path: root/doc/khelpcenter/quickstart/index.docbook
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authorSlávek Banko <>2020-11-17 19:52:37 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <>2020-11-17 19:52:37 +0100
commit1b6c123de102f0152d296fba8771d348329ba95c (patch)
tree0f2bb5c5e91f1a6abdd0e585c36c8307b930fc71 /doc/khelpcenter/quickstart/index.docbook
parent9b5b19a9b4baaba6199b9d3797df6b8fc8f76606 (diff)
Move the khelpcenter guides to the directory level in which they are installed.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/khelpcenter/quickstart/index.docbook')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+ <!ENTITY kappname "Quickstart Guide to &tde;">
+ <!ENTITY package "tdebase">
+ <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+ <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
+<book lang="&language;">
+<title>Quickstart Guide to &tde;</title>
+<holder>The &kde; Team</holder>
+<para>Quickstart Guide to &tde;</para>
+<para>An introduction to the Trinity Desktop Environment</para>
+<keyword>quick start</keyword>
+<chapter id="introduction">
+This guide provides a brief introduction to the Trinity Desktop Environment. It
+will familiarize you with some of the basic features of &tde;.
+This guide does not cover all aspects of the Trinity Desktop or even most
+of them. This guide only describes some of the most basic ways to accomplish a few
+of the most common tasks. The <ulink url="help:/khelpcenter/userguide">&tde; User's Guide</ulink>
+provides detailed coverage of using Trinity.
+Use this guide with the presumption of being familiar with at least one graphical
+user interface, such as <trademark>CDE</trademark>,
+<trademark>Geos</trademark>, <trademark>GEM</trademark>, &NeXTSTEP;,
+&Mac;, <trademark>OS/2</trademark> or &Microsoft; &Windows;. Basic concepts, such as
+using the mouse or keyboard are not explained in this guide.
+<chapter id="an-overview-of-kde">
+<title>An Overview of &tde;</title>
+This section is for users who prefer to learn by exploring and want
+only a brief orientation to get started. Later sections provide a more
+thorough introduction to the environment, with helpful hints and
+shortcuts. If you are impatient to get started, skim this section, go
+play for a bit, then come back and peruse the other sections of this
+guide as needed.
+&tde; provides a highly configurable desktop environment. This
+overview presumes that you are using the default environment.
+<sect1 id="the-kde-desktop">
+<title>The &tde; Desktop</title>
+<para>A typical Trinity desktop consists of several parts:</para>
+<para>A <interface>panel</interface> at the bottom of the screen, used
+to start applications and switch between desktops. Among other things, it
+contains the &kmenu;, with an &ticon;
+that displays a menu of applications to start.
+A <interface>taskbar</interface>, by default embedded in the panel, used
+to switch between and manage currently running applications. Click on an
+application on the taskbar to switch to the application.
+The <interface>desktop</interface> itself, on which frequently used
+files and folders might be placed. &tde; provides multiple desktops,
+each of which has its own windows. Click on the numbered buttons on
+the panel to switch between desktops.
+<sect1 id="ready-set-go">
+<title>Ready, Set, Go!</title>
+<para>Here are a few quick tips to get you up and running.</para>
+To start an application, click on the &ticon; button on
+the panel (called the <link linkend="starter">&kmenu;</link>)
+and choose an item from the menu.
+Click the icon that looks like a picture of a house on
+the panel to access the files in your home folder using
+&konqueror;, &tde;'s File Manager utility.
+<para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>TDE menu</guimenu>
+<guimenuitem>Konsole</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to get a &UNIX;
+command prompt, or press <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;
+<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> to get a mini command prompt window to
+execute a single command.
+Choose the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Control Center</guimenuitem>
+</menuchoice> item on the &kmenu; to configure &tde;.
+Press <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> to
+switch between applications and <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> to switch between
+desktops using the keyboard.
+Use the &RMB; mouse button to access context menus for the panel,
+desktop, and most &tde; applications.
