a copy() slot, call that slot. Thus for a
+ simple application copy can be implemented as:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.copy( kapp, SLOT("copy()"), actionCollection() );
+ </pre>
+ @short If the widget with focus provides a copy() slot, call that slot.
+ */
+ public native void copy();
+ /**
+ If the widget with focus provides a paste() slot, call that slot. Thus for a
+ simple application copy can be implemented as:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.paste( kapp, SLOT("paste()"), actionCollection() );
+ </pre>
+ @short If the widget with focus provides a paste() slot, call that slot.
+ */
+ public native void paste();
+ /**
+ If the widget with focus provides a clear() slot, call that slot. Thus for a
+ simple application clear() can be implemented as:
+ <pre>
+ new TDEAction( i18n( "Clear" ), "editclear", 0, kapp, SLOT("clear()"), actionCollection(), "clear" );
+ </pre>
+ Note that for some widgets, this may not provide the intended bahavior. For
+ example if you make use of the code above and a TDEListView has the focus, clear()
+ will clear all of the items in the list. If this is not the intened behavior
+ and you want to make use of this slot, you can subclass TDEListView and reimplement
+ this slot. For example the following code would implement a TDEListView without this
+ behavior:
+ <pre>
+ public class MyListView implements TDEListView {
+ public MyListView( TQWidget parent = 0, String name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ) {}
+ public void clear() {}
+ }
+ </pre>
+ @short If the widget with focus provides a clear() slot, call that slot.
+ */
+ public native void clear();
+ /**
+ If the widget with focus provides a selectAll() slot, call that slot. Thus for a
+ simple application select all can be implemented as:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.selectAll( kapp, SLOT("selectAll()"), actionCollection() );
+ </pre>
+ @short If the widget with focus provides a selectAll() slot, call that slot.
+ */
+ public native void selectAll();
+ /**
+ Tells TDEApplication about one more operation that should be finished
+ before the application exits. The standard behavior is to exit on the
+ "last window closed" event, but some events should outlive the last window closed
+ (e.g. a file copy for a file manager, or 'compacting folders on exit' for a mail client).
+ @short Tells TDEApplication about one more operation that should be finished before the application exits.
+ */
+ public native void ref();
+ /**
+ Tells TDEApplication that one operation such as those described in ref() just finished.
+ The application exits if the counter is back to 0.
+ @short Tells TDEApplication that one operation such as those described in ref() just finished.
+ */
+ public native void deref();
+ /**
+ Add Qt and KDE command line options to TDECmdLineArgs.
+ @short Add Qt and KDE command line options to TDECmdLineArgs.
+ */
+ public static native void addCmdLineOptions();
+ /**
+ Returns the current application object.
+ This is similar to the global TQApplication pointer tqApp. It
+ allows access to the single global TDEApplication object, since
+ more than one cannot be created in the same application. It
+ saves you the trouble of having to pass the pointer explicitly
+ to every function that may require it.
+ @return the current application object
+ @short Returns the current application object.
+ */
+ public static native TDEApplication kApplication();
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to a DCOPClient for the application.
+ If a client does not exist yet, it is created when this
+ function is called.
+ @return the DCOPClient for the application
+ @short Returns a pointer to a DCOPClient for the application.
+ */
+ public static native DCOPClient dcopClient();
+ /**
+ Disable automatic dcop registration
+ Must be called before creating a TDEApplication instance to have an effect.
+ @short Disable automatic dcop registration Must be called before creating a TDEApplication instance to have an effect.
+ */
+ public static native void disableAutoDcopRegistration();
+ /**
+ Returns the DCOP name of the service launcher. This will be something like
+ klaucher_$host_$uid.
+ @return the name of the service launcher
+ @short Returns the DCOP name of the service launcher.
+ */
+ public static native String launcher();
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the (translated) name of the service.
+ E.g. "Web Browser"
+ @param _name the name of the service
+ @param URL if not empty this URL is passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the (translated) name of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String URL);
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the (translated) name of the service.
+ E.g. "Web Browser"
+ @param _name the name of the service
+ @param URLs if not empty these URLs will be passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the (translated) name of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name, String[] URLs);
+ public static native int startServiceByName(String _name);
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the desktop path of the service.
