path: root/kdeui/tests/kwindowtest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdeui/tests/kwindowtest.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/kdeui/tests/kwindowtest.cpp b/kdeui/tests/kwindowtest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0615d492f..000000000
--- a/kdeui/tests/kwindowtest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-#include <tqmessagebox.h>
-#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
-#include <tqpixmap.h>
-#include <tqkeycode.h>
-#include <tqwidget.h>
-#include <tqstring.h>
-#include <tqcursor.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <kstatusbar.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kcombobox.h>
-#include <khelpmenu.h>
-#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
-#include <kmenubar.h>
-#include <ktoolbarradiogroup.h>
-#include <kiconloader.h>
-#include <kpopupmenu.h>
-#include <tqmultilineedit.h>
-#include "kwindowtest.h"
-#include <kglobal.h>
-//#include <dclock.h>
- Ok this is a constructor of our top widget. It inherits KMainWindow.
- In constructor wi will create all of our interface elements:
- menubar, toolbar(s), statusbar, and main widget. Non of those
- interface is obligatory, i.e. you don't have to use menubar,
- toolbars or statusbar if you don't want to. Theoreticly, you
- don't need even main widget (but in that case, you'll get blank
- KMainWindow).
- */
-static int itemId = 0;
-testWindow::testWindow (TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
- : KMainWindow (parent,name)
- ena=false;
- setCaption("test window");
- /******************************/
- /* First, we setup setup Menus */
- /******************************/
- menuBar = new KMenuBar (this);
- // First popup...
- fileMenu = new TQPopupMenu;
- // We insert this popup in menubar with caption "File".
- // Prefix "&" means that "F" will be underlined
- menuBar->insertItem ("&File", fileMenu);
- // We insert item "Exit" with accelerator ALT-Q, and connect
- // it to application's exit-slot.
- fileMenu->insertItem ("&Exit", KApplication::kApplication(),
- TQT_SLOT( quit() ), ALT + Key_Q );
- // Another popup...
- toolBarMenu = new TQPopupMenu;
- menuBar->insertItem ("&Toolbars", toolBarMenu);
- toolBarMenu->insertItem ("(Un)Hide tollbar 1", this, TQT_SLOT(slotHide1()));
- toolBarMenu->insertItem ("(Un)Hide tollbar 2", this, TQT_SLOT(slotHide2()));
- itemsMenu = new TQPopupMenu;
- menuBar->insertItem ("&Items", itemsMenu);
- exitB = true; // exit button is shown
- lineL = true; // Lined is enabled
- greenF = false; // Frame not inserted
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("delete/insert exit button", this, TQT_SLOT(slotExit()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("insert/delete green frame!", this, TQT_SLOT(slotFrame()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("enable/disable Lined", this, TQT_SLOT(slotLined()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("Toggle fileNew", this, TQT_SLOT(slotNew()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("Clear comboBox", this, TQT_SLOT(slotClearCombo()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("Insert List in Combo", this, TQT_SLOT(slotInsertListInCombo()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("Make item 3 curent", this, TQT_SLOT(slotMakeItem3Current()));
- //itemsMenu->insertItem ("Insert clock!", this, TQT_SLOT(slotInsertClock()));
- itemsMenu->insertItem ("Important!", this, TQT_SLOT(slotImportant()));
- menuBar->insertSeparator();
- helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, "KWindowTest was programmed by Sven Radej");
- menuBar->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu->menu() );
- /**************************************************/
- /*Now, we setup statusbar order is not important. */
- /**************************************************/
- statusBar = new KStatusBar (this);
- statusBar->insertItem("Hi there! ", 0);
- statusBar->insertItem("Look for tooltips to see functions", 1);
- //DigitalClock *clk = new DigitalClock (statusBar);
- //clk->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame);
- //statusBar->insertWidget(clk, 70, 2);
- /***********************/
- /* And now the toolbar */
- /***********************/
- // pixmap which we will use
- TQPixmap pix;
- // Create toolbar...
- tb = toolBar();
- // and set it to full width
- tb->setFullSize(true);
- // First four buttons
- pix = BarIcon("filenew");
- itemId = tb->insertButton(pix, 0, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNew()),
- true, "Create.. (toggles upper button)", 50);
- pix = BarIcon("fileopen");
- tb->insertButton(pix, 1, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpen()),
- false, "Open");
- pix = BarIcon("filefloppy");
- tb->insertButton(pix, 2, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSave()),
- true, "Save (beep or delayed popup)");
- tb->setDelayedPopup(2, itemsMenu);
- pix = BarIcon("fileprint");
- tb->insertButton(pix, 3, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPrint()),
- true, "Print (enables/disables open)");
- // And a combobox
- // arguments: text (or strList), ID, writable, signal, object, slot, enabled,
- // tooltiptext, size
- tb->insertCombo (TQString("one"), 4, true, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString&)), this,
- TQT_SLOT(slotList(const TQString&)), true, "ComboBox", 150);
- // Then one line editor
- // arguments: text, id, signal, object (this), slot, enabled, tooltiptext, size
- tb->insertLined ("", 5, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this,
- TQT_SLOT(slotReturn()), true, "Location", 200);
- // Set this Lined to auto size itself. Note that only one item (Lined or Combo)
- // Can be set to autosize; If you specify more of them only last (according to
- /// index) will be set to autosize itself. Only Lined or Combo can be
- // set to autosize. All items after autoSized one must be aligned right.
