path: root/fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2014-01-09 21:20:11 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2014-01-09 21:20:11 -0600
commita4eb2fb6bfae4f5f71d7a0b3b1b384c19d94ecc6 (patch)
tree2f44cac5570f990b5feb8ee35a915cbf0c67040e /fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v
parent04ab7c66320d2f4601626c3018e4ac9fceb4a75c (diff)
Move hardware design files to their correct locations
Diffstat (limited to 'fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 393 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v b/fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v
index 370c3a2..443b1ab 100644..120000
--- a/fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v
+++ b/fpga/gpmc/xilinx/numato/spartan6/xc6slx9/main.v
@@ -1,393 +1 @@
-`timescale 1ns / 1ps
-// uLab to ARM GPMC interface
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// (c) 2014 Timothy Pearson
-// Raptor Engineering
-module main(
- input clk,
- input gpmc_advn,
- input gpmc_oen,
- input gpmc_wen,
- inout [7:0] gpmc_data,
- input [RAM_ADDR_BITS:0] gpmc_address,
- input usermem_wen,
- output reg usermem_wait,
- inout [7:0] usermem_data,
- inout [RAM_ADDR_BITS:0] usermem_address,
- output reg userproc_start,
- input userproc_done,
- input [3:0] four_bit_leds,
- input [7:0] eight_bit_leds,
- output reg [3:0] four_bit_switches,
- output reg [7:0] eight_bit_switches,
- inout [15:0] sixteen_bit_io,
- input sixteen_bit_io_wen,
- output reg sixteen_bit_io_mode,
- input [3:0] sseg_mux,
- input [7:0] sseg_data);
- parameter RAM_ADDR_BITS = 14;
- reg [15:0] sixteen_bit_io_in;
- reg [15:0] sixteen_bit_io_out;
- reg [15:0] sixteen_bit_io_reg;
- reg sixteen_bit_io_wen_reg;
- assign sixteen_bit_io = (sixteen_bit_io_wen) ? sixteen_bit_io_out : 16'bz;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- sixteen_bit_io_reg = sixteen_bit_io;
- sixteen_bit_io_wen_reg = sixteen_bit_io_wen;
- if (sixteen_bit_io_wen_reg == 1'b0) begin
- sixteen_bit_io_mode = 1'b1;
- sixteen_bit_io_in = sixteen_bit_io_reg;
- end else begin
- sixteen_bit_io_mode = 1'b0;
- end
- end
- reg [7:0] gpmc_data_out;
- reg gpmc_data_driven;
- assign gpmc_data = (gpmc_data_driven) ? gpmc_data_out : 8'bz;
- reg [7:0] usermem_data_out;
- assign usermem_data = (usermem_wen) ? usermem_data_out : 8'bz;
- wire data_storage_clka;
- reg [7:0] data_storage_dina;
- reg [(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0] data_storage_addra;
- reg data_storage_write_enable;
- wire [7:0] data_storage_data_out;
- assign data_storage_clka = clk;
- data_storage #(RAM_ADDR_BITS) data_storage(.clka(data_storage_clka), .dina(data_storage_dina), .addra(data_storage_addra),
- .wea(data_storage_write_enable), .douta(data_storage_data_out));
- wire lcd_data_storage_clka;
- wire lcd_data_storage_clkb;
- reg [7:0] lcd_data_storage_dina;
- reg [7:0] lcd_data_storage_dinb;
- reg [4:0] lcd_data_storage_addra;
- reg [4:0] lcd_data_storage_addrb;
- reg lcd_data_storage_wea;
- reg lcd_data_storage_web;
- wire [7:0] lcd_data_storage_douta;
- wire [7:0] lcd_data_storage_doutb;
- assign lcd_data_storage_clka = clk;
- assign lcd_data_storage_clkb = clk;
- lcd_data_storage lcd_data_storage(.clka(lcd_data_storage_clka), .clkb(lcd_data_storage_clkb),
- .dina(lcd_data_storage_dina), .dinb(lcd_data_storage_dinb),
- .addra(lcd_data_storage_addra), .addrb(lcd_data_storage_addrb),
- .wea(lcd_data_storage_wea), .web(lcd_data_storage_web),
- .douta(lcd_data_storage_douta), .doutb(lcd_data_storage_doutb));
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Create a 12.5MHz clock for the seven-segement LED emulator