+ E.g. "Applications/konqueror.desktop" or "/home/user/bla/myfile.desktop"
+ @param _name the path of the desktop file
+ @param URL if not empty this URL is passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the desktop path of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String URL);
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the desktop path of the service.
+ E.g. "Applications/konqueror.desktop" or "/home/user/bla/myfile.desktop"
+ @param _name the path of the desktop file
+ @param URLs if not empty these URLs will be passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the desktop path of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name, String[] URLs);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopPath(String _name);
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the desktop name of the service.
+ E.g. "konqueror"
+ @param _name the desktop name of the service
+ @param URL if not empty this URL is passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the desktop name of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String URL);
+ /**
+ Starts a service based on the desktop name of the service.
+ E.g. "konqueror"
+ @param _name the desktop name of the service
+ @param URLs if not empty these URLs will be passed to the service
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param dcopService On success, <code>dcopService</code> contains the DCOP name
+ under which this service is available. If empty, the service does
+ not provide DCOP services. If the pointer is 0 the argument
+ will be ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @param noWait if set, the function does not wait till the service is running.
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a service based on the desktop name of the service.
+ */
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id, boolean noWait);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService, int[] pid);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error, StringBuffer dcopService);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name, String[] URLs);
+ public static native int startServiceByDesktopName(String _name);
+ /**
+ Starts a program via tdeinit.
+ program name and arguments are converted to according to the
+ local encoding and passed as is to tdeinit.
+ @param name Name of the program to start
+ @param args Arguments to pass to the program
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a program via tdeinit.
+ */
+ public static native int tdeinitExec(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int tdeinitExec(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error, int[] pid);
+ public static native int tdeinitExec(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int tdeinitExec(String name, String[] args);
+ public static native int tdeinitExec(String name);
+ /**
+ Starts a program via tdeinit and wait for it to finish.
+ Like tdeinitExec(), but it waits till the program is finished.
+ As such it behaves similar to the system(...) function.
+ @param name Name of the program to start
+ @param args Arguments to pass to the program
+ @param error On failure, <code>error</code> contains a description of the error
+ that occurred. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be
+ ignored
+ @param pid On success, the process id of the new service will be written
+ here. If the pointer is 0, the argument will be ignored.
+ @param startup_id for app startup notification, "0" for none,
+ "" ( empty string ) is the default
+ @return an error code indicating success (== 0) or failure (> 0).
+ @short Starts a program via tdeinit and wait for it to finish.
+ */
+ public static native int tdeinitExecWait(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error, int[] pid, String startup_id);
+ public static native int tdeinitExecWait(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error, int[] pid);
+ public static native int tdeinitExecWait(String name, String[] args, StringBuffer error);
+ public static native int tdeinitExecWait(String name, String[] args);
+ public static native int tdeinitExecWait(String name);
+ /**
+ Generates a uniform random number.
+ @return A truly unpredictable number in the range [0, RAND_MAX)
+ @short Generates a uniform random number.
+ */
+ public static native int random();
+ /**
+ Generates a random string. It operates in the range [A-Za-z0-9]
+ @param length Generate a string of this length.
+ @return the random string
+ @short Generates a random string.
+ */
+ public static native String randomString(int length);
+ /**
+ Returns the state of the currently pressed keyboard modifiers (e.g. shift, control, etc.)
+ and mouse buttons, similarly to TQKeyEvent.state() and TQMouseEvent.state().
+ You usually should simply use the information provided by TQKeyEvent and TQMouseEvent,
+ but it can be useful to query for the status of the modifiers at another moment
+ (e.g. some KDE apps do that upon a drop event).
+ @return the keyboard modifiers and mouse buttons state
+ @short Returns the state of the currently pressed keyboard modifiers (e.
+ */
+ public static native int keyboardMouseState();
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public static native void startKdeinit();
+ /**
+ Used to obtain the TQPalette that will be used to set the application palette.
+ This is only useful for configuration modules such as krdb and should not be
+ used in normal circumstances.
