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GIT HashBranchDateAuthorLog Message
3ead46f8 [view]master2011-08-18 00:13:50 +0000tpearson[k9copy] Fix k9copy FTBFS under older revisions of libavcodec
1815130f [view]master2011-08-17 19:04:59 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Lock Ubuntu kde-guidance python build dep to 2.6
1471ed2c [view]master2011-08-17 19:02:20 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Fix kde-guidance FTBFS under Debian and Ubuntu
de256596 [view]master2011-08-18 00:00:40 +0000tpearson[tde-guidance] Fix kde-guidance FTBFS
eedf09ff [view]master2011-08-17 22:19:23 +0000tpearson[gtk-qt-engine] Fix gtk-qt-engine FTBFS
a2a6e256 [view]master2011-08-17 12:20:50 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] websockets: add GnuTLS and OpenSSL support
For now, only OpenSSL support is activated through configure, since GnuTLS
is only used in LibVNCClient.
[jes: separated this out from the commit adding encryption support, added
autoconf support.]
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
629fe03d [view]master2011-08-17 12:18:44 +0200Johannes Schindelin[libtdevnc] .gitignore: zippy has moved
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
ec82bfc5 [view]master2011-08-17 01:10:52 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] For now lock Ubuntu pykdeextensions to python2.6
The underlying code should support 2.7, but I don't want to split Natty out from the unified Ubuntu build system at this time
b6376fdf [view]master2011-08-16 21:59:37 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] thought this might be handy.
13628d5f [view]master2011-08-16 21:21:32 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] fixed macros (tabbing issues) and arts (the version is still 1.5.10?! really?) as well as a few tdelibs typos.
6163743e [view]master2011-08-16 18:16:18 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Add fireflies screensaver as kdeartwork build dependency
a75bc107 [view]master2011-08-16 15:23:20 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Fix python-trinity FTBFS
1ae63f7d [view]master2011-08-16 20:20:25 +0000tpearson[pytde] Fix python-trinity FTBFS
9a8ee04e [view]master2011-08-16 19:32:44 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix Asteroid widget style splitters and KDevelop tool bars
67c0fa67 [view]master2011-08-16 17:45:53 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix kdevelop crash when used with Asteroid widget style
9a082d0d [view]master2011-08-16 17:44:27 +0000tpearson[tdevelop] Fix a couple of kdevelop signal/slot errors
02651bac [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:40 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] cmake: don't link sdl libs to vnc libraries
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
297072a6 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:39 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] websockets: Add wspath member to rfbClientRec
Added wspath member to rfbClientRec which holds the
path component of the initial websocket request.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
b543d486 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:38 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] Move libvncserver/md5* to common
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
c2fb69f8 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:37 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] websockets: Add Websockets support to CMakeLists.txt
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
9afe4e1f [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:36 +0200Joel Martin[libtdevnc] websockets: Add SSL cert command line options.
- Add --sslcertfile and --sslkeyfile. These should really be combined
with the existing x11vnc command line options for SSL support.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
4aa35863 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:35 +0200Gernot Tenchio[libtdevnc] websockets: Add encryption support
[jes: moved out GnuTLS and OpenSSL support, added a dummy support, to
separate changes better, and to keep things compiling]
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
7a77cc32 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:34 +0200Joel Martin[libtdevnc] websockets: Properly parse Hixie-76 handshake.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
430b8f24 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:33 +0200Joel Martin[libtdevnc] websockets: Add UTF-8 encoding support.
This is not completely standard UTF-8 encoding. Only code points 0-255
are encoded and never encoded to more than two octets. Since '\x00' is
a WebSockets framing character, it's easier for all parties to encode
zero as '\xc4\x80', i.e. 194+128, i.e. UTF-8 256.
This means that a random stream will be slightly more than 50% larger
using this encoding scheme. But it's easy CPU-wise for client and
server to decode/encode. This is especially important for clients
written in languages that have weak bitops, like Javascript (i.e. the
noVNC client).
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
0860c495 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:32 +0200Joel Martin[libtdevnc] websockets: Better disconnect detection.
If the only thing we are waiting on is a WebSockets terminator, then
remove it from the stream early on in rfbProcessClientNormalMessage.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
6fac22a7 [view]master2011-08-16 14:02:31 +0200Joel Martin[libtdevnc] websockets: Initial WebSockets support.
Has a bug: WebSocket client disconnects are not detected.
rfbSendFramebufferUpdate is doing a MSG_PEEK recv to determine if
enough data is available which prevents a disconnect from being
Otherwise it's working pretty well.