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg clk_div_by_two;
- reg clk_div_by_two_oneeighty;
- reg clk_div_by_four;
- reg clk_div_by_eight;
- reg clk_div_by_sixteen;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- clk_div_by_two = !clk_div_by_two;
- end
- always @(negedge clk_div_by_two) begin
- clk_div_by_two_oneeighty = !clk_div_by_two_oneeighty;
- end
- always @(posedge clk_div_by_two_oneeighty) begin
- clk_div_by_four = !clk_div_by_four;
- end
- always @(posedge clk_div_by_four) begin
- clk_div_by_eight = !clk_div_by_eight;
- end
- always @(posedge clk_div_by_eight) begin
- clk_div_by_sixteen = !clk_div_by_sixteen;
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Keep track of what is on the LED display
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg [7:0] led_display_bytes [3:0];
- reg [17:0] digit_blanker_1 = 0;
- reg [17:0] digit_blanker_2 = 0;
- reg [17:0] digit_blanker_3 = 0;
- reg [17:0] digit_blanker_4 = 0;
- reg [7:0] sseg_data_latch;
- reg [3:0] sseg_mux_latch;
- always @(negedge clk_div_by_sixteen) begin
- sseg_data_latch = sseg_data;
- sseg_mux_latch = sseg_mux;
- if (sseg_mux_latch[0] == 0) begin
- led_display_bytes[0] = sseg_data_latch;
- digit_blanker_1 = 0;
- digit_blanker_2 = digit_blanker_2 + 1;
- digit_blanker_3 = digit_blanker_3 + 1;
- digit_blanker_4 = digit_blanker_4 + 1;
- end
- if (sseg_mux_latch[1] == 0) begin
- led_display_bytes[1] = sseg_data_latch;
- digit_blanker_1 = digit_blanker_1 + 1;
- digit_blanker_2 = 0;
- digit_blanker_3 = digit_blanker_3 + 1;
- digit_blanker_4 = digit_blanker_4 + 1;
- end
- if (sseg_mux_latch[2] == 0) begin
- led_display_bytes[2] = sseg_data_latch;
- digit_blanker_1 = digit_blanker_1 + 1;
- digit_blanker_2 = digit_blanker_2 + 1;
- digit_blanker_3 = 0;
- digit_blanker_4 = digit_blanker_4 + 1;
- end
- if (sseg_mux_latch[3] == 0) begin
- led_display_bytes[3] = sseg_data_latch;
- digit_blanker_1 = digit_blanker_1 + 1;
- digit_blanker_2 = digit_blanker_2 + 1;
- digit_blanker_3 = digit_blanker_3 + 1;
- digit_blanker_4 = 0;
- end
- if (digit_blanker_1 > 128000) begin
- led_display_bytes[0] = 255;
- end
- if (digit_blanker_2 > 128000) begin
- led_display_bytes[1] = 255;
- end
- if (digit_blanker_3 > 128000) begin
- led_display_bytes[2] = 255;
- end
- if (digit_blanker_4 > 128000) begin
- led_display_bytes[3] = 255;
- end
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Memory and register access
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg gpmc_advn_reg;
- reg gpmc_oen_reg;
- reg gpmc_wen_reg;
- reg [7:0] gpmc_data_reg;
- reg [RAM_ADDR_BITS:0] gpmc_address_reg;
- reg usermem_wen_reg;
- reg [7:0] usermem_data_reg;
- reg [RAM_ADDR_BITS:0] usermem_address_reg;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- usermem_wen_reg = usermem_wen;
- usermem_data_reg = usermem_data;
- usermem_address_reg = usermem_address;
- gpmc_advn_reg = gpmc_advn;
- gpmc_oen_reg = gpmc_oen;
- gpmc_wen_reg = gpmc_wen;
- gpmc_data_reg = gpmc_data;
- if (gpmc_advn_reg == 1'b0) begin
- gpmc_address_reg = gpmc_address;
- data_storage_write_enable = 1'b0;
- lcd_data_storage_wea = 1'b0;
- end
- if (gpmc_address_reg[RAM_ADDR_BITS] == 1'b1) begin
- // System memory access
- usermem_wait = 1'b1;
- if (gpmc_wen_reg == 1'b0) begin
- data_storage_addra = gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0];
- data_storage_dina = gpmc_data_reg;
- data_storage_write_enable = 1'b1;
- end else begin
- data_storage_addra = gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0];
- data_storage_write_enable = 1'b0;
- gpmc_data_out = data_storage_data_out;
- end
- end else begin
- // User memory access
- usermem_wait = 1'b0;