+<chapter id="launching-applications">
+<title>Launching Applications</title>
+<sect1 id="starter">
+<title>Using the &kmenu; and the Panel</title>
+At the bottom of the screen you will find the desktop panel, which is called
+&kicker;. Use the panel to launch applications. Have a look at the
+button on the left with a large &ticon;.
+This button is called the &kmenu;. When the mouse pointer hovers over the icon,
+a small arrow on the top indicates that it will pop up a menu if you
+click on it. The popup offers you easy access to all &tde;
+applications installed on your computer system.
+<title>Customizing &kicker;</title>
+<!-- FIXME: To add a button, use the little arrows on kicker, not the TDE menu
+I am not sure I agree - some distributions fade or hide the applet handles by default, but
+I haven't found one yet that hides the kmenu. (JLH) -->
+<para>If you use one application or tool very often, then you might want to have fast
+access to it. In this case you can add a single application or an entire sub-menu of the
+&kmenu; as a special quick-launch button on the panel. If you want to reach an application
+directly via a launch button, click with the &RMB; either on a clear space on the panel or on the
+&kmenu; icon. Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Panel Menu</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Add Application to Panel...
+</guisubmenu></menuchoice> and then navigate to the application or menu you would like to add to
+the panel.</para>
+You can add an entire menu this way, or one of the &ticon;
+button sub-menus. For example, if you have &koffice; installed and
+want quick access to all the &koffice; applications, without having to
+navigate through the &kmenu;, then instead of choosing an
+application, click on the <guimenuitem>Add Menu to Main Panel</guimenuitem> menu
+entry. Thereafter you will have instant access to all the &koffice;
+applications, without having to put an icon for each on the panel.
+You can move all items of the panel around with the
+<guimenuitem>Move</guimenuitem> command of the context menu. Just click
+with the <mousebutton>third</mousebutton> mouse button (the
+<mousebutton>third</mousebutton> mouse button is normally the
+<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> button, but if you have configured your
+mouse differently, for example for left-handers, it might also be the
+<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> one). A menu will pop up where you can
+choose <guimenuitem>Move</guimenuitem>. Now move the mouse and see how
+the icon follows while still staying on the panel. When you are done,
+simply press the <mousebutton>first</mousebutton> mouse button (by default
+the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> one). As you might have noticed,
+there is also a menu entry <guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem> in case you
+are tired of a certain launch button on your desktop.
+<title>Using Context menus</title>
+This leads us to another interesting topic: in many places, you can
+click the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button to display a
+<interface>context menu</interface> with choices that are applicable to
+the item you clicked. It is therefore always a good idea to try out the
+<mousebutton>third</mousebutton> mouse button on something, if you do
+not know what to do with it. Even the background of the desktops has
+such a menu!
+<title>Other Panel features</title>
+There are other interesting things possible with the panel. One
+might be important if you have a low resolution on your monitor: it is
+the <quote>hide-and-show</quote> function, activated by clicking on the
+small arrowed button, which is at one or both ends of the panel.
+Perhaps you just do not like the panel extending the full width of the
+screen. That's easily changed! &RMB; on an empty space in the panel,
+and choose <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Configure Panel...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. In the &kcontrolcenter;
+dialog that pops up, you can choose <guilabel>Length</guilabel> on
+the <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel> tab, and use the slider there to set
+the panel to less than 100% width.
+If you're following along, and have that dialog open anyway, then feel
+free to play with all the options, and use the
+<guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to see the effect they have. You can
+easily reset everything to the default configuration, by simply pressing
+the <guibutton>Use Defaults</guibutton> button.
+By the way, if you are not sure what a certain button does in &tde;,
+just move the mouse pointer over it and wait for a short while: &tde;
+has a built-in mini context help, called <quote>tool tips</quote>, which
+explains the functionality of such controls in a few words.
+<sect1 id="want-command-line-back">
+<title>I want access to the command line!</title>
+There is nothing to fear. &tde; does not remove the
+effective command line. You can move
+your files with the desktop, but you can also use the &UNIX; commands you are
+accustomed to. In fact,&tde; puts command line power at your fingertips,
+in perhaps some surprising places.
