path: root/.pc/disable_check_for_update.patch/src/UiGuiSettings.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.pc/disable_check_for_update.patch/src/UiGuiSettings.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 688 deletions
diff --git a/.pc/disable_check_for_update.patch/src/UiGuiSettings.cpp b/.pc/disable_check_for_update.patch/src/UiGuiSettings.cpp
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index 3aacf1f..0000000
--- a/.pc/disable_check_for_update.patch/src/UiGuiSettings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Thomas Schweitzer *
-* thomas-schweitzer(at) *
-* *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as *
-* published by the Free Software Foundation. *
-* *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
-* GNU General Public License for more details. *
-* *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
-* along with this program in the file LICENSE.GPL; if not, write to the *
-* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
-* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
-#include "UiGuiSettings.h"
-#include "SettingsPaths.h"
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QPoint>
-#include <QSize>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QDate>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QCoreApplication>
-#include <QMetaMethod>
-#include <QMetaProperty>
-#include <QWidget>
-//! \defgroup grp_Settings All concerning the settings.
- \class UiGuiSettings
- \ingroup grp_Settings
- \brief Handles the settings of the program. Reads them on startup and saves them on exit.
- Is a singleton class and can only be accessed via getInstance().
-// Inits the single class instance pointer.
-QWeakPointer<UiGuiSettings> UiGuiSettings::_instance;
- \brief The constructor for the settings.
-UiGuiSettings::UiGuiSettings() : QObject() {
- // Create the main application settings object from the UniversalIndentGUI.ini file.
- _qsettings = new QSettings(SettingsPaths::getSettingsPath() + "/UniversalIndentGUI.ini", QSettings::IniFormat, this);
- _indenterDirctoryStr = SettingsPaths::getGlobalFilesPath() + "/indenters";
- readAvailableTranslations();
- initSettings();
- \brief Returns the instance of the settings class. If no instance exists, ONE will be created.
- */
-QSharedPointer<UiGuiSettings> UiGuiSettings::getInstance() {
- QSharedPointer<UiGuiSettings> sharedInstance = _instance.toStrongRef();
- if ( sharedInstance.isNull() ) {
- // Create the settings object, which loads all UiGui settings from a file.
- sharedInstance = QSharedPointer<UiGuiSettings>(new UiGuiSettings());
- _instance = sharedInstance.toWeakRef();
- }
- return sharedInstance;
- \brief The destructor saves the settings to a file.
- */
-UiGuiSettings::~UiGuiSettings() {
- // Convert the language setting from an integer index to a string.
- int index = _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/language", 0).toInt();
- if ( index < 0 || index >= _availableTranslations.size() )
- index = 0;
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/language", );
- \brief Scans the translations directory for available translation files and
- stores them in the QList \a _availableTranslations.
- */
-void UiGuiSettings::readAvailableTranslations() {
- QString languageShort;
- QStringList languageFileList;
- // English is the default language. A translation file does not exist but to have a menu entry, added here.
- languageFileList << "universalindent_en.qm";
- // Find all translation files in the "translations" directory.
- QDir translationDirectory = QDir( SettingsPaths::getGlobalFilesPath() + "/translations" );
- languageFileList << translationDirectory.entryList( QStringList("universalindent_*.qm") );
- // Loop for each found translation file
- foreach ( languageShort, languageFileList ) {
- // Remove the leading string "universalindent_" from the filename.
- languageShort.remove(0,16);
- // Remove trailing file extension ".qm".
- languageShort.chop(3);
- _availableTranslations.append(languageShort);
- }
- \brief Returns a list of the mnemonics of the available translations.
- */
-QStringList UiGuiSettings::getAvailableTranslations() {
- return _availableTranslations;
- \brief Returns the value of the by \a settingsName defined setting as QVariant.
- If the named setting does not exist, 0 is being returned.
-QVariant UiGuiSettings::getValueByName(QString settingName) {
- return _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName);
- \brief Loads the settings for the main application.
- Settings are for example last selected indenter, last loaded source code file and so on.