- // Auto size is valid only for fullWidth toolbars.
- tb->setItemAutoSized (5);
- // Now add another button and align it right
- pix = BarIcon("exit");
- tb->insertButton(pix, 6, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), KApplication::kApplication(),
- TQT_SLOT( quit() ), true, "Exit");
- tb->alignItemRight (6);
- // Another toolbar
- tb1 = new KToolBar(this, TQMainWindow::DockTop); // this one is normal and has separators
- pix = BarIcon("filenew");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 0, true, "Create new file2 (Toggle)");
- tb1->setToggle(0);
- tb1->addConnection (0, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggle(bool)));
- pix = BarIcon("fileopen");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 1, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpen()),
- true, "Open (starts progres in sb)");
- tb1->insertSeparator ();
- pix = BarIcon("filefloppy");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 2, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSave()),
- true, "Save file2 (autorepeat)");
- tb1->setAutoRepeat(2);
- pix = BarIcon("fileprint");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 3, itemsMenu, true, "Print (pops menu)");
- tb1->insertSeparator ();
- /**** RADIO BUTTONS */
- pix = BarIcon("filenew");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 4, true, "Radiobutton1");
- tb1->setToggle(4);
- pix = BarIcon("fileopen");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 5, true, "Radiobutton2");
- tb1->setToggle(5);
- pix = BarIcon("filefloppy");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 6, true, "Radiobutton3");
- tb1->setToggle(6);
- pix = BarIcon("fileprint");
- tb1->insertButton(pix, 7, true, "Radiobutton4");
- tb1->setToggle(7);
- //Create
- rg = new KToolBarRadioGroup (tb1);
- rg->addButton(4);
- rg->addButton(5);
- rg->addButton(6);
- rg->addButton(7);
- connect (tb1, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggled(int)));
- // Set caption for floating toolbars
- tb->setTitle ("Toolbar 1");
- tb1->setTitle ("Toolbar 2");
- // Set main widget. In this example it is Qt's multiline editor.
- widget = new TQMultiLineEdit (this);
- // Setup is now complete
- // add two toolbars
- //addToolBar (tb1);
- //addToolBar (tb);
- connect (tb, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int,bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMessage(int, bool)));
- connect (tb1, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMessage(int, bool)));
- // Floating is enabled by default, so you don't need this.
- // tb->enableFloating(true);
- // tb1->enableFloating(true);
- // Show toolbars
- tb->show();
- tb1->show();
- //... and main widget
- setCentralWidget (widget);
- // This is not strictly related to toolbars, menubars or KMainWindow.
- // Setup popup for completions
- completions = new TQPopupMenu;
- completions->insertItem("/");
- completions->insertItem("/usr/");
- completions->insertItem("/lib/");
- completions->insertItem("/var/");
- completions->insertItem("/bin/");
- completions->insertItem("/kde/");
- completions->insertItem("/home/");
- completions->insertItem("/vmlinuz :-)");
- connect (completions, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCompletionsMenu(int)));
- pr = 0;
-/* Now slots for toolbar actions */
-void testWindow::slotToggled(int)
- statusBar->message ("Buton toggled", 1500);
-void testWindow::slotInsertClock()
- //DigitalClock *clock = new DigitalClock(tb1);
- //clock->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame);
- //tb1->insertWidget(8, 70, clock);
-void testWindow::slotNew()
- tb1->toggleButton(0);
- toolBar()->removeItem( itemId );
-void testWindow::slotOpen()
- if (pr == 0)
- pr = new TQProgressBar (statusBar);
-// statusBar->message(pr);
- timer = new TQTimer (pr);
- connect (timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGoGoGoo()));
- timer->start(100);
-void testWindow::slotGoGoGoo()
- pr->setProgress(pr->progress()+1);
- if (pr->progress()==100)
- {
- timer->stop();
- statusBar->clear();
- delete pr;
- pr = 0;
- }
-void testWindow::slotSave()
- kapp->beep();
- statusBar->changeItem("Saving properties...", 0);
-void testWindow::slotPrint()
- statusBar->changeItem("Print file pressed", 0);
- ena=!ena;
- tb->setItemEnabled(1,ena );
-void testWindow::slotReturn()
- TQString s = "You entered ";
- s = s + tb->getLinedText(5);
- statusBar->changeItem(s, 0);
-void testWindow::slotList(const TQString &str)
- TQString s = "You chose ";
- s = s + str;
- statusBar->changeItem(s, 0);
-void testWindow::slotCompletion()
- // Now do a completion
- // Call your completing function and set that text in klined
- // TQString s = tb->getLinedText(/* ID */ 4)
- // TQString completed = complete (s);
- // tb->setLinedText(/* ID */ 4,
- // for now this:
- completions->popup(TQCursor::pos()); // This popup should understunf keys up and down
- /* This is just an example. KLined automatically sets cursor at end of string
- when ctrl-d or ctrl-s is pressed. KToolBar will also put cursor at end of text in Lined
- after inserting text with setLinedText (...).