+&tde; provides a very sophisticated command line window called
+&konsole;. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>TDE menu</guimenu>
+<guimenuitem>Konsole</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start it. This might
+be something you want on your panel.
+Sometimes, you only want to enter one command on the command line. In
+these cases, you do not need a full-blown terminal. Just press
+<keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> and you get a
+small command line where you can enter one command. The command line
+window will disappear afterwards, but it remembers your command.
+When you pop up this window (that is called
+<application>minicli</application>) and press the <keycap>Up
+arrow</keycap>, you can browse through all the commands you have
+previously entered. Also, you can enter &URL;s in
+<application>minicli</application> to open a &konqueror; window with
+the specified &URL;.
+&konqueror; and the text editor &kate; can both display terminal windows,
+which behave just like &konsole;. In &konqueror;, you can turn this
+on with the menu choice
+<menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Terminal
+Emulator</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The embedded terminal will display
+at the bottom of your &konqueror; window, and the really clever part
+is that it will follow your clicks in the file manager view, changing
+folder as you do. In &kate; you can display a terminal with the
+menu choice <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show
+To display a &UNIX; man page, enter
+in <application>minicli</application>, where <replaceable>command</replaceable>
+is the name of a &UNIX; command.
+To search for a word or words on the Google search engine, you can try entering
+<userinput><command>gg:</command><replaceable>word or
+words</replaceable></userinput>. There are a whole lot more of these
+shortcut commands, and you can even add your own! Take a look in
+&kcontrolcenter;, in the tab <menuchoice><guilabel>Web Browsing</guilabel>
+ <guilabel>Enhanced Browsing</guilabel></menuchoice>.
+Finally, there's a way to have your command line always available, no
+matter what you're doing - add one to your &kicker; panel!
+<para>Simply &RMB; click on an empty space in the panel and choose
+<menuchoice><guilabel>Add Applet to Panel...</guilabel></menuchoice>. In the dialog that appears,
+scroll down until you see the <guilabel>Run Command</guilabel> list item. Select
+it with the &LMB; and click <guilabel>Add to Panel</guilabel>. This will embed a mini-cli
+directly into your panel, complete with command history.</para>
+In conclusion, the command line is never far from view when using &tde;.
+<chapter id="working-with-windows">
+<title>Working with Windows</title>
+If you have not already done so, start an application using the <link
+linkend="starter">&kmenu;</link>; for example, <guimenuitem>Find Files</guimenuitem>.
+<sect1 id="window-what-now">
+<title>A window! What now?</title>
+Usually people work <emphasis>inside</emphasis> windows, but
+sometimes you might want to manipulate windows. Here's a quick overview
+of some of the most common window related functions:
+<term>Move a window</term>
+Drag the window's title bar, or hold the &Alt; key down
+and drag anywhere in the window.
+<term>Resize a window:</term>
+Drag the window's border, or hold the &Alt; key down and drag with the
+&RMB; anywhere in the window.
+<term>Maximize a window</term>
+Click the maximize button in the titlebar (in the default decoration it
+is the button with a square, next to the X, located on the far right side
+of the titlebar) to make the window fill the screen. If the window is
+already maximized, shrink the window using the same button, although the
+image will be a double square.
+Clicking with the &MMB; maximizes the window vertically, and with
+the &RMB;, horizontally.
+<term>Iconify a window</term>
+Click the <guilabel>Minimize</guilabel> button in the titlebar (next to <guilabel>Maximize</guilabel>)
+to hide the window. Restore it by clicking on the window's icon in the
+<term>Switch between windows</term>
+Aside from the usual mouse click to switch to another window,
+you can use <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;
+<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> to switch windows. See below for more
+<title>Titlebar buttons</title>
+&tde; windows have some standard buttons on their titlebars that
+provide fast access to some common operations. The default button
+layout looks like this:
+<title>On the left side:</title>
+A <guilabel>Menu</guilabel> button. This usually shows a mini icon for the application. Click
+on it to get a window operations menu. Shortcut: <keycombo
+action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F3</keycap></keycombo> opens the window
+<para>A <guilabel>sticky</guilabel> button. This button will look like a tumb tack or pin.