-bool UiGuiSettings::initSettings()
- // Read the version string saved in the settings file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/version", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/version", "") );
- // Read windows last size and position from the settings file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/maximized", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/maximized", false) );
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/position", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/position", QPoint(50, 50)) );
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/size", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/size", QSize(800, 600)) );
- // Read last selected encoding for the opened source code file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/encoding", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/encoding", "UTF-8") );
- // Read maximum length of list for recently opened files.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/recentlyOpenedListSize", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/recentlyOpenedListSize", 5) );
- // Read if last opened source code file should be loaded on startup.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/loadLastSourceCodeFileOnStartup", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/loadLastSourceCodeFileOnStartup", true) );
- // Read last opened source code file from the settings file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/lastSourceCodeFile", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/lastSourceCodeFile", _indenterDirctoryStr+"/example.cpp") );
- // Read last selected indenter from the settings file.
- int selectedIndenter = _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/selectedIndenter", 0).toInt();
- if ( selectedIndenter < 0 ) {
- selectedIndenter = 0;
- }
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/selectedIndenter", selectedIndenter );
- // Read if syntax highlighting is enabled.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/SyntaxHighlightingEnabled", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/SyntaxHighlightingEnabled", true) );
- // Read if white space characters should be displayed.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/whiteSpaceIsVisible", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/whiteSpaceIsVisible", false) );
- // Read if indenter parameter tool tips are enabled.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/indenterParameterTooltipsEnabled", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/indenterParameterTooltipsEnabled", true) );
- // Read the tab width from the settings file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/tabWidth", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/tabWidth", 4) );
- // Read the last selected language and stores the index it has in the list of available translations.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/language", _availableTranslations.indexOf( _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/language", "").toString() ) );
- // Read the update check settings from the settings file.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/CheckForUpdate", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/CheckForUpdate", true) );
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/LastUpdateCheck", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/LastUpdateCheck", QDate(1900,1,1)) );
- // Read the main window state.
- _qsettings->setValue( "UniversalIndentGUI/MainWindowState", _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/MainWindowState", QByteArray()) );
- return true;
- \brief Register the by \a propertyName defined property of \a obj to be connected to the setting defined by \a settingName.
- The \a propertyName must be one of those that are listed in the Qt "Properties" documentation section of a Qt Object.
- All further needed info is retrieved via the \a obj's MetaObject, like the to the property bound signal.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::registerObjectProperty( QObject *obj, const QString &propertyName, const QString &settingName )
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- bool connectSuccess = false;
- // Connect to the objects destroyed signal, so that it will be correctly unregistered.
- connectSuccess = connect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectProperty(QObject*)));
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( connectSuccess && indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- // Connect to the property's value changed signal.
- if ( mProp.hasNotifySignal() ) {
- QMetaMethod signal = mProp.notifySignal();
- //QString teststr = qPrintable(SIGNAL() + QString(signal.signature()));
- // The command "SIGNAL() + QString(signal.signature())" assembles the signal methods signature to a valid Qt SIGNAL.
- connectSuccess = connect(obj, qPrintable(SIGNAL() + QString(signal.signature())), this, SLOT(handleObjectPropertyChange()));
- }
- if ( connectSuccess ) {
- _registeredObjectProperties[obj] = QStringList() << propertyName << settingName;
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- disconnect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectProperty(QObject*)));
- return false;
- }
- // If setting already exists, set the objects property to the setting value.
- if ( _qsettings->contains("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName) ) {
- mProp.write(obj, _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName));
- }
- // Otherwise add the setting and set it to the value of the objects property.
- else {
- _qsettings->setValue("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName,;
- }
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- disconnect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectProperty(QObject*)));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- \brief Searches the child QObjects of \a obj for a property name and setting name definition within
- their custom properties and registers this property name to that setting name if both were found.
- The custom properties, for which are searched, are "connectedPropertyName" and "connectedSettingName",
- where "connectedPropertyName" is the name of a QObject property as it is documented in the QtDocs, and
- "connectedSettingName" is the name of a setting here within UiGuiSettings. If the mentioned setting
- name doesn't exist, it will be created.
- Returns true, if all found property and setting definitions could be successfully registered.
- Returns false, if any of those registrations fails.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::registerObjectPropertyRecursive(QObject *obj) {
- return checkCustomPropertiesAndCallFunction(obj, &UiGuiSettings::registerObjectProperty);
- \brief Assigns the by \a settingName defined setting value to the by \a propertyName defined property of \a obj.
- Returns true, if the value could be assigned, otherwise returns false, which is the case if settingName doesn't exist
- within the settings or if the mentioned propertyName wasn't found for the \a obj.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::setObjectPropertyToSettingValue( QObject *obj, const QString &propertyName, const QString &settingName )
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- // If setting already exists, set the objects property to the setting value.
