path: root/doc/html/qaxwidget.html
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authorMichele Calgaro <>2024-06-13 11:12:50 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <>2024-06-14 10:09:21 +0900
commit8a071b48ef8c8900163227ccc622833e26ba4064 (patch)
treed55e89acc80cb967dc1b3d32b94281941c6ae77f /doc/html/qaxwidget.html
parent7bc57326e69b9c3f0eaeda63e4a49b67ba611426 (diff)
Remove documentation about activeqt, because the latter is part of the commercial edition of Qt3
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <>
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-<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQAxWidget Class Reference<br><small>[<a href="qaxcontainer.html">TQAxContainer module</a>]</small></h1>
-<p>The TQAxWidget class is a TQWidget that wraps an ActiveX control.
-<a href="#details">More...</a>
-<p>This class is part of the <b>TQt ActiveTQt Extension</b>.
-<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qaxwidget-h.html">qaxwidget.h</a>&gt;</tt>
-<p>Inherits <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> and <a href="qaxbase.html">TQAxBase</a>.
-<p><a href="qaxwidget-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
-<h2>Public Members</h2>
-<li class=fn><a href="#TQAxWidget"><b>TQAxWidget</b></a> ( TQWidget&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )</li>
-<li class=fn><a href="#TQAxWidget-2"><b>TQAxWidget</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;c, TQWidget&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )</li>
-<li class=fn><a href="#TQAxWidget-3"><b>TQAxWidget</b></a> ( IUnknown&nbsp;*&nbsp;iface, TQWidget&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )</li>
-<li class=fn><a href="#~TQAxWidget"><b>~TQAxWidget</b></a> ()</li>
-<h2>Important Inherited Members</h2>
-<li class=fn>TQVariant <a href="#dynamicCall"><b>dynamicCall</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQCString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;function, const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var1 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var2 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var3 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var4 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var5 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var6 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var7 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var8 = TQVariant ( ) )</li>
-<li class=fn>TQVariant <a href="#dynamicCall-2"><b>dynamicCall</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQCString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;function, TQValueList&lt;TQVariant&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;vars )</li>
-<li class=fn>TQAxObject * <a href="#querySubObject"><b>querySubObject</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQCString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;name, const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var1 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var2 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var3 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var4 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var5 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var6 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var7 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;TQVariant&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var8 = TQVariant ( ) )</li>
-<h2>Protected Members</h2>
-<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#createHostWindow"><b>createHostWindow</b></a> ( bool&nbsp;initialized )</li>
-<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#translateKeyEvent"><b>translateKeyEvent</b></a> ( int&nbsp;message, int&nbsp;keycode ) const</li>
-<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-<p> This class is defined in the <b>TQt <a href="activentqt.html#ActiveTQt">ActiveTQt</a> Extension</b>, which can be found in the <tt>qt/extensions</tt> directory. It is not included in the main TQt API.
-The TQAxWidget class is a <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> that wraps an ActiveX control.
-<p> A TQAxWidget can be instantiated as an empty object, with the name
-of the ActiveX control it should wrap, or with an existing
-interface pointer to the ActiveX control. The ActiveX control's
-properties, methods and events which only use <a href="qaxbase.html">supported data types</a>, become available as TQt properties,
-slots and signals. The base class <a href="qaxbase.html">TQAxBase</a> provides an API to
-access the ActiveX directly through the IUnknown pointer.
-<p> TQAxWidget is a TQWidget and can be used as such, e.g. it can be
-organized in a widget hierarchy, receive events or act as an event
-filter. Standard widget properties, e.g. <a href="tqwidget.html#enabled-prop">enabled</a> are supported, but it depends on the ActiveX
-control to implement support for ambient properties like e.g.
-palette or font. TQAxWidget tries to provide the necessary hints.
-<p> <b>Warning:</b>
-You can subclass TQAxWidget, but you cannot use the <a href="metaobjects.html#TQ_OBJECT">TQ_OBJECT</a> macro
-in the subclass (the generated <a href="moc.html#moc">moc</a>-file will not compile), so you
-cannot add further signals, slots or properties. This limitation
-is due to the metaobject information generated in runtime. To work
-around this problem, aggregate the TQAxWidget as a member of the
-<a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> subclass.
