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+<title>TQt Tutorial - Chapter 14: Facing the Wall</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQt Tutorial - Chapter 14: Facing the Wall</h1>
+<p> <center><img src="t14.png" alt="Screenshot of tutorial fourteen"></center>
+<p> This is the final example: a complete game.
+<p> We add keyboard accelerators and introduce mouse events to CannonField. We
+put a frame around the CannonField and add a barrier (wall) to make the
+game more challenging.
+<p> <ul>
+<li> <a href="t14-lcdrange-h.html">t14/lcdrange.h</a> contains the LCDRange
+class definition.
+<li> <a href="t14-lcdrange-cpp.html">t14/lcdrange.cpp</a> contains the LCDRange
+<li> <a href="t14-cannon-h.html">t14/cannon.h</a> contains the CannonField class
+<li> <a href="t14-cannon-cpp.html">t14/cannon.cpp</a> contains the CannonField
+<li> <a href="t14-gamebrd-h.html">t14/gamebrd.h</a> contains the GameBoard
+class definition.
+<li> <a href="t14-gamebrd-cpp.html">t14/gamebrd.cpp</a> contains the GameBoard
+<li> <a href="t14-main-cpp.html">t14/main.cpp</a> contains MyWidget and main.
+<p> <h2> Line-by-line Walkthrough
+<a name="1"></a><p> <h3> <a href="t14-cannon-h.html">t14/cannon.h</a>
+<a name="1-1"></a><p> The CannonField can now receive mouse events to make the user aim the
+barrel by clicking on it and dragging. CannonField also has a barrier
+<p> <pre> protected:
+ void paintEvent( <a href="qpaintevent.html">TQPaintEvent</a> * );
+ void mousePressEvent( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> * );
+ void mouseMoveEvent( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> * );
+ void mouseReleaseEvent( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> * );
+<p> In addition to the familiar event handlers, CannonField implements
+three mouse event handlers. The names say it all.
+<p> <pre> void paintBarrier( <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> * );
+<p> This private function paints the barrier wall.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> barrierRect() const;
+<p> This private function returns the enclosing rectangle of the barrier.
+<p> <pre> bool barrelHit( const <a href="qpoint.html">TQPoint</a> &amp; ) const;
+<p> This private function checks if a point is inside the barrel of the cannon.
+<p> <pre> bool barrelPressed;
+<p> This private variable is TRUE if the user has pressed the mouse on the
+barrel and not released it.
+<p> <h3> <a href="t14-cannon-cpp.html">t14/cannon.cpp</a>
+<a name="1-2"></a><p>
+<p> <pre> barrelPressed = FALSE;
+<p> This line has been added to the constructor. Initially, the mouse is
+not pressed on the barrel.
+<p> <pre> <a name="x2429"></a> } else if ( shotR.<a href="qrect.html#x">x</a>() &gt; width() || shotR.<a href="qrect.html#y">y</a>() &gt; height() ||
+ shotR.<a href="qrect.html#intersects">intersects</a>(barrierRect()) ) {
+<p> Now that we have a barrier, there are three ways to miss. We test for
+the third, too.
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::<a href="qwidget.html#mousePressEvent">mousePressEvent</a>( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> *e )
+ {
+ if ( e-&gt;<a href="qmouseevent.html#button">button</a>() != LeftButton )
+ return;
+ <a name="x2418"></a> if ( barrelHit( e-&gt;<a href="qmouseevent.html#pos">pos</a>() ) )
+ barrelPressed = TRUE;
+ }
+<p> This is a TQt event handler. It is called when the user presses a
+mouse button when the mouse cursor is over the widget.
+<p> If the event was not generated by the left mouse button, we return
+immediately. Otherwise, we check if the position of the mouse cursor
+is within the cannon's barrel. If it is, we set <tt>barrelPressed</tt> to
+<p> Notice that the pos() function returns a point in the widget's
+coordinate system.