- if ( _qsettings->contains("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName) ) {
- mProp.write(obj, _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName));
- }
- // The setting didn't exist so return that setting the objects property failed.
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- \brief Searches the child QObjects of \a obj for a property name and setting name definition within
- their custom properties and sets each property to settings value.
- The custom properties, for which are searched, are "connectedPropertyName" and "connectedSettingName",
- where "connectedPropertyName" is the name of a QObject property as it is documented in the QtDocs, and
- "connectedSettingName" is the name of a setting here within UiGuiSettings.
- Returns true, if all found property and setting definitions could be successfully registered.
- Returns false, if any of those registrations fails.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::setObjectPropertyToSettingValueRecursive(QObject *obj) {
- return checkCustomPropertiesAndCallFunction(obj, &UiGuiSettings::setObjectPropertyToSettingValue);
- \brief Assigns the by \a propertyName defined property's value of \a obj to the by \a settingName defined setting.
- If the \a settingName didn't exist yet, it will be created.
- Returns true, if the value could be assigned, otherwise returns false, which is the case if the mentioned
- propertyName wasn't found for the \a obj.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::setSettingToObjectPropertyValue( QObject *obj, const QString &propertyName, const QString &settingName )
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- setValueByName(settingName,;
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- \brief Searches the child QObjects of \a obj for a property name and setting name definition within
- their custom properties and sets each setting to the property value.
- The custom properties, for which are searched, are "connectedPropertyName" and "connectedSettingName",
- where "connectedPropertyName" is the name of a QObject property as it is documented in the QtDocs, and
- "connectedSettingName" is the name of a setting here within UiGuiSettings. If the settingName
- didn't exist yet, it will be created.
- Returns true, if all found property and setting definitions could be successfully registered.
- Returns false, if any of those registrations fails.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::setSettingToObjectPropertyValueRecursive(QObject *obj) {
- return checkCustomPropertiesAndCallFunction(obj, &UiGuiSettings::setSettingToObjectPropertyValue);
- \brief Iterates over all \a objs child QObjects and checks whether they have the custom properties
- "connectedPropertyName" and "connectedSettingName" set. If both are set, it invokes the \a callBackFunc
- with both.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::checkCustomPropertiesAndCallFunction(QObject *obj, bool (UiGuiSettings::*callBackFunc)(QObject *obj, const QString &propertyName, const QString &settingName)) {
- bool success = true;
- // Find all widgets that have PropertyName and SettingName defined in their style sheet.
- QList<QObject *> allObjects = obj->findChildren<QObject *>();
- foreach (QObject *object, allObjects) {
- QString propertyName = object->property("connectedPropertyName").toString();
- QString settingName = object->property("connectedSettingName").toString();
- // If property and setting name were found, register that widget with the settings.
- if ( !propertyName.isEmpty() && !settingName.isEmpty() ) {
- success &= (this->*callBackFunc)( object, propertyName, settingName );
- }
- }
- return success;
- \brief The with a certain property registered \a obj gets unregistered.
- */
-void UiGuiSettings::unregisterObjectProperty(QObject *obj) {
- if ( _registeredObjectProperties.contains(obj) ) {
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- QString propertyName = _registeredObjectProperties[obj].first();
- QString settingName = _registeredObjectProperties[obj].last();
- bool connectSuccess = false;
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- // Disconnect to the property's value changed signal.
- if ( mProp.hasNotifySignal() ) {
- QMetaMethod signal = mProp.notifySignal();
- // The command "SIGNAL() + QString(signal.signature())" assembles the signal methods signature to a valid Qt SIGNAL.
- connectSuccess = disconnect(obj, qPrintable(SIGNAL() + QString(signal.signature())), this, SLOT(handleObjectPropertyChange()));
- }
- }
- _registeredObjectProperties.remove(obj);
- }
- \brief Registers a slot form the \a obj by its \a slotName to be invoked, if the by \a settingName defined
- setting changes.
- The registered slot may have no parameters or exactly one. If it accepts one parameter, whenever the setting
- \a settingName changes the slot gets tried to be invoked with the settings value as parameter. This only works,
- if the slot parameter is of the same type as the setting.
- */
-bool UiGuiSettings::registerObjectSlot(QObject *obj, const QString &slotName, const QString &settingName) {
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- bool connectSuccess = false;
- // Connect to the objects destroyed signal, so that it will be correctly unregistered.