+<title>On the right side:</title>
+A <guilabel>Minimize</guilabel> button.
+A <guilabel>Maximize</guilabel> button.
+A <guilabel>Close</guilabel> button. This closes the window. Shortcut: <keycombo
+<title>Switching between windows</title>
+Now that we know how to deal with windows, we encourage you to open
+some other windows using the panel, since we will now discuss how to
+switch between different windows. Since this is such a common
+activity, &tde; offers several ways to do it; pick your favorite!
+Many graphical user interface systems require users to click the mouse in a window
+to begin using it. This is &tde;'s default behavior, termed
+<quote>Click To Focus</quote> focus policy. You can configure
+your desktop in a way that moving the mouse pointer on to a window will
+activate it. This is called <quote>Focus Follows Mouse</quote>. If you
+select this policy using the <link linkend="configure">&tde; Control
+Center</link>, the window under the mouse pointer is always the active
+one. It does not necessarily come to the front automatically, but you
+can still click on to the titlebar or the border of a window or, a
+&tde; special, you can use the &Alt; key and click the &MMB;
+anywhere on the window to raise it.
+Here are some other methods to switch windows:
+Pick a window from the <emphasis>window list</emphasis> menu. To open
+the menu, click the &MMB; on
+an empty area of the desktop, or click the icon with several windows
+on the panel, or finally click the up arrow at the left hand end of
+the taskbar in the panel.
+Hold down the &Alt; key and press <keycap>Tab</keycap> to cycle through
+the windows.
+Use the taskbar (next section).
+<sect1 id="using-taskbar">
+<title>Using the Taskbar</title>
+The <interface>taskbar</interface> displays a list of small icons, one
+for each window on the desktop. In the default &tde; setup the taskbar
+is located inside the panel, but can also be located at the top or
+the bottom of the screen.</para>
+The taskbar is powerful. In the default configuration, if you
+have more than one window from the same application open, they will be
+<quote>grouped</quote>, so that you see one icon per application in
+the taskbar.</para>
+<para>A simple &LMB;
+click on the taskbar button will pop up a list of the open windows for
+that application and you can choose the window you want to
+use. Choosing one of these entries with the
+<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> will bring you to the selected
+window immediately. Click on a taskbar entry with the
+<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> and you will see a menu allowing you
+to operate on all the windows grouped under that icon, or each window
+You can choose to see all the windows on all the desktops in your
+taskbar, regardless of which desktop you are currently viewing, or to only
+see the icons for the desktop you are viewing. You can choose
+to ungroup the icons, so each open window will have its own icon
+in the taskbar. There are many more options available simply by
+right clicking on the taskbar handle (the small textured bar at the
+left hand side) and choosing <guimenuitem>Configure Taskbar...</guimenuitem>.
+The icons on the taskbar resize themselves to make room for
+applications, so you can fit many more applications than you might
+think. Making the panel wider will let the taskbar icons take on a row
+and column layout, but they will still resize to fit more icons.
+<sect1 id="using-v-desktops">
+<title>Using Virtual Desktops</title>
+Now, what was that <guilabel>Sticky</guilabel> button?
+Perhaps you have more windows open than space on your
+desktop. In this case you have three possibilities:
+Leave all windows open (cluttered desktop)
+Iconify those windows that you do not need at present and use
+the taskbar or <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;
+<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> to switch between them
+(still a bit confusing and much work!)
+Recommended: Use virtual desktops.
+The third option is the way to go! &tde; can handle several different desktops,
+each with its own set of application windows. The default configuration provides four
+desktops. You can switch between the virtual desktops easily with a
+click on one of the desktop buttons on the panel. Also <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F1...F4</keycap></keycombo> will send you
+to the corresponding desktop immediately, or <keycombo
+action="simul">&Ctrl; <keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo> will cycle through
+the desktops.