[jes: moved added struct members to the end for binary compatibility with
previous LibVNCServer versions, removed an unused variable]
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
39d98386 [view]master2011-08-16 09:06:37 +0000tpearson[pytde] Move python-kde3 to the more correct python-trinity
26078db9 [view]master2011-08-16 08:45:32 +0000tpearson[kipi-plugins] Update kipi-plugins README
482da59e [view]master2011-08-16 05:35:56 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Use const_cast (not static_cast) to fix the previous kdepim FTBFS...
7f6ca4f0 [view]master2011-08-16 01:10:37 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix FTBFS when composite extension is not available
997243b7 [view]master2011-08-16 01:07:20 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Fix kdepim FTBFS
3f0d7353 [view]master2011-08-16 01:04:40 +0000tpearson[tdewebdev] Update kdewebdev README
52497f5b [view]master2011-08-16 01:00:27 +0000tpearson[tdenetwork] Update kdenetwork README
a87d18a6 [view]master2011-08-16 00:58:57 +0000tpearson[tdegraphics] Update kdegraphics README
f9fb540b [view]master2011-08-16 00:57:37 +0000tpearson[tdegames] Update kdegames README file
e6328b07 [view]master2011-08-15 19:54:30 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Regenerate list of screensavers before build
248bffe1 [view]master2011-08-15 19:36:20 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Fix kdeartwork screensaver installation
ad7eff7d [view]master2011-08-16 00:35:13 +0000tpearson[smartcardauth] Fix smartcardauth script for new kdm versions and new installation path
90adec69 [view]master2011-08-16 00:32:41 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Make kdmctl reliable
Backport of KDE4 SVN revision 1196803
9c69eff2 [view]master2011-08-15 23:52:17 +0000tpearson[tdeaddons] Update kdeaddons README a bit
324dc432 [view]master2011-08-15 22:07:20 +0000tpearson[tdepim] Fix potential kdepim issues with C style char* cast
ffc0e2b6 [view]master2011-08-15 22:04:59 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix potential kdelibs problems caused by C style char* casts
d9387cff [view]master2011-08-15 22:04:59 +0000tpearson[libltdl] Fix potential kdelibs problems caused by C style char* casts
d54ab559 [view]master2011-08-15 21:36:27 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix a number of issues in kdebase caused by C style casts
This includes Bug #492
a043e398 [view]master2011-08-15 18:08:15 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix Asteroid widget style popup menu frames
93b0c96a [view]master2011-08-15 13:56:32 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] rpmlint fixes - buildarch: noarch
74c624c2 [view]master2011-08-15 09:02:53 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix asteroid widget style focus indicator rectangles
c6d80c05 [view]master2011-08-15 08:44:25 +0000tpearson[amarok] Fix a couple of graphical glitches in Amarok under ARGB 32 bit visual mode
9a0fbb0a [view]master2011-08-15 08:41:49 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Added convertToPremultipliedAlpha() to KImageEffect
Fixed "glowing icons" when 32 bit ARGB visuals are in use
e436bd21 [view]master2011-08-15 06:20:03 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix Asteroid widget style menu bars in Amarok
5ccf69ae [view]master2011-08-15 04:20:12 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Kill kcompmgr before Trinity startup if it was disabled by the user
cbd4324f [view]master2011-08-14 22:21:59 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] we are building at build.lincom (closed to public), not at build.o.o.
fbc1d622 [view]master2011-08-14 22:18:41 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] myriad of little fixes
4b12a38f [view]master2011-08-15 01:55:39 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Hide nonfunctional kompmgr menu shadow settings
4a8fa10a [view]master2011-08-15 01:49:45 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Make kdm non-reliant on the KApplication composition manager detection routine
79a4d6df [view]master2011-08-15 01:49:14 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Use true transparency when drawing menu shadows for apps that support ARGB visuals
3809a25a [view]master2011-08-14 23:42:02 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Use a more reasonable default window fade speed
f5c73c7a [view]master2011-08-14 23:26:08 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Fix kompmgr configuration dialog
All main settings now work and apply immediately
There is also now no flicker during settings application!