- */
-void testWindow::slotListCompletion()
- /*
- Combo is not behaving good and it is ugly. I will see how it behaves in Qt-1.3,
- and then decide should I make a new combobox.
- */
- TQString s(tb->getComboItem(4)); // get text in combo
- s+= "(completing)";
- //tb->getCombo(4)->changeItem(; // setTextIncombo
-void testWindow::slotCompletionsMenu(int id)
- // Now set text in lined
- TQString s =completions->text(id);
- tb->setLinedText(5, s); // Cursor is automatically at the end of string after this
-void testWindow::slotHide2 ()
- tb1->show();
-void testWindow::slotHide1 ()
- tb->show();
-testWindow::~testWindow ()
- /********************************************************/
- /* */
- /* */
- /********************************************************/
- delete tb1->getWidget(8);
- //debug ("kwindowtest: deleted clock");
- delete tb;
- delete tb1;
- delete menuBar;
- qDebug ("kwindowtest finished");
-void testWindow::beFixed()
- widget->setFixedSize (400, 200);
-void testWindow::beYFixed()
- widget->setMinimumSize(400, 200);
- widget->setMaximumSize(9999, 200);
-void testWindow::slotImportant ()
- statusBar->message("This important message will go away in 15 seconds", 15000);
-void testWindow::slotExit ()
- if (exitB == true)
- {
- tb->removeItem(6);
- exitB = false;
- }
- else
- {
- TQPixmap pix;
- pix = BarIcon("exit");
- tb->insertButton(pix, 6, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), KApplication::kApplication(),
- TQT_SLOT( quit() ), true, "Exit");
- tb->alignItemRight (6);
- exitB = true;
- }
-void testWindow::slotLined()
- lineL = !lineL;
- tb->setItemEnabled(5, lineL); // enable/disable lined
-void testWindow::slotToggle (bool on)
- if (on == true)
- statusBar->changeItem("Toggle is on", 0);
- else
- statusBar->changeItem("Toggle is off", 0);
-void testWindow::slotFrame()
-#if 0
- if (greenF == false)
- {
- tb1->insertFrame(10, 100);
- tb1->alignItemRight (10); // this is pointless 'cause tb1 is not fullwidth
- TQFrame *myFrame = tb1->getFrame(10); // get frame pointer
- if (myFrame == 0)
- {
- warning ("bad frame ID");
- return;
- }
- //paint it green
- // Or do whatever you want with it, just don't change its height (height = hardcoded = 24)
- // And don't move it
- // If you want to have something right from your toolbar you can reduce its
- // max_width with setMaxWidth()
- myFrame->setBackgroundColor (TQColor("green"));
- greenF = true;
- }
- else
- {
- tb1->removeItem (10);
- greenF = false;
- }
-void testWindow::slotMessage(int, bool boo)
- if (boo)
- statusBar->message("This button does this and that", 1500);
- else
- statusBar->clear();
-// Now few Combo slots, for Torben
-void testWindow::slotClearCombo()
- tb->getCombo(4)->clear();
-void testWindow::slotInsertListInCombo()
- TQStringList list;
- list.append("ListOne");
- list.append("ListTwo");
- list.append("ListThree");
- list.append("ListFour");
- list.append("ListFive");
- list.append("ListSix");
- list.append("ListSeven");
- list.append("ListEight");
- list.append("ListNine");
- list.append("ListTen");
- list.append("ListEleven");
- list.append("ListAndSoOn");
- tb->getCombo(4)->insertStringList (list,0);
-void testWindow::slotMakeItem3Current()
- tb->getCombo(4)->setCurrentItem(3);
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int i;
- KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "KWindowTest", "description", "version");
- KApplication *myApp = new KApplication();
- testWindow *test = new testWindow;
- myApp->setMainWidget(test);
- i = TQMessageBox::information(0, "Select", "Select type of mainwidget",
- "Fixed", "Y-fixed", "Resizable");
- if (i == 0)
- test->beFixed();
- else if (i == 1)
- test->beYFixed();
- test->show();
- test->resize(400, 500);
- int ret = myApp->exec();
- //delete test;
- return ret;
-#include "kwindowtest.moc"