- connectSuccess = connect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectSlot(QObject*)));
- QString normalizedSlotName = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature( qPrintable(slotName) );
- int indexOfMethod = metaObject->indexOfMethod( qPrintable(normalizedSlotName) );
- if ( connectSuccess && indexOfMethod > -1 ) {
- QMetaMethod mMethod = metaObject->method(indexOfMethod);
- //QMetaMethod::Access access = mMethod.access();
- //QMetaMethod::MethodType methType = mMethod.methodType();
- // Since the method can at maximum be invoked with the setting value as argument,
- // only methods taking max one argument are allowed.
- if ( mMethod.parameterTypes().size() <= 1 ) {
- _registeredObjectSlots.insert(obj, QStringList() << normalizedSlotName << settingName);
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- disconnect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectSlot(QObject*)));
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- //TODO: Write a debug warning to the log.
- disconnect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(unregisterObjectSlot(QObject*)));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- \brief If \a obj, \a slotName and \a settingName are given, that certain connection is unregistered.
- If only \a obj is given, all to this object registered slot-setting connections are unregistered.
- */
-void UiGuiSettings::unregisterObjectSlot(QObject *obj, const QString &slotName, const QString &settingName) {
- //const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- QString normalizedSlotName = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature( qPrintable(slotName) );
- QMutableMapIterator<QObject*, QStringList> it(_registeredObjectSlots);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- if (it.key() == obj && slotName.isEmpty() && settingName.isEmpty())
- it.remove();
- else if (it.key() == obj && it.value().first() == slotName && it.value().last() == settingName)
- it.remove();
- }
- \brief This private slot gets invoked whenever a registered objects property changes
- and distributes the new value to all other to the same settingName registered objects.
- */
-void UiGuiSettings::handleObjectPropertyChange() {
- QObject *obj = QObject::sender();
- QString className = obj->metaObject()->className();
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- QString propertyName = _registeredObjectProperties[obj].first();
- QString settingName = _registeredObjectProperties[obj].last();
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- setValueByName(settingName,;
- }
- \brief Sets the setting defined by \a settingName to \a value.
- When setting a changed value, all to this settingName registered objects get
- the changed value set too.
- If the \a settingName didn't exist yet, it will be created.
- */
-void UiGuiSettings::setValueByName(const QString &settingName, const QVariant &value) {
- // Do the updating only, if the setting was really changed.
- if ( _qsettings->value("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName) != value ) {
- _qsettings->setValue("UniversalIndentGUI/" + settingName, value);
- // Set the new value for all registered object properties for settingName.
- for ( QMap<QObject*, QStringList>::ConstIterator it = _registeredObjectProperties.begin(); it != _registeredObjectProperties.end(); ++it ) {
- if ( it.value().last() == settingName ) {
- QObject *obj = it.key();
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- QString propertyName = it.value().first();
- int indexOfProp = metaObject->indexOfProperty( qPrintable(propertyName) );
- if ( indexOfProp > -1 ) {
- QMetaProperty mProp = metaObject->property(indexOfProp);
- mProp.write(obj, value);
- }
- }
- }
- // Invoke all registered object methods for settingName.
- for ( QMap<QObject*, QStringList>::ConstIterator it = _registeredObjectSlots.begin(); it != _registeredObjectSlots.end(); ++it ) {
- if ( it.value().last() == settingName ) {
- QObject *obj = it.key();
- const QMetaObject *metaObject = obj->metaObject();
- QString slotName = it.value().first();
- int indexOfMethod = metaObject->indexOfMethod( qPrintable(slotName) );
- if ( indexOfMethod > -1 ) {
- QMetaMethod mMethod = metaObject->method(indexOfMethod);
- //QMetaMethod::Access access = mMethod.access();
- //QMetaMethod::MethodType methType = mMethod.methodType();
- bool success = false;
- // Handle registered slots taking one parameter.
- if ( mMethod.parameterTypes().size() == 1 ) {
- if ( mMethod.parameterTypes().first() == value.typeName() ) {
- success = invokeMethodWithValue(obj, mMethod, value);
- }
- }
- // Handle registered slots taking zero parameters.