+Virtual desktops are nice. Yet sometimes you want a window to be
+present on <emphasis>every</emphasis> desktop. This could be, for example,
+a small chat window, an alarm clock or whatever. In this case you can
+use the above mentioned <quote>sticky</quote> button that will pin the
+window on the background so that it will appear on every virtual
+The sticky button can also be used to move a window from one virtual
+desktop to another one: push the sticky pin on the window, switch to a
+different desktop, and release the pin by pushing it again. You can
+achieve the same result by using the context popup menu of the
+window's entry in the taskbar (menu item <guimenuitem>To Current
+Desktop</guimenuitem>) or the <guimenuitem>To Desktop</guimenuitem>
+option on the window operations menu.
+<chapter id="managing-your-files">
+<title>Managing your files</title>
+<!-- NB Deliberate use of 'directory' rather than 'folder', since we're talking -->
+<!-- about folders on disk -->
+A common metaphor of graphical desktops is the use of folders to
+represent folders on your hard disk. Folders contain files and
+other folders. A &tde; application called &konqueror;, the Trinity File
+Manager, uses this metaphor to help you manage your files.
+<sect1 id="using-konqueror">
+<title>Using &konqueror;</title>
+The first time you start &konqueror;, a window with lots of icons in it
+appears. This is a &konqueror; window displaying the files in your
+home folder (the area where your personal files are stored). The
+pathname of the folder is displayed under the window's tool bar. If
+you do not see such a window now, click the icon on the panel that
+looks like a folder with a picture of a house.
+To open a file or folder, <quote>double-click</quote> it with the &LMB;.
+You can also choose
+Navigation Panel</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu to display the folder
+hierarchy for more direct navigation. Or you can edit the path
+displayed under the toolbar to get to a specific folder quickly.
+<title>Opening Files</title>
+&tde; comes with a set of applications to view and edit files of many
+common types, and when you select a file containing, say, a document
+or image, &konqueror; will start an appropriate application to
+display the file. If it does not know what application to start to open
+a file you selected, &konqueror; will prompt you for the name of the
+application to run, and when you have chosen, &konqueror; will offer
+to remember your choice for the next time you open a file of that type.
+&konqueror; uses MIME types to associate
+files with applications.
+<title>Dragging and Dropping Icons</title>
+To copy or move a file, simply drag its icon to the desktop, to
+another &konqueror; window, or to a folder icon. When you release the
+button, &konqueror; displays a menu to allow you to choose to copy,
+move, or create a link to the file.
+Note that if you choose to create a link, &tde; creates a &UNIX;
+symbolic link (not a hard link), so if you move or delete the original
+file, the link will be broken.
+Most &tde; applications also support drag and drop operations: you can
+drag an icon on to a window of a running application, or on to an icon of
+an application that is not started, to have the application open the
+file. Try it!
+<title>Setting File Properties</title>
+To change file properties, such as its name and permissions, &RMB;
+click the icon and choose <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> from
+the menu.
+<sect1 id="archives-and-networks">
+<title>Working with Archives and Networks</title>
+Once upon a time users needed special software to access files on the
+Internet. Not any more!
+&tde; supports a technology called <quote>Network Transparent
+Access</quote> (<acronym>NTA</acronym>), which allows you to work with
+files on the other side of the world as easily as those on your local
+hard disk.</para>
+For example, to access files on an &FTP; server, just choose
+Location</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from a &konqueror; menu, and enter
+the <acronym>URL</acronym> of an &FTP; server. You can drag and drop
+files to and from the folders on the server just as if they were on
+your local disk. You'll even be able to open files on the &FTP; server
+without having to manually copy them to your local disk (&tde; does it for you
+when necessary).
+Note that &konqueror; uses anonymous &FTP; access, which might restrict
+your access to files on the &FTP; server. If you have an account on
+the server, you can supply your user <abbrev>ID</abbrev> as part of
+the <acronym>URL</acronym>, like this:
+&konqueror; will prompt you for your password, and if the login
+succeeds, you will have full access to your files on the server.