- if (usermem_address_reg[RAM_ADDR_BITS] == 1'b1) begin
- // Interdevice communication region
- // 0x20 - 0x3f: LCD data area
- if (usermem_wen_reg == 1'b0) begin
- if (usermem_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):5] == 1) begin // Address range 0x20 - 0x3f
- lcd_data_storage_addrb = usermem_address_reg[4:0];
- lcd_data_storage_dinb = usermem_data_reg;
- lcd_data_storage_web = 1'b1;
- end
- end else begin
- if (usermem_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):5] == 1) begin // Address range 0x20 - 0x3f
- lcd_data_storage_addrb = usermem_address_reg[4:0];
- lcd_data_storage_web = 1'b0;
- usermem_data_out = lcd_data_storage_doutb;
- end else begin
- // Default
- usermem_data_out = 8'b00000000;
- end
- end
- end else begin
- // Client scratchpad memory area
- if (usermem_wen_reg == 1'b0) begin
- data_storage_addra = usermem_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0];
- data_storage_dina = usermem_data_reg;
- data_storage_write_enable = 1'b1;
- end else begin
- data_storage_addra = usermem_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0];
- data_storage_write_enable = 1'b0;
- usermem_data_out = data_storage_data_out;
- end
- end
- // Configuration register access
- // 0x00: Model number (read only)
- // 0x01: Version (read only)
- // 0x02: 4-bit I/O (lower 4 bits only)
- // 0x03: 8-bit I/O
- // 0x04: 16-bit I/O (upper 8 bits)
- // 0x05: 16-bit I/O (lower 8 bits)
- // 0x06: 7-segment LED digit 0 (read only)
- // 0x07: 7-segment LED digit 1 (read only)
- // 0x08: 7-segment LED digit 2 (read only)
- // 0x09: 7-segment LED digit 3 (read only)
- // 0x0a: User process register
- // Bit 0: User processing start
- // Bit 1: User processing done (read only)
- // 0x20 - 0x3f: LCD data area
- if (gpmc_wen_reg == 1'b0) begin
- if (gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):5] == 1) begin // Address range 0x20 - 0x3f
- lcd_data_storage_addra = gpmc_address_reg[4:0];
- lcd_data_storage_dina = gpmc_data_reg;
- lcd_data_storage_wea = 1'b1;
- end else begin
- case (gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0])
- 2: begin
- four_bit_switches = gpmc_data_reg[3:0];
- end
- 3: begin
- eight_bit_switches = gpmc_data_reg;
- end
- 4: begin
- sixteen_bit_io_out[15:8] = gpmc_data_reg;
- end
- 5: begin
- sixteen_bit_io_out[7:0] = gpmc_data_reg;
- end
- 10: begin
- userproc_start = gpmc_data_reg[0];
- end
- default: begin
- // Do nothing
- end
- endcase
- end
- end else begin
- if (gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):5] == 1) begin // Address range 0x20 - 0x3f
- lcd_data_storage_addra = gpmc_address_reg[4:0];
- lcd_data_storage_wea = 1'b0;
- gpmc_data_out = lcd_data_storage_douta;
- end else begin
- case (gpmc_address_reg[(RAM_ADDR_BITS-1):0])
- 0: begin
- gpmc_data_out = 8'b01000010;
- end
- 1: begin
- gpmc_data_out = 8'b00000001;
- end
- 2: begin
- gpmc_data_out[7:4] = 0;
- gpmc_data_out[3:0] = four_bit_leds;
- end
- 3: begin
- gpmc_data_out = eight_bit_leds;
- end
- 4: begin
- gpmc_data_out = sixteen_bit_io_in[15:8];
- end
- 5: begin
- gpmc_data_out = sixteen_bit_io_in[7:0];
- end
- 6: begin
- gpmc_data_out = led_display_bytes[0];
- end
- 7: begin
- gpmc_data_out = led_display_bytes[1];
- end
- 8: begin
- gpmc_data_out = led_display_bytes[2];
- end
- 9: begin
- gpmc_data_out = led_display_bytes[3];
- end
- 10: begin
- gpmc_data_out[0] = userproc_start;
- gpmc_data_out[1] = userproc_done;
- gpmc_data_out[7:2] = 0;
- end
- default: begin
- gpmc_data_out = 0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- end
- gpmc_data_driven = ((~gpmc_oen) && gpmc_wen);
- end
+../../../common/main.v \ No newline at end of file