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+<title>TQXmlContentHandler Class</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQXmlContentHandler Class Reference<br><small>[<a href="xml.html">XML module</a>]</small></h1>
+<p>The TQXmlContentHandler class provides an interface to
+report the logical content of XML data.
+<a href="#details">More...</a>
+<p>All the functions in this class are <a href="threads.html#reentrant">reentrant</a> when TQt is built with thread support.</p>
+<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="tqxml-h.html">tqxml.h</a>&gt;</tt>
+<p>Inherited by <a href="tqxmldefaulthandler.html">TQXmlDefaultHandler</a>.
+<p><a href="tqxmlcontenthandler-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
+<h2>Public Members</h2>
+<li class=fn>virtual void <a href="#setDocumentLocator"><b>setDocumentLocator</b></a> ( TQXmlLocator&nbsp;*&nbsp;locator ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#startDocument"><b>startDocument</b></a> () = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#endDocument"><b>endDocument</b></a> () = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#startPrefixMapping"><b>startPrefixMapping</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;prefix, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;uri ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#endPrefixMapping"><b>endPrefixMapping</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;prefix ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#startElement"><b>startElement</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;namespaceURI, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;localName, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;qName, const&nbsp;TQXmlAttributes&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;atts ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#endElement"><b>endElement</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;namespaceURI, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;localName, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;qName ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#characters"><b>characters</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ch ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#ignorableWhitespace"><b>ignorableWhitespace</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ch ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#processingInstruction"><b>processingInstruction</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;target, const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;data ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual bool <a href="#skippedEntity"><b>skippedEntity</b></a> ( const&nbsp;TQString&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;name ) = 0</li>
+<li class=fn>virtual TQString <a href="#errorString"><b>errorString</b></a> () = 0</li>
+<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
+The TQXmlContentHandler class provides an interface to
+report the logical content of XML data.
+<p> If the application needs to be informed of basic parsing events,
+it can implement this interface and activate it using
+<a href="tqxmlreader.html#setContentHandler">TQXmlReader::setContentHandler</a>(). The reader can then report basic
+document-related events like the start and end of elements and
+character data through this interface.
+<p> The order of events in this interface is very important, and
+mirrors the order of information in the document itself. For
+example, all of an element's content (character data, processing
+instructions, and sub-elements) appears, in order, between the
+<a href="#startElement">startElement</a>() event and the corresponding <a href="#endElement">endElement</a>() event.
+<p> The class <a href="tqxmldefaulthandler.html">TQXmlDefaultHandler</a> provides a default implementation for
+this interface; subclassing from the TQXmlDefaultHandler class is
+very convenient if you only want to be informed of some parsing
+<p> The <a href="#startDocument">startDocument</a>() function is called at the start of the
+document, and <a href="#endDocument">endDocument</a>() is called at the end. Before parsing
+begins <a href="#setDocumentLocator">setDocumentLocator</a>() is called. For each element
+startElement() is called, with endElement() being called at the
+end of each element. The <a href="#characters">characters</a>() function is called with
+chunks of character data; <a href="#ignorableWhitespace">ignorableWhitespace</a>() is called with
+chunks of whitespace and <a href="#processingInstruction">processingInstruction</a>() is called with
+processing instructions. If an entity is skipped <a href="#skippedEntity">skippedEntity</a>()
+is called. At the beginning of prefix-URI scopes
+<a href="#startPrefixMapping">startPrefixMapping</a>() is called.
+<p> See also the <a href="xml.html#sax2Intro">Introduction to SAX2</a>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="tqxmldtdhandler.html">TQXmlDTDHandler</a>, <a href="tqxmldeclhandler.html">TQXmlDeclHandler</a>, <a href="tqxmlentityresolver.html">TQXmlEntityResolver</a>, <a href="tqxmlerrorhandler.html">TQXmlErrorHandler</a>, <a href="tqxmllexicalhandler.html">TQXmlLexicalHandler</a>, and <a href="xml-tools.html">XML</a>.
+<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="characters"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::characters ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ch )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function when it has parsed a chunk of
+character data (either normal character data or character data
+inside a CDATA section; if you need to distinguish between those
+two types you must use <a href="tqxmllexicalhandler.html#startCDATA">TQXmlLexicalHandler::startCDATA</a>() and
+<a href="tqxmllexicalhandler.html#endCDATA">TQXmlLexicalHandler::endCDATA</a>()). The character data is reported in
+<p> Some readers report whitespace in element content using the
+<a href="#ignorableWhitespace">ignorableWhitespace</a>() function rather than using this one.
+<p> A reader may report the character data of an element in more than
+one chunk; e.g. a reader might want to report "a&lt;b" in three
+<a href="#characters">characters</a>() events ("a ", "&lt;" and " b").
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="endDocument"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::endDocument ()<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function after it has finished parsing. It
+is called just once, and is the last handler function called. It
+is called after the reader has read all input or has abandoned
+parsing because of a fatal error.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#startDocument">startDocument</a>().