+If you are used to the
+<trademark><application>WinZip</application></trademark> utility on
+&Microsoft; &Windows;, then you will be happy to know that &tde; can
+look into archive files too. It treats such archives just like a
+normal folder, and you can browse into the archive, open files, &etc; In
+general, accessing files on the Internet and in archives should look
+and feel just like accessing files on your local disk, except for
+delays imposed by the network and extracting the archive.
+<sect1 id="using-templates">
+<title>Using Templates to Access Applications and Devices</title>
+In &tde; it's easy to put icons on the panel or the desktop to access
+your applications. It's just as easy to add icons to access other
+items of interest. &tde; has templates for shortcuts to:
+Mountable Devices (&eg; floppy drives)
+Internet resources (&eg; <acronym>WWW</acronym> documents, &FTP;
+Documents for some of &tde;'s &koffice; applications.
+You can add any of these items to the desktop by &RMB; clicking where
+you want the icon, and choosing <guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu>
+and selecting the item you want to link to.
+Nearly every item in the &kmenu;, on the desktop, and on
+the panel refers to a <literal role="extension">.desktop</literal>
+file on disk. The <literal role="extension">.desktop</literal> file
+specifies what icon to display, as well as specific information about
+what the icon represents (an application, device, or
+<acronym>URL</acronym>). You can drag any <literal
+role="extension">.desktop</literal> file to the panel to create a
+quick-launch button.
+<title>Setting up printers</title>
+You can create icons for your printers so you can print a file by
+dragging it to a printer icon. Here's how:
+<step><para>Open the Templates folder located on the desktop.</para></step>
+<step><para>Drag the Program icon in the folder to the desktop. Choose
+<guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> from the menu that appears when you drop the
+<step><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click the new icon, and choose
+<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> from the context menu.</para></step>
+<step><para>On the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab, change the name to
+<step><para>On the <guilabel>Execute</guilabel> tab, enter the following in the
+first <guilabel>Execute</guilabel> field:</para>
+<screen><command>lpr <option>%f</option></command></screen>
+<note><para>This example presumes that you print using the <command>lpr</command>
+command. If you use a different command, enter the one you
+<step><para>Still in the <guilabel>Execute</guilabel> tab, click the icon that
+looks like a <guiicon>cog</guiicon>, and select the <guiicon>Printer</guiicon> icon from the list that appears.</para></step>
+<para>Now you should be able to drag a file to the Printer icon and have it
+printed on your default printer.</para>
+<title>Mounting devices</title>
+&UNIX; systems provide access to storage devices other than the primary
+<hardware>hard disk</hardware> through a process called
+<emphasis>mounting</emphasis>. &tde; uses <literal
+role="extension">.desktop</literal> files to allow you to easily
+mount, unmount, and access files on secondary storage devices such as
+<hardware>floppy</hardware> drives and &cdrom; drives.
+As an example, here are the steps needed to create an icon to access
+files on a floppy disk:
+Many &UNIX; systems require you to be logged in as <systemitem
+class="username">root</systemitem> to mount and unmount devices.
+<para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the desktop and choose
+<guimenuitem>Floppy Device...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
+On the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab of the resulting dialog, change
+the name to whatever you like, in the text box at the top.
+On the <guilabel>Device</guilabel> tab, enter <filename
+class="devicefile">/dev/fd0</filename> (or the path to the floppy device
+as it is named on your system) as the <guilabel>Device</guilabel>.
+You can add a <guilabel>Mount Point</guilabel> here too. This should be
+an existing folder, but empty. Common mount points are <filename
+class="directory">/mnt/floppy</filename> or <filename
+class="directory">/floppy</filename>, but you can just as easily have floppy
+disks mounted on <filename class="directory">~/mydisk</filename> if you
+Click the <guilabel>Unmounted Icon</guilabel> and select the picture
+of a floppy disk without the green light.
+Once you're happy with your choices, choose <guibutton>OK</guibutton>
+and you are finished!
+Now, place a properly formatted floppy in the drive and click the
+<guiicon>Floppy</guiicon> icon to have &tde; mount the floppy drive and display
+the files on the disk. Before removing the disk from the drive, &RMB;
+click the <guiicon>Floppy</guiicon> icon and choose
+<guimenuitem>Unmount</guimenuitem> from the menu.