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::<a href="qwidget.html#mouseMoveEvent">mouseMoveEvent</a>( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> *e )
+ {
+ if ( !barrelPressed )
+ return;
+ <a href="qpoint.html">TQPoint</a> pnt = e-&gt;<a href="qmouseevent.html#pos">pos</a>();
+ <a name="x2424"></a> if ( pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#x">x</a>() &lt;= 0 )
+ <a name="x2422"></a> pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#setX">setX</a>( 1 );
+ <a name="x2425"></a> if ( pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#y">y</a>() &gt;= <a href="qwidget.html#height">height</a>() )
+ <a name="x2423"></a> pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#setY">setY</a>( <a href="qwidget.html#height">height</a>() - 1 );
+ double rad = atan(((double)<a href="qwidget.html#rect">rect</a>().bottom()-pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#y">y</a>())/pnt.<a href="qpoint.html#x">x</a>());
+ setAngle( qRound ( rad*180/3.14159265 ) );
+ }
+<p> This is another TQt event handler. It is called when the user already
+has pressed the mouse button inside this widget and then moves/drags
+the mouse. (You can make TQt send mouse move events even when no
+buttons are pressed. See <a href="qwidget.html#setMouseTracking">TQWidget::setMouseTracking</a>().)
+<p> This handler repositions the cannon's barrel according to the position of
+the mouse cursor.
+<p> First, if the barrel is not pressed, we return. Next, we fetch the
+mouse cursor's position. If the mouse cursor is to the left or below
+the widget, we adjust the point to be inside the widget.
+<p> Then we calculate the angle between the bottom edge of the widget and
+the imaginary line between the bottom-left corner of the widget and
+the cursor position. Finally we set the cannon's angle to the new
+value converted to degrees.
+<p> Remember that setAngle() redraws the cannon.
+<p> <pre> <a name="x2432"></a>void CannonField::<a href="qwidget.html#mouseReleaseEvent">mouseReleaseEvent</a>( <a href="qmouseevent.html">TQMouseEvent</a> *e )
+ {
+ <a name="x2417"></a> if ( e-&gt;<a href="qmouseevent.html#button">button</a>() == LeftButton )
+ barrelPressed = FALSE;
+ }
+<p> This TQt event handler is called whenever the user releases a mouse
+button and it was pressed inside this widget.
+<p> If the left button is released, we can be sure that the barrel is no
+longer pressed.
+<p> The paint event has two extra lines:
+<p> <pre> <a name="x2427"></a> if ( updateR.<a href="qrect.html#intersects">intersects</a>( barrierRect() ) )
+ paintBarrier( &amp;p );
+<p> paintBarrier() does the same sort of thing as paintShot(),
+paintTarget(), and paintCannon().
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::paintBarrier( <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> *p )
+ {
+ p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#setBrush">setBrush</a>( yellow );
+ p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#setPen">setPen</a>( black );
+ p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#drawRect">drawRect</a>( barrierRect() );
+ }
+<p> This private function paints the barrier as a rectangle filled with
+yellow and with a black outline.
+<p> <pre> TQRect CannonField::barrierRect() const
+ {
+ return TQRect( 145, height() - 100, 15, 100 );
+ }
+<p> This private function returns the rectangle of the barrier. We fix
+the bottom edge of the barrier to the bottom edge of the widget.
+<p> <pre> bool CannonField::barrelHit( const <a href="qpoint.html">TQPoint</a> &amp;p ) const
+ {
+ <a href="qwmatrix.html">TQWMatrix</a> mtx;
+ <a name="x2436"></a> mtx.<a href="qwmatrix.html#translate">translate</a>( 0, height() - 1 );
+ <a name="x2435"></a> mtx.<a href="qwmatrix.html#rotate">rotate</a>( -ang );
+ <a name="x2433"></a> mtx = mtx.<a href="qwmatrix.html#invert">invert</a>();
+ <a name="x2434"></a><a name="x2426"></a> return barrelRect.<a href="qrect.html#contains">contains</a>( mtx.<a href="qwmatrix.html#map">map</a>(p) );
+ }
+<p> This function returns TRUE if the point is in the barrel; otherwise it returns
+<p> Here we use the class <a href="qwmatrix.html">TQWMatrix</a>. It is defined in the header file
+qwmatrix.h, which is included by qpainter.h.
+<p> <a href="qwmatrix.html">TQWMatrix</a> defines a coordinate system mapping. It can perform the same
+transformations as the <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a>.
+<p> Here we perform the same transformation steps as we do when drawing
+the barrel in the paintCannon() function. First we translate the
+coordinate system and then we rotate it.
+<p> Now we need to check whether the point <tt>p</tt> (in widget coordinates) lies
+inside the barrel. To do this, we invert the <a href="qwmatrix.html#TransformationMode">transformation matrix</a>.