-<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
-<h3 class=fn><a name="TQAxWidget"></a>TQAxWidget::TQAxWidget ( <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )
-Creates an empty TQAxWidget widget and propagates <em>parent</em>, <em>name</em> and <em>f</em> to the <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> constructor. To initialize a control,
-call <a href="qaxbase.html#setControl">setControl</a>.
-<h3 class=fn><a name="TQAxWidget-2"></a>TQAxWidget::TQAxWidget ( const&nbsp;<a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;c, <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )
-Creates an TQAxWidget widget and initializes the ActiveX control <em>c</em>.
-<em>parent</em>, <em>name</em> and <em>f</em> are propagated to the <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> contructor.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qaxbase.html#control-prop">control</a>.
-<h3 class=fn><a name="TQAxWidget-3"></a>TQAxWidget::TQAxWidget ( IUnknown&nbsp;*&nbsp;iface, <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, WFlags&nbsp;f = 0 )
-Creates a TQAxWidget that wraps the COM object referenced by <em>iface</em>.
-<em>parent</em>, <em>name</em> and <em>f</em> are propagated to the <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> contructor.
-<h3 class=fn><a name="~TQAxWidget"></a>TQAxWidget::~TQAxWidget ()
-Shuts down the ActiveX control and destroys the TQAxWidget widget,
-cleaning up all allocated resources.
-<p> <p>See also <a href="qaxbase.html#clear">clear</a>().
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="createHostWindow"></a>TQAxWidget::createHostWindow ( bool&nbsp;initialized )<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
-Creates the client site for the ActiveX control, and returns TRUE if
-the control could be embedded successfully, otherwise returns FALSE.
-If <em>initialized</em> is TRUE the control has already been initialized.
-<p> This function is called by <a href="qaxbase.html#initialize">initialize</a>(). If you reimplement initialize
-to customize the actual control instantiation, call this function in your
-reimplementation to have the control embedded by the default client side.
-Creates the client site for the ActiveX control, and returns TRUE if
-the control could be embedded successfully, otherwise returns FALSE.
-<h3 class=fn><a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a> <a name="dynamicCall"></a>TQAxBase::dynamicCall ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqcstring.html">TQCString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;function, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var1 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var2 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var3 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var4 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var5 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var6 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var7 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var8 = TQVariant ( ) )
-Calls the COM object's method <em>function</em>, passing the
-parameters <em>var1</em>, <em>var1</em>, <em>var2</em>, <em>var3</em>, <em>var4</em>, <em>var5</em>,
-<em>var6</em>, <em>var7</em> and <em>var8</em>, and returns the value returned by
-the method, or an invalid <a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a> if the method does not return
-a value or when the function call failed.
-<p> If <em>function</em> is a method of the object the string must be provided
-as the full prototype, for example as it would be written in a
-<a href="tqobject.html#connect">TQObject::connect</a>() call.
- activeX-&gt;dynamicCall( "Navigate(const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp;)", "" );
- </pre>
-<p> Alternatively a function can be called passing the parameters embedded
-in the string, e.g. above function can also be invoked using
- activeX-&gt;dynamicCall("Navigate(\"\");
- </pre>
-All parameters are passed as strings; it depends on the control whether
-they are interpreted correctly, and is slower than using the prototype
-with correctly typed parameters.
-<p> If <em>function</em> is a property the string has to be the name of the
-property. The property setter is called when <em>var1</em> is a valid TQVariant,
-otherwise the getter is called.
- activeX-&gt;dynamicCall( "Value", 5 );
- <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a> text = activeX-&gt;dynamicCall( "Text" ).toString();
- </pre>
-Note that it is faster to get and set properties using
-<a href="tqobject.html#property">TQObject::property</a>() and <a href="tqobject.html#setProperty">TQObject::setProperty</a>().
-<p> It is only possible to call functions through <a href="qaxbase.html#dynamicCall">dynamicCall</a>() that
-have parameters or return values of datatypes supported by
-<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>. See the <a href="qaxbase.html">TQAxBase</a> class documentation for a list of
-supported and unsupported datatypes. If you want to call functions
-that have unsupported datatypes in the parameter list, use
-<a href="qaxbase.html#queryInterface">queryInterface</a>() to retrieve the appropriate COM interface, and
-use the function directly.
-<p> <pre>
- IWebBrowser2 *webBrowser = 0;
- activeX-&gt;queryInterface( IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&amp;webBrowser );
- if ( webBrowser ) {
- webBrowser-&gt;Navigate2( pvarURL );
- webBrowser-&gt;Release();
- }
- </pre>
-<p> This is also more efficient.