+<chapter id="configure">
+<title>Configuring your desktop</title>
+If you do not like something about the way the desktop looks or
+operates, you can probably change it. &tde; is very configurable and you
+can change almost every aspect of the appearance and the behavior of
+your desktop. Unlike many other &UNIX; desktop environments, you do not
+have to edit cryptic configuration files either (but you can if you
+really want to!) You use the &kcontrolcenter;, a special program for
+configuring your desktop.
+<sect1 id="using-kde-control">
+<title>Using the <application>&tde; Control Center</application></title>
+Launch the &kcontrolcenter; from the <link linkend="starter">&kmenu;</link>.
+A window with two panes appears, displaying a list of
+modules in the left pane.
+Open a module by clicking its name; a list of submodules will
+appear. Then, click one of the submodule category names to edit its
+configuration in the right pane.
+Changing the configuration is fairly straightforward. A help button is
+available on each configuration panel to explain settings that are not
+obvious. Each panel has buttons labeled <guibutton>Help</guibutton>,
+<guibutton>Use Defaults</guibutton>, <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>, and
+<guibutton>Reset</guibutton>, which work as follows:
+Displays a short help text in the left hand pane, including a link to a
+longer manual for the module in question.
+<term><guibutton>Use Defaults</guibutton></term>
+Sets all the options in the current module back to the default at the
+time &tde; was installed.
+Applies the current settings in the currently open module.
+Resets the options to the state they were in when you opened the module.
+If you have already used the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button, then
+this button will reset the options to the state they were in when you
+pressed <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.
+If you make changes on one configuration panel and move to a different module
+without clicking <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
+first, &kcontrolcenter; will prompt you to ask whether your changes should be applied
+<chapter id="logging-out">
+<title>Logging out</title>
+We sincerely hope that using &tde; gives you so much fun and
+pleasure that you never want to log out. But if you do, simply choose
+<menuchoice><guimenu>TDE menu</guimenu>
+There also is an applet logout button that can be added directly to the panel, which looks like a
+small power button. Or you can press <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
+&Alt; <keycap>Delete</keycap></keycombo> to log out.
+<sect1 id="session-management">
+<title>Session Management</title>
+When you log out, &tde; can remember which applications you had open, as
+well as where all the windows were located, so that it can open them
+for you the next time you log in. This feature is termed
+<emphasis>Session Management</emphasis>. &tde;-aware applications will
+restore themselves to the state they were in when you logged out. For
+example, &kate; remembers which files you were editing.</para>
+Non-&tde; applications might not memorize their state on logout, and
+&tde; will warn you to make sure that you have saved any important
+data in them when you start to log out.
+To illustrate session management, choose <menuchoice>
+<guimenu>TDE menu</guimenu><guisubmenu>Editors</guisubmenu>
+<guimenuitem>Kate</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> to start &kate;. Open
+a text document to edit. Now log out and back in. You will observe
+that &kate; will be restored to the exact same position on the screen,
+including the correct virtual desktop, and the document we left open in
+&kate; before we logged out is opened again automatically. &kate;
+will even remember whether you had unsaved changes to your document
+before you logged out and will save them to the file you were working
+on if you choose <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem> from the
+<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.
+<chapter id="kde-an-exciting-journey">
+<title>&tde;, an exciting Journey</title>
+We hope you enjoyed this brief tour of the Trinity Desktop Environment and
+that this unique desktop environment will help you get your work done
+faster and more comfortably than ever.
+Please remember that the &tde; project is not a commercial venture,
+but rather a project run by volunteers from around the world. We
+would like to invite you to join the &tde; project and become part of
+this unique network of people. If you are a programmer you might
+consider helping us write or improve &tde; applications. If you are an artist or
+have experience with graphic design, consider creating icons sets,
+color schemes, sound schemes and logos for &tde;. If you enjoy
+writing we would love for you to join our documentation team.