6963d8ef [view]master2011-08-14 21:39:35 +0000tpearson[amarok] Allow the Amarok OSD to use true transparency if it is available
e0ac4ab3 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[digikam] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
c343fc89 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[tdenetwork] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
c0acd81b [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[kbarcode] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
a722abf9 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[kvirc] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
6e9ce9fb [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[tellico] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
4b0c4241 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[tdesdk] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
416b8534 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[kmymoney] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
394f1516 [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[amarok] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
24f6ebee [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[tdevelop] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
2176199f [view]master2011-08-14 21:37:51 +0000tpearson[tdesvn] Convert accidental instances of STQL to the proper SQL
717d57b5 [view]master2011-08-14 18:09:37 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Fix a variety of failures based on TQ_WS_X11 not being defined when Q_WS_X11 is
4cb09d37 [view]master2011-08-14 17:55:21 +0000tpearson[amarok] Fix Amarok FTBFS under Autotools
fe0db114 [view]master2011-08-14 09:48:56 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] variety of little fixes (and major libtqt4 build testing)
cd9a7c5a [view]master2011-08-14 05:57:37 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Use autotools to build Amarok on Ubuntu and Debian
5df7872c [view]master2011-08-14 09:47:15 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Add initial framework for writing a kompmgr pid file
For an unknown reason the pid is currently corrupted on UID switch,
so the added code is disabled until it can be looked at again.
7bf4b536 [view]master2011-08-14 07:17:16 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Reload kompmgr settings on user switch
Check for null passwd struct in kdm kgapp
7237cc84 [view]master2011-08-14 01:57:55 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Fix kdebindings on Ubuntu and Debian
f10de3b0 [view]master2011-08-14 06:10:26 +0000tpearson[tdebindings] Fix kdebindings FTBFS
d30ad655 [view]master2011-08-14 05:23:02 +0000tpearson[tqtinterface] Add tqpointsizes to TQt3
1d077caf [view]master2011-08-14 05:14:51 +0000tpearson[tdeartwork] TQt4 port kdeartwork
This enables compilation under both Qt3 and Qt4
88b0885a [view]master2011-08-13 21:42:41 -0500Timothy Pearson[experimental] Add missing TQPainter::tqdrawPolyline(...) method
7d7b2c04 [view]master2011-08-14 01:31:16 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix kdelibs FTBFS under Qt4
77710e1c [view]master2011-08-13 18:27:27 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] improve qt4 compat
e0115692 [view]master2011-08-13 22:11:30 +0000tpearson[tdebindings] Fix kdebindings FTBFS
5fc84c7f [view]master2011-08-13 17:53:40 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] make a note about obsoleting common_options
a46e3372 [view]master2011-08-13 21:51:16 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix kalyptus by altering kdelibs
4a013fed [view]master2011-08-13 17:20:44 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] ugliest conversion to-date. imported tdelibs; tdelibs-devel-doc not converted yet
562a02ef [view]master2011-08-13 16:45:30 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] remove tde from applicationsdir
a9390752 [view]master2011-08-13 16:32:31 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] revised docdir and htmldir to remove the 'tde' prefix
9edbe3af [view]master2011-08-13 20:14:27 +0000tpearson[tdebase] Make kdebase use new ARGB KApplication constructor
3465a0fc [view]master2011-08-13 16:10:09 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] oops, almost screwed up macros.tde completely!
8d6b7f66 [view]master2011-08-13 16:07:59 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] revise arts.spec to match new macros.tde
f9bc191e [view]master2011-08-13 16:04:25 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] add %make_tde and %makeinstall_tde; revise postinstall scripts
c2f823ed [view]master2011-08-13 15:54:07 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] updated macros with common_options from kdelibs3; removed man macro
b56a10ae [view]master2011-08-13 19:49:36 +0000tpearson[tdelibs] Fix kapplication ARGB init methods
343544d8 [view]master2011-08-13 15:26:17 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] add in INFO_INSTALL_DIR to macros
aff90368 [view]master2011-08-13 13:02:29 -0500Timothy Pearson[qt3] Remove spurious junk that was causing kalyptus to fail from QSplitter/TQSplitter header files
12897770 [view]master2011-08-13 13:02:29 -0500Timothy Pearson[experimental] Remove spurious junk that was causing kalyptus to fail from QSplitter/TQSplitter header files
131df957 [view]master2011-08-13 12:20:58 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Fix kdeartwork fur Debian/Ubuntu
46130378 [view]master2011-08-13 12:58:51 -0400Robert Xu[tde-packaging] add dbus-1-tqt and libdbus-1-tqt-0; add unmodified tdelibs from kdelibs3
d280eef1 [view]master2011-08-13 02:52:19 -0500Timothy Pearson[tde-packaging] Add kdebindings to Debian Lenny

List generated Tue Mar 11 11:11:21 2025
Currently showing patches 47501 to 47600 of 51060 [View All on Single Page]
Note that you can limit your full-text search to a specific module with the 'module:' keyword. Example: 'module:tdebase <search text>'

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