-<p>Example: <a href="qaxcontainer-example-qutlook.html#x2720">qutlook/centralwidget.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn><a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a> <a name="dynamicCall-2"></a>TQAxBase::dynamicCall ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqcstring.html">TQCString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;function, <a href="tqvaluelist.html">TQValueList</a>&lt;TQVariant&gt;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;vars )
-This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-<p> Calls the COM object's method <em>function</em>, passing the
-parameters in <em>vars</em>, and returns the value returned by
-the method. If the method does not return a value or when
-the function call failed this function returns an invalid
-<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a> object.
-<p> The TQVariant objects in <em>vars</em> are updated when the method has
-<h3 class=fn><a href="qaxobject.html">TQAxObject</a>&nbsp;* <a name="querySubObject"></a>TQAxBase::querySubObject ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqcstring.html">TQCString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;name, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var1 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var2 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var3 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var4 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var5 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var6 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var7 = TQVariant ( ), const&nbsp;<a href="ntqvariant.html">TQVariant</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;var8 = TQVariant ( ) )
-Returns a pointer to a <a href="qaxobject.html">TQAxObject</a> wrapping the COM object provided
-by the method or property <em>name</em>, passing passing the parameters
-<em>var1</em>, <em>var1</em>, <em>var2</em>, <em>var3</em>, <em>var4</em>, <em>var5</em>, <em>var6</em>,
-<em>var7</em> and <em>var8</em>.
-<p> If <em>name</em> is provided by a method the string must include the
-full function prototype.
-<p> If <em>name</em> is a property the string must be the name of the property,
-and <em>var1</em>, ... <em>var8</em> are ignored.
-<p> The returned TQAxObject is a child of this object (which is either of
-type TQAxObject or TQAxWidget), and is deleted when this object is
-deleted. It is however safe to delete the returned object yourself,
-and you should do so when you iterate over lists of subobjects.
-<p> COM enabled applications usually have an object model publishing
-certain elements of the application as dispatch interfaces. Use
-this method to navigate the hierarchy of the object model, e.g.
-<p> <pre>
- TQAxWidget outlook( "Outlook.Application" );
- <a href="qaxobject.html">TQAxObject</a> *session = outlook.<a href="qaxbase.html#querySubObject">querySubObject</a>( "Session" );
- if ( session ) {
- <a href="qaxobject.html">TQAxObject</a> *defFolder = session-&gt;<a href="qaxbase.html#querySubObject">querySubObject</a>(
- "GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders)",
- "olFolderContacts" );
- //...
- }
- </pre>
-<p>Example: <a href="qaxcontainer-example-qutlook.html#x2721">qutlook/centralwidget.cpp</a>.
-<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="translateKeyEvent"></a>TQAxWidget::translateKeyEvent ( int&nbsp;message, int&nbsp;keycode ) const<tt> [virtual protected]</tt>
-Reimplement this function to pass certain key events to the
-ActiveX control. <em>message</em> is the Window message identifier
-specifying the message type (ie. WM_KEYDOWN), and <em>keycode</em> is
-the virtual keycode (ie. VK_TAB).
-<p> If the function returns TRUE the key event is passed on to the
-ActiveX control, which then either processes the event or passes
-the event on to TQt.
-<p> If the function returns FALSE the processing of the key event is
-ignored by <a href="activentqt.html#ActiveTQt">ActiveTQt</a>, ie. the ActiveX control might handle it or
-<p> The default implementation returns TRUE for the following cases:
-<p> <center><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" border="0">
-<tr bgcolor="#a2c511">
-<th valign="top">WM_SYSKEYDOWN
-<th valign="top">WM_SYSKEYUP
-<th valign="top">WM_KEYDOWN
-<tr bgcolor="#f0f0f0">
-<td valign="top">All keycodes
-<td valign="top">VK_MENU
-<td valign="top">VK_TAB, VK_DELETE and all non-arrow-keys in combination with VK_SHIFT,
-<p> This table is the result of experimenting with popular ActiveX controls,
-ie. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office applications, but for some
-controls it might require modification.
-<!-- eof -->
-This file is part of the <a href="index.html">TQt toolkit</a>.
-Copyright &copy; 1995-2007
-<a href="">Trolltech</a>. All Rights Reserved.<p><address><hr><div align=center>
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-<a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a>
-<td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div>