path: root/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello')
-rw-r--r--languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.pngbin0 -> 10118 bytes
7 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/.kdev_ignore b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/.kdev_ignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/.kdev_ignore
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02924e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+dataFiles = main.pp app.kdevelop
+templateName = pascalhello
+### no need to change below:
+template_DATA = $(templateName).kdevtemplate
+templatedir = ${appwizarddatadir}/templates
+appwizarddatadir = ${kde_datadir}/kdevappwizard
+$(templateName).tar.gz: ${dataFiles}
+ $(TAR) -cf $(templateName).tar -C $(srcdir) ${dataFiles}
+ $(GZIP_COMMAND) -f9 $(templateName).tar
+archivedir = ${appwizarddatadir}
+archive_DATA = $(templateName).tar.gz ${templateName}.png
+CLEANFILES = *.tar.gz \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/app.kdevelop b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/app.kdevelop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcb75f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/app.kdevelop
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <general>
+ <author>%{AUTHOR}</author>
+ <email>%{EMAIL}</email>
+ <version>%{VERSION}</version>
+ <projectmanagement>KDevPascalProject</projectmanagement>
+ <primarylanguage>Pascal</primarylanguage>
+ <keywords>
+ <keyword>Pascal</keyword>
+ <keyword>Code</keyword>
+ </keywords>
+ </general>
+ <kdevpascalproject>
+ <general>
+ <useconfiguration>default</useconfiguration>
+ </general>
+ <configurations>
+ <default>
+ <mainsource>src/%{APPNAMELC}.pp</mainsource>
+ </default>
+ </configurations>
+ <run>
+ <terminal>true</terminal>
+ </run>
+ </kdevpascalproject>
+ <kdevdoctreeview>
+ <ignoretocs>
+ <toc>ada</toc>
+ <toc>ada_bugs_gcc</toc>
+ <toc>bash</toc>
+ <toc>bash_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>c++_bugs_gcc</toc>
+ <toc>clanlib</toc>
+ <toc>w3c-dom-level2-html</toc>
+ <toc>fortran_bugs_gcc</toc>
+ <toc>gnome1</toc>
+ <toc>gnustep</toc>
+ <toc>gtk</toc>
+ <toc>gtk_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>haskell</toc>
+ <toc>haskell_bugs_ghc</toc>
+ <toc>java_bugs_gcc</toc>
+ <toc>java_bugs_sun</toc>
+ <toc>kde2book</toc>
+ <toc>libc</toc>
+ <toc>libstdc++</toc>
+ <toc>opengl</toc>
+ <toc>php</toc>
+ <toc>php_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>perl</toc>
+ <toc>perl_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>python</toc>
+ <toc>python_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>qt-kdev3</toc>
+ <toc>ruby</toc>
+ <toc>ruby_bugs</toc>
+ <toc>sdl</toc>
+ <toc>stl</toc>
+ <toc>w3c-svg</toc>
+ <toc>sw</toc>
+ <toc>w3c-uaag10</toc>
+ <toc>wxwidgets_bugs</toc>
+ </ignoretocs>
+ <ignoreqt_xml>
+ <toc>Guide to the Qt Translation Tools</toc>
+ <toc>Qt Assistant Manual</toc>
+ <toc>Qt Designer Manual</toc>
+ <toc>Qt Reference Documentation</toc>
+ <toc>qmake User Guide</toc>
+ </ignoreqt_xml>
+ <ignoredoxygen>
+ <toc>KDE Libraries (Doxygen)</toc>
+ </ignoredoxygen>
+ </kdevdoctreeview>
+ <kdevfilecreate>
+ <useglobaltypes>
+ <type ext="pp"/>
+ <type ext="pas"/>
+ <type ext="dpr"/>
+ </useglobaltypes>
+ </kdevfilecreate>
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/main.pp b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/main.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..932c3c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/main.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+program main;
+ WriteLn('Hello World');
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7482fb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# KDE Config File
+Name=Simple Hello world program
+Name[fr]=Un simple programme de test Hello world
+Comment=Generates a simple Hello world program in Pascal
+Comment[fr]=Gnre un simple programme de test du type Hello world dans le language PASCAL.