- else {
- success = mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection );
- }
- if ( success == false ) {
- // TODO: Write a warning to the log if no success.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#include <QBitArray>
-#include <QBitmap>
-#include <QBrush>
-#include <QCursor>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QFont>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QKeySequence>
-#include <QLocale>
-#include <QPalette>
-#include <QPen>
-#include <QSizePolicy>
-#include <QTextFormat>
-#include <QTextLength>
-#include <QUrl>
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
-#include <QMatrix4x4>
-#include <QVector2D>
-bool UiGuiSettings::invokeMethodWithValue( QObject *obj, QMetaMethod mMethod, QVariant value )
- switch (value.type()) {
- case QVariant::BitArray :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QBitArray, value.toBitArray()) );
- case QVariant::Bitmap :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QBitmap, value.value<QBitmap>()) );
- case QVariant::Bool :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(bool, value.toBool()) );
- case QVariant::Brush :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QBrush, value.value<QBrush>()) );
- case QVariant::ByteArray :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QByteArray, value.toByteArray()) );
- case QVariant::Char :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QChar, value.toChar()) );
- case QVariant::Color :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QColor, value.value<QColor>()) );
- case QVariant::Cursor :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QCursor, value.value<QCursor>()) );
- case QVariant::Date :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QDate, value.toDate()) );
- case QVariant::DateTime :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QDateTime, value.toDateTime()) );
- case QVariant::Double :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(double, value.toDouble()) );
- case QVariant::Font :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QFont, value.value<QFont>()) );
- case QVariant::Hash :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVariantHash, value.toHash()) );
- case QVariant::Icon :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QIcon, value.value<QIcon>()) );
- case QVariant::Image :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QImage, value.value<QImage>()) );
- case QVariant::Int :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(int, value.toInt()) );
- case QVariant::KeySequence :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QKeySequence, value.value<QKeySequence>()) );
- case QVariant::Line :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QLine, value.toLine()) );
- case QVariant::LineF :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QLineF, value.toLineF()) );
- case QVariant::List :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVariantList, value.toList()) );
- case QVariant::Locale :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QLocale, value.toLocale()) );
- case QVariant::LongLong :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(qlonglong, value.toLongLong()) );
- case QVariant::Map :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVariantMap, value.toMap()) );
- case QVariant::Matrix :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QMatrix, value.value<QMatrix>()) );
- case QVariant::Transform :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QTransform, value.value<QTransform>()) );
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
- case QVariant::Matrix4x4 :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QMatrix4x4, value.value<QMatrix4x4>()) );
- case QVariant::Palette :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPalette, value.value<QPalette>()) );
- case QVariant::Pen :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPen, value.value<QPen>()) );
- case QVariant::Pixmap :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPixmap, value.value<QPixmap>()) );
- case QVariant::Point :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPoint, value.toPoint()) );
- // case QVariant::PointArray :
- // return Q_ARG(QPointArray, value.value<QPointArray>()) );
- case QVariant::PointF :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPointF, value.toPointF()) );
- case QVariant::Polygon :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QPolygon, value.value<QPolygon>()) );
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
- case QVariant::Quaternion :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QQuaternion, value.value<QQuaternion>()) );
- case QVariant::Rect :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QRect, value.toRect()) );
- case QVariant::RectF :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QRectF, value.toRectF()) );
- case QVariant::RegExp :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QRegExp, value.toRegExp()) );
- case QVariant::Region :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QRegion, value.value<QRegion>()) );
- case QVariant::Size :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QSize, value.toSize()) );
- case QVariant::SizeF :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QSizeF, value.toSizeF()) );
- case QVariant::SizePolicy :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QSizePolicy, value.value<QSizePolicy>()) );
- case QVariant::String :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QString, value.toString()) );
- case QVariant::StringList :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QStringList, value.toStringList()) );
- case QVariant::TextFormat :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QTextFormat, value.value<QTextFormat>()) );
- case QVariant::TextLength :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QTextLength, value.value<QTextLength>()) );
- case QVariant::Time :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QTime, value.toTime()) );
- case QVariant::UInt :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(uint, value.toUInt()) );
- case QVariant::ULongLong :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(qulonglong, value.toULongLong()) );
- case QVariant::Url :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QUrl, value.toUrl()) );
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600
- case QVariant::Vector2D :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVector2D, value.value<QVector2D>()) );
- case QVariant::Vector3D :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVector3D, value.value<QVector3D>()) );
- case QVariant::Vector4D :
- return mMethod.invoke( obj, Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(QVector4D, value.value<QVector4D>()) );
- default:
- return false;
- }