+The inverted matrix performs the inverse transformation that we used
+when drawing the barrel. We map the point <tt>p</tt> using the inverted
+matrix and return TRUE if it is inside the original barrel rectangle.
+<p> <h3> <a href="t14-gamebrd-cpp.html">t14/gamebrd.cpp</a>
+<a name="1-3"></a><p>
+<p> <pre> #include &lt;<a href="qaccel-h.html">qaccel.h</a>&gt;
+<p> We include the class definition of <a href="qaccel.html">TQAccel</a>.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qvbox.html">TQVBox</a> *box = new <a href="qvbox.html">TQVBox</a>( this, "cannonFrame" );
+ box-&gt;<a href="qframe.html#setFrameStyle">setFrameStyle</a>( TQFrame::WinPanel | TQFrame::Sunken );
+ cannonField = new CannonField( box, "cannonField" );
+<p> We create and set up a <a href="qvbox.html">TQVBox</a>, set its frame style, and then create
+<tt>CannonField</tt> as a child of that box. Because nothing else is in the
+box, the effect is that the <a href="qvbox.html">TQVBox</a> will put a frame around the
+<p> <pre> <a href="qaccel.html">TQAccel</a> *accel = new <a href="qaccel.html">TQAccel</a>( this );
+ <a name="x2438"></a><a name="x2437"></a> accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#connectItem">connectItem</a>( accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( Key_Enter ),
+ this, SLOT(fire()) );
+ accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#connectItem">connectItem</a>( accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( Key_Return ),
+ this, SLOT(fire()) );
+<p> Here we create and set up an accelerator. An accelerator is an object
+that intercepts keyboard events to an application and calls slots if
+certain keys are pressed. This mechanism is also called shortcut
+keys. Note that an accelerator is a child of a widget and will be
+destroyed when that widget is destroyed. <a href="qaccel.html">TQAccel</a> is <em>not</em> a widget
+and has no visible effect on its parent.
+<p> We define two shortcut keys. We want the slot fire() to be called
+when the user presses Enter, and we want the application to tquit when
+key Ctrl+Q is pressed. Because Enter is sometimes Return and there
+are even keyboards with <em>both</em> keys, we make both Enter and Return
+invoke fire().
+<p> <pre> accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#connectItem">connectItem</a>( accel-&gt;<a href="qaccel.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( CTRL+Key_Q ),
+ qApp, SLOT(<a href="qapplication.html#tquit">tquit</a>()) );
+<p> And then we set up Ctrl+Q to do the same thing as Alt+Q. Some
+people are more used to Ctrl+Q (and anyway it shows how do do it).
+<p> CTRL, Key_Enter, Key_Return and Key_Q are all constants provided by
+TQt. They're actually TQt::Key_Enter, etc., but practically all classes
+inherit the <a href="qt.html">TQt</a> namespace class.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qgridlayout.html">TQGridLayout</a> *grid = new <a href="qgridlayout.html">TQGridLayout</a>( this, 2, 2, 10 );
+ <a name="x2441"></a> grid-&gt;<a href="qgridlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( tquit, 0, 0 );
+ grid-&gt;<a href="qgridlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( box, 1, 1 );
+ <a name="x2442"></a> grid-&gt;<a href="qgridlayout.html#setColStretch">setColStretch</a>( 1, 10 );
+<p> We put <tt>box</tt> (the <a href="qvbox.html">TQVBox</a>), not the CannonField, in the lower-right
+<p> <h2> Behavior
+<a name="2"></a><p> The cannon now shoots when you press Enter. You can also position the
+cannon's angle using the mouse. The barrier makes it a little more
+challenging to play the game. We also have a nice looking frame
+around the CannonField.
+<p> (See <a href="tutorial1-07.html#compiling">Compiling</a> for how to create a
+makefile and build the application.)
+<p> <h2> Exercises
+<a name="3"></a><p> Write a space invaders game.
+<p> (This exercise was first done by
+<a href="">Igor Rafienko</a>. You can
+<a href="">download his game</a>.)
+<p> The new exercise is: Write a Breakout game.
+<p> Final exhortation: Go forth now and create <em>masterpieces of the programming art!</em>
+<p> [<a href="tutorial1-13.html">Previous tutorial</a>]
+[<a href="tutorial1-01.html">First tutorial</a>]
+[<a href="tutorial.html">Main tutorial page</a>]
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