path: root/src/LexPS.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/LexPS.cpp')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/LexPS.cpp b/src/LexPS.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c75ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LexPS.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Scintilla source code edit control
+/** @file LexPS.cxx
+ ** Lexer for PostScript
+ **
+ ** Written by Nigel Hathaway <>.
+ ** The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
+ **/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Platform.h"
+#include "PropSet.h"
+#include "Accessor.h"
+#include "StyleContext.h"
+#include "KeyWords.h"
+#include "Scintilla.h"
+#include "SciLexer.h"
+static inline bool IsASelfDelimitingChar(const int ch) {
+ return (ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' ||
+ ch == '/' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' ||
+ ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '%');
+static inline bool IsAWhitespaceChar(const int ch) {
+ return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' ||
+ ch == '\n' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\0');
+static bool IsABaseNDigit(const int ch, const int base) {
+ int maxdig = '9';
+ int letterext = -1;
+ if (base <= 10)
+ maxdig = '0' + base - 1;
+ else
+ letterext = base - 11;
+ return ((ch >= '0' && ch <= maxdig) ||
+ (ch >= 'A' && ch <= ('A' + letterext)) ||
+ (ch >= 'a' && ch <= ('a' + letterext)));
+static inline bool IsABase85Char(const int ch) {
+ return ((ch >= '!' && ch <= 'u') || ch == 'z');
+static void ColourisePSDoc(
+ unsigned int startPos,
+ int length,
+ int initStyle,
+ WordList *keywordlists[],
+ Accessor &styler) {
+ WordList &keywords1 = *keywordlists[0];
+ WordList &keywords2 = *keywordlists[1];
+ WordList &keywords3 = *keywordlists[2];
+ WordList &keywords4 = *keywordlists[3];
+ WordList &keywords5 = *keywordlists[4];
+ StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler);
+ bool tokenizing = styler.GetPropertyInt("ps.tokenize") != 0;
+ int pslevel = styler.GetPropertyInt("ps.level", 3);
+ int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
+ int nestTextCurrent = 0;
+ if (lineCurrent > 0 && initStyle == SCE_PS_TEXT)
+ nestTextCurrent = styler.GetLineState(lineCurrent - 1);
+ int numRadix = 0;
+ bool numHasPoint = false;
+ bool numHasExponent = false;
+ bool numHasSign = false;
+ // Clear out existing tokenization
+ if (tokenizing && length > 0) {
+ styler.StartAt(startPos, static_cast<char>(INDIC2_MASK));
+ styler.ColourTo(startPos + length-1, 0);
+ styler.Flush();
+ styler.StartAt(startPos);
+ styler.StartSegment(startPos);
+ }
+ for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) {
+ if (sc.atLineStart)
+ lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(sc.currentPos);
+ // Determine if the current state should terminate.
+ if (sc.state == SCE_PS_COMMENT || sc.state == SCE_PS_DSC_VALUE) {
+ if (sc.atLineEnd) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_DSC_COMMENT) {
+ if ( == ':') {
+ sc.Forward();
+ if (!sc.atLineEnd)
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_DSC_VALUE);
+ else
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (sc.atLineEnd) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_COMMENT);
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_NUMBER) {
+ if (IsASelfDelimitingChar( || IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ if ((sc.chPrev == '+' || sc.chPrev == '-' ||
+ sc.chPrev == 'E' || sc.chPrev == 'e') && numRadix == 0)
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ } else if ( == '#') {
+ if (numHasPoint || numHasExponent || numHasSign || numRadix != 0) {
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ } else {
+ char szradix[5];
+ sc.GetCurrent(szradix, 4);
+ numRadix = atoi(szradix);
+ if (numRadix < 2 || numRadix > 36)
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ }
+ } else if (( == 'E' || == 'e') && numRadix == 0) {
+ if (numHasExponent) {
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ } else {
+ numHasExponent = true;
+ if (sc.chNext == '+' || sc.chNext == '-')
+ sc.Forward();
+ }
+ } else if ( == '.') {
+ if (numHasPoint || numHasExponent || numRadix != 0) {
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ } else {
+ numHasPoint = true;
+ }
+ } else if (numRadix == 0) {
+ if (!IsABaseNDigit(, 10))
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ } else {
+ if (!IsABaseNDigit(, numRadix))
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_NAME || sc.state == SCE_PS_KEYWORD) {
+ if (IsASelfDelimitingChar( || IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ char s[100];
+ sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s));
+ if ((pslevel >= 1 && keywords1.InList(s)) ||
+ (pslevel >= 2 && keywords2.InList(s)) ||
+ (pslevel >= 3 && keywords3.InList(s)) ||
+ keywords4.InList(s) || keywords5.InList(s)) {
+ sc.ChangeState(SCE_PS_KEYWORD);
+ }
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_LITERAL || sc.state == SCE_PS_IMMEVAL) {
+ if (IsASelfDelimitingChar( || IsAWhitespaceChar(
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_PAREN_ARRAY || sc.state == SCE_PS_PAREN_DICT ||
+ sc.state == SCE_PS_PAREN_PROC) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_TEXT) {
+ if ( == '(') {
+ nestTextCurrent++;
+ } else if ( == ')') {
+ if (--nestTextCurrent == 0)
+ sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_PS_DEFAULT);
+ } else if ( == '\\') {
+ sc.Forward();
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_HEXSTRING) {
+ if ( == '>') {
+ sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_PS_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (!IsABaseNDigit(, 16) && !IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_HEXSTRING);
+ styler.ColourTo(sc.currentPos, SCE_PS_BADSTRINGCHAR);
+ }
+ } else if (sc.state == SCE_PS_BASE85STRING) {
+ if (sc.Match('~', '>')) {
+ sc.Forward();
+ sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_PS_DEFAULT);
+ } else if (!IsABase85Char( && !IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_BASE85STRING);
+ styler.ColourTo(sc.currentPos, SCE_PS_BADSTRINGCHAR);
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine if a new state should be entered.