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="endElement"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::endElement ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;namespaceURI, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;localName, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;qName )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function when it has parsed an end element
+tag with the qualified name <em>qName</em>, the local name <em>localName</em>
+and the namespace URI <em>namespaceURI</em>.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> See also the <a href="xml.html#sax2Namespaces">namespace description</a>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#startElement">startElement</a>().
+<p>Example: <a href="xml-sax-walkthrough.html#x2136">xml/tagreader/structureparser.cpp</a>.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="endPrefixMapping"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::endPrefixMapping ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;prefix )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function to signal the end of a prefix
+mapping for the prefix <em>prefix</em>.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> See also the <a href="xml.html#sax2Namespaces">namespace description</a>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#startPrefixMapping">startPrefixMapping</a>().
+<h3 class=fn><a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> <a name="errorString"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::errorString ()<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function to get an error string, e.g. if any
+of the handler functions returns FALSE.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="ignorableWhitespace"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::ignorableWhitespace ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ch )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> Some readers may use this function to report each chunk of
+whitespace in element content. The whitespace is reported in <em>ch</em>.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="processingInstruction"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::processingInstruction ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;target, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;data )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function when it has parsed a processing
+<p> <em>target</em> is the target name of the processing instruction and <em>data</em> is the data in the processing instruction.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setDocumentLocator"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::setDocumentLocator ( <a href="tqxmllocator.html">TQXmlLocator</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;locator )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function before it starts parsing the
+document. The argument <em>locator</em> is a pointer to a <a href="tqxmllocator.html">TQXmlLocator</a>
+which allows the application to get the parsing position within
+the document.
+<p> Do not destroy the <em>locator</em>; it is destroyed when the reader is
+destroyed. (Do not use the <em>locator</em> after the reader is
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="skippedEntity"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::skippedEntity ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;name )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> Some readers may skip entities if they have not seen the
+declarations (e.g. because they are in an external DTD). If they
+do so they report that they skipped the entity called <em>name</em> by
+calling this function.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="startDocument"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::startDocument ()<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function when it starts parsing the
+document. The reader calls this function just once, after the call
+to <a href="#setDocumentLocator">setDocumentLocator</a>(), and before any other functions in this
+class or in the <a href="tqxmldtdhandler.html">TQXmlDTDHandler</a> class are called.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#endDocument">endDocument</a>().
+<p>Example: <a href="xml-sax-walkthrough.html#x2137">xml/tagreader/structureparser.cpp</a>.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="startElement"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::startElement ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;namespaceURI, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;localName, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;qName, const&nbsp;<a href="tqxmlattributes.html">TQXmlAttributes</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;atts )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function when it has parsed a start element
+<p> There is a corresponding <a href="#endElement">endElement</a>() call when the corresponding
+end element tag is read. The <a href="#startElement">startElement</a>() and endElement() calls
+are always nested correctly. Empty element tags (e.g. <tt>&lt;x/&gt;</tt>)
+cause a startElement() call to be immediately followed by an
+endElement() call.
+<p> The attribute list provided only contains attributes with explicit
+values. The attribute list contains attributes used for namespace
+declaration (i.e. attributes starting with xmlns) only if the
+namespace-prefix property of the reader is TRUE.
+<p> The argument <em>namespaceURI</em> is the namespace URI, or
+<a href="ntqstring.html#TQString-null">TQString::null</a> if the element has no namespace URI or if no
+namespace processing is done. <em>localName</em> is the local name
+(without prefix), or TQString::null if no namespace processing is
+done, <em>qName</em> is the qualified name (with prefix) and <em>atts</em> are
+the attributes attached to the element. If there are no
+attributes, <em>atts</em> is an empty attributes object.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> See also the <a href="xml.html#sax2Namespaces">namespace description</a>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#endElement">endElement</a>().
+<p>Example: <a href="xml-sax-walkthrough.html#x2138">xml/tagreader/structureparser.cpp</a>.
+<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="startPrefixMapping"></a>TQXmlContentHandler::startPrefixMapping ( const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;prefix, const&nbsp;<a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;uri )<tt> [pure virtual]</tt>
+<p> The reader calls this function to signal the begin of a prefix-URI
+namespace mapping scope. This information is not necessary for
+normal namespace processing since the reader automatically
+replaces prefixes for element and attribute names.
+<p> Note that <a href="#startPrefixMapping">startPrefixMapping</a>() and <a href="#endPrefixMapping">endPrefixMapping</a>() calls are
+not guaranteed to be properly nested relative to each other: all
+startPrefixMapping() events occur before the corresponding
+<a href="#startElement">startElement</a>() event, and all endPrefixMapping() events occur
+after the corresponding <a href="#endElement">endElement</a>() event, but their order is not
+otherwise guaranteed.
+<p> The argument <em>prefix</em> is the namespace prefix being declared and
+the argument <em>uri</em> is the namespace URI the prefix is mapped to.
+<p> If this function returns FALSE the reader stops parsing and
+reports an error. The reader uses the function <a href="#errorString">errorString</a>() to
+get the error message.
+<p> See also the <a href="xml.html#sax2Namespaces">namespace description</a>.
+<p> <p>See also <a href="#endPrefixMapping">endPrefixMapping</a>().
+<!-- eof -->
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