+ @return the TQPalette
+ @short Used to obtain the TQPalette that will be used to set the application palette.
+ */
+ public static native TQPalette createApplicationPalette();
+ /**
+ Raw access for use by TDM.
+ @short
+ */
+ public static native TQPalette createApplicationPalette(TDEConfig config, int contrast);
+ /**
+ Installs a handler for the SIGPIPE signal. It is thrown when you write to
+ a pipe or socket that has been closed.
+ The handler is installed automatically in the constructor, but you may
+ need it if your application or component does not have a TDEApplication
+ instance.
+ @short Installs a handler for the SIGPIPE signal.
+ */
+ public static native void installSigpipeHandler();
+ /**
+ Whether widgets can be used.
+ @short
+ */
+ public static native boolean guiEnabled();
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ public TDEApplication(boolean allowStyles, boolean GUIenabled, TDEInstanceInterface _instance) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newTDEApplication(allowStyles,GUIenabled,_instance);
+ }
+ private native void newTDEApplication(boolean allowStyles, boolean GUIenabled, TDEInstanceInterface _instance);
+ /**
+ This method is used internally to determine which edit slots are implemented
+ by the widget that has the focus, and to invoke those slots if available.
+ @param slot is the slot as returned using the SLOT() macro, for example SLOT("cut()")
+ This method can be used in TDEApplication subclasses to implement application wide
+ edit actions not supported by the TDEApplication class. For example (in your subclass):
+ <pre>
+ void MyApplication.deselect()
+ {
+ invokeEditSlot( SLOT("deselect()") );
+ }
+ </pre>
+ Now in your application calls to MyApplication.deselect() will call this slot on the
+ focused widget if it provides this slot. You can combine this with TDEAction with:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.deselect( (MyApplication)( kapp ), SLOT("cut()"), actionCollection() );
+ </pre>
+ @short This method is used internally to determine which edit slots are implemented by the widget that has the focus, and to invoke those slots if available.
+ @see #cut
+ @see #copy
+ @see #paste
+ @see #clear
+ @see #selectAll
+ */
+ protected native void invokeEditSlot(String slot);
+ /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
+ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
+ /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
+ public native void dispose();
+ /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
+ public native boolean isDisposed();
+ /**
+ Returns the application standard dirs object.
+ @return The TDEStandardDirs of the application.
+ @short Returns the application standard dirs object.
+ */
+ public native TDEStandardDirs dirs();
+ /**
+ Returns the general config object ("appnamerc").
+ @return the TDEConfig object for the instance.
+ @short Returns the general config object ("appnamerc").
+ */
+ public native TDEConfig config();
+ /**
+ Returns the general config object ("appnamerc").
+ @return the TDEConfig object for the instance.
+ @short Returns the general config object ("appnamerc").
+ */
+ public native TDESharedConfig sharedConfig();
+ /**
+ Returns an iconloader object.
+ @return the iconloader object.
+ @short Returns an iconloader object.
+ */
+ public native TDEIconLoader iconLoader();
+ /**
+ Re-allocate the global iconloader.
+ @short Re-allocate the global iconloader.
+ */
+ public native void newIconLoader();
+ /**
+ Returns the about data of this instance
+ Warning, can be null
+ @return the about data of the instance, or 0 if it has
+ not been set yet
+ @short Returns the about data of this instance Warning, can be 0L
+ */
+ public native TDEAboutData aboutData();
+ /**
+ Returns the name of the instance
+ @return the instance name, can be null if the TDEInstance has been
+ created with a null name
+ @short Returns the name of the instance
+ */
+ public native String instanceName();
+ /**
+ Returns the KMimeSourceFactory of the instance.
+ Mainly added for API completeness and future extensibility.
+ @return the KMimeSourceFactory set as default for this application.
+ @short Returns the KMimeSourceFactory of the instance.
+ */
+ public native KMimeSourceFactory mimeSourceFactory();
+ /**
+ Set name of default config file.
+ @param name the name of the default config file
+ @short Set name of default config file.
+ */
+ protected native void setConfigName(String name);
+ /**
+ Used internally by the KDE Koala Java bindings runtime
+ */
+ public static native void setJavaSlotFactory();