+As you can see there are many ways that you can help. You are
+invited to join this world-wide network of people dedicated
+to making &tde; the best desktop environment for any computer. Please
+visit <ulink url=""></ulink> for more
+<emphasis>Welcome aboard on this exciting journey, </emphasis>
+<literal>Your &tde; Team</literal>
+Removed because it probably should not be here, and it will only end up
+getting out-of-date if it is (Phil)
+<chapter id="advanced-topics">
+<title>Advanced Topics</title>
+<sect1 id="mime">
+<title>&MIME; Types</title>
+&tde; comes with a number of &MIME; types predefined, but you can add
+your own &MIME; types by choosing
+<guisubmenu>Configure Konqueror...</guisubmenu>
+</menuchoice> and then <guilabel>File
+Associations</guilabel> in a &konqueror; window.
+&tde;'s handling of &MIME; types is very powerful, and very
+configurable. On the one hand, you can set a default action to be
+performed when you click on a file in &konqueror;. Just as usefully,
+you can add many more actions, which are then available with a &RMB;
+click menu on the file in question.
+<title>To link a certain file type with a particular application:</title>
+Make sure the application you want to start this file type has an
+entry in the &kmenu;.
+<para>In &konqueror; find or make a file with the extension you wish to
+<mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the file, and choose
+<guimenuitem>Edit File Type</guimenuitem> from the context menu, or
+choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit File
+Type</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in &konqueror;'s menu bar.
+<step> <para> Add file masks for the application by clicking the
+<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button, and entering the file pattern you
+want. Remember that &UNIX; is case sensitive, so you might need to add
+variations - <userinput>*.mp3</userinput> might need
+<userinput>*.MP3</userinput> added as well, for example. Add as many
+extensions as you like in this way.</para> </step>
+Add a description if you like. This is optional.
+<para>In the section labeled <guilabel>Application Preference
+Order</guilabel>, press the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. A
+miniature copy of the &kmenu; will
+open, where you can choose the application you want files of this type
+to be opened with.
+Sometimes, you might want to use a different application to open this
+file type. For example, you might like to use &kate; to open text
+files you wish to edit, and &kedit; for text files that you just want
+to take a quick peek into. You can add more applications in the same
+way as you did in the last step, and you can change the preferred
+order using the <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and <guibutton>Move
+Down</guibutton> buttons.
+If you're satisfied with your choices, you can click the
+<guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to save your changes without
+closing the dialog box. This gives you the opportunity to test in the
+<application>Konqueror</application> window that your file association
+is correct. You can choose <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your
+changes and close the dialog box, or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> if
+you have changed your mind and just want to close the dialog box.
+Be sure to try your new association by opening a folder containing
+a file of the type you just selected. Click on the file, and the
+program needed to edit it should start.
+&MIME; types are a way of describing the contents of files. You might
+be used to using file extensions for that purpose, and you might know
+that on &UNIX; systems the file extension often bears little or no
+relation to the contents of the file. On the other hand, it might be
+vital - for example, some implementations of <command>gunzip</command>
+will not operate on files that are not named <literal
+&MIME; types naturally make use of filename patterns, but not
+necessarily the extensions - you can set up any filename pattern you
+like. For example, if you always want to open any files relating to a
+particular client with &kate;, and you make a habit of naming the files
+with the client's name at the beginning so that they naturally group in
+the &konqueror; window, then you can set up a filename pattern that
+matches <literal>^<replaceable>clientname</replaceable>*</literal>.
+Then any files that have <replaceable>clientname</replaceable> at the
+beginning (the <token>^</token> character means <quote>starts with...</quote>) and
+without any regard to the rest of the filename.
+<chapter id="credits">
+<sect1 id="authors">
+<listitem><para>Matthias Ettrich
+<listitem><para>Kalle Dahlheimer <email></email></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Torben Weiss <email></email></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Bernd Wuebben <email></email></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Stephen Schaub <email></email> -
+<listitem><para>Robert Williams <email></email> -
+<listitem><para>Lauri Watts <email></email></para></listitem>