+ if (sc.state == SCE_C_DEFAULT) {
+ unsigned int tokenpos = sc.currentPos;
+ if ( == '[' || == ']') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_PAREN_ARRAY);
+ } else if ( == '{' || == '}') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_PAREN_PROC);
+ } else if ( == '/') {
+ if (sc.chNext == '/') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_IMMEVAL);
+ sc.Forward();
+ } else {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_LITERAL);
+ }
+ } else if ( == '<') {
+ if (sc.chNext == '<') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_PAREN_DICT);
+ sc.Forward();
+ } else if (sc.chNext == '~') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_BASE85STRING);
+ sc.Forward();
+ } else {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_HEXSTRING);
+ }
+ } else if ( == '>' && sc.chNext == '>') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_PAREN_DICT);
+ sc.Forward();
+ } else if ( == '>' || == ')') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT);
+ styler.ColourTo(sc.currentPos, SCE_PS_BADSTRINGCHAR);
+ } else if ( == '(') {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_TEXT);
+ nestTextCurrent = 1;
+ } else if ( == '%') {
+ if (sc.chNext == '%' && sc.atLineStart) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_DSC_COMMENT);
+ sc.Forward();
+ if (sc.chNext == '+') {
+ sc.Forward();
+ sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_PS_DSC_VALUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_COMMENT);
+ }
+ } else if (( == '+' || == '-' || == '.') &&
+ IsABaseNDigit(sc.chNext, 10)) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_NUMBER);
+ numRadix = 0;
+ numHasPoint = ( == '.');
+ numHasExponent = false;
+ numHasSign = ( == '+' || == '-');
+ } else if (( == '+' || == '-') && sc.chNext == '.' &&
+ IsABaseNDigit(sc.GetRelative(2), 10)) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_NUMBER);
+ numRadix = 0;
+ numHasPoint = false;
+ numHasExponent = false;
+ numHasSign = true;
+ } else if (IsABaseNDigit(, 10)) {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_NUMBER);
+ numRadix = 0;
+ numHasPoint = false;
+ numHasExponent = false;
+ numHasSign = false;
+ } else if (!IsAWhitespaceChar( {
+ sc.SetState(SCE_PS_NAME);
+ }
+ // Mark the start of tokens
+ if (tokenizing && sc.state != SCE_C_DEFAULT && sc.state != SCE_PS_COMMENT &&
+ sc.state != SCE_PS_DSC_COMMENT && sc.state != SCE_PS_DSC_VALUE) {
+ styler.Flush();
+ styler.StartAt(tokenpos, static_cast<char>(INDIC2_MASK));
+ styler.ColourTo(tokenpos, INDIC2_MASK);
+ styler.Flush();
+ styler.StartAt(tokenpos);
+ styler.StartSegment(tokenpos);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sc.atLineEnd)
+ styler.SetLineState(lineCurrent, nestTextCurrent);
+ }
+ sc.Complete();
+static void FoldPSDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[],
+ Accessor &styler) {
+ bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0;
+ bool foldAtElse = styler.GetPropertyInt("", 0) != 0;
+ unsigned int endPos = startPos + length;
+ int visibleChars = 0;
+ int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
+ int levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
+ if (lineCurrent > 0)
+ levelCurrent = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent-1) >> 16;
+ int levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent;
+ int levelNext = levelCurrent;
+ char chNext = styler[startPos];
+ int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos);
+ int style;
+ for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {
+ char ch = chNext;
+ chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
+ style = styleNext;
+ styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1);
+ bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n'); //mac??
+ if ((style & 31) == SCE_PS_PAREN_PROC) {
+ if (ch == '{') {
+ // Measure the minimum before a '{' to allow
+ // folding on "} {"
+ if (levelMinCurrent > levelNext) {
+ levelMinCurrent = levelNext;
+ }
+ levelNext++;
+ } else if (ch == '}') {
+ levelNext--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atEOL) {
+ int levelUse = levelCurrent;
+ if (foldAtElse) {
+ levelUse = levelMinCurrent;
+ }
+ int lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16;
+ if (visibleChars == 0 && foldCompact)
+ if (levelUse < levelNext)
+ if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) {
+ styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
+ }
+ lineCurrent++;
+ levelCurrent = levelNext;
+ levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent;
+ visibleChars = 0;
+ }
+ if (!isspacechar(ch))
+ visibleChars++;
+ }
+static const char * const psWordListDesc[] = {
+ "PS Level 1 operators",
+ "PS Level 2 operators",
+ "PS Level 3 operators",
+ "RIP-specific operators",
+ "User-defined operators",
+ 0
+LexerModule lmPS(SCLEX_PS, ColourisePSDoc, "ps", FoldPSDoc, psWordListDesc);