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.kdevtemplate b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.kdevtemplate
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13c9df69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.kdevtemplate
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# KDE Config File
+Name=Simple Hello world program
+Name[ca]=Simple programa Hello world
+Name[da]=Simpelt Goddag verden program
+Name[de]=Ein einfaches "Hello World"-Programm
+Name[el]=Απλό πρόγραμμα Γεια σου Κόσμε
+Name[es]=Programa «Hola mundo» sencillo
+Name[et]=Lihtne "Tere, maailm" programm
+Name[eu]="Kaixo mundua" programa sinplea
+Name[fa]=برنامۀ سادۀ Hello world
+Name[fr]=Programme « Bonjour monde » simple
+Name[ga]=Ríomhchlár simplí "Hello World"
+Name[gl]=Programa sinxelo Ola mundo
+Name[hu]=Egyszerű Hello world program
+Name[it]=Semplice programma di "Hello world"
+Name[ja]=簡単な Hello world プログラム
+Name[ms]=Program Hello World mudah
+Name[nds]=En eenfach "Moin Welt"-Programm
+Name[ne]=साधारण हेल्लो वोल्ड कार्यक्रम
+Name[nl]=Eenvoudig 'Hello World' programma
+Name[pl]=Prosty program witaj świecie
+Name[pt]=Programa simples Olá Mundo
+Name[pt_BR]=Programa simples Olá Mundo
+Name[ru]=Простая программа Hello world
+Name[sk]=Jednoduchý "Ahoj svet" program
+Name[sl]=Preprost program Hello world
+Name[sr]=Једноставан „Здраво свете“ програм
+Name[sr@Latn]=Jednostavan „Zdravo svete“ program
+Name[sv]=Enkelt Hello world-program
+Name[tr]=Basit Merhaba dünya programı
+Name[zh_CN]=简单的 Hello world 程序
+Name[zh_TW]=簡單的 Hello world 程式
+Comment=Generates a simple Hello world program in Pascal
+Comment[ca]=Genera un simple programa de Hello world en Pascal
+Comment[da]=Genererer et simpelt Goddag verden program i Pascal
+Comment[de]=Erstellt ein einfaches "Hello World"-Programm in Pascal
+Comment[el]=Δημιουργεί ένα απλό πρόγραμμα Γεια σου Κόσμε σε Pascal
+Comment[es]=Genera un programa «Hola mundo» sencillo en Pascal
+Comment[et]=Lihtsa "Tere, maailm" programmi loomine Pascalis
+Comment[eu]=Pascal-en idatzitako "Kaixo mundua" programa sinple bat sortzen du
+Comment[fa]=یک برنامۀ سادۀ Hello world در پاسکال تولید می‌کند
+Comment[fr]=Génère un programme « Bonjour monde » simple en Pascal
+Comment[gl]=Xera un programa sinxelo Ola mundo en Pascal
+Comment[hu]=Létrehoz egy egyszerű Hello world programot Pascalban
+Comment[it]=Genera un semplice programma di "Hello world" in Pascal
+Comment[ja]=簡単な Hello world プログラムを Pascal で作成します
+Comment[nds]=Stellt in Pascal en eenfach "Moin Welt"-Programm op
+Comment[ne]=साधारण हेल्लो वोल्ड कार्यक्रमलाई पास्कलमा उत्पन्न गर्दछ
+Comment[nl]=Genereert een eenvudig Hello World-programma in Pascal
+Comment[pl]=Generuje prosty program "Witaj świecie" w Pascalu
+Comment[pt]=Gera um programa simples Olá Mundo em Pascal
+Comment[pt_BR]=Gera um programa simples Olá Mundo em Pascal
+Comment[ru]=Создание простого приложения Hello world на Pascal
+Comment[sk]=Vygeneruje jednoduchý Ahoj svet program v Pascal
+Comment[sr]=Прави једноставан „Здраво свете“ у Pascal-у
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Pravi jednostavan „Zdravo svete“ u Pascal-u
+Comment[sv]=Skapar ett enkelt Hello world-program i Pascal
+Comment[tr]=Pascal'da basit bir Merhaba Dünya programı yaratır.
+Comment[zh_CN]=生成一个简单的 Pascal 语言 Hello world 程序
+Comment[zh_TW]=產生一個簡單的 Pascal Hello world 程式
+Comment=A simple 'hello world' program in Pascal was created in %{dest}
+Comment[ca]=Un simple programa de 'hello world' en Pascal ha estat creat en %{dest}
+Comment[da]=Et simpelt 'goddag verden' program i Pascal blev oprettet i %{dest}
+Comment[de]=Ein einfaches "Hello world"-Programm in Pascal wurde in %{dest} erstellt.
+Comment[el]=Ένα απλό πρόγραμμα 'Γεια σου κόσμε' σε Pascal δημιουργήθηκε στο %{dest}
+Comment[es]=Un sencillo programa «Hola mundo» en Pascal ha sido creado en %{dest}
+Comment[et]=Lihtne "Tere, maailm" programm Pascalis loodi asukohta %{dest}
+Comment[eu]=Pascal-en idatzitako "Kaixo mundua" programa sinple bat sortu da hemen: %{dest}
+Comment[fa]=یک برنامۀ سادۀ «hello world» در پاسکال در %{dest} ایجاد شد
+Comment[fr]=Un programme « Bonjour monde » simple en Pascal a été créé dans %{dest}
+Comment[gl]=Creouse un programa sinxelo en Pascal 'ola mundo' en %{dest}
+Comment[hu]=Létrejött egy egyszerű Hello world Pascal-program itt: %{dest}
+Comment[it]=È stato creato un semplice programma Pascal di "hello world" in %{dest}
+Comment[ja]=Pascal で書かれた簡単な hello world プログラムを %{dest} に作成しました
+Comment[nds]=In %{dest} wöör en eenfach "Moin Welt"-Programm in Pascal opstellt
+Comment[ne]=पास्कलमा साधारण 'हेल्लो वोल्ड' कार्यक्रम %{dest} सिर्जना गरियो
+Comment[nl]=Een eenvoudig Hello World-programma geschreven in Pascal is aangemaakt in %{dest}
+Comment[pl]=Prosty program "Witaj świecie" w Pascalu został utworzony w %{dest}
+Comment[pt]=Foi criado um programa simples 'olá mundo' em Pascal em %{dest}
+Comment[pt_BR]=Foi criado um programa simples 'olá mundo' em Pascal em %{dest}
+Comment[ru]=Простое приложение 'hello world' на Pascal создано в %{dest}
+Comment[sk]=Jednoduchý Ahoj svet program v Pascal bol vytvorený v %{dest}
+Comment[sr]=Једноставан „Здраво свете“ програм у Pascal-у направљен је у %{dest}
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Jednostavan „Zdravo svete“ program u Pascal-u napravljen je u %{dest}
+Comment[sv]=Ett enkelt 'Hello world'-program i Pascal skapades i %{dest}
+Comment[tr]=Pascal'da basit bir "Merhaba Dünya" uygulaması %{dest} içinde yaratıldı.
+Comment[zh_CN]=在 %{dest} 创建了一个简单的“Hello world”程序
+Comment[zh_TW]=一個簡單的 Pascal Hello world 程式已建立於 %{dest}
diff --git a/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.png b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..888d4f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/pascal/app_templates/pascalhello/pascalhello.png